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16067547 No.16067547 [Reply] [Original]

Is it still possible for me to become a Renaissance man if I’m a 33 year old neet?

>> No.16067553
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>33 year old neet

You already are one

>> No.16067556

yes, but you have to put all you've got into it.

>> No.16067579

Asking a board of delusional teenagers who each think they themselves are renaissance men

>> No.16067658
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Eh. It doesn’t seem as appealing when you put it like that
I like this reply more
Who better to ask? To become a polymath you must first will it into being

>> No.16067706

How long have you been a NEET?

Do you live with your mum?

To answer your question yes it is, strange things happen. I mean, you got the time don't you?

There's a guy in my mum's software job who had dial-up internet 4 years ago. Then some passion struck him (not that you should wait for passion to hit you) and he learnt programming. He became so skilled in it so fast he started writing papers in javascript that upper management would find online and ask the office if they can implement what they say.

Not saying you're an autistic supergenius like him but that anything is possible. Life has no rules. Also nice bear collection

>> No.16067738


>> No.16067826

>is it possible?

>is it possible if I believe I'm a NEET?

NEET by definition cannot be renaissance man. However, human can be renaissance man, even if difficult. So simple, are you NEET or are you human?

>> No.16067841
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>How long have you been a NEET?
A little over 10 years at this point
>Do you live with your mum?
I live with my grandmother
>There's a guy in my mum's software job who had dial-up internet 4 years ago. Then some passion struck him (not that you should wait for passion to hit you) and he learnt programming. He became so skilled in it so fast he started writing papers in javascript that upper management would find online and ask the office if they can implement what they say.
>Not saying you're an autistic supergenius like him but that anything is possible. Life has no rules
Sheesh. I’ve always considered myself a savant maybe I just have to dig down deep and harness my autism
>Also nice bear collection
Thanks bro

>> No.16067854


>> No.16067924

How did you turn into a NEET 10 years ago?

Does your grandma enjoy having you around the house?

What literature do you like?

>> No.16067950

I don't know OP, Renaissance men where product of their education and not something they aspired to be.
I honestly think you actually can, the issue is what happens after that. Educated people have miles of advantage over you so a job in the humanities would not be an option unless you go to a thirld world country.
Why don't you focus on something more practical and you explore more as you go along and start un-being your Neet-ness

>> No.16067977

>having a job


You're in the presence of a real wizard here, behave yourself

>> No.16067988
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>How did you turn into a NEET 10 years ago?
I shattered my pelvis playing touch football and I’ve been milking it ever since. My parents threw me out ages ago so my grandma took pity on me
>Does your grandma enjoy having you around the house?
She’s sweet but I think she’s a touch senile mate. She don’t do much
>What literature do you like?
I don’t really have a definitive answer to this. I’m reading through Bruno Schulz’s bibliography right now
>something more practical
What’s the point if I’m not becoming more well-rounded?

>> No.16068006

Everything is possible. Whether it’s probable that you will suddenly change completely after wasting the best time in your life and ask pointless shit on 4chains instead of just doing it? Yeah, I don’t think so.

>> No.16068016

Oh, I'm sorry to hear about the injury bro. Well, you can certainly become an erudite renaissance man.

I dont actually know Bruno Schultz but his wikipedia looks based; what one work would you recommend from him?

>> No.16068024

Thanks to the innernet I would say yes it is. But the big difficulty today is avoiding wastes of time, like here, if your goal is to be an expert at lots of stuff.

>> No.16068053
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>Oh, I'm sorry to hear about the injury bro
Thanks man. It stinks but I’ve learned to work with it
>what one work would you recommend from him?
The Street of Crocodiles is his masterwork
Don’t waste time. Got it. How do I quit 4chins and what should I pick up instead?

>> No.16068103
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I'm already a Renaissance man, I browse like 15 different boards and can shitpost with the best.