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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 388x333, Stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16075797 No.16075797[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16075804

he would've be dead from AIDS by now

>> No.16075818

If we're dealing in memes, he literally embodies the 30 y/o boomer. Doesn't care about ideas any more, embraces physical pleasure.

>> No.16075829

tops don't get aids

>> No.16075971
File: 42 KB, 564x448, 26e4618ce2546bfab54bf80ecd8c5435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope that isn't what you got out of reading his works anon.

>> No.16075987

Nah, he’d have made a milk empire

>> No.16076008
File: 322 KB, 750x936, ms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I think gender is a spook, how could you tell?

>> No.16076010

becoming a femboy is the ultimate expression of the ego taking its own

>> No.16076022
File: 27 KB, 480x480, 1596562033609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

femboys and trannies are very different, Anon

>> No.16076041

Incorrect. A transexual makes the feminine their property, while a femboy stops halfway.

>> No.16077010

A femboy makes both the masculine and the feminine their property

>> No.16077033

max stirner made some great literature and he'd be a king of shitposting and a massive femboy.
gender is a spook, more spooky then your dick when you see a femboy yourself

>> No.16077222

Gender isn't a spook. It doesn't refer to some platonic, hidden essence, it refers to a set of empirical aspects.

>> No.16077275

irremediably spooked trips poster

>> No.16077298

Again, you have no idea what that word means because you've never read Stirner. Lazy people like you are what lead people into believing they have refuted Stirner by saying "well, why not call everything a spook!", or "Isn't the idea of spook itself a spook?", which is completely fair as a criticism when your only relationship with his work is through people that don't know what it means and therefore use it everywhere.

>> No.16077349

Reading is a spook. Reality is a cope people use for not attempting things they really want to do.

>> No.16077353

can't meme either

>> No.16077362

you guys are retards

>> No.16077377


>> No.16077440

No, since you can use literature to increase your power in gaining property. Reading is a means.

>> No.16077457

what did stirner mean by 'property'?
have i made you my property?

>> No.16077471

He was horny

>> No.16077595
File: 36 KB, 384x500, 1596270869096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you guys are retards
You're the one that thinks gender isn't a spook

>> No.16077650

>embraces physical pleasure
tell me where in any of stirner works he says this

>> No.16077901

He would be AnCap.

>> No.16077923

No, he wouldn't. Stirner is not an anarchist. To call Stirner an anarchist would be as dumb a mistake as to call Nietzsche an anarchist. Stirner wants to appropriate civilization for his own ends, and is thus the complete opposite of an anarchist.

>> No.16077925

You have no idea what that word means. It is just a floating signifier to you.

>> No.16078003

It's just referring to a concept, that's why he has to specify that the unique is just a way to gesture at the whole of you that is not a concept.

>> No.16078133

>relationship with his work
I doubt you are capable of understanding a single complex thought. Reading the words is not the same as knowing them.

>> No.16078149

Your thought are floating signifiers, like the turds I just squeezed out of my butt into a toilet niqqa

>> No.16078210

And how does One appropriate civilization all Oneself?

The answer confirms that he is the anarchist suprême

>> No.16078221
File: 34 KB, 363x523, 75D21AEC-5457-4AEC-A8CA-20AB74D2CE15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16078225
File: 92 KB, 565x873, E773AD6D-2E82-4609-9529-CF9EB6576EFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sensible World is the only theater of pain

>> No.16078231
File: 8 KB, 211x238, D4E9B8A1-B486-4621-A245-24D218DD5510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Max approve of Rozz?

>> No.16078239

>And how does One appropriate civilization all Oneself?
Absolute monarchy--the logical end of anarchist society.

>> No.16078388
File: 89 KB, 411x411, DE18CD7D-3A18-4A88-98D2-5F1FD7862F16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven’t read it, I see.

Of Max Stirner was born 20 years ago, he’d have been a cat

>> No.16078599

>he said it in the book, it must be right!

>> No.16078646

That's retarded. Trannies are gross, femboys are hot.

>> No.16078797

He already was one:
>Outwardly of middle height, Max Stimer was a slim, almost lean man, inconspicuous in every way. Simply dressed, but always with great care and cleanliness, his compact appearance was thoroughly that of a man without any outward pretension. If here and there he was declared to be a dandy, then it may be recalled that many already held every orderly, however simply dressed man to be a fop, which Stimer quite certainly was not. Rather, he had something of the upper school teacher about him, "a teacher of the best kind for upper school girls," and this impression was further strengthened by his silvery glasses. As a teacher at Mme. Gropius's he is said to have worn "thin steel glasses with small lenses" that, when he took them off something he often did-showed the strong indentation they made over his nose.

>He never appeared neglected, even if in later years, when need and loneliness beset him, he may not have given his outward appear ance its old exactness. He wore short blond sideburns and mustache, while his chin was always clean-shaven, and his blond, reddish, lightly curled and short cut, soft hair left completely free his massive, domed, quite strikingly high and conspicuous forehead. Behind the glasses his clear, blue eyes looked at people and things calmly and gently, neither dreamily nor staring. Around the fine, small-lipped mouth often played a friendly smile, which with the years sharpened and which betrayed an inner irony, just as many no ticed in Stirner a "quiet inclination to ridicule." This trait, attributed by others to bitterness, had certainly not yet gripped him in the years in which he appears to us here, nor had ever been used to wound any one. His nose was moderately large, strong, ending in a point; his chin was bold. Stirner's hands were especially handsome: white, well cared for, slim, "aristocratic" hands. In short he gave a thoroughly pleasant impression. He appeared self-confident and calm, without hasty and jerky movements-with a light trace of pedantry.

>> No.16080350


>> No.16080372

>He coined the term Union of Egoists
>he must have meant monarchy
>The book is mine now!

>> No.16080373

I just saw this in the bookstore today, it’s one of 300, should I buy it?

>> No.16080377

What translation?

>> No.16080379
File: 23 KB, 333x400, 4527E028-5EA2-48D0-B904-6E6411D457C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture

>> No.16080389

>dat meme pic

>> No.16080394

I’ll get on it tomorrow

>> No.16080395

Weird. Is this in German than?

>> No.16080399

desu most of the stuff is probably online, did you happen to check the content?

>> No.16080409

Yes, that’s why I didn’t get it, because I don’t speak German, but I might get it and give it away on /lit/ or something, dunno

>> No.16080425
File: 726 KB, 1280x3600, 4A3FCFE2-91D3-434D-94E5-5B35B1F18A8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well don’t get it if you can’t read it.
I was gonna make a joke and say all you have to do it take it and it’s yours

>> No.16080524

u haven't posted substance about a single book since feminister trciked u

>> No.16080815

Kill yourself trann

>> No.16081194

>clean and cute
low bar

>> No.16081207

>Implying the satirical alter ego pseudonym known as "Max Stirner" was ever born

>> No.16081439

If he was born today he wouldn't have written a word because the modern world is tailored exactly to him and he wouldn't have a single critique to make.