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16068623 No.16068623 [Reply] [Original]

he RAPES his wife

>> No.16068652


>> No.16068673

His wife was an absolute cunt. She deserved it.

>> No.16068684

No he doesn't! I can't believe you would even suggest this. I'm seriously fucking enraged. How could you read the same text as me and reach this conclusion! I disagree completely! You are a liar! Black liar! I'm so angry with you. I just kicked my wall and broke my foot I'm so mad. Fuck you

>> No.16068760

he rapes his foot

>> No.16068766

No spoilers, you fucking loser.

>> No.16068768


>> No.16068810

Though it's not really dwelled upon as it happens, I think their early sexual failures are key to understanding their relationship throughout the novel.
- In childhood, Edith's father likely does some heinous shit to her (the key piece of textual evidence being the scene after her father's death when she burns the childhood possessions he gave to her)
- Edith is brought up scarred and confused by sex, but has the 'duty to husband' idea drilled into her
- Stoner meets literally no women before age 25 (besides his mother, who flatly does what's expected of her)
- Stoner reads so many medieval texts he thinks he has to marry the first woman he sees
- Edith agrees to marry him in order to escape her father and her old life
- During their honeymoon Edith superimposes her father onto Stoner and realizes that she had not truly escaped. She made the wrong choice and must live with it
In a perfect world Edith turns down Stoner, marries a rich man in Europe, and lives happily ever after. Stoner is dejected by the rejection and only turns again to love after he meets Katherine Driscoll (and they live happily ever after too)

>> No.16068826


You're describing something that is metaphysically and legally impossible (assuming proper historical law, notwithstanding recent aberrations).

>> No.16068829
File: 44 KB, 500x750, 1596110582528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek'd at the pic.

>> No.16068833

You can't rape your wife. That's impossible. That's your wife, she agreed to have sex with you forever even when she doesn't want it.

>> No.16069340

He doesn't, but that doesn't remove the victim status of Edith since she had to live with the consequences of being a woman at that time. It is commonly suggested the Stoner was Edith's victim, but he was only seeing at first hand the effects of a male dominated XX century society on a woman.
Yes, she was kind of a dick, but you have to imagine being on her shoes were she basically had no saying and had to be okay with everything, to the point of accepting her husband was having an affair and not having to care. And probably she really didn't care at all, but because she didn't even wanted to be in that situation, but had to because she was a woman.

>> No.16069349

I've seen this book posted often here. Whats it about?

>> No.16069353

she fucked up their daughter, and that was ultimately her choice, not that of her father or "society"

>> No.16069355

Thanks for the spoiler, fucking faggot. Second spoiler I get today browsing this latrine for less than an hour.

>> No.16069368

it's extremely debatable. and not very central to the plot

>> No.16069392

Did she really had a "choice" tho? An addict's only choice is to continue consuming drugs, an alcoholic's only choice is to continue drinking. It's not like she could've objectively decided to not educate her daughter like that. She was biased and broken and most likely her only choice was to do what she did because she didn't knew any better.

>> No.16069396


>> No.16069403
File: 27 KB, 343x375, 5194D36B-B183-4CD1-94CB-F0F2C3E0EAF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol faggot you cannot rape your wife

>> No.16069453
File: 117 KB, 917x603, stonerpassage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems pretty clear to me

>> No.16069473

This is so tragic for both characters.

>> No.16069475

thats not rape, it's a woman who doesnt know how to say what she wants or doesnt.

>> No.16069494

This isn't about the wife being a cunt or not. This is about Stoner doing a really shitty and unecessary thing. He could have just smacked her in the face instead or something

Having sex with someone against their will /without their consent is rape, married or not, its a terrible thing to do.

The state of this board worries me sometimes...

>> No.16069496


>> No.16070652

This book would have been so much better if it was written in the first person from the point of view of William.

>> No.16070727

You can’t rape your wife. Marriage is consent.

>> No.16070772

It doesnt make sense that some book autist is literally the first person to want to fuck this beautiful young girl and it doesnt make sense that she said yes, book is unrealistic

>> No.16070796

She raped him to her means of having one child.
he forced her into marriage but she raped him.

>> No.16070801

>Marriage is consent.

no it's not incel, sex against her will is sex against her will

>> No.16070825


>> No.16070839

Nonsense, he enjoyed the porking and wanted a child.

>> No.16070846
File: 298 KB, 946x1533, 0F43E437-BB06-4B01-A649-ACDC6107331B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He RAPES his sister, Phoebe

>> No.16070854

pick one

>> No.16070860

She gave her consent during marriage. That's what the whole "I do" bit was all about, you moronic mongloid.

>> No.16070861

Based take. Personally I read Edith as attempting to escape herself as much as her father. She tries to reach out and overcome her own pathology in their earlier interactions only to fail and retreat into herself again. This isn't helped by Stoner being kind of spineless, ineffectual, and awkward. It, of course, spirals out of control.
Ultimately I thought most of the tragedy in the book boiled down to failures of communication. I saw a lot of myself in Edith.

>> No.16070870

Really he should have gone further. She might have evened out a bit and leaned on him with 3 kids instead of just one

>> No.16070882

lmao change the pronoun here to "she" and you get statuatory "totally not a rape" claims, faggot
>inb4 bait

>> No.16071050

I’m married mate and in no way celibate. But good luck to you.

>> No.16071053

did your wife ever manipulate with sex?

>> No.16071058

And that's a good thing!

>> No.16071069

Sure. We manipulate each other all the time (pun intended) that’s what marriage is.

>> No.16071110


I think people are too quick to attribute daughters disliking their fathers to sexual abuse. Plenty of girls grow up to dislike their dad's simply because the dad's refuse to let them be thots and try to make them be respectable girls

>> No.16071128

stupid toxic wife is not a wife.

>> No.16071145

>That's what the whole "I do" bit was all about
So if the husband has, say, just been at his parent's funeral and is mourning and not in the mood for sex, his wife can just go ahead all the same.
Either way it's a really shitty thing to do to someone you supposedly love

could have fooled me. I'm already in a happy rape free relationship myself

>> No.16071155

Wtf two awkward dorks had awkward sex on their honeymoon night. Yeah thats rape

>> No.16071257

There's a huge gulf between "shitty thing to do" and "rape rape".

>> No.16071372

You shouldn’t withhold yourself from your spouse and your spouse shouldn’t withhold themselves from you. This is the literal foundation of a happy marriage. It’s telling you use the trendy “relationship,” anon. You’re a faggot, aren’t you?

>> No.16071661

Yes, she deliberately went out of her way to destroy Stoner's relationship with his daughter. Fuck that bitch.

>> No.16071687

Or physical and emotional violence.

>> No.16072588

It is not possible to rape your wife. Marriage is consent.

>> No.16072630

>raping your own property
lol that's like raping your kitchen table you own it you can do what you want with it

>> No.16072633

Then she shouldn't have gotten married.

>> No.16072651

it would have been rape if she had denied consent via even a single syllable. but it just wasnt that way. it was just bad sex.

>> No.16072665

No one thinks he was raping her when she was the initiator.

>> No.16072704

What bullshit. I'm starting to think that rape doesn't even exist.

>> No.16072708

Rape is a social construct.

>> No.16072858

Well when she was the "initiator" she was the rapist.
How dense are you?

>> No.16072924

Rape and women who deserve it

>> No.16072954

Oh, I remember Stoner being into it. Perhaps I misremember.

>> No.16073134

the average lit poster if they were smart enough to finish uni, it's unironically a good book though, well worth the read

>> No.16073160

no it wouldn't faggot, have you ever read a book before?

>> No.16073293

Anyone else feel increasingly moved at all references Stoner makes to Dave Masters out of the blue? He's in the novel so briefly that you don't realise how much of an impact he had, then you see Stoner mention him at all these pivotal moments in his life, wondering what he'd say or think or do.

>> No.16073295

What the fuck was wrong with that bitch?

>> No.16073429

I found those to be some of the most touching moments.

Slightly related: What are some good books to read if I want to get a lit. education like Stoner's? I got an English degree a couple of years ago, but anyone familiar with the state of the humanities during the last couple years will know there is a palpable difference between the field during Stoner's and our time. I'm specifically looking for a kind of critical anthology spanning the late medieval to the early 20th, or a collection of works amounting to such. I have a bunch of anthologies from my undegrad time, but most of it has no real commentary or criticism, which is explicitly what I'm looking for.

>> No.16073463

Read Bound to Please by Michael Dirda :)

Or you can always check out any one of these reading lists: http://sonic.net/~rteeter/greatbks.html

>> No.16073471

thank you

>> No.16073484

Maybe you should actually read books instead of browsing a literature board that discusses books then you stupid faggot. You absolute mongoloid retard. You sputtering baboon kill yourself right now.

>> No.16073656

you’re not happy

>> No.16073706

idk sounds pretty happy but you look like projecting

>> No.16073727

stoner was an npc.

>> No.16073765

Yes, one who grew a soul through love of literature. This is the consistent metanarrative of John Williams books. William Andrews in Butcher's Crossing grows a soul through exposure to wild nature, and Augustus in Augustus grows a soul through life-or-death political conflict.

>> No.16073912

i said was

>> No.16073919

yes, and?

>> No.16073932

i thought you misunderstood me, mb homie.

>> No.16073943

np fella <3

>> No.16074424

>rapes his sister
She wanted it.

>> No.16074427

I raped my hand.

>> No.16074559

end-stage White Anglo Saxon Protestantism. So glad I'm hispanic.