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16078192 No.16078192 [Reply] [Original]

>Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree: and ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.
>And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
>Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Do Christians hate Muslims because they follow the Bible more than any other religion?

>> No.16078222

Muslims is what you get when you actually take Abrahamic bullshit seriously

>> No.16078285

>>Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree: and ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.
No strong relevance to the Islam. Although this quote is highly belligerent, it was meant solely to secure a homebasis for the Israelites. God is telling the Israelite people the destroy the polytheistic tribes that live in the Holy Land, in no way is it meant to destroy ALL the tribes that serve a different God.

>Do Christians hate Muslims because they follow the Bible more than any other religion?
If we can reduce Christian-Muslim hate to a mere following-of-the-bible, I would say that the hate Christians harbor for Muslims is more a fear coming from their own feminization due to Christ teachings. Every display of aggression is condemned by the Christian because of his own subjugation to the hippie-teachings of Christ. The average post-Christian secular European can barely arouse anger in himself without his upbringing inhibiting the living fuck out of it.

>> No.16078294


>> No.16078307

Christians don't like Muslims because they call Christians polytheists and they don't accept the divinity of Christ. that simple

>> No.16078309

>God is telling the Israelite people the destroy the polytheistic tribes that live in the Holy Land, in no way is it meant to destroy ALL the tribes that serve a different God.
It would if your holdings expanded or had to

>> No.16078312

They reject our God you dumbass.

>> No.16078315

Yahweh? Seems they don't

>> No.16078322

>It would if your holdings expanded or had to
God explicitly demarcated the area of the Holy Land, so it could never expand indefinitably. If I remember correct it is from the Sinai to the river Euphrates.

>> No.16078331

>chimping out and ruining yours and your family's lives for meager (and usually unsuccessful) worldly gain is masculine

>> No.16078334

Sorry, but what's the issue with killing a cheating wife?

>> No.16078344

Christ is the human incarnation of YHWH and they deny this

>> No.16078363

>>chimping out and ruining yours and your family's lives for meager (and usually unsuccessful) worldly gain is masculine
Well actually, chimping out and ruining everything is still an uninhibited display of physical aggression and thus more masculine compared to the inhibited emotions due to Christianity. I agree that it isn't the epitomy of masculinity, but it also isn't the rule for all Muslims, but rather for a very small percentage.

>> No.16078384

do christcucks are really this retarded

>> No.16078396

do are anon really this faggoted

>> No.16078402

>no u tier comeback
christcucks below 80iq confirmed

>> No.16078416

the weirdest thing about jihad johnny was how you couldn't quite tell if his production was so slick because he was a foreign asset or if he was just that good at using cheap consumer-grade software to produce his videos

>> No.16078813

>Insults people
>Expects intelligent relpy
The absolute state of goat fuckers

>> No.16078862
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>The average post-Christian secular European can barely arouse anger in himself without his upbringing inhibiting the living fuck out of it.

The Middle East is also inheriting this cuck-inhibition via globalization. ISIS and Islamic terrorism in general to an extent were formed out of nothing more than the CIA hijacking the reaction of hysterically demoralized and impoverished Muslims who saw no future for themselves but as poverty-stricken cucks in a psychologically subjugated society that imitates the Anglo's worship of women. Imagine American society jumping from 19th century puritan sexual dynamics straight to modern-day tinder, netflix and divorce sexual dynamics without any of the grooming-effect or moral dilution of the 20th century's Sexual Revolution and hippy-movement. The reaction would be similarly erratic as the reaction of Islamic terrorism. I think it would be worse actually because, if you look past the surface and examine the depths of both religions, Christianity is actually a much more "radical" religion at its core than Islam is. And you can observe this when you notice that, historically, Islamic reforms tended towards secularization while Christian reforms tended towards puritanism. It was only very recently that this was inverted.

>> No.16078965

>say something retarded
>expected to dont be called out
christcucks act like kikes sometimes

>> No.16079048

So they hate them because they tell the truth

>> No.16079063

Formerly Chuckville, Tennessee

>> No.16079072

Beware totalizing ideologies.

>> No.16079077

Heresy. Learn about the trinity.

>> No.16079100

"the trinity" is an doctrine imported from platonic thought that was only considered doctrine 300 years after the fact. It's not in the bible.

>> No.16079110

Are you seriously asserting without the CIA Muslims wouldn't resist American presence in Iraq? The Islamic state was a logical continuation of the organization created by Zarqawi who later brought it under AQ where it later became IS.

>> No.16079128

Jesus never claims to be Yahweh in the Bible, either.

>> No.16079130

I'm not that guy

>> No.16079183

A lot of these books where written when killing your neighbor and raping his women and sheep was the norm. Any religion or nation who didnt do all out war on everyone else tended to wiped out by it's neighbours. It's just that in today's more peaceful and co-operative societies, power hungry twats still use the same arguments to motivate retards, because it's in their interest. Most of us have grown out of it and realise what a load of bollocks it is, but there are always some who will base their decisions mindlessly on self serving authority figures and movements, regardless of the source.

>> No.16079201

>Most of us have grown out of it and realise what a load of bollocks it is

>> No.16079260

NATO just uh obliterates with starvation and air raids instead in order to benefit investments.