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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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File: 229 KB, 1000x667, wagecage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16082029 No.16082029 [Reply] [Original]

What job lets you guys find the time to read and shitpost so prolifically.

>> No.16082046
File: 166 KB, 404x561, zoomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, you don't know what we do anon? lmaooooo

>> No.16082052
File: 392 KB, 652x562, zooooooomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looool look at this booms.

>> No.16082056


>> No.16082061

>implying /lit/ is employed

>> No.16082067

I don't do anything :^)
I read.

>> No.16082069
File: 98 KB, 1152x922, 1596773967382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Family money

>> No.16082073

Forklift driver in a factory.

>> No.16082076

Entropy management.

>> No.16082095

i'm a concrete finisher when i'm not idle. currently i'm idle.

>> No.16082098
File: 1.68 MB, 1750x1782, 1582719918225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ad-man/PR/director of communications at a forbes 500.

if you live in the US, you look at images i've made daily.

>> No.16082110

Are the people that do the pour called concrete fluffers?

>> No.16082119

i've never heard that said.

>> No.16082139

army for 7 years, now cruising through college on GI bill

>> No.16082158

Make it a thing.

>> No.16082163

I've always wanted to ride on a power trowel. It looks like fun
t. commercial carpenter

>> No.16082175

Financial data analyst. I’m working from home now and I have no work to do whatsoever anymore.

>> No.16082181

I am a Rothschild.

>> No.16082197

I write and edit government publications.

>> No.16082225

So lots of audiobooks

>> No.16082227

software developer

>> No.16082232

System administration or IT. Tons of downtime, too much usually

>> No.16082233

this isnt happening currently but within 2 months it will be.
i will be on a classics course at uni.
i will be working, i think at a supermarket wearhouse that is 20 minutes walking from me , once a week.

>> No.16082250

in theory i go to uni and study mechanical engineering but i neglect my studies and do gardening work since i really like it even though i get almost nothing from it

>> No.16082255

Communications specialist for a large school district. I get my weekends off and five weeks of vacation built into my schedule, plus one week to use whenever I want.

>> No.16082304

Sheet metal fabricator

>> No.16082321

Switch your major to botany before it is too late.

People should have to wait until they are 25 to enroll in college.

>> No.16082329

people used to go to university when they were 14.

>> No.16082337

I work as a pharmacy technician in a fairly low-maintenance hospital. It’s a very cushy job, but occasionally I have to bust my ass.

I’m studying to become a software engineer, though. This job is nice, but it doesn’t pay shit.

>> No.16082340

Yeah when you could do pretty much every liberal profession just by studying Jeebus a little bit, things don't work like that anymore.

>> No.16082350

And some still do, but those are and were the few. The masses need some time to learn what life is and undo the brainwashing they recieved in the impressionable youth.

>> No.16082355

jesus christ isnt involved in it.

>> No.16082375

Not directly, but that cult built up around him certainly is.

>> No.16082385

what are you actually on about?

>> No.16082388

Civil Engineer/Environmental Scientist.

Work pays well and I get weekends.

>> No.16082423

More like we should just stop being lured into worthless shit by boomers who want to profit off us

>> No.16082439

A great number of the followers of christ have more in common with a cult than a religion, they lack the ability to differientiate between belief and reality.

Stop blaming the boomers, no better than saying that whitey is keeping me down.

>> No.16082463

i never mentioned christ once.
all i said was "classics".

>> No.16082473

>Stop blaming the boomers, no better than saying that whitey is keeping me down.
Except one group is adults and the other is actual children.

>> No.16082490

hey, you guys seeing a freeze in new and ongoing projects in your respective areas? just curious

>> No.16082520

No, All you said was 'cult'

there are three generations since the boomers, they are not all children and the boomer monopoly has not existed since the 90s. Grow up. Gen X did get fucked over by the boomers, there just was not enough of them to do anything, millennials and Zoomers have no excuse there.

Reality is, gen X gave up because there was no point, millennials and zoomers don't really care, just want people to think they care, We will not have actual leaders until the next generation grows up.

>> No.16082558

I won the lottery then bought enough stocks from small but succeeding businesses to leech off comfortably.

>> No.16082703

Yes. And if you're not familiar with construction, we get hit 7-8 months after the worst has come for everyone else. I'm currently setting up a plan B, as shit could hit the fan within the next year for me.
I was lucky enough to be with a company that had 2 hospital contracts during the lockdown, so I was able to keep busy because the hospital needed us to hurry to have a place to put patients. However, after those two projects were completed, there has been a trickle of work. Half our workforce has been laid off, and those who are still on are struggling to get 40 hour weeks. Luckily we have some T&M contracts we don't mind taking advantage of. That being said, I haven't had a 40 hour week in months. All major contracts got postponed indefinitely, and while sidework is booming (everybody wants their house worked on or a new deck) the Mexicans undercut labor costs like nobody's business.
I'm in the capital city of a midwest town. So I can't imagine how smaller areas are handling it.
How are the projects in your area?

>> No.16082733

>there are three generations since the boomers, they are not all children and the boomer monopoly has not existed since the 90s. Grow up. Gen X did get fucked over by the boomers, there just was not enough of them to do anything, millennials and Zoomers have no excuse there.
>Reality is, gen X gave up because there was no point, millennials and zoomers don't really care, just want people to think they care, We will not have actual leaders until the next generation grows up.
The people working in universities are overwhelmingly boomers first of all. Second, they are the ones pushing people into garbage programs for obscene amounts of money. The irony is that you’re telling me to grow up while you’re advocating that people stay in school until they’re 29 years old which is fucking retarded. We don’t need to wait until they’re 25. We just need to stop dangling sweets in front of the faces of children and then telling them it’s their fucking problem when they’re nice and fat. Not wait until they’re 25 to feed them ffs.

>> No.16082781

Rocket Scientist
Pays well + I basically have half the day to fuck around

>> No.16082806

The number of people who go and get degrees and end up working jobs that require degrees just keeps going up. Huge number of them would just never go to college if they waited a few years and would be free of that debt/the tax payer would be free of that bill. People need to grow up before they decide what they are going to do with their lives, not after.

>> No.16082816

You need to go back

>> No.16082826

capital city of a midwest state* goddamn it.

>> No.16082829

Just because some followers of christ are true in their beliefs does not mean that all followers of christ are.

>> No.16082837

go back where?

>> No.16082865

Any office desk job allows you to shitpost

>> No.16082882

36k a year in the midwest. enough to buy a house

>> No.16082890

I’m entry level on adops
Shit’s fun, I mostly solve problems on stuff that sales offers the client but don’t know how to actually implement. It takes like 40% of my office work hours. All my free time is used to read stuff and research for new things about digital media.

>> No.16082971

>People need to grow up before they decide what they are going to do with their lives, not after.
Your flawed thinking is that they need to decide what they are going to do with their lives in college. They need an education and skills. The degree doesn’t matter. There’s no benefit to putting it off until 25 besides hoping that they’ll pick a better major, which as someone who actually works in the higher education system I can promise you they won’t. Even if they did it would significantly devalue that major. The solution is to stop luring kids into basket weaving with a $60k price rag not to wait until they’re 25 to lure them. That’s a waste of time and economic productivity that they could’ve spent in high skill education/employment .

>> No.16082994

fuck no i want to make money. i hate STEAM but i'm intelligent enough so i do it. If gardening would be profitable i would do it but fuck thos shit, i'm not doing more work for 1/5 of payment.

>> No.16083014

Yes, you are right, people should rack up huge amount of personal and public debt which they do not use.

If you are good enough you can make a great deal playing with plants, as with most things. STEM is low hanging fruit, you do not need to be among the best to make moeny, you just need to not be among the worst.

>> No.16083026

Forgot to say, I know you can do it anon, you can dedicate yourself, make some amazing gardens and live well as you do it.

>> No.16083042

Post one no balls

>> No.16083053

thanks for the encouragement bros, but no, i can't love off of gardening, too much work and not enoigh payment. i will still do it as a hobby but i want to earn good mpney for my me and my family to live a good life. It's a shame because after years of searchin i found my passion and it's not really sustainable at all

>> No.16083061

About to finish college. What are some good jobs I should try to get?

>> No.16083140

Point proven, does not even bother to mention what his degree is in.

Just take what you can get and work from there like everyone who did not go to college.

>> No.16083197


>> No.16083261

Go to grad school. Law, intelligence studies, library science and business all require strong research and interpretation skills, which are your top skills as a history major.

>> No.16083265

>Yes, you are right, people should rack up huge amount of personal and public debt which they do not use.
No they shouldn’t. That’s exactly my point. Nobody should be lured into shit programs for $40k. That’s what I’m saying.

>> No.16083279

Damn gonna take all my parents money huh

>> No.16083291

I am not the JIDF and I'm totally not in Tel Aviv right now

>> No.16083311

i'm a professional NEET

>> No.16083339

Look for assistantships. If you don't want to teach undergrads and you like sports, look into sports information assistantships. That's what I did, and practically every athletics department has one.

>> No.16083396

'Research assistant' in an academic institute.

I literally do nothing but occasional semi-tasks for boomers (I mean actual REAL baby boomers) who are too lazy and retarded to scan a few pages from a book, update their computer or manage their personnel. They sit safe and cozy in their bubble and I hate myself for being part of this, but I'm taking the advantage and use the time to finish my retarded PhD thesis + the book script I'm working on. I'll leave this societal travesty the moment I hand it in and then I'll probably switch to some kind of manual labor like cleaning.

>> No.16083431

These guys gave you some great advice
If I learned anything, it's better to make less money and do something you enjoy. There is NOTHING better in life than making a living with something you actually love. If you are passionate, you can create your own business like garden planning and maintenance or some shit. You'll have your own employees and get to develop something your children can inherit and run into the ground before your dying eyes.

>> No.16083583

Data scientist, the pay is solid and most general business people/management has no idea what really goes into a machine learnimg model so I can pretty much set my own deadlines