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16079188 No.16079188 [Reply] [Original]


avril/his actual mom did nothing wrong he's just a cunt

>> No.16079354

rent free

>> No.16079378

this is how i feel except now my adulthood is too hard too

>> No.16079429

Orins mom definitely did love him too much though

>> No.16079710

She hot

>> No.16079729

The footnote where Steeply interviews Marlon Bain is one of the best parts in the book.

>> No.16080956

Hal was a born performer, she fed into that to no end, she could only see grades and rankings. Hal never developed any passions or identity, he just jumped through the hoops held in front of him. This is what the whole VR5 section is about, Hal is realizing this and that the pot is the only thing in his life which is not performance, the only thing in his life which is not about external validation. Tennis may also fill the same role for him, but he can not seperate from the performance aspect and now he is being forced to make a choice between what is and what might be, his first real choice in life and he has no one he can turn to, he never learned how to do anything but jump through hoops and he is completely lost and without bearing for the first time. He needed his father to be who he was for Orin and Mario, a father, but Hal does not realize Himself was never a father to them, he was just performing, jumping through which ever hoop Orin or Mario held up for him. Himself can not do this with Hal since performing is all Hal is capable of as well, Himself blames Avril for this, he sees his own father in her. Hal and Himself need each other to hold up their respective hoops but this would be no different than lifting up the chain one is standing on, it is not possible. They are both mute figurants desperately trying to tell each other they are choking.

>> No.16080991
File: 42 KB, 481x406, ApuCantSleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'[...] who can seemingly do anything.'
like kill himself
i miss him, bros

>> No.16081173


DFW came to the conclusion with his therapist that his mum had been abused in childhood, possibly by her father, and this repressed trauma would come out in a number of nasty ways. DFW didn't speak for his mum for a number of years during IJ was being written and after being published. Because of the whole Avril thing.

I think he probably was too hard on his mum. And he definitely came to regret this. How he had treated her/Avril would become a torment to him. This is dealt with in his short story The Suffering Channel. He used his own trauma vis-à-vis his mum to sell books. Suffering sells

>> No.16082728

A bump just because this shit thread lasted a surprisingly long time and I am drunk and curious as to if any of it will lead anywhere interesting.

>> No.16082778

>Suffering sells
Experiences can create art.

>> No.16082845

Wasn't she fucking his brother?

>> No.16082866

Possibly, there is as much evidence supporting as denying. It is mostly spectacle to distract and has little to do with the themes of the novel.

>> No.16082878

>Wardine Be Cry
Such a hack he couldn't even ape ebonics properly. Embarassing.

>> No.16082891

It was not ebonics directly. It was a young an uneducated girl strung out on meth.

>> No.16082908

>muh drugs
Does DFW know how to write about anything other than that and addiction?

>> No.16082937

It's telling that a midwit like AOC counts Infinite Jest among her favorite books.

>> No.16082955

Most of his work is about other things.

I agree to a point, but she has gotten electected to federal office, what have you done?

inb4, i could get electected to federal office, I just don't want to.

>> No.16082965

Donald Trump also got elected to office, I'm sure you are a big fan of him and believe him to be wise on a great many subjects. A midwit is a midwit no matter what office they hold.

>> No.16082990

Great points. Do you really think I would defend AOC in anyway if I supported Trump? Is your brain that rotted by /pol/?

Truth is, I will not support anyone running under the support of the two parties. I fucking hate the two party system and will not support it in anyway.

>> No.16083027

I was pointing out the stupidity of you appealing to the authority of holding an elected office as some kind of gotcha response to me. Of course I knew you don't like Trump, but I apologize for not realizing how dumb of an ESL brainlet I was talking to. Based on the intellect of DFW fans on this board, I have to conclude Stephen King is a more intellectual author than the post modern hack known as "DFW."

>> No.16083035

And I was point out the fact that she has made a difference in the world, as has DFW. as to if I am happy about those changes, that is besides the point What have you done?

>> No.16083055

>she has made a difference in the world
A meaningless statement, so has Ted Bundy.

>> No.16083070

You have poor logic.

>> No.16083077

Anyone who thinks AOC is beneficially "making a difference in the world" has dangerously poor logic. You are probably non-white though, so in a way it makes logical sense for you to support her. Me, not so much.

>> No.16083115

Do you even know what water is?

>> No.16083117

I never said or suggested that she was making a good change.

Probably whiter than you. My pale ass is 100% nordic. The sun is my sworn enemy, it is 80F right now and I hate life because of it. I really need to get back above the artic circle.