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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 488 KB, 722x1209, 3C8ADE80-E128-49D6-A815-879BAC3242EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16078186 No.16078186 [Reply] [Original]

Post well dressed, elegant and stylish writers.

>> No.16078200

is this that faggot with the watch again

>> No.16078235

Hopefully covid kills you and your parents

>> No.16078271

Fucking subhuman trash go back to your shithole

>> No.16078898

t. Styleless incels
Ezra Pound

>> No.16078908
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>> No.16078913

Why is /lit/ is so vain nowadays?

>> No.16079023

Where to start with Montesquiou? Les Chauves-souris?

>> No.16079051
File: 1013 KB, 2136x3000, Montesquiou,_Robert_de_-_Boldini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These days? Read Baudelaire's stuff on Dandyism.

Basically every writer that isn't a neurotic working class person trying to psychically pull themselves into the aristocracy by acting as though money is worthless dresses well. (Well means good quality, not even necessarily new clothes.)

Your clothes should be as comfortable and familiar as your bedroom or study. They're a small extension of the boundaries between self and other, an imposition of your selfhood onto the surrounding world. They don't need to be unconventional, any more than you need to have unconventional body parts, but they must suit you.

>> No.16079065

I never knew /fa/ posters had the testosterone to raid other boards.

>> No.16079082

I'm not talking about the writers, I'm talking about /lit/. I very much doubt anyone in this board is close to aristocracy.

>> No.16079092

As I see it, a good reader is a failed critic, and a good critic is a failed writer. Call it the /lit/ spectrum

>> No.16079096

/fa/ posters have no taste, go back.
>dark academia to larp as an intellectual
>sleazecore on twink faggots
>99% of discussion is just tripfag drama
>designer converse

>> No.16079236

Speak for yourself, peasant!

>> No.16079256

Its sad because they understand the fashion basics and understand most of fashion is just how well can you pull it off but the anons on the board these days are retarded and do meme shit like sleezecore and don’t actually have a style just trying to copy everyone else to be with the cool kids

>> No.16079259

You seem cool,
any book recommendations?

>> No.16079267

Real style has been the same for 50-100 years now.

>> No.16079268


>> No.16079356

Nice, I had a fun time reading about this.

>> No.16079372
File: 817 KB, 1816x2354, Ezra Weston Loomis Pound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's /Lit/, /Fit/ and /Out/. The true and pure /Fa/ can tag along and the spiritual naivete of the best of /Pol/ can do the same.

Description of Pound shortly after arriving in London:
>he 'had trousers made of green billiard cloth, a pink coat, a blue shirt, a tie hand-painted by a Japanese friend and an immense sombrero.

>> No.16079374
File: 185 KB, 1440x907, Ezra Pound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And he remained stylish all his life.

>> No.16079384

>tfw bizfitlitfa

>> No.16079400
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/lit/ buckleyposter coming through

>> No.16079401

The best sweater in the world can't fix that face.

>> No.16079406

Give book recommendations friend

>> No.16079407
File: 129 KB, 944x1379, Max4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one surpasses the inimitable Max.

>> No.16079431
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As much as I like his writing it is hard to argue with that. As every /fa/ poster knows, clothing will not fix your face. Arguably all of fashion is a cope

>> No.16079449

Sun and Steel is pretty apropos