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1607029 No.1607029 [Reply] [Original]

Bonus if you actually post a picture of yourself when you were twelve.

I mostly stuck to R. L. Stine and Animorphs, but I remember reading stuff by Shel Silverstein over and over too.

>> No.1607032
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life is good.

>> No.1607034
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>> No.1607040
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Bernard Cornwell's 'Sharpe' series and other historical dramatisations set during the Napoleonic Wars. I read Candide just before I went all hormonal (presuming puberty began on the very day of my thirteenth birthday).

>> No.1607045

All of the science fiction and fantasy. All of it.

Particularly props to Redwall, Harry Potter, Lloyd Alexander, Susan Cooper, and John Bellairs. Also had read LotR by that point, as well as Shannara, and I believe I'd started on WoT. Lots of Star Trek novels as well, and whatever sci-fi I found interesting. And tons of comics. Ahhhhh, happy days, happy days.

>> No.1607048
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Black and Blue Magic
The Velvet Room
The Mad Scientists Club
Black Like Me
Coffee Tea or Me
Henry Huggins books

>> No.1607049

Comic Books
The Hardy Boys
The Hatchet
Michael Crichton stuff
Harry Potter?

>> No.1607055
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'Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code' had just been released. So enjoyable.

>> No.1607058

How to deal with being molested by your "uncle" chuck.

>> No.1607060

Animal Farm
and Star Wars short Stories

>> No.1607070

When I was 13, I read Vonnegut.
My dad bought me Cat's Cradle for my 13th birthday.
Jealous, plebes?

>> No.1607076

Does your last name happen to be Fulham?

>> No.1607081

nothing, i was making love with my boy-lover boyfriend :3

>> No.1607082
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I was a two-year Harry Potter fan. I mostly stuck to the "young adult" section in the library with stuff like Christopher Pike, R. L. Stine's Fear Street series, Lois Duncan, Diane Hoh, the Sweet Valley High series, and Babysitter's Club. Plenty of random stuff I won't remember until someone says something. Our library had a 20 limit checkout, I'd check out the max and then be back three days later. I probably should have started reading more adult stuff but I figured it would all be boring and I wouldn't understand it. The only real "novel" I read at this point was Jurassic Park, and since it gave me nightmares for years it's probably a good thing I didn't read anything more adult....

Can't find any pics of me at twelve so here's me at seven. Mom says I was reading to my little brother and got mad because there was a typo lol. Also, dat Rugrats jumper. I was a Rugrats fan even after puberty. Yeah, I definitely wasn't mature enough to read past what I did lol

>> No.1607085

Also, I read Steinbeck when I was 13, so cool it.

>> No.1607086


>> No.1607088


i could tell vonnegut was trash by the time i was 12, what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.1607091
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Obviously the movie poster in the pic but yeah.

>> No.1607093

I only said Vonnegut because he happened to be on the front page.

>> No.1607095

12 was the year I had to do shit tons of book assignments for school. The Artificial Man, The Giver, The Great Escape and some faggy book about a kid who runs away from home and lives in the woods and becomes a furry.

And I think one of my friends tried to get me to read the 7th Guardians of Garhoole book.

>> No.1607096

I read a lot of Jules Verne and HG Wells. Also, I was just starting to read Salvatore's Drizzt series, Lord of the Rings, and the Wheel of Time. Some Star Wars fiction, as well.

>> No.1607098


>hasnt read vonnegut
he gets posted on here almost every day, taste is subjective, 12 isnt the best age to dismiss things completely, etc.
not even the guy youre responding to but i mad bro.

>> No.1607102

well this thread went to shit in record time...

>> No.1607105
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>top picture
>girl Charlie

>> No.1607107

i dismissed reading vonnegut around the same age i dismissed eating things out of the garbage. i know we should all review our garbage-eating policies when we hit 21, but i guess i had better things to do.

>> No.1607113

i'm twelve years old i'm not reading shit, i'm too busy being awesome all day, playing outside or whatever.

>> No.1607109

HAHAH yeah my mother was big on turtlenecks, I HATED them though....

Just remembered, I read The Time Machine by H.G. Wells thanks to Grandma around this time and loved it. It would be another seven or eight years before I read anything else by him though.

>> No.1607117


"At 12 I was already reading and appreciating Paradise Lost and poetry by Byron, Yates and Keats *tokes on pipe*"

>> No.1607118

I loved R.L Stine, Stephen King, Redwall, Lois Duncan, Animorphs, L.J Smith and Point Horror, but I'd read pretty much anything I could find. Everything in the children and teen section at the library, cheap classics from discount book shops, pony books bought by the bag from car boot sales, trashy horror novels that I'd sneak out from my grandparent's house (I'd somehow convinced myself they were this special forbidden pleasure when my grandparents and parents wouldn't have given a shit what I was reading), a bunch of Virginia Andrews books that I found in the attic, etc.

>> No.1607120
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Adventures of Wishbone, anyone?

>> No.1607124

I read these, but well before I was twelve.

>> No.1607127
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reading is for fags

were biking to 7 eleven, wanna come?

>> No.1607128

>a bunch of Virginia Andrews books that I found in the attic
Lol'd for some reason. But that reminded me! Me being the Charlie chick. Around the same age I went to stay a week with my great-grandmother and she gave me a huge box full of Andrews books. So much drama, incest, rape, murder....I regret ever getting rid of my collection.

>> No.1607129

I think I was reading HG Wells and Jules Verne around that time. There actually seems to be a gap in my memory between 10 and 15, then I just started on generic cyberpunk.

>> No.1607130


I feel like I've missed out on my youth...

I watched the show every single afternoon, but I didn't even realize there were books too.


>> No.1607135
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Pic extremely related.

>> No.1607142


6th grade, 11 years old. My teacher made us sit in class and read Holes for three weeks, and I was done after the second day. She also had us take tests, grade each other's papers, and then call out our score in front of everyone ;_;

>> No.1607143

RL Stein and The Hobbit.

>> No.1607144

Harry Potter, E. Nesbit, From The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankwieler, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Eyewitness science books, especially the one about dinosaurs.

Only 2 years until I try to read Lolita.

>> No.1607146
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>> No.1607147


I didn't get into reading until my teen years. Mostly because no one around me read, and trying to find good shit in a library with nothing to go on is hard.

>> No.1607150

Mostly Pratchett and Heinlein. Also any random books people gave me, including Three Musketeers and Robinson Crusoe (though they were both abridged). And Blake and Wilde.

>> No.1607151

Choose Your Own Adventure

>> No.1607152
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I LOVED this series when I was young, but my library only had part of it (and really random ones, not even in order), so I never actually read the whole thing...

Also, there's a book I loved but I can't remember the title of. If anyone recognises this plot and knows what the book is called, I will love you forever:

> Science guy discovers a parallel world that exists alongside ours because their atoms vibrate faster than ours do (yeah, I know...)
> Hires a load of actors, dresses them up like medieval people and speeds up their particles to send them to explore that world
> They slay a dragon or something

>> No.1607153
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>> No.1607155
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Also, fucking WILLARD PRICE! I couldn't get enough of these...

>> No.1607156

I was just finishing Tolkien's stuff, gobbling up any other fantasy I could find.

Tearing through Dragonlance novels back to back.

>> No.1607175
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Just outgrown goosbumps. Mainly Harry potter, redwall, and my Grandma had all the famous five books in her house so I always loved them.
Aside from those I was really into girly horse stories. And other assorted trash for the pubescent girl.

>> No.1607177
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>> No.1607178
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>> No.1607182

swallows and amazons which I still love.

>> No.1607200

That was one heavy motherfucking kids book.

>> No.1607210

I remember that book

>> No.1607214

THe hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.

Funny thing is, this story is like a fine wine, it only gets better as you age.

I cannot believe the stuff that flew over my head when I first read it.

>> No.1607215


That's why it is so good. Is it a children's book for adults or an adult book for children?

>> No.1607219
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I think I was actually 13 when I read this one but it was a copy that my 7th grade english teacher let me borrow. Totally blew my mind.

They also got me into reading Watership Down after she noticed that I read the Redwall books like crazy.

>> No.1607222

Watership Down

>> No.1607225

Dialogues in Planescape:Torment

>> No.1607226


+ Michael Crichton, Stephen King, The Outsiders, Hatchet and Fight Club. My family is a bunch of counterculture types, so I also looked through some things by Marx, Lenin, Emma Goldman, TS Eliot, Dante, Shakespeare and Adbusters.

And yes, if anyone is reading this post from Europe or the eastern/western coasts of the US, things like Lenin and Shakespeare qualify for counterculture in Iowa.

>> No.1607227

Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen King, and lots of sci-fi/fantasy, at that point I was probably still really into Heinlein and Asimov.

>> No.1607231

dr doolittle books by hugh lofting and a world history book by h.g. wells.

this was back in 1965 (oldfag truly an oldfag).

>> No.1607236

Where the Red Fern Grows and Hatchet.

>> No.1607256

I had a really great English teacher in 6th grade, so I read a lot of what he recommended for me (I was of course so much more highly advanced than my peers) which was Ray Bradbury short stories and Fahrenheit 451, Edgar Allan Poe, and a few poems of Robert Frost. On Christmas 2004, my uncle gave me the complete Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, which I read three books from. However, between 7th grade and high school I got frustrated with all the shitty books they assigned in school and basically read nothing outside of school. Two wasted years...

>> No.1607269

HG Wells, HP Lovecraft, David Gemmell, JRR Tolkien.

>> No.1607277
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Mortal Engines, His Dark Materials, LOTR, Harry Potter, some 3-volume shitheap called Orks, Animal Farm, Dracula

Probably Artemis Fowl too, and manga books from the library

>> No.1607281

+ Terry Pratchett and (god help me) Eragon. Only the first book though

>> No.1607282
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Same here, though he didn't get them for my birthday. He saw Cat's Cradle, Breakfast of Champions, Sirens of Titan, Bluebeard, SL5, Deadeye Dick, and God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater at Costco for about 5 dollars each. Read them all in middle school, then again as a sophomore in high school.

>> No.1607283

didn't have fiction

Didn't have any toys either, the only thing I had were 3 books on animals/wildlife I must've read hundreds of times, the thing I would read over and over again was a colourful description of how exactly and in what order of body parts a cheetah eats his prey

>> No.1607290

mom and pops were force-feeding me with what they believed to be decent literature. so i kept asking the local librarian for the most obnoxious crap they had. i'll never understand why you would want a book "without clichées." it, on itself, is cliché. i read a lot but i only liked R.E.Howard.

>> No.1607296

>(god help me) Eragon

Interesting, I had a friend who read that series and the Warriors books (that ones with the cats). I could never get through those when I tried reading either of them, but looking back it seems that I had decent enough taste as a kid to dislike terrible books

And now they want to be an author, I fear the likes of what they'll try to publish that isn't shitty fanfiction

>> No.1607317

My parents used to get me those Zoobook magazines.

No idea what happened to them though, but they were pretty neat from what I remember.

>> No.1607341

Sum of All Fears and Patriot Games

>> No.1607343


>> No.1607366

I read a lot as a small child and as a teenager but at 12 I was ass-deep in the phase where I read nothing but comics

>> No.1607367

I think at 11-12 I was reading His Dark Materials. At 12-13 I was reading 1984. I didn't get the ending. 'Twas 2deep4me. I'd like to re-read them both - I still haven't done so. I'm 18 now by the way.

>> No.1607399

Let's see 12... I was probably reading the second Harry Potter book, all the books that were assigned to us in school. There were a few books by an author called Willo Davis Roberts that I enjoyed (Baby-Sitting is a Dangerous Job, Megan's Island, The View from a Cherry Tree) - they were all kind of crime/mystery books.

At 12 I was also very engrossed with the Holocaust, so I was reading a lot of survivor stories. I think at 12 is when I read Sabriel by Garth Nix and The Golden Compass trilogy by Pullman. My mom had a bunch of VC Andrews books, so I was reading those too. And, at her insistence, I read my first Stephen King book, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon.

So I suppose 12 is when I started to get into fantasy, though I denied that I liked it until I was 20.

>> No.1607416

I think all I read at that age was the Harry Potter books.

>> No.1607419
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I was that kid in fifth grade who did my book project on Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde as Henry Jekyll. I fell on the floor & pretended to choke & came back as Hyde. It was shortly after I had moved, so I was also the new kid.

Needless to say, I didn't make friends until middle school.

>> No.1607428

the subtitles on video games

>> No.1607430

I was reading Eragon, Pendragon, His Dark Materials, Tithe, tons of Piers Anthony stuff and I can't think of anything else. I was on a serious Fantasy kick.

>> No.1607451
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Those poor kids probably thought you were having a seizure in the middle of your presentation lol. Surely, even if they didn't read the ORIGINAL they'd be familiar with the story though right? I distinctly remember reading a Goosebump/similar book around that time about a young girl who gets sent off to live with her weird doctor uncle who turns out to morph into this monster at night....

Just found it. Whew, Goosebumps! Been awhile.

>> No.1607454

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Being and Nothingness
Foucault's Pendulum

this was before i really got into decent fition like novels, plays and such.

>> No.1607463

I was rereading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for the twentieth time.
Also Artemis Fowl, and Agatha Christie novels.

>> No.1607469


more like shition

>> No.1607520

I had the same Rugrats jumper. :D
I usually just read a ton of Goosebumps, Harry Potter, and ASoUE.

>> No.1607710
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Mark Twain, Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, H.G. Wells, and Jules Verne as well as enormous amounts of cut-rate crap like the Hardy Boys and Tom Swift.

Pic related--it was probably my favorite book when I was 12.

>> No.1607752


This post is very creepy to me as I am also from Iowa, and this describes my reading tastes to a T.

Do not tell me that you currently reside in Iowa City.

>> No.1607760

Uninformed hipsters who think they can write but are so bored with life they waste it on 4chan--I imagine half the board is in Iowa City.

>> No.1607765
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anyone else read these?

>> No.1607773

the complete works of Edgar Allen Poe

It was kind of funny. My class had this chart where each kid would get a point for each book they read. By the end of the year everyone in my class filled their chart up with Captain Underpants or whatever stupid book series was popular at the time, but I only had one point because reading every short story and poem Poe ever wrote only counted as one book.

>> No.1607812


Word up, son. Talkin' 'bout The Face on the Milk Carton and shit.

>> No.1607816



was great huh?

>> No.1607931
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I was a fan. I only own the first two but I read all four. And apparently they made a movie out of it?

Shitty pic but here's the part of my shelf that managed to survive puberty. I used to be rough on books and got rid of them pretty often.

>> No.1607958
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>> No.1607973

I remember reading this book when I was 12 that really shocked me. Looking back, it must have been a cheap coming-of-age romance novel for chicks but at the time I thought it was the dirtiest thing ever. It was about this girl named Victoria who was on her summer break, I think. She moons over this asshole and eventually loses her virginity to him but it wasn't like she thought it would be. I THINK. I could have sworn it was called Victoria's First Time but Google shows nothing.


>> No.1607984

Terry Pratchett
Paula Danziger
Jacqueline Wilson
All the SF I could get my hands on
Loads of Reader's Digests

>> No.1608000

The Great Gatsby, Dracula and the Animorphs.

>> No.1608006

Trips for Animorphs DUCK YEAH