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/lit/ - Literature

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16087622 No.16087622 [Reply] [Original]

Ever since I joined this board I was introduced to so many ideas of great writers that I never thought about. For the last 2 years I've been having an existential crisis and its been brutal but I emerged on the other side and I finally know what I'm supposed to do and the responsibility I must bear. I haven't been this calm and sure for years, everything is so clear now. Thank you /lit/. Keep being based frens

>> No.16087626

Go fuck yourself frogposter

>> No.16087632

Reported for being irrelevant, late-""blooming"" incel.

>> No.16087640

Happy you could find the answers anon, God guide you.

>> No.16087648

Don’t encourage frogposting retard

>> No.16087650

kill yourself you fucking faggot

>> No.16087656

suck my dick faggots

thank you fren

>> No.16087659
File: 20 KB, 640x591, soooi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe and pic related.

>> No.16087666

Hurry up and blow me

>> No.16087672

>suck my dick faggots

hit a nerve :^)

>> No.16087681

I'd rather see this post than the dozens of "whAt Am i In fOR" "WhEre ShOUlD i STarT" posts every single day.

>> No.16087688
File: 27 KB, 270x410, 170818-irving-facists-tease_xcntyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about to read this reply.
what am i in for?

>> No.16087692

Despite the bait title of those threads, at least they encourage discussion about literature. This is just some shitty thread where OP wants everyone to kiss his feet and suck his cock on how proud we are of him. If he wants that attention, he can go to Twitter

>> No.16087694

This. At least it isn't [Irrelevant topic] [books for this feel] posts

>> No.16087697

Glad your life is getting better, Anon.

>> No.16087707

He's literally showing gratitude for this board lmao. People who can't accept gratitude usually are sad little faggots

>> No.16087715

>Sad little faggots


>> No.16087720
File: 162 KB, 680x659, 1596978362855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suck my dick faggots

>> No.16087724

Accept this nut in your ass

>> No.16087726

People who claim "projecting" don't realize thats just a mental immune system to deflect when they heard a truth they don't want to hear :^)

>> No.16087732


>> No.16087733


>> No.16087745

And here you could've asked OP a question about literature and fostered discussion, but instead you whined like a little bitch.

>> No.16087746


>> No.16087749


>> No.16087752

Fuck u

>> No.16087757

Rent free

>> No.16087760
File: 36 KB, 601x508, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rent free

>> No.16087773

A frogposter and now a wojakposter. This thread was cursed from the start, I never should have come here

>> No.16087788

I'm not even OP lmao, I just hate cringy doomers like yourself

>> No.16087798

>Muh doomer boomer zoomer coomer

>> No.16087811

nice projecting faggot

>> No.16087817

Nice samefagging

>> No.16088264

Suicide is an option retard

>> No.16088296
File: 64 KB, 800x600, 1596478852627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had the exact same resolution to my own uncertainties, fren. Just yesterday in fact. Perhaps the planets are in alignment.

>> No.16088309


>> No.16089153

Good job OP

>> No.16089191

/lit/ helped me find meaning too. Back in 2015 I read Blood Meridian and it completely changed my worldview. Then I read Suttree a few months later and realized a lot of things about my own life and my place in the world. Essentially I began to see the bigger picture and became less of a solipsistic little faggot.

>Nothing ever stops moving.

tl;dr read Corncob McCartney right now

>> No.16090198

Stop being mean

>> No.16090215

>Back in 2015 I read Blood Meridian and it completely changed my worldview

the fuck? How did it change your worldview?

>> No.16090869

>How did it change your worldview?
how did it not?