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/lit/ - Literature

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16081909 No.16081909[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>had a lazy week at work last week
>this week was more busy
>had a few fairly kino evening walks, but never quite matching the best ones
>finish working yesterday afternoon
>browse internet, go to gym, play vidya a little bit
>sleep, wake up this morning at 9 am
>lie in bed for another hour, while sometimes browsing internet
>read book on my phone while drinking coffee
>try starting another book and realise I like almost nothing (made a long /lit/ topic about that)
>ate food
>went to store to buy binge food
>ate Netflix and Chill flavoured Ben and Jerry's
>browsed internet a little more
>went for a long walk
>listened to Cum Town and a podcast with Richard Spencer
>somehow found an open public toilet, had a shit, felt renewed
>still walking
>will go jogging later today, then either vidya or internet while drinking Coke zero

Whenever I see a lightly dressed girl today, my immediate thought is "Is coffee good for you??!!!!?"

I've unironically seen a male out with two females multiple times today. The 80/20 rule is no longer just an online or invisible irl rule.

I went two or three days without junk food and my weight literally went down by almost 2 kg. I know it's water weight but still.

I haven't had fast food for months.

I hope I can be non-fat during summer next year. I was daydreaming about being 20 kg thinner and then walking all day and then binging on fast food at the end of the day.

The vidya I'm playing right now is so grindy. It's just a timesink for losers. Other people code vidya in their spare times, losers like me play them. I haven't even contemplated ever having any type of social life in the past year or something, so maybe I can finally channel the loserdom in to productive activity.

>> No.16081945

You will make it eventually bro. Check out /fit/

>> No.16081947
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We are all Londonfrog

>> No.16081948

>I hope I can be non-fat during summer next year.
Good to see you setting goals, LF. Thanks for the update. Which game are you playing? I've almost finished Dragon Age Inquisition and copped Dark Corners of the Earth for 1.5 euros on a sale.

>> No.16081949

>mfw when feet too crooked to have an evening walk without people staring.
>a car slowed down behind me, then speeded up when i looked back (probably wondering if i was on drugs).

atleast we have literature, anon.

>> No.16081974
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Buy Chainlink if you haven’t already LF

>> No.16081982

That's unfortunate, I'm sorry anon

>> No.16082065
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>Daydreaming about fast food
That's because you haven't remained consistently (major key word) disciplined long enough to quench the obsession. Count your calories, track your protein, hit the gym, and stop making excuses like a little bitch.

>> No.16082075

Also, stop thinking about food as an indulgent hobby and/or reward. It's fuel for your body and nothing more.

>> No.16082862
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I like you anon and I like your posts. Never quit.

>> No.16083057
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I often sense an underlying arrogance in LF's lamentations of inferiority. That he can grasp what is time well spent but by his own inferiority not practice what he preaches. Sure, coding a game is more cerebral and demanding and, in ways, more impressive but in the end both -- at the pedestrian level -- are staring at a screen and pushing keys for a few hours until you're sated; "Other people write books in their spare times, losers like me read them," would be a of wording the same allegory. As long as your time is spent consciously and deliberately, the time is spent conscientiously. I don't recall LF having any coding related ambitions (although he is known to jerk off more exact sciences and fields) so I think his complaint about how frivolously he spends his time in that regard stupid. Although I think what I and many of us like about LF's stories is that is about mediocrity in not just action but character: a lot of LF's insights are shallow and middling but it only adds to tragedy of him. Godspeed London Frog, try to remember that any moment can be enjoyed for its simplicity as much as it can be hated for its lack of complexity.

>> No.16083096
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>I haven't had fast food for months.
You had some last week you cunt

>> No.16083278

its probably my personal biggest issue because its pretty much the only thing in my life that gives me any feel good so its the only thing i look forward to

>> No.16083361

Anon, take slow progress. Incrementally add what you enjoy to your life. There are things that you have to strive for and have to avoid. E.g. try to get enough sleep each night, avoid technology right before bed, ritualize your sleep pattern (read something comfy before bed), if you can find a 'focus' like rock climbing or mma, or something else, that often opens new connections and gets you interested in swimming, better sleep, better diet, etc. Be careful of neurotic over-rationalization, and be careful of judging others, it will harm you badly. You can find love, and what's more you can fall in love with your friends again. All of the goals don't mean much if you hate yourself and the people around you. You have to open your mind to the idea that it doesn't matter that some dude has 2 girls with him out in public, and when you let go of this you may find the path to good action is open to you.

>> No.16083421

There's a story about Kierkegaard having this issue. He had tuberculosis that had crept into his spine I think and the kids in his area would laugh and called him the crab man or something. But he still did it, both he and Camus talk about walking being a remedy to many ills don't they?
If people think ill of you while you walk, that's something you have to get over, these people have their own things they are completely blind to in themselves, that others see as glaring as the sun. It's not great to have a crab walk, but when you speak to someone try and smile and laugh, and love the people around you, and it won't matter.

>> No.16084051

>fairly kino evening walks
>listened to Cum Town

>> No.16084297

Evening walks and Cum Town, what's so bad about that? Listening to Cum Town is a lot better than listening to any political pundit, which feels like 30% of the entertainment people consume right now.

>> No.16084368

Yea I believe you're right about Kierkegaard believing in the curative power of walks. Nietzsche actually felt similarly. He used to take long hikes I believe.

>> No.16084403

And what about the walk was kino? And yeah, listening to cumtown is pathetic, but judging from everything else you wrote probably not your biggest problem. I also think it’s interesting that you didn’t say how long the walk was which leads me to believe it was probably under a mile and a half, which is lame considering how much time you spent just dicking off
>try starting another book and realise I like almost nothing (made a long /lit/ topic about that)
There are better boards and probably websites for incel-angst blogposts

>> No.16085658

Yeah, been there, I get it. Your priority needs to be replacing the source of your satisfaction with something else. Something goal-oriented. It won't satisfy you at first, but you need to stick with it long enough until it does and becomes as habitual as your indulgence in junk food. Distract yourself with healthier obsessions and goals, and keep in mind that motivation is not a precursor to action, but the other way around.

>> No.16085733

Every time I see a London Frog post I hear an Old electronic voice says “Itsover” and a Super Mario 2 theme starts up

>> No.16085818

>The vidya I'm playing right now is so grindy. It's just a timesink for losers. Other people code vidya in their spare times, losers like me play them. I haven't even contemplated ever having any type of social life in the past year or something, so maybe I can finally channel the loserdom in to productive activity.

Making video games for tech-addicted zoomies is not going to make this any more of a world you'd want to live in.

>> No.16085832

unbelievably based

>> No.16086667

extremely based as always

>> No.16086689

go to /r9k/ you fucking faggot

>> No.16086693

i love you bro

>> No.16086821

>Also, stop thinking about food as an indulgent hobby and/or reward. It's fuel for your body and nothing more.
Come on man, you're rejecting thousands of years of culinary tradition, I understand not obsessing over food but just straight up thinking that food isn't something meant to be enjoyed at all is weird, unless you're going with the ascetic path.

>> No.16086828

It's a lesser pleasure.

>> No.16086849

is listening to Cum Town honestly that bad?

>> No.16086911

Fitter, happier
More productive
Not drinking too much
Regular exercise at the gym, three days a week
Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries
At ease
Eating well, no more microwave dinners and saturated fats
A patient, better driver
A safer car, baby smiling in back seat
Sleeping well, no bad dreams
No paranoia
Careful to all animals, never washing spiders down the plughole
Keep in contact with old friends, enjoy a drink now and then
Will frequently check credit at moral bank, hole in wall
Favours for favours, fond but not in love
Charity standing orders on sundays, ring-road supermarket
No killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants
Car wash, also on sundays
No longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows, nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate
Nothing so childish
At a better pace, slower and more calculated
No chance of escape
Now self-employed
Concerned, but powerless
An empowered and informed member of societ, pragmatism not idealism
Will not cry in public
Less chance of illness
Tires that grip in the wet, shot of baby strapped in backseat
A good memory
Still cries at a good film
Still kisses with saliva
No longer empty and frantic
Like a cat
Tied to a stick
That's driven into
Frozen winter shit, the ability to laugh at weakness
Calm, fitter, healthier and more productive
A pig in a cage on antibiotics

>> No.16086961

>ate Netflix

Good one.

>> No.16086997

>Londonfrog has already started making it
Feels good man

>> No.16087027
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>tfw no LF friend
Feels bad man

>> No.16087095

What is cum town about?