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/lit/ - Literature

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16071391 No.16071391 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or did the userbase of this board shift overnight? Why does it feel like 100% of the threads and replies here are lacking in substance?

>> No.16071423

People are stuck inside, many with more free time than they've had since childhood. Some may be tourists, but many may be genuinely attempting to branch out into a new interest.

>> No.16071435
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Link some examples, senpai

>> No.16071453

Yes but why were things okay for a while, no real thanks to our shitty mods, but suddenly lit got 300% more reddit?

>> No.16071463

Nice thread, faggot. Very substantial.

>> No.16071480
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Posting rate doubled in march due to the wuflu. /lit/ has been straggling for the last few years, but corona finally killed it. I, for one, am glad to be free.

>> No.16071489
File: 599 KB, 1242x1386, Screenshot 2020-08-05 at 19.52.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gudo posuto

>> No.16071515
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I'm pretty proud of that post, desu

>> No.16071528
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All you had to do was peek at the catalog

>> No.16071552
File: 150 KB, 600x450, zs33847549771_dbcc4291e8_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw one of these is me
I honestly did it just to see if I'd get banned, I was in a shitposting mood early this morn.

>> No.16071581

Quarantine is an eternal summer plus discord trannies

>> No.16071723

Anon, 4chan stays shit until around 10pm eastern time. It gets worse at about 8am the next day. This place is filled with people trying to fit in.

>> No.16071912

>tfw you are italian, the outbreak has been dealt with and the lockdown is over
I miss it so damn much. I don't even work, I just liked always having an excuse for not being around friends and relatives.
Also the city I live in was pretty much desert. Walking around was great, it was like having the whole city for myself

I know that it is selfish, but I kinda hope it'll come back in October

>> No.16072014

same problems as always

>> No.16072019

I’m from reddit, thought I’d check this place out! :)

>> No.16072023

Fuck your, OP. One of those is my thread. You lack substance, you pretentious fuck.

>> No.16072027

Covid-19 boost. /lit/ has more users than ever before because so many are stuck inside and *gasp* considering the possibility of reading a book--something they probably haven't done since middle school, and even then, only lied about doing. On top of that, I'd wager that the presidential election probably has something to do with it as well. /pol/kiddies coming over here to discuss their garbage /pol/ack books. Their Ride the Tiger, and their Art of the Deal, etc. I am curious about why there has been an influx of Nietzsche posting lately though, and I wonder if the /pol/tards have something to do with that.

>> No.16072075

Little Miss Sunshine has been playing on FX everyday this summer and people want to talk about Nietzsche.

>> No.16072079

We're actually lucky cause jaime and her friends are here. They're the smartest people of all and belong on a literature board.

>> No.16072090

Literally I wake up everyday and I am like "damn, jaime and mendicino are the smartest people I even know. They're like Plato, Newton, Zizek and George Washington rolled into one. Where would I even be without them?"

>> No.16072106

Don't think I've ever seen a frogposter make a high effort post in this board since 2011.

>> No.16072144

>Their Ride the Tiger
/pol/ people don't read Evola, they only like him because of the "superfascist" meme.

>> No.16072221

Me too fren

>> No.16072277

I'm busy actually reading for once my dude, so should you.

>> No.16073878
File: 69 KB, 720x695, 2006_Will_Never_Come_Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because of frogposters like you