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16088426 No.16088426 [Reply] [Original]

No wonder Slaughterhouse Five was so insipid when written by a guy with such shit takes

>> No.16088439
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/Beans General/

>> No.16088444

based and baked. food fit for a sage.

>> No.16088465

His books may be shit, but those takes are spot on. Americans are braindead propaganda victims.

>> No.16088470

He's right about the Republics and Democrats being two sides of the same coin, but I always imagined him to be more of a SocDem and not a pure socialist/commie.

>> No.16088474

absolutely agree with the first part. it's fucking obvious.

>> No.16088475

Based Kurt

>> No.16088721

I don't even like his writing, but those takes are absolutely correct.

>> No.16088751

Funny quotes especially since he's really beloved by run-of-the-mill libs. I read Slaughterhouse Five in high school and thought it was ok. I didn't realize at the time what he had been through in WWII. Makes me want to reread it as an adult.

>> No.16088765

I'm not much of a Vonnegut fan, also didn't care for Slaughterhouse Five, but Mother Night is an excellent novel.

>> No.16088803

>pro-gun rights
Is our dear comrade Vonnegut #cancelled?

>> No.16088876
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Liberalism is the worst thing to happen to leftism since the Maoism and Stalinism. Before people associated us with authoritarian murderers now they think we're all degenerate faggots obsessed with 'cancelling' and 'pronouns'. We need a working class leftist movement that focuses on real class issues and not liberal 'woke' bullshit. Our current two party system is a complete fraud, no wonder why almost half of Americans don't even bother to vote.

>> No.16088935
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>We need a working class movement that focuses on real class issues and not liberal 'woke' bullshit. Our current two party system is a complete fraud, no wonder why almost half of Americans don't even bother to vote.

>> No.16088986

Fascism only pretends to be a working class movement

>> No.16089005

>working class leftist movement
if only any of you faggots were actually working class or ever interacted with anybody in the working class

>> No.16089118

What the fuck is it with you faggots and the term “takes?” Why does every single concept need some gay little relabeling now? Just use opinion or thoughts you goddamn mongoloids.

>> No.16090717

No because the wikipedians made sure to put the word "facetiously" in there, so you can be sure he didn't really mean any of that. :^)

>> No.16090725

Only insofar as that's true of all "working class movements", because actual workers are too busy working to be politicians.

>> No.16090746

first part is accurate that second part reeks of champagne socialist

>> No.16092033

>The two real political parties in America are the Winners and the Losers.
redpilled as FUCK

>> No.16092236

For a person who has such a basic bitch (though not wrong) take on American politics, I doubt he read Marx or knows the intricacies of Socialism and Communism, nor has he read de Maistre to have a clearer picture on politics and know why the American definitions are all retarded.