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16075741 No.16075741[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is real American conservatism?

>> No.16075769
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Preserving the legacy of Jesus Christ

>> No.16075781

Desperately trying to appease the masses while failing to actually conserve anything.

>> No.16075800

That's a contradiction in terms, since you rejected your race in 1776 and have been cucking ever since. Only unedcuated frontier people and Southerners allowed the US to expand; if you'd left it to the Un-English citizens of the world, they'd have been kneeling to Indians and kissing their feet. Your fate was finally sealed after the Civil War, and from there only the emptiness of the North American continent protected you.

>> No.16075820

you could go for the underlying principle of trying to conserve tomething intimately your own from the waves of change. weither it be morals, ideals, or something like your own property or material interests. trying to find a sense of america or being not just one of progress or change. not that the later cannot exist with the former, given japan for instance, but there is a fear that the later is searched for by abandoning and admonishing the former.

>> No.16075849

The top three. Not the bottom if the two.

>> No.16075873
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>> No.16075880

>"real" conservatism
conservatism is by definition an ideology based on manufactured consent in favor of the ruling class retard.
It always was about sucking Bezo off.

>> No.16075894

Real American Conservativism is taking money from a Jew merchant to burn down an Anglo tax collector's house because he hiked the molasses rate by 0.03%.

>> No.16075913

Why is staunch leftist Tulsi Gabbard in your 'conservatism' pic?

>> No.16075929

Small government, Protestant ethics, white supremacy, American exceptionalism, anti-immigration, hyper-individualism. I could never figure out in terms of foreign policy if they’re isolationists or war hawks.

>> No.16075952


>Taking Chomsky seriously when it comes to politics

The man said Venezuela was going to be paradise. Let that sink in. Maybe there is more to be said for conservatism than you might think.
Imagine calling someone a retard when you base your political views on one book by a hack.

>> No.16075990

>how is conservatism used in American circles
Liberalism, basically. I don't mean American liberalism but rather Euro liberalism. America was built on liberal views, so conservatism is kind of impossible (it's just people choosing an older liberalism over a newer one).
>what would conservative be like if transplanted into America
Centrism/centre-leftism on economic issues and right-wing views on social issues. Mainly trying to get back to a union society in which people work for one or two people for their entire lives. Also very right-wing social views; even the right-wing in America is liberal due to their idolization of the founders' enlightenment views.

>> No.16075993

>conservatism is by definition an ideology based on manufactured consent in favor of the ruling class retard.
..no it isnt? that’s extrapolated conjecture that you may think is reasonable. conservatism, funnil enough is by definition a position that wants to be conservative on some points of politics.
there i actually said what it means by definition, not what you INTERPRET conservatism to mean you poof.

>> No.16075995

Catholic monarchy

>> No.16076003


He's just parroting things he doesn't understand. Don't be too mad.

>> No.16076013

You mean Protestant, right?

>> No.16076031


Dont make me laugh. How could you have a protestant monarchy when interpretation of the bible is open?

>> No.16076077

I agree with that. I therefore don’t think Catholic Monarchy is a valid description for American conservatism in any way. Protestant individualism is arguably the most essential trait of conservative America.

>> No.16076108

Hoppean monarchy

>> No.16076135


That is why it will fail. Let it be usurped by the Catholic Empire

>> No.16076159

extremely based

>> No.16076271

Conservatism hasn't been a coherent ideology since the French Revolution. Contemporary Amerimutt Conservatism is just protecting the economic interests of boomers and multinational corporations while holding social values to the Left of Obama from 2007.

>> No.16076311
File: 119 KB, 1242x1241, E77CD885-33F4-418B-8CAF-B42919B87FD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The supposition of the conservatives in this meme is correct for Americans because the United States was founded on Masonic liberalism. American conservatism is inherently liberal because that is the only ideology they have to conserve

>> No.16077714

shilling for Skull and Bones Buckley

kek. Pat Buchanan is real American conservatism.

>> No.16077767


>> No.16077881

Progressivism is the real American spirit. Puritanism, Protestantism, Quakerism, Democracy etc. were all seen as progressive movements in their day. These are the ideas the US was founded on. Buckley embodies the spirit of “real American conservatism” but the conservative movement is merely a strange small outcropping from progressivism, and mostly acts as controlled opposition.

>> No.16077913

it's a political movement which has liberalism as a tradition
embrace tranny

>> No.16077916

conservatism wasn't a thing before the french revolution

>> No.16077952

i dont know who anyone in that picture is

God save the Queen

>> No.16078381

lmao are you trying to imply that william F buckley is more based than trump or tucker carlson


>> No.16078865

War hawks aren't conservative, unless you think having the tropes defend the board is being hawkish.

>> No.16078873

* border

>> No.16078876

Jacques Barzun

>> No.16079536

Conserving the gains of Leftists. I refuse to use the term "progressive" because that would associate those who are commonly referred to as "Progressives" with progress.

>> No.16079551

There is no such thing. America is fundamentally a Liberal country, and has never had a Conservative tradition. An American Conservative would have been a Loyalist during the American Revolution. So, I guess pre-Trudeau (daddy) Canada.

>> No.16079937
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What’s american conservatism? In an ideal world it’s dead. Conservatism is an existential threat to the white americans that it supposedly represents.

Hopefully Trump loses in November, and whites will return to feeling a steadily increasing alienation from the neoliberal kike order. Down with Trump, he’s a racial soporific that’s deadening the survival instinct of our people. Vote Biden. Pray to your god that Biden wins.

Having Trump in office makes it impossible for normies to see the government as the genocidal threat that it really is.

>> No.16080003
File: 46 KB, 326x500, 66715E26-B526-4D52-8AE7-B5F94D17987B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the conservative movement... mostly acts as controlled opposition.

Correct. It’s all a bait and switch. Perpetrated against us on a mass scale. Hopefully it collapses soon.

>> No.16080457

American conservatism is a complete contradiction in terms. It never has existed and never will exist. American conservatism is driven by two violently radical ideas. The first on is Christianity, which believes that God truly came down to earth in human form, spoke to is, and that we must order the whole of society according to his eternal laws. This is a highly utopian program, that obliterates any individual desires in favor for the flawless and eternal doctrines of the one true God. The second idea is even more violently revolutionary, and is free market capitalism. Free market capitalism not only isn’t conservative, and thus has no respect for the age of any idea or tradition, it’s is actually violently progressive in the most totalitarian way imaginable. New ideas aren’t just preferred over the old in free market capitalism, the are required to utterly destroy the old in favor of the new. Thus, American conservatism isn’t conservative at all, but a violent and radical permanent revolution, that consumes its enemies and even its followers

>> No.16080577

ice cold take. The founders had masonic ties but the true conservatism of the people is built on their own rugged individualist, traditional lifestyles in the frontiers. They are trying to conserve that spirit, not liberalism.

>> No.16080606

>Thus, American conservatism isn’t conservative at all, but a violent and radical permanent revolution, that consumes its enemies and even its followers

You're thinking of the technological system -- especially corporatism that tries its best to appeal to all to engulf all ideology for profit.