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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 415 KB, 1400x2151, the red and the black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16082899 No.16082899 [Reply] [Original]

wow this was absolutely god tier. reminded me a bit of Dostoevsky. highly recommend it. left my soul shattered by the end which is pretty much the highest praise i can give a book

>> No.16082909

What's up with the 8-bit cover

>> No.16082919

It's on my to read list, but i just started War and Peace at last so Stend will have to wait sadly

>> No.16082992

On my list. Is that the translation you read?

>> No.16083329

the ending is too abrupt but is good overall

>> No.16083393

Stendhal fucking loves bathos apparently and is a feature of his books, the same abrupt ending is in his Charterhouse of Parma, whose title is almost a complete non-sequitur

>> No.16083459

I agree, /lit/ and the population at large has been sleeping on this one for far too long.

>> No.16083492

this sounds absolutely lame but i read it because its scaruffis second favorite novel. i really enjoyed journey to the end of the night and brothers k and figured it might be somewhat similar. i wasn't disappointed. feel hella bad for julian though even if he was kind of a madman

>> No.16084049

Calm down, mate. You're reading a translation. No translator can produce a work that is considered 'god tier'.

>> No.16084059
File: 290 KB, 1536x2048, f2mba5spaj701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omigerd it reminded me of Dostoevsky

>> No.16084072

>sleeping on this
This is why people make fun of you fiction reading zoomers.

>> No.16084256

A character that you can't feel sympathy for isn't much of a character at all.

>> No.16084510

The Slater translation is best. It retains the hilarity of the original.

>> No.16084531

thats true, but i can think of a lot of books i enjoyed greatly that didn't have the same depth of character. id say it was a strong point of the book

>> No.16084557

I’ve been reading through the 2019 /lit/ top 100 chart and so far this is my favorite by far. A joy to read from beginning to end.
If I idolize Julien am I missing the point?

>> No.16084673

Naw. Julien is the author’s alter ego. only makes one rash mistake at the end

>> No.16084738

>I believe that I am more intelligent because I don’t use colloquialisms

>> No.16084760

This why people look down on you low IQ fiction fags as that post previously stated.

Everyone can see you are some dorky white kid.

>> No.16084797

>i read fiction and use nigger slang please take more seriously!
> I do have an education outside of amerishit public school!!!

>> No.16084836

Most well read people have read it.
It's hailed as one of the earliest modern novels for its psychological insights and one of the first examples in realist fiction (Stendhal was inspired by actual events, which also pretty modern all things considered).
Stendhal is considered one of the best French writers and The Red and the Black is hailed as a classic (and as such, a must read).

You shouldn't commend on something being underrated or obscure based on your lack of information, thank you.

>> No.16084850

Yes, your highschool reading level literature is very well written zoomer, so please tell me more. lol

>> No.16084869

Ah, nevermind. It's the "fiction is for teenagers, a 10yo can understand the words" faggot who keeps ruining threads.
Get fucked.

>> No.16084940

But its true though, anon. You read books that people read in highschool and say things like "sleep on" which further proves you fictionfags are just absolute mongs.

>> No.16084946
File: 24 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that white kid that CAN only read fiction and uses nignog slang

>> No.16084963
File: 583 KB, 869x557, 8c24bd80e59bb9398da387218bc9c1e624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't believe you slept on this highschool-tier book lmao get fuccked

>> No.16085038

If anything, this shows your pretentiousness, exclusively nonfiction reader.
a) I didn't claim it was "slept on". I used no such expression. In fact, I posed the opposite argument.
b) So far you've proven nothing about your intelligence.
c) Since you clearly misinterpreted the exchange, suggesting an inferior reading comprehension, it begs the question just how poorly you must have understood those superior volumes of non fiction writing.

So go ahead with your spamming of greentexts and soijacks. That's all your petty ways afford your small intellect.

>> No.16085054

No one is reading all this shite you upset zoomer.

>> No.16085066
File: 736 KB, 596x636, 8c24bd80e59bb9398da387218bc9c1e622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha this book is so slept on! I'm currently reading it in highschool lol.

>> No.16085081

why do you argue with the low IQ halfwits
that can only read highschool-tier fiction?
Is it to feel better about yourself?
Give them a break.

>> No.16085097

Imagine being related to you. All this schizoposting and samefaggotry is quite sad.

>> No.16085110

>IP count hasn't budged
Nice projection, zoomer.

>> No.16085783

This book is certainly not read in high schools but I have to agree with the other anon anyway. Using a phrase like being “slept on” automatically invalidates any other message you might have had. You should have just known better than to use it on 4chan if you wanted to be taken even remotely seriously

>> No.16085798

I always thought that was because he was trying to make the fictional events match up to the events that inspired him to write the book

Definitely get to it some time. Tolstoy praised Charterhouse of Parma very highly and its portrayal of battle influenced his own writing in War & Peace

>> No.16085942

I didn’t know what to make of Julien. He’s a devotee of Napoleon, yet is content to partake in espionage for a group of Royalists because it’s to his own advantage. I’m not sure how cynically Stendhal portrays him. Whether Stendahl would scoff at a more idealistic protagonist or find him admirable.

>> No.16086024

>bourgeois whines about muh spiritual introspection and muh social life

fuck bourgeois

>> No.16086497

>reminded me a bit of Dostoevsky
so it's massively contrived and pretentious?

>> No.16086512

Actually I'm surprised OP made this comparison because Stendhal is actually a refreshingly straightforward writer compared to someone like Dostoevsky. Also all novels are "contrived" since they're literally made up fake stories.

>> No.16086516

k well the bourgeois probably have more interesting things to say about these things than you do

>> No.16086527

And written in snobby, almost sleepy passive language too

>> No.16086550

>Actually I'm surprised OP made this comparison because Stendhal is actually a refreshingly straightforward writer compared to someone like Dostoevsky. Also all novels are "contrived" since they're literally made up fake stories.
Note for future, don't speak in ebonic dialect.