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File: 76 KB, 849x565, college-student8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1607819 No.1607819 [Reply] [Original]

Given the choice between a PRACTICAL and a LIBERAL education, always choose the PRACTICAL.

Practical: Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, Physics, Economics, Computer Science, Information Science, Pre-Med/Nursing

Liberal: Liberal Arts, Philosophy, Political "Science", Art, Literature, Humanities, African/Asian/American Studies, Pre-Law (what a joke), Communications, Theatre, Dance, Film, Criminology, Religion, "Peace" Studies, Languages International Affairs

Choose a college major that will get you a damn job.

Picture related, probably a dumb liberal arts major aching her head over a science textbook.

>> No.1607827

As a former English/philosophyfag, I agree. To anyone who has yet to decide a major, don't believe that "do what you love" crap. It doesn't pan out in the long term.

Were you trying to troll, dear?

>> No.1607838

>Make money or do something you enjoy

Hmmmm... Oh, right. I'll do what I enjoy, because I am not a greedy soulless faggot who sacrifices enjoyment for financial security.

>> No.1607845


Enjoy your false dichotomy.

>> No.1607844


>ride a bike to your minimum wage job

>live in a decrepit apartment eating half a cup of Ramen each day

>can't afford a new wardrobe

>no woman is interested in a manchild poorfag with a liberal arts degree

And all because you did what you loved. Derp.

>> No.1607850

I don't have to pay back my tuition fees if I earn below £15,000 when I leave university, so it's not all bad. I mean, I enjoy what I want to study, but I'm also -good- at what I want to study. Maybe there's hope?

>> No.1607851


False dichotomy or not, I agree with this anon.

>> No.1607852

Where's History you fucking faggot?

>> No.1607853

why would i spend the best years of my life doing something i didn't want to do

>> No.1607854


You think most of the scientists you see on PBS do that shit because they like it? No. They do it because it helped them learn something new and got them a job that didn't involve hauling piles of shit with a forklift.

They didn't do it because science was something they loved. Most of those people are horrible at math, yet they were able to trod through and get a damn job in the sciences.

>> No.1607856

Asexual. Don't care where I live if I can afford books. Fashion is unimportant, so long as what I wear is comfortable. Biking is good exercise. Not having money for food keeps you from getting fat. Work in a used book store, from which I can plenty of books cheap.

Living the dream.

>> No.1607858

Enjoying a course, loving life and doing/studying something you adore > lololol I make over 100K a year, u jelly?

>> No.1607859


Down with the rest of the useless "social sciences" and humanities

>> No.1607861



That's just what losers tell themselves when they're too ugly and annoying for any girls to even bother with them

>> No.1607867

u jelly that I'm not ruled by animalistic impulses and am free to pursue activities I enjoy and not waste my life trying to move from one momentary, fleeting pleasure to another.

>> No.1607875


No, I'm not jealous that you try to justify your roneriness and virginity because "lol i'm better than that." I feel sorry for social retards like you.

>> No.1607877


You make it sound so desirable. Sometimes I wish I could just wish away all these horrible feelings of loneliness and unrequited love, but that's just part of the package when you're being human.

>> No.1607876


Not really. I enjoy my "animalistic" impulses, rational or not.

>> No.1607874

being an engineer and being able to afford all books, CDs and movies I want in my freetime > what you said

also, no one forces me to read any shit I dont want to

>> No.1607881

not one drop of intelligent thought. as expected from sciduck trolls.

>> No.1607882


u dont understand

we are a tertium quid

>> No.1607895

Hehehe. Insults will not make me stop enjoying my life more than you ever will.
Enjoy your humanity. I know I do.

>> No.1607903

I do maths and I like it

>> No.1607908


Ok, you have a point there but I don't study literature, I study linguistics coupled with creative writing > literature with creative writing.

>> No.1607910
File: 36 KB, 302x403, nietzsche1864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is evolutionary anthropology/archeology practical or liberal?

>> No.1607916


Liberal. Which is a synonym for "bullshit."

>> No.1607920
File: 11 KB, 320x240, 1299110956739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1607921


I think you're just mad because of American's stark void of cultural heritage.

>> No.1607927

Or do what I do and take both. I can always snide against you.

>> No.1607933

"Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one." -Emperor Marcus Aurelius, Philosopher

>> No.1608223

I know three engineers, two civil and one mechanical. I also know someone with a master's in physics.

Civil engineer 1 - works at liquor store because he can't find a job
Civil engineer 2 - going back to school to defer loans because he can't find a job
Mechanical engineer - unemployed, talks to the university every once in awhile to help find a job, watches anime all day
Physics MA - looking to get a job teaching at a small town university because no one else is hiring. CERN is full up.

Comp Sci, chemistry and medicine are the only fields with any sort of guaranteed employment. Get it straight, OP.

>> No.1608363


>small town university

That's called a community college.

>> No.1608533


Fucking this. I know five engineers. Out of those five, two are unemployed, two are in school, and only one has an actual job.

The economy right now sucks for pretty much everyone except for people in the medical field. OP can get off his high horse.

>> No.1608537

Surely the UK is the perfect response to OP's post? New Labour's focus on drastically increasing University attendance has led to degrees being effectively meaningless, so only practical ones are of any use.

As a result, the UK is culturally and financially fucked.

>> No.1608545

>Choose a college major that will get you a damn job.

Why? I went to college, not vocational school.

>> No.1608547


This. One of our poetry lecturers has been made redundant whilst an engineering lecturer at my University still drives around in his Lamborghini.

>> No.1608551

>Astronomy, Physics, Economics

How the fuck are these practical?

You gonna get a job at the Physics factory that just opened up down town?

>> No.1608559
File: 27 KB, 395x524, haters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Love Psychology and History
>Make loads of dosh with books and career
>Love every second of it and never have to work a day again
umad that I have 300k a year with a low-stress job while you engi fags run around hoping to get 70k from motorola? yeah, umad

>> No.1608563


Exactly. If you go to /sci/ you will come across at least one person who's like, "lol liberal arts, I did Astrophysics and I'm on 125K a year".

IMO that's just down to sheer luck, not just a cool looking certificate placed in a nice looking frame.

>> No.1608569

She looks fine, though.

>> No.1608582

this is more true than ppl believe. i know some engineers who go back and get a MBA. In this case, they had no idea about how cuttroat some MBAs are. But they got through and found a half decent job in the end.

>> No.1608621

i want to dump on vocational education as much as the next guy, but the fact is, unless you are in an elite institution, higher education does not have the resources to provide both a real education and a career.

it's not so much that the vocational schools are ruining education. rather, the marketization has expanded the number of degrees handed out, and after this expansion and some degree of change in the original universities (http://www.amazon.com/Higher-Aims-Hired-Hands-Transformation/dp/069112020X)) themselves, higher education as a whole has changed as a whole.

i pretty much want to say that people who went to stupid vocational schools to learn job skills solely are getting shortchanged. it's not their fault, it is the failure of their schools to set standards because they have not enough resources or do not really care. the number of uppity sciducks is a failure of the education system at large. their attitude toward self growth is at a middle school "ur major sucks becus u poor" level.

yes, you may be fortunate enough to develop your various interests and still major in road paving. is it not unfortunate though, that you coudln't do both. and what about those who never had the opportunity to develop their own interests.

>> No.1608633

*couldn't do both as your education.

>> No.1608657

I guess I agree with OP if I had no plans to further my education. However, a lot of those liberal subjects mentioned are great as a foundation for more schooling. At least from my experience, I have known many philosophy and liberal arts majors to excel in law and business school. I also know a humanities major who went to grad school for archaeology and is now living quite well(and happily).

>> No.1608719

Mostly agree. I think there was a lot to be said, though, for the trade schools (at least in the UK) and for the vocationally based colleges. Either the number of universities will devalue the degrees (which has happened in some countries) and/or will produce people who are overly academic for what are largely practical roles, causing a need for a lot of retraining, without any added benefit of personal development.

>> No.1608736


It is about WHERE you get your engineering degree. I got my engineering degree from the #1 engineering school in the nation for the past 12 years (graduated last year), and I had 6 job offers - and I remember before the economy crashed when my frat brothers would post 10+ offers outside their rooms.

I chose a development engineering position at an orthopaedic company. I started the same week as two other young engineers. Both of the other young engineers (One from Cincinatti, other from Jersey) waited a WHOLE YEAR to get that job, that I was offered before I even left school.

So moral of the story: Don't be a faggot that thinks engineering taught at some party school is the same as engineering taught at an "engineering/science/math"-only school

>> No.1608762

The liberal education list is more valuable if you want to rule the fucking world.

>> No.1608768

we practical sciences students prefer to understand it

>> No.1608773


What school? Mines?

>> No.1608781

class stratification and wealth disparity at work

our technocracies will feature massive ghettos replete with crime and misery; society will be eaten from the inside by destabilizing class and racial tensions

engineers will rule a completely broken, self-destructive world

>> No.1610664

Mathematics is not on the list, but it should be with the Liberals. Maths is vastly about imagination and solving abstract problems on a purely theorical framework.

>> No.1610674

When interested in maths, study econometrics, that will get you a job.

>> No.1610681


Personally, i like pure maths, without any connection to the "real" world.

>> No.1610695

I thought astronomy was a useless degree with no job market.

How wrong am I?

>> No.1610700

Anyone who suddenly decides they're going to study engineering and make big bucks is bullshitting themselves and all the people who hear them talk about it and decide to do the exact. same. thing. Every time someone tells me they are majoring in something "practical," I laugh internally, because none of their grandiose projections will ever be fulfilled.

>> No.1612346
