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File: 13 KB, 248x285, Adolf_Hitler_45-e1571659854603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16088219 No.16088219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was he a tragic hero?

>> No.16088263

the 3rd reich was definitely a real life tragicomedy par excellence. i really do wonder if humanity will fall so far as to be totally unable to appreciate its real life wagnerian tragic heroism within a few generations, or if a truly patrician elite might regain the reins of our destiny again soon.

>> No.16088267
File: 86 KB, 600x400, Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was.

(also: i googled jesus and they replaced the short description of him in the sidebar with some wikipedia page about how the pictures of jesus are wrong. wtf?)

>> No.16088272

Unironically yes

>> No.16088275

>very sketchy evidence that he ever existed in the first place
>but we know he definitely was not white
why are jews like this

>> No.16088302


>> No.16088403

In order to be a tragic hero, he would have to have been a hero, which he wasn't. So simply a tragic character. More comparable to a plague than a hero.

>> No.16088430


>> No.16088448

the jewish position is actually that he was half-white, having a roman centurion for a father

>> No.16088473
File: 599 KB, 1600x1075, serrano quote ww2 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16088568

>half-white, having a roman centurion for a father
Was his name Naughtius Maximus, by any chance?

>> No.16088570


>> No.16088582

No, Bigus Dickus

>> No.16088586

>Was his name Naughtius Maximus, by any chance?
It was Biggus Dickus

>> No.16088641

Great movie

>> No.16088661

WWII literally was just an extension of WWI though with a cool ideology paintjob. In the future, it will be considered one war like the Peloponnesian War most likely

>> No.16088801
File: 20 KB, 640x591, soooi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waow a refernce i get.
>wat do?
>play along?

>> No.16088811

I'm the one who made the Naughtius Maximus post, you spaz

>> No.16088839

made me think

>> No.16088920

when he wasnt talking about the jews he was pretty based but I think he was just telling crowds what they wanted to hear. I think hitler would have been fine if he hadnt invaded poland and instead just kept to the land germany owned pre ww1.

even if he had good intentions it doesnt excuse him starting a secret police, betraying his allys and segregating jews and other minorities.

>> No.16089023

It's hard not to romanticize extreme nationalism or National Socialism if you are aware of the JQ and other ills facing modern western politics. I tend to agree with his ideology, though it could have been executed differently.

>> No.16089075

But Wagner only did one comedy, everyone else dies in the end of the other works.

>> No.16089086

No, he was a self-parodizing comedic antihero

>> No.16089195
File: 30 KB, 644x800, sooooooy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm the one who made the Naughtius Maximus post, you spaz

>> No.16089236

Society doesn’t have the depth to balance the wrongs that happened with Hitler’s regime with the artfulness of it
Stockhausen calling 9/11 art got him cancelled by everyone including his own daughter

>> No.16089243

Yes. He was the only hero the world has seen in the last 90 years