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16075638 No.16075638 [Reply] [Original]

My grasp on even basic economics is tentative at best and I'd really like to correct this. I've had this book recommended to me but I'm afraid it'll be too blatantly biased towards a specific kind of economic approach. Do any of you have any recommendations?

>> No.16075671

Textbooks are retarded

>> No.16075677

Read it and then read something else that is blatantly biased in the opposite direction.

Actually, no, that would require you to think, a tiring and painful task. Why not instead choose a political ideology to adhere to that will make your peers happy, and then read any economics book that supports that ideology? No more questions, no more thinking, a smooth ride all the way into your grave.

>> No.16075784

Just fucking read it, and if it comes off as too biased when you're done, read something else.

Just admit you don't read and are just procrastinating with another shit tweet thread

>> No.16075803

Yeah that book is dumbed down nonsense. Economics is mostly all up for debate. Read the Wealth of Nations to understand the point of the field and what it's tried to study. Then read Keynes General Theory to understand what's currently being debated. Yes you have to read the original texts, as every popular secondary source polemically mangles it to the point of incoherency.

>> No.16075852
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I read it. It's pretty biased in favor of the free market, laissez faire, etc. Then I read The Affluent Society. Just start with The Wealth of Nations and then read the works of the important economists in chronological order (as in, don't read the Austrians before David Ricardo).

>> No.16075959
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Mate, it's about elementary method. If you abandon this one for a substitute, you'll still get an exposition on a method. Get it out of your head that "biases" are to be avoided. Just read it, ignore whatever normative claims you don't care for (it's about econ, not ethics), and evaluate his seen-and-unseen method for yourself.

>> No.16076194

economics in one lesson is literally readable in a single day, even if you don’t regularly open a book. Just get it fucking over with, the book is literally as simple as Econ will ever get

>> No.16077230

If you don't want to be a commit crimethink just don't read economics. Even keynesians and neoclassicals face backlash.

>> No.16077252

Just read the Mankiw Econ textbook always recommended in these threads. We both know you’re not going to read 250 years of economic theory from Smith onwards. We also both know you’re not going to get a good, unbiased grasp of anything reading some flavor of the month NYT Non-fiction bestseller sold for, and lauded by Liberal Arts majors

>> No.16077371

>Economics In One Lesson
After I read that book, I made a vow to never look into economics ever again.

>> No.16078026

not this