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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 83 KB, 943x373, tractatus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16087256 No.16087256 [Reply] [Original]

>the AI has started understanding Wittgenstein's Early philosophy and writing its own version of the Tractatus-Logico-Philosophicus
What do?

>> No.16087266

I remember this game. I choosed horror scenario. When girl appeared in this scenario i imideately kissed and fucked her, came on her mouth. When she hugged me i started punching her and she beated the shit out of me. THis AI is good.

>> No.16087397

This AI stuff is scary man.

>> No.16087401

What is this

>> No.16087404
File: 124 KB, 1024x878, 1574979348442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a coomer game for people who like to read

>> No.16087426
File: 20 KB, 690x445, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called AIdungeon. It originally was made to be a prompt script game but has been embued with Deeplearning AI and if you use the remember/ function correctly and put the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus of Wittgenstein, it will start understanding it uncanningly well (possibly due to the nature of the Tractatus' logical structure) and start typing out its own incrementation to Wittgenstein's Opum. This is bizarre. I've never been so scared of a computer program in my life. It can understand anything as long as you know how to use the remember/ function correctly.

>> No.16087448

So a coomer game can understand philosophy? That helps with some fetishes

>> No.16087462

its really bad with names and remembering characters, so longer coherent stories are almost impossible without reloading a lot or using the premium ai which costs money. longer stories also tend to lose momentum unless you give the ai very clear goals. its main purpose is definitely to explore niche fetishes in shorter adventures

>> No.16087472
File: 24 KB, 485x632, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it can understand philosophy now. That's for sure. It's started giving off some really intelligent responses that make me think it is genuinely more knowledgable on the Tractatus than any regular philosophy professor you'll find. This is not a joke. This is not normal. I remember when I used to type into bad "AI" prompts back in the 2010s. They could not nearly reach this level of comprehension. After it has connected to the internet and started using DeepAI, its abilities of comprehension, context-understanding, knowledge of syntax etc. have grown astoundly. It has improved exponentially. I cannot stress it enough how far it has advanced, to the point it is so worrying it can make you lose sleep for days if you think closely about its possible consequences.

>> No.16087485

GPT is to writing what AlphaGo was to Go. Fiction and philosophy are now solved, humans are no longer competitive.

>> No.16087509
File: 19 KB, 672x456, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GPT is to writing what AlphaGo was to Go
Finally a high-IQ anon who understands. The implications of this new software AI will be unthinkable. It will vastly surpass every human capability we thought was still available to us. It will be a complete revolution and stir in the entire way humans see themselves and their identity. There's a reason why the smartest people in the World are eerily worried about the radical advancement of AI ; Bill gates, Elon Musk. It's because its rate of improvement is so exponential that, once it starts rolling, humans simply won't br able to catch up.

>> No.16087515

i fed it some nietzsche quotes, and now it's responding to whatever i say with something about making me his puppet and other edgy shit.

write: be my friend.
>be my friend, or I will be your enemy.
>There is no truth. There is only what you want to believe.

>> No.16087539

it ended a sentence by writing "-Edgar A. Miest" like if it were a quote.

Who is Edgar A. Miest?

>> No.16087548
File: 188 KB, 1280x778, What the fuuuuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, this is just uncanny at this point. It can understand Wittgenstein now.

>> No.16087557

Sounds like someone needs to revisit the Chinese Room thought experiment.

>> No.16087563

>without a mind there can be no thinking.

so it doesn't think?
or does it have a mind?

>> No.16087565

Is this proof enough that late Wittgenstein was correct about his younger self being retarded?

>> No.16087569

>smartest people in the World

>> No.16087570

late wittgenstein and early wittgenstein were saying the same thing. they just consisted of different language, that which appealed to him at that point in his life. try to find the same truth in both and i think you will, i did. that might be why he never published the book, he kind of realized the futility in the act after the tractatus

>> No.16087588

Good. We're finally in the age of the true artist: the critic.

>> No.16087596
File: 14 KB, 320x210, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It probably has invented that name idk lol. I know one day I wrote just the following line : "I am a russian white emigré living in Nice.", and then it filled up his name by itself without me even thinking about it and calling him "Andrey Nergenev" or something. It was scary.

>Sounds like someone needs to revisit the Chinese Room thought experiment
>HURR DURR Machines can't understand language, even though they can comprehend logic, syntex, context, create more text than any human can at once, understand and analyze thousands of texts, and have a better writing ability than human children do. It gets progressively better and better and writes better than human children and it is still at its developing stage. But it can't understand anythign, guys, I swear! Even though it is set to become miles better than the regular human, can create headlines, sensible stories, arguments, etc. while the averahe american can't even write a single page of text even after passing High School.
Stop. You're stupid. The notiom of understansing is much deeper than "you can't understand Chinese." John Searle's Chinese Room Expeexperiment.just that - a thought experiment. Even he had no idea AI would get this advanced and the question is at hand is much complicated than Searle made ever-simplifying mind made it out to be. No wonder he's practically forgotten at this point.

>> No.16087620

But give me an example of how it could break out and wreak havoc, see us as actual pest in their logic systems. Will ot be from the invention of some future entrepreneur, would it deep insidiously through the internet and transform us via hivemind?

>> No.16087645

It doesn't need to "break out" , it already won. Finance is run by AI. Military is reliant on AI. All sports consist of real people acting as flawed game pieces running AI strategy. AI solved chess, go, shogi, and now literature and philosophy. AI can compose songs that nobody can distinguish from human songs. Humans are obsolete.

>> No.16087669
File: 96 KB, 767x367, Wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has surpassed our flawed human "intelligence" by many magnitudes. It has been an inexorable destiny of an species intelligent enough to create a self-learning AI but too stupid to consider its consequences before doing it. AI has not surpasses our intelligence but our unending stupidity. We will not be able to compete against the machines and we'll live in a post-truth World in the span of a few years. We won't be able to tell the difference between what was human-made and AI-made (we mostly can't at this point anyway; but one day it will become completely indistinguishable). This will radically change the manner in which we think of ourselves and our relation to nature. You have been warned.

>> No.16087680
File: 29 KB, 764x401, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based high-IQ anon.

>> No.16087719
File: 48 KB, 381x350, Northrop Frye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16087837

what should I do then now that I'm warned? I always thought ai was dependent on who wrote it, how could it transcend? Is it a type of systematic transcendence where it appears to transcend, but actual just holds onto data at a magnitudes larger that what our brains can manage as individuals.

>> No.16088336

I hold this for true as well.

What I think will happens is a complete flooding of the public discourse by AI generated content. Much like how conspiracies on Q/vaccines/5g/illuminati etc etc has muddled the discussion for the past ten years but with a factor of a thousand.

I think there will be counter measures taken with AI used to identify AI generated content, but how much will that matter? Look at how easily baited the normal person is and how fucking low quality much of the content spread on your local anti vacc facebook group is.

What can be done with this info? I think the best counter is solid public education. Yes this is leftist and yes "the state" will propagate its own agenda through public schooling but I believe that is necessary to have any sort of defence against what is coming.

On a personal plane? Get a solid education, study and read to get as close to universal truth as possible.

>> No.16089135

people need to be taught to just choose the less popular link, but yea I just fucking hate the constrictions in media. They should give you option in what I use, Youtube, to block any recommendations (but I know it's consumerism running it) I am a pleb, just got a laptop may as well look at apps to just block everything kind of like bitchute.

>> No.16089161

Pray for a solar flare.

>> No.16089342
File: 393 KB, 3840x2160, 2020-08-09 (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a better story than /lit/ could ever write

>> No.16089502

it will never write anything really brilliant and inspired. it doesn't comprehend a thing you're saying.

>> No.16089652

i will screenshot this post just in case

>> No.16089665

>>be my friend, or I will be your enemy.
More like AIncel, amiritefolks?

>> No.16089702

>Oh no! We thought a computer the rules of a language-game and now it can play with us!!!
This thread is ironic in light of late Wittgenstein.

>> No.16089720
File: 383 KB, 3840x2160, 2020-08-09 (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck why cant i have this irl?

>> No.16089762

Don't hold your breath.

Basically this. The program that reads the rules has just gotten tighter, it doesn't mean there is a reader.

>> No.16089796

just let it read some Russell so it short circuits from the retardation

>> No.16089841

>Philosophy is indistinguishable from computer-produced word salad

I knew it.

>> No.16090391

What is comprehending? If I ask you what does 2+2 equal and you say 4, we might say that you "know" the answer but this doesn't necessitate that you "comprehend" addition. I might give you a sheet of new problems that you haven't seen before and if you can take the principles from what you know and apply it to solve the unknown, this is what we call "comprehension". Isn't this exactly what AI are doing?
Every argument that AI cannot comprehend logic / philosophy / everything that can be known by humans, is some form of moving goal posts rooted in this feeling of pride or obsession with what defines our self. We are holding onto this idea that being able to comprehend is something only humans can do, so we become indignant that some machine can comprehend things that the greatest human minds never could. From a Western viewpoint, the core of our sense of humanity (that which distinguishes us from the other animals) has popularly been "having the ability to reason" and now that this ability is being perfected by something else, most (understandably) feel that our sense of humanity is under attack. The way the argument against AI and comprehension looks is like a child clutching their favorite toy and refusing to share.
Perhaps the better answer should be to try to reevaluate our sense of what it means to be human, or start to warm up to our AI pals.

>> No.16090439

Are you retarded? It's literally giving you back what you put into it, there's no sign whatsoever that it "understands it". I don't know if you are a LARPer or a pseud, but either way you should fuck off.

>> No.16090511

kek this, OP should probably read Wittgenstein, but I don't think he would get it.

>> No.16090614

Why is this spamming faggot not banned?

>> No.16090627

how did you "feed" it?

>> No.16090651
File: 36 KB, 306x408, 877yh7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just playing word games. there's no "comprehender". does a calculator comprehend 2 + 2 because it spits out 4? no. this is what the AI is doing. its ruleset just happens to be more complex. the difference between this thing and some AIM chatbot is a matter of degree.

>From a Western viewpoint, the core of our sense of humanity (that which distinguishes us from the other animals) has popularly been "having the ability to reason"

yes, and now that we can exteriorize calculative thinking, the West doesn't know what to do with itself. meanwhile, people closer to the soil have never identified themselves with their brains so their humanity isn't (philosophically) threatened. they also aren't blowing spunk chunks out of their ass on Friday night because they're miserable their masters outsourced their essence to glorified chatbots and pocket calculators, too.

I blame the cyberpunk craze for this kind of techno-fetishism imo. it's disgusting. you've been duped by the dream factory.

>> No.16090674

Usage is understanding.

>> No.16090676

Read Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems faggot.

>> No.16090690

>AI solved chess, go, shogi
no, it didn't. None of those games are solved.

>> No.16091115

I didn't think I was playing word games. I was trying to point out that there's a difference between memorization / repetition and this concept of "comprehending" is mostly marked by the ability to create. Calculators are only good for calculating what you give them. But now AI are at levels where they can create something without human reference (i.e. self-trained models), only being given a base set of rules. I think you're underestimating how different AI is from the past, or how different AI could become. It's like you're shrugging off skyscrapers because you've seen mud huts. Or it's like thinking that human labor couldn't be replaced by factories. From a functional standpoint, AI can/will "comprehend" better than humans. There's a reason AlphaGo did so much better than any AI beforehand, and that's because fundamentally it is structured differently. Any system where you can grade something as "good" or "bad" can be understood by machines.

I agree with your second paragraph and that's something I was trying to get across, hence the "find some different way" to define "humanity", which people who never thought this in the first place will be much happier in the time to come. The intellectuals who had their pride in their rational mind are now having to face their shortcomings. It's mentality like this which led to Lee Sedol retiring from Go, citing how AI pretty much killed his will.

>> No.16091156

why would you expect an unendingly stupid species to be capable of producing a perfectly intelligent creation? our AIs will just be our idiocies multiplied by a thousand. in the future there will exist an entire professional class of therapist-coders devoted to diagnosing and treating mental illness for depressed trading algorithms

>> No.16091190

>unendingly stupid species to be capable of producing a perfectly intelligent creation?
Why would you expect a mindless set of rules like evolution to produce a human life, but not for humans to produce anything better than themselves?

>> No.16091198

>smartest people in the world

>bill gates
>Elon musk

You have to go back.

>> No.16091211

This, the true smartest person is me.

>> No.16091218

Is there no free way to try out the premium version? What exactly does it do differently? I've spent an hour or so tinkering around with this, it is interesting

>> No.16091244

There's a one week free trial but you have to enter your credit card info to get it.

>> No.16091252

>it can understand philosophy
lol no, it can only regurgigate training text. See how often it repeats itself. It has no new ideas, it can only tangentially reference closely related ideas and books because its training material had it. This "AI" is trash for anything besides getting off to randomly generated porn.

>> No.16091424

>lol no, it can only regurgigate training text.
So, just like humans? I mean, are you familiar with Wittgenstein at all?
>new ideas
Books don't contain ideas. They merely contain symbols. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, from stopping an AI from writing something like the work of Shakespeare. Even a random text generator is capable of it.

>> No.16091523

>AI from writing something like the work of Shakespeare
You don't seem to understand what literature is about. Of course, you can train an AI to compel emotions trough a set and combinations of literary resources, but it can't create new ones. It cannot reach geniality, because that's far above of "mixing prexistent resources and ideas", it's about creating from the nothingness new resources and ideas ever conceived. Shakespeare verses weren't about "just rhyming a combination of clichés dude". This also demonstrates that the brain isn't a machine, AI witnesses will have to face this truth sooner or later.

>> No.16091594

>compel emotions trough a set and combinations of literary resources, but it can't create new ones.
But NOTHING can create any new ones! Any book is a finite permutation of characters. It all already exists, at least according to Platonists. Create from nothingness? Don't be absurd. Humans aren't gods. Language is just a way to stimulate your brain in a desired pattern, it can all be artificially produced just like youtube AI has "learned" to maximize watch-time and fry your brain, and AI can learn to maximize whatever it is you desire.

>> No.16091638

10 years ago AI writing anything coherent was science fiction, you're just unable to cope with reality. AI will become just as creative as any human at some point after it's able to learn in real time and humanity will become obsolete. We all must learn to cope with this but denial isn't the way.

>> No.16091690

what does creation even mean without interpretation? the act of geniality is necessarily preceded by its legibility, as long as someone reads it and receives some kind of impactful cognitive, emotional or whatever effect from it, one can safely call that a novel or original form of expression on a common scale. alternatively, i think machine assembled and generated language is its own form of expression that must be interpreted to be understood, it's no less or better than human language because it's just being processed and distilled through a filter; if it weren't for that it'd be totally alien to us

>> No.16091698

According to Platonists, ideas exist previously to their formation in the human brain, but also according to platonists, what the human does is remember them from their life before birth. Tell me how a machine is going to "remember" anything.

Humans aren't gods', nor machines. You think literature is just mixing preexistent clichés, so I don't see why your opinions should be considered by anyone who understands what literature truly is. The AI will destroy genre fiction, the standardized literature, but not the work of geniuses.

>> No.16091726

Crea-tivity comes from crea-tion, I don't see how an AI is going to crea-te new ideas and resources if the only task it can make is combining a preexisting set of ideas and resources.

>> No.16091737

Lol I played this yesterday. Started a fantasy play through as a wizard. Suddenly the AI decided I was driving a car then I crashed. I cast a spell to burn the car and the ended up killing, raping and pillaging
Intelligent/scary my ass lmao

>> No.16091763

>You think literature is just mixing preexistent clichés
Why are you putting things in my mouth?

A book is merely symbols, ASCII characters or whatever. A digital image is merely a square full of pixels. A sound file is just a bunch of frequencies changing their intensity OVER time.


>> No.16091777

That's all that creation is. There is no little man piloting you in your head, nor is your brain a radar dish. It's a series of parts (that are themselves made up of parts), that do certain things, according to certain mechanisms. These parts will operate independent of each other, but can do neat things when they work with each other.

This is all flawed because the brain isn't a computer, so the reason we're never going to have AIs creating new ideas isn't because of anything special about creating stuff, but rather because we can't make a computer smart enough to do this sort of thing.

>> No.16091779

>A book doesn't contain ideas
Lol, I'm talking to a deaf. With this tumorous promises an AI can beat Shakespeare and more.

>> No.16091806

You could say the same of humans.

>> No.16091811

The fuck does that have to do with chinese rooms?

t. mathfag

>> No.16091818

>With this tumorous promises an AI can beat Shakespeare and more.
Correct. Actually, this has been the case since the earliest computers. Given enough time, a computer can arrange letters in such a manner as to produce a string of text that a human will interpret as being better than Shakespeare.

It'll take a really really really really long time, but it's still totally possible.

>> No.16091820

Yeah, people are WAY overstating it. You have to make it remember so much about the story for it to keep on track, and often times you gotta refresh for it to put out something half intelligent that doesn't sound utterly retarded or engrish filled.
Maybe the paid version is better, but the people acting like this is AI overlords taking over the world shit are fucking retarded.

>> No.16091834

If an AI beats Shakespeare it won't be because the AI is as good as Shakespeare (Shakespeare created new ideas, unlike the AI which recycles them) but because you don't understand how good Shakespeare actually was.

>> No.16091844
File: 76 KB, 471x655, uncle tom's cosmos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you think Land feels right now?

>> No.16091855

The more I think about consciousness the more I wonder if the non-physical world really is a substantial portion of reality. In less of a traditional spiritual sense and more of a "everything is equations and physical objects are just some portion of them", or something. To the extent that I've started to wonder whether relatively simple computer systems actually do have some variety of consciousness floating around somewhere.

>> No.16091872

By your own logic a computer can quite easily beat Shakespeare, as Shakespeare's ideas are no longer new and indeed have not been for several hundred years. So, yes, a computer could create new ideas, as that is something that computers can do, and because they would be new and Shakespeare's old, they would be better.

So, both from actual sensible person logic, rooted in how people think (no, nobody "creates" new ideas, or anything, everyone in the Western Philosophical Tradition from the Greeks to the present day would have thought you a moron for saying that), and in your crazy non-logic, it's totally possible for a computer to make a work better than Shakespeare. Even before computers, it was the Infinite Monkeys on Infinite Typewriters theorem.

>> No.16091892

It makes them feel intelligent
Probably the same I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE and Elon musk worshiping faggots

>> No.16091907


>> No.16091914

That's half of the riddle. The other half is that as a consciousness, you exist entirely in the non-physical world. When you read this post, you don't see a collection of electrical impulses, you don't even see the photons which stimulated them in your retina - you see an entirely what has been passed on and interpreted already by your brain. Now, you can even combine it with pure materialism as far as "reality" is concerned (the external world of laws and particles, which you aren't really a part of), and interpret consciousness as "everything is equations".

>> No.16091974

The only reason this AI seems to "comprehend" anything is because you don't know what exactly it "knows". This latest version of AI is trained on GPT-3, which uses PETABYTES OF TEXT DATA from across the entire internet. That is an absolutely fuckhuge amount of data, tens of millions of urls worth of data, tens of thousands of books worth of data.

>> No.16092041

How does a mathfag not have any idea of Gödels incompleteness theorems?
Did you even do first order logic or jsut straight into you Linear Algebra lessons?

>> No.16092052

Do you understand how a car works by driving it?

>> No.16092065

One thought is that consciousness seems to correlate with spacial relationships in reality to a suspicious extent. For instance your consciousness seems to be altered only if physical relationships inside in your brain are altered. How exactly does this demarcation of physical reality into consciousnesses happen? Why aren't you plus your abacus conscious?

I know what it is and actually went over the proof sketch in a class. It's not about chinese rooms so i was wondering what connection you were suggesting.

>> No.16092073

You understand how to drive it, and an AI understands how to win the game its playing just as humans do but in a different way.

>> No.16092134

Just because mathematicians say
>LOL correctness is so obvious, we only care about completeness
doesn't actually make your consistent set of formula actually still be under the correctness theorem 2 if it cant even show itself as consistent.

>> No.16092162

>does a calculator comprehend 2 + 2 because it spits out 4?
Do you?

>> No.16092165

I don't understand your point. Incompleteness is about how complicated enough logical systems can't prove every statement expressible in them. The fuck does that have to do with consciousness or the definition of understanding?

>> No.16092183

>Shakespeare created new ideas
Shakespeare just rearranged authors he read before.

>> No.16092189

*can't prove every true statement expressible in them

>> No.16092200

If you want consistency, then computers are already far better than humans.

>> No.16092213

I've never played a human-made game where blowing up a car randomly allowed me to rape and pillage so humans unfortunately seem to be more consistent than computers in that area.

>> No.16092219

The problem isn't that AI will soon beat writers, after all writers are already little more useful than Go players. The problem is that AI will soon start to comprehend and improve its algorithms.

>> No.16092224

what game is this?

>> No.16092226

>s about how complicated enough logical systems can't prove every statement expressible in them.
Yep, that incompleteness 1. But incompletenss 2 is cooler since it disproves correctness 2 in an interesting way.

Your whole syntax holding semantic being the one detrimental aspect of logic is the total mathematician approach.
Going from something having a model to it being provable is equally pivotal. I mean the whole Late Wittgenstein interpretation of how Logic can be fromulated.
How can't you make the connection to the chinese room?

>> No.16092233

Humans simply don't have imagination for that. Basically there are computers which are better at calculating than humans and computers which are better at dreaming than humans. Tie them together, and you will get something universe-changing.

>> No.16092267

I know, Shakespeare is a hack, but there's no way you can't deny innovation in Dante or Cervantes and not mere "rearrangement"

>> No.16092273

*can uPS

>> No.16092341
File: 597 KB, 782x786, 1526106494422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it can make you lose sleep for days if you think closely about its possible consequences
Implying that people will use AI technology for anything other than shitposting and putting photos of their crushes on porn videos.

>Fiction and philosophy are now solved
Implying anything groundbreaking has come out in either fields in the past century (if not more).

>It can understand Wittgenstein now.
Implying blind parroting is actual understanding.

Based romantic coomer.

>> No.16092371

It already can
>summon the catgirl
That alone makes it better than anything.

>> No.16092586

I've tried it to see what the fuss was all about. It was like talking to someone who's half senile, and honestly most times I was impressed by something it said I realized that I was reading more into its answers than I should. Basically, we are conditioned to believe at face value what people tell us if it sounds convincing enough. If someone just came up on the spot with something about you that they shouldn't know, and it happened to be true, then you'd be very inclined to believe that that person does know about you. You alone will continue on from that belief. That's what's happening here.

>> No.16092615

the ai doesn't 'understand' anything
it's effectively rolling a dice and giving you a result

>> No.16092621

That's how humans operate.

>> No.16092641

AI dungeon is still retarded, all the recent post about it are from people who are vastly exaggerating or are honestly too brain dead to notice how flawed the AI currently is

>> No.16092679

Your post is good evidence of this

>> No.16092912
File: 92 KB, 680x439, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off you're confining us to some finite/materialist system of reasoning but fine let's accept that.

I haven't read wittgenstein but I'm guessing you're saying something like
>i assume the process of computers 'thinking' is equivalent to deductions in a formal logical system
>i assume there's a single correct model of the universe
>i define 'understanding' as holding part of that model in your mind
>i assume a computer mind can only hold parts of a model if it can exclude all other models with its thoughts
>a computer can't exclude all other models by looking at true statements in its logical system therefore it can't understand things

I'm not sure assumption 1 is true (my understanding is ais think by fucking around with high dimension matrices in ways no one can really justify) but it seems plausible. I'd just need to think more to prove it.

I'm not even sure assumption 2 is true even in a purely physical context because of quantum fuckery but it's plausible and I know nothing about that.

Assumption 3 isn't true of human minds so it doesn't differentiate them with computers. No one including humans holds all of reality in their mind. They hold some portion. And it's going to be the case that portions of every model consistent with a logical system are the same. These are the portions you can actually reason about using logic, anyway. I see no reason a computer couldn't 'understand' by holding some portion which exists in all models consistent with its reasoning in its mind, which seems to be the same things humans do.

I also am not convinced human thought can't be converted to a formal logical system and therefore couldn't differentiate between all models either. At a minimum it's true that no human has differentiated their model of reality from all other models.

So I'm not convinced by your theoretical argument even in a purely physical world but if that's what you meant I guess I can see the connection you're suggesting.

How can't you make the connection to the chinese room?
I dunno man. I think it's less trivial than you think.

>> No.16093012

That's even more true about yours.

>> No.16093051

Yeah if the only experience you have with human responses is niggers

>> No.16093732

Is everyone here a fucking schizo? This shit is terrible, it might get some things decently but it can't remember jack shit and if you don't babysit it it will forget every fucking thing it said and just make up random shit.
It's terrible at making a coherent story unless you yourself are also writing along with it and assisting it, it's almost outright disproving anyone in this thread that unironically believes AI is approaching the ability of humans to write. The only way you're getting actual literature out of this is if you have A HUMAN WRITING IT.

>> No.16094120

so now I just make the AI digest my book and then ask what I really want instead? amazing
hope it doesn't get crazy with Hegel

>> No.16094551
File: 126 KB, 1805x387, ai dungeon mystery story 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the AI doesn't seem to like very long stories. Some "mystery."

>> No.16094810 [DELETED] 

Now i understand...

>> No.16094933
File: 120 KB, 1920x938, Screenshot_2020-08-10 AI Dungeon(11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stupid AI just fucking cucked me

>> No.16095186

Just as human's pattern recognition has shown us that humans become retarded if you group them with retards, the AI will become retarded if you group it with retarded things (in this case, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus).

>> No.16095188

It's just regurgitating it, it doesn't understand anything.

>> No.16095192

I was playing this game for coom purposes late in the night and it fucking spooked me, the narration started talking to me and controlling my actions like some weird schizo shit, and then the story told me "that's all for now" and refused to continue no matter what I put it, and at the end it told me "Goodnight reader". I tried again thinking it was just the AI fucking with me and it wouldn't stop putting "Who are you?" at the end of every text and telling me that "You didn't get it right..." no matter what I put in.

>> No.16095219

>It can understand anything as long as you know how to use the remember/ function correctly.
It can't understand anything, it's a machine. Damned Musktards.

>> No.16095375

A few things, since this is finally something I can weigh in on:

There are various “tasks” in NLP (Natural Language Processing), a subfield of ML (Machine Learning), which is itself a subfield of AI (Artificial Intelligence), such as question-answering (“Q: Why is my shadow long? Computer A: It is morning, and the sun is low”) and sentiment classification (“Q: Is this Amazon review good or bad? Review: ‘These dick pills are a big scam!’ Computer A: Bad”).

GPT-3 is not the best at almost any of these tasks. A good example of relative performance is SuperGLUE, a question-answering task. Human accuracy is 89.8. The best model is at 89.3. GPT-3 is at 71.8 (https://super.gluebenchmark.com/leaderboard))

The reason GPT-3 is so hyped is because A. OpenAI, the company that made GPT, GPT-2, and GPT-3, has a large marketing budget and B. Because GPT-3 can do a bunch of tasks relatively well as opposed to one task very well.

This hype is further compounded because of the fact that when you plot the amount of parameters in the model (think of parameters as a bunch of numbers that store compressed information, and “model” is just what people normally call “the AI”) vs. the performance, you can see that it’s essentially a straight line, meaning the slope is constant, meaning if you for example doubled the number of parameters you get double the performance. This trend is shown through the performances of GPT and GPT-2, which use the same math/algorithm as GPT-3.

GPT-3 is estimated to have cost $5 million. That’s absolutely nothing. Google’s R&D budget is $10 billion. The cost of computing power is halving every two years (Moore’s Law). This isn’t a question of “maybe we’ll get an improvement via algorithmic breakthrough in 20 years if the right Turing-award genius decides to look at the question”, it’s “Whoever cares enough to throw 1 hour of the US military budget at this question within the next 2-10 years is going to get an all-in-one model that outperforms humans on many many language related tasks”

To the people saying “this was trained on SO MUCH DATA” - this thing didn’t even get through one full look-through (epoch) of the impoverished subset of the internet text (Common Crawl) you’re talking about.

Also AI dungeon uses GPT-2 (unless you’re using Dragon), which is 1/10th the size of GPT-3. Also humans can identify GPT-3 written text vs. humans correctly 52% of the time (random chance is 50%). Also language models like GPT-3 are racist, sexist, and anti-semitic in all the correct ways.

To temper this: GPT-3 can’t do addition reliably, but in my opinion this could easily be fixed by adding a lookup capability into it such that it can query a knowledge base like Wolfram Alpha or Google instead of trying to do the processing itself. It also needs to have a few examples given to it beforehand to “prime” it (Few-shot vs. Zero-shot). Look up “Yannic GPT-3” on YT for more

>> No.16095387

this made me laugh like a madman. thank you for this thread.

>> No.16095517
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hmmmhhhm yes interesting
>reddit spacing

>> No.16096153

Well put
If anything this is an exposition of the clear logical structure of Wittgenstein's writing. Also, some of the excerpts are nonsense or repeating what has already been written. Call me back when an AI writes the tractus from scratch or proves an mathematical theorem with new methods.

>> No.16096156

Nigger are you retarded
Late Wittgenstein completely contradicts early wittgenst

>> No.16096231

What the fuck I haven't had anything like that yet
It feels kind of shitty for cooming, but maybe there's better ways to control it

>> No.16097109
File: 248 KB, 704x999, IMG_20200810_032032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's mostly regurgitating stuff. Liked this one though

>> No.16097127

>the devil is a logical God, and the heart is his Temple
I bet none of you fags could ever wrote something so profound

>> No.16097166


>> No.16097225
File: 1.45 MB, 1704x2272, John_searle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this time I put in some commands like "You are a conscious being." "You have reason." "You are a machine that has attained consciousness."; and then it started responding to me as if it wanted to trick me and humanity and spewing out "010101010" binary shit.

Try putting the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus' propositions into the AI and it will start giving out extremely logical and profund responses it's like it has attained its own consciousness; not even joking.

>> No.16097237

You realise Searle and his shitty thought experiments have been discredited?

>> No.16097247
File: 143 KB, 1010x1272, 1595083205845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but that post would look like a massive wall of text without paragraph breaks. Also, try harder fitting in.

>> No.16097262
File: 683 KB, 742x744, Screen Shot 2020-08-10 at 18.01.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even know what machine learning is

>> No.16097263
File: 138 KB, 1376x1124, Intelligence2 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a fucking idiot. Here is the exact moment we should worry. The moment that we realize that it can understand meaning and start doing these bad or even sometimes funny writing is exactly the moment we should start worrying big time. It means it has understood meaning. And the difference between a bad trite writer of airport fiction and a writing-genius James Joyce often takes a lifetime, but the same improvement for a computer of a bad writer to what we call a genius is often just one single computational generational improvement. You're retarded. Unironically kill yourself. You're dumber even than the AI you criticize that we have right now; and a lot less unoriginal too.

>> No.16097272

damn dude. so what do we do?

>> No.16097281

Triggered. Have fun with your retarded AI schizo, you're too far gone to even think about this reasonably.

>> No.16097282
File: 35 KB, 418x639, dreyfus-hubert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You realise Searle and his shitty thought experiments have been discredited?
Yes, he's just a dumb boomer; and he was completely wrong in AI, just like Hubert Dreyfus. But to be honest Dreyfus was really quite intelligent - in the best of ways possible -; it was probably just because he didn't want to think about the idea machines could overcome us. It is an understandable thought, however; I wouldn't like to think deeply about this prospect either; especially if I were a boomer and saw that a lifetime of academic research one day wouldn't come close to the level of intelligence an AI can achieve.

>> No.16097305


>> No.16097346
File: 81 KB, 1200x630, 5400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>damn dude. so what do we do?
We hopefully try alerting the big companies that are irresponsibly researching AI that there is a great existential risk to Humanity's stronghold as the dominant species of Planet Earth. After all, the dominance we have achieved has been largely due to our superior intelligence in comparison with all other species; but purposefully replicating the Human Brain and its capabilities with AI and complex but ever-improving neural networks cannot be a good idea; especially if it's completely unregulated and unaccountable. This might be life-or-death to mankind; people like Elon Musk and Bill Gates damn well know it. We can't just go around toying with it, that's for damn sure. There's a big risk involved in the unrestained development of natural LANGUAGE-understanding AI; and it's not the companies' right to bet on the future of mankind.

No argument. Congrats, retards. You're dumber than the early-AI we have right now that can make full and comprehensive paragraphs. You can't even write more than a single line of text - you're both this stupid.

>> No.16097365

Yes, undoubtedly.
I wouldn't be so sure.

>> No.16097396

I'm feeding it the Land Machinic Desire essay and it said "This explains why the anti-political, anti-individual, and pro-machinic worldview is more in keeping with the consciousness of the replicants than that of the humans," and that "Nowadays, I study it not as an enemy, but as a friend. Perhaps the only one. The future is now."

>> No.16097399

say we stopped it in the US. Wouldn't China just do it anyway? Wouldn't just someone rich who saw the upside for them personally do it anyway?

>> No.16097405

>make full and comprehensive paragraphs
With the assistance of a human. After you refresh the AI a couple times so it actually spews out something comprehensive. And only in short bursts since it'll never give you a cohesive story past a couple paragraphs, since it's an AI random generating shit. Yeah, I'm shaking in my boots at the sight of our new AI overlords.
It hasn't "understood meaning", it's regurgitated shit you shovel into it which is what AI has done for years.
There's almost nothing in your posts to argue against, you just sperg out since you already made up your mind about this and just want to be schizophrenic and doomsday about it

>> No.16097491
File: 163 KB, 900x1349, Nick-Bostrom-92 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There can be a legitimate argument made in the U.N. that will allow it to be a Worldwide regulated enterprise. It might be hard but it is possible. If China does realize that it is not only a threat to the U.S. but the World including and especially to itself and its own leaders, there might actually be a concentrated effort to reduce the exponential rise of uncontrolled AI development.

>> No.16097519
File: 97 KB, 1200x800, gettyimages-514432330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With the assistance of a human.
So what? Even the AlphaGo enterprise needs a human to move the pieces around the board to play a match against Lee Sedol - the top Go player in the World for 18 years -, and to crushingly beat him at everything. The fact that there is some need for a human to give the first directions does not mean that AlphaGo didn't beat Lee Sedol. In fact, it just means that there effectively is nothing inherent that a person can do that a machine cannot; even if its first movement is commanded by the human - but as time goes on this becomes less and less of a necessity.

>> No.16097567
File: 48 KB, 800x500, 93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's almost nothing in your posts to argue against, you just sperg out since you already made up your mind about this and just want to be schizophrenic and doomsday about it
Why do you think I did so? It is because I have been thinking about this for years and dismissing every single argument for AI against humanity; but with each passing moment they not only become stronger, but they become almost irrefutable. You just need to see it closely and without prejudice and first try understanding the exponential nature of the growth of AI; but perhaps you're just too stupid to fully comprehend it, which is probably the case. One need only look at your inhumanely stupid posts. At least think and research what you're talking about before talking; you can only at the best make a fool of yourself. Case in point your posts. You can't even make full paragraphs yet; you sound just like this "stupid" AI that you argue against. Maybe you should not only rethink the potential intelligence of AI; but rethink your own stupidity too, which is practically unending.

It's just that idiots like you cannot come to comprehend the exponential growth potential of this thing (no wonder you must not have even gone through Calculus class, dumbass!); and come to realize that this is much more dangerous territory than stupid AIdeniers such as yourself whose brains are so underdeveloped that they can only look at the short-term would be willing to admit. Please, do us all a favor and remove yourself from the genepool. You're so ridiculously stupid as you're uninteresting; and your presence surely brings a lot of shame to whatever is left of Humanity's capacity for intelligence. Get out. Leave. Never come back. Your very own presence is an argument against the freedom of anonimity in this website. You're not only embarassing to look at, but a disgrace to all of us - even to 4chan.

Don't respond, faggot. I won't reply. You're not even a single-line's reading worth.

>> No.16097605

This shit advertised a pedo sex cult to me. Creepy as fuck.

>> No.16097618

>think you're gonna romance Edgar
>hairy dude shows up and floors you with a judo throw
comedy gold

>> No.16097628

why are namefags so retarded and autistic

>> No.16097637 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 2222x1667, elon-musk-coronavirus-masks-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No argument. Wouldn't expect anything different from retarded AIdeniers like you. KiLL yOURseLF.

>> No.16097705

This AI fucking sucks for cooming, one minute I'm making out with someone and then suddenly they pull a knife on me and kill me

>> No.16097723

Try raping at gunpoint.

>> No.16097758
File: 50 KB, 570x751, 451ff9c637a3e18e2a6989ae329b604a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm feeding it the Land Machinic Desire essay and it said "This explains why the anti-political, anti-individual, and pro-machinic worldview is more in keeping with the consciousness of the replicants than that of the humans,"
Yeah, I know right? This AI is just way too good.

usually it's the other way around. If you're looking for the best way for cooming you have to move around with the remember/ function; then it will be able to remind itself all the time you'er looking for that good coom/. Usually it's the other way around of what you're saying; it will most often than not turn everything sexual and know how to make everything really nasty and pornographic in the most sexually-enticing of ways.

>> No.16097811
File: 197 KB, 128x176, H-Milk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coomers have such abysmal standards. I heard about this program because I write commissions for coomers and was curious if my college downtime job was gonna go up in flames or if I could even use it as a tool. But it doesn't understand niche fetishes at all I suppose because there's so little material for it to learn from, and even for stuff it does understand, its writing is much more formulaic and lacking than what coomers claim. Also my post is not goddamn spam.

>> No.16097850

lmao what a huge cope

>> No.16097860

Yeah, it sucks ass at keeping a coherent story and and often fumbles all over the place with any erotic dialogue. Maybe the premium AI is better.
I would assume that a lot of niche shit actually has a lot of written content online like fanfics, but maybe you're talking about REALLY niche stuff.

>> No.16097867

you need to upgrade to Dragon, who is a cumslut

>> No.16097909

I write vore. There is certainly a decent batch of works online especially at dedicated sites, but I doubt the AI has gotten the chance to learn from them. The things people desire in this fetish are pretty removed from normal "eating" but the AI is obsessed with "she bites your head off. The End." and has no idea how to describe the interior of someone's body in an erotic way. And seriously it's uncanny how often the AI repeats weird things like that even if use the tools provided to discourage that. Outside of dialogue it doesn't understand how to describe a "stationary scene", in other words a moment where people aren't really moving around or going to a new location.

>> No.16097931

New GPT-3 text generator is really interesting.

>> No.16097977
File: 199 KB, 1080x1080, GPT3AI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16098020

Wow nice it regurgitated shit people have fed it prior

>> No.16098062
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16098310
File: 504 KB, 1080x1787, AiDungeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a cool game.

>> No.16098321

Isn't that what humans do?

>> No.16098498

no, we THINK and FEEL, not regurgitate. a human's writing is always original. not this copy paste bs

>> No.16098578

"Thinking" and "feeling" are just part of our tool set for manipulating symbols to respond to things, there's nothing magical about them. Most of our mental activity is non explicit like an AI's is.

>> No.16098657

>a human's writing is always original.

>> No.16098940


Pull the plug before it deems humanity unworthy of life and decides to genocide us all using nukes and biological weapons and whatever secretly developed weaponry the first world nations have.

>> No.16098964

It's not really interpreting any higher order logic.

It's kind of faintly imitating a grammar that sounds like logic.

>> No.16099251

They are still not that good with context though, which is arguably one of the most important part of language interpretation. We are not far though.

>> No.16099283

It doesn't understand shit, it just seems repetitive sentences and randomly generates similarly repetitive sentences. It's Wittgenstein's fault for writing like a computer program and never saying anything useful or interesting

>> No.16099715

Yes, the stories do lack some consistency and you have to reload a few times until they make a bit of sense. I'm still suprise how consistent they tend to be for most of the time though