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/lit/ - Literature

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16080201 No.16080201 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good lesser known books to get started on the /fitlit/ path?

Avoid the obvious
>Bronze age mindset
>Ride the tiger
>Sun and steel

>> No.16080480

After you read those three, a book on lifting, Caesar's de bello galica

>> No.16080484

>Ride the Tiger

I am so tired of this meme. Why this gets recommended all over the place at all baffles me.
I adore Evola - I have every single one of his books that has been published into English - but this is a book dedicated largely to addressing existential philosophical questions. If I see one more person recommend Ride the Tiger to some jacked up /pol/nigger I will physically seethe.

>> No.16080491

The Greeks
The way of men
And it depends on what you are really trying to be /fit/ for

>> No.16080500

Yes, but not really
It's about both

>> No.16080508

Do you really think that several chapters devoted to addressing Nietzsche, Sartre and Heidegger are going to help somebody find the motivation to lift?

>> No.16080533

By explicit admission, he uses them only as an example

>> No.16080715

many of roth's protags are athletes and theres much about how their body effects their worldveiw. he seems to see this as predetermined though, i haven't yet come a across a character of his that starts out wea and gets strong.

>> No.16080746

Daily reminder that Mishima was a gay manlet

>> No.16080906
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>> No.16080909

thats why he represents both /fit/ and /lit/. try and keep up.