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16065906 No.16065906 [Reply] [Original]

post psychology books worth reading

>> No.16066072 [DELETED] 

please post in my thread

>> No.16066990

is erich fromm good?

>> No.16067086

I have some narcissistic traits diagnosed and the fact that I will never be exceptional is a constant source of anguish for me. Is this book worth reading?

>> No.16067155
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>> No.16067163

>post psychology books worth reading

>> No.16067319

Both good books. Lowen changed my life!
Lowen is the first step towards a cure for narcisstic errors. Sam Vaknin, ironically that weirdo, are right in many of his takes on the pathology and even cure of (what he always calls) "malignant narcisists". Most profound opinion of which is that he has seen narcissists go from pathology to health by means of the total abandonment of defense mechanism of the ego into a transformational abyss of sorts where the narcissist is finally able to have his/her hurt (and abandonment) confronted and expunged. Only by means of a "sheol" (or hades)-like experience. The theory would be that narcissism is a maladaptation to emotional distress. This last point of which Alexander Lowens investigation starts from.

My book suggestion would be:

>> No.16067322

Kohler, gestalt psychology is good to get a taste for that movement.

>> No.16067380

Any psychology that claims to "heal" you is trying to sell you something. All you need to know about human psychology is what Zapffe and Becker have said.

>> No.16067406
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Male psychology explored through the Arthurian Parsifal grail myth. It's a Jungian take. Quite short.

>> No.16067428
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My other rec is a fun pop psych look at the characteristics of sociopaths and anti-personality disorder.

>> No.16067453

When the Sun Bursts is a great book about the internal logic of schizophrenics written by a clinical psychologist .
>guy feels awkward at work
>is passionate about cooking
>decides to make friends by having a BBQ >invites people from work to come hang out and he'll cook for them
>everything is going good, enjoying the smell of the BBQ, talking to coworkers, making friends
>all his coworkers suddenly turn on him
>screaming at him and throwing water on the grill
>snaps out of it
>realizes it was all in his head and he had lit his cubicle on fire
My heart broke for the guy. There's tons of stories like that in the book

>> No.16067511

I´m not going to argue against any and every opinion of either of the two men you mentioned, but know this; fundamentally we are doing the greatest service to this creation, our life, and our happiness by procreation.

The fleshing out of the arguments of the lamenting anit-natalist may not be devoid of life, but the bottom line - that it´s not right to procreate - is, one hundred percent certainly, not!


>> No.16067518

Some conditions can be made better to varying degrees, some can't. If you think existence itself is a disease then no you can't heal that. But there are more specific conditions people have to deal with, and they can be mitigated to an extent.

>> No.16067601
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Psychology is bullshit. Do not, under any circumstance, ever believe a psychologist.

>> No.16067628

This looks hella interesting. Are his other books like this?

>> No.16067728

The field of psychology has a problem with replication because a lot of behavioral psychologists have an agenda to push. It does not invalidate the field nor the premise, but it is something that people should be wary of.

>> No.16067780

damn you are idiot. someone lives your life for you

>> No.16067792

did you get bioenergetic analysis?

>> No.16067812
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>> No.16067832
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Wrong one, here

>> No.16067842

how can I increase empathy for others?

>> No.16067941
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I'm currently reading pic related and so far i think it's pretty good (but i'm illiterate in the subject of psychology).

>> No.16068149
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>> No.16068424

I try to imagine myself in their shoes. I realize that that's the generic answer, but so is "diet and exercise" on the subject of weight loss. Is there a specific thing you've done that made you feel like you're unempathetic?

>> No.16069032

Holy shit this one other thread almost tricked me into reading Taleb, glad I had a chance to look at this page, what a retard.

>> No.16069076
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t. stubborn Psych student $30k in debt

>> No.16069101

>Sam Vaknin
Seems to be all about the victims of the narcissist. That's what pisses me off about the discourse, narcissists are always treated as some invariable force of nature that only hurts other people (let's help them and show them how to defend against the narcissist) and there is no fucking way they can change. Nothing is addressed to them except insults. Just look at the titles of this guy's videos. I've yet to see something like "you're a narcissist, here's what you need to do" with some constructive advice and empathy.

>> No.16069127

My grandmother sees men on television with tattoos on his arms and say they resemble a monkey.

>> No.16069139

the replication "crisis" story is based on a weakass study that pseuds wave around like a look-at-me-I'm-a-retard flag and the likes of you are impressed by it because it tells them what they want to hear

>> No.16069142

based grandma is right, Taleb is still a pompous dumbass

>> No.16069501

almost every time i try to discuss psych online some stupid neurotic starts talking about demons.
>anything in my head i consider bad is an invasive presence
poison logic

read Alice Miller. empathy isn't a pose you can choose to adopt. you either feel it or you don't. and if you don't it's because you stunted your own emotional growth in childhood in response to trauma. the trick to empathising with others is learning to empathise with yourself. i assure you regardless of how nice you now think your childhood was there's trauma there.

it is the 'diet and exercise' equivalent. and anybody who thinks diet and exercise are an answer to weight problems is a fucking idiot.

Vaknin is in it for money and acclaim, and he's realised the easiest way to get those is to tell spurned angry women what they want to hear about the men who hurt them. his insights are very often good and right, but he's in it for himself. he'll bluster and get loose and fuzzy on issues he's uncertain about while maintaining his perfect "I know everything" tone, which is very annoying, but there's a lot of good insight in his work too. just gotta keep in mind he's a selfish asshole.

grandma probably watched grandpa beat the shit out of their children and now wonders why their relationship is cold.

>> No.16070010

The messiah is that which voluntarily confronts unknown potential with truth using minimal necessary force. If you can embody that principle at all times (which takes a long time and a lot of reflection to actually implement) you will be the most individual and therefore the most exceptional version of yourself. You will be exceptional in the sense that you are above those who have not been individualized (above insofar as an expert guitar player is above a novice, but here we mean spiritually), and the key to accomplishing this without falling into narcissism like a rational trap is to understand and believe that Jesus is king and lord among all individuals.

>> No.16070015
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>> No.16070021

It's only poison logic if you're a moral relativist. The story of Cain and Abel dramatizes the two patterns of action that human beings can choose when responding to their self-consciousness at any moment. When Cain becomes resentful God tells him "sin crouches at your door and if you choose to allow it in you'll create something unholy". If you cant understand how that corresponds to the human psyche and pathological patterns of behavior then you arent qualified to speak on the human condition at any depth.

>> No.16070122

if god weren't an asshole he'd say "Cain, why are you upset? You know i love you and am for you no matter what." Blaming people for reactive feelings solves nothing. True goodness isn't about constantly fighting and winning against impulses that drag you away from what you consider good. it's internal harmony and an irresistible and true compulsion towards the good.

I'm not a moral relativist. I believe that Alice Miller was right and that the hero of the biblical tradition is Joseph, for raising a man strong and well adjusted enough to recognise that there's one true love that doesn't discriminate within a tradition that was otherwise almost nothing but poisonous pedagogy and neurotic father-veneration.

>> No.16070128
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>> No.16070129

You sound like my narcissistic mother

>> No.16070138

Oh and by the way the reason why God blamed cain wasnt to be an asshole, in fact. He informs cain that his temptation towards resentment is dangerous and if he decides to follow it not only will the cause of his resentment remain unsolved but he will create a world of consequence for himself that he cannot imagine or bear, and then that actually ends up happening because God was right, as per.

>> No.16070148

Just go read up on game theory.
Since this is all some disingenious game to you.

>> No.16070154

All great artists were narcissistic in some sense, and they all felt the same anguish at not being exceptional. This is a noble trait in a man. If you “cure” it with psychology you will lose all your drive to strive above the group, and you will become an NPC.

>> No.16070167


>> No.16070180

They werent narcissistic they were bisexual. It's homoeroticism combined with detatchement from both masculine and feminine approval. Artistic energy is sexual because it's a creative intercourse between you and the cosmos which is the feminine matrix. The third eye is depicted as vertical because it's literally your brains urethra to ejaculate into the cosmos. When you sing well it all ultimately pushes out of your forehead for this reason.

>> No.16070190

Also this is why creativity peaks when you dont masturbate or have sex.

>> No.16070216

Sam Vaknin is literally a diagnosed psychopath. He isn't even a narcissist.

>> No.16070244

>Artistic energy is sexual because it's a creative intercourse between you and the cosmos which is the feminine matrix.
Yeah if you can't see how those two creative processes are completely independent, I don't know what to tell you. Will other psychoanalysis fags defend this? I honestly don't know if this anon is having a laugh or if this is something that's genuinely espoused by psychoanalysts.

>> No.16070269

As a narcissist I became interested in this book because I want to alleviate my symptoms, but I read the author's biography and his entire life smells like bullshit. He's a pioneer of some pseudoscientific psychotherapy, and everyone calls him a "physician" but I found no information about him attending a medical school. These are some serious red flags.

>> No.16070274

if you were raised by a narcissist you're a narcissist. there isn't really a way around this.

>temptation towards resentment
you can't choose not to resent. you do or you don't. if you do resent but bury your feelings you'll go crazy sooner or later, as cain did. maybe if he had an advocate he could have worked through what he felt.

this is a cope used by broken people and shit parents. artists are sensitive people, sensitive people break easily. but the brokenness isn't why they're good artists. it's the sensitivity.

so far the only people i've spoken to who believed the power of libido was magical and could be harnessed were horrifically insecure masturbation addicts.

not relevant

>> No.16070284

Get some life experience

>> No.16070319

Faith in God and surrounding family members that arent narcissistic. I also have high functioning aspergers and understood the alphabet when I was 1 so i could call my dad on his bullshit very young and not have my self esteem damaged. When I've sought professional help and have never even come close to an NPD diagnosis and I've known plenty of people who also had narcissistic parents/caretakers.
>you cant choose not to resent
Okay so you're projecting, neat

Not me

>masturbation addicts
Idk if you misunderstood but the point is that if you don't masturbate you'll have increased creative arousal intellectually/artistically so no

Not me

>> No.16070324


>> No.16070344

I relate

>> No.16070347

Get a first clue about biology.

>> No.16070362

Inform me then. Btw people who actually have experience in life with regards to creativity and sexuality understand that artistic energy is sexual without a psychoanalytic explanation. I'd love to hear your biological argument that undermines something people do out of pure pragmatism.

>> No.16070397
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>> No.16070434

it's not accepted at the moment but i'm very strongly convinced aspergers is a form of narcissistic disturbance. the DSM can kiss my ass on this one i know i'm right. all other forms of higher functioning autism are too.

>you cant choose not to resent
>Okay so you're projecting, neat
if you don't understand how projecting actually works get the fuck out of the psych thread you spastic. projection isn't just attributing characteristics to someone. there has to be a split in the projector first. you deny and split off a part of yourself ("the sexual interest in men isn't me it's the demons"), and then you start spotting it in others ("wow bro you sure sound like a faggot right now").

>the point is that if you don't masturbate you'll have increased creative arousal intellectually/artistically so no
oh fuck me you're also the coomer-magic autist? typing this post was a waste of time.

>> No.16070452

I understand projection. It's when you mistakenly assume other things are like you.

>> No.16070461

Also you dont have to split off whatever it is your projecting in the manner you describe, it just has to be intolerable enough that you're insecure about it.

>> No.16070471

Oh wait I forgot you think people cant choose the manner in which they react so I guess the concept of tolerating your emotions must be kind of foreign lol

>> No.16070484

grandma and grandpa, like most everyone, think avoiding pain is the holy grail. it's just coping, and not facing pain keeps you stunted and forever coping.*

*see 65 year olds who still drink like fish. you can cope until you die.

>> No.16070491

Also people with aspergers just notice structure on top of function kind of like a map that has the grid lines drawn over it. It has to do with abstraction but I wouldnt be surprised if secularism causes that to often lead to a rationalized self-importance. The fact that most people carry on with the implicit Christian philosophy even though theyve never practiced christianity is something an aspergian could never do. I believe that if I wasnt taught as a child to believe in the bible literally I'd be more or less fucked.

>> No.16070536

And that would actually be semen-retention autist, my idiot

>> No.16070690

My mother told my grandmother she's depressed.
My grandmother told her to just push through it.
My mother killed herself.
Your entire worldview invalided in 3 sentences.

>> No.16070724

Sorry to burst your bubble but your mother made that decision, not depression.

>> No.16070768

Tell me why you think diet and exercise are not the way to lose weight.

>> No.16070780

Is this some kind of nofap meme? I will not explain basic biology on some troll's prompt, pick up a high school textbook. Btw people who have experience in life with regards to acquiring knowledge and feeding understand that learning energy is fagic without a culinary explanation. Same with how the bodily functions of excretion are literally spiritual cleansing.

Is this anon some special kind of dumbass who did a hilarious misreading or are psychoanalysts actually like this? How high can you get on a metaphor? Holy fucking tits.

>> No.16070957

Anyone got any good books about how to talk and deal paranoid skitzophrenics?
My dad no longer thinks me or my sister are his son and daughter. He also does not believe my sisters daughter is her daughter and it's hard to see him like how he is. His father used to be the same and he used to make fun of him but I just want to talk to him again like I used to.

>> No.16070985

lmao okay L Ron

>> No.16071014

>Sam Vaknin
I dunno who this is but watched 1 of his videos on youtube and he says "it is impossible to ever heal a narcassist". This runs contrary to lowen, is he right or wrong?

>> No.16071038

he said he had never seen a narcissist healed ever, I don't get this

>> No.16071258
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when I can access emotions I'm very empathic, but when they are closed off I hate myself for lacking empathy. I hate that I can see 'rekt' videos and laugh at their comments, and have to consciously push myself to feel empathy for the victims in that state of lower feeling. Or that I would pick up my cats while they are running away, denying their feeling, or say and do stupid shit online which makes me laugh, but is annoying and bothersome to others, or try hard to be friendly in an obnoxious way, denying real empathy to have a permanent fixed smile and ignoring the feelings of others trying to be positive, or when someone dies, pretending to be sad etc.
I don;t know about feeling, is your empathy lower when you yourself feel bad in isolation to others? it's a common thing for me , but when I have feeling on the opposite side, where joy and happiness is, empathy is strong and sadness for others is strong, whereas, being sad alone I am sad only for me and cannot feel the sadness or happiness of others.
Sorry did that make sense?

>> No.16071318

I'm almost done with Forgotten Language. I can highly recommend it from my layman's perspective. The work is a good introduction to dream and symbology analysis.

>> No.16071325


Is this what your professors told you? Or did you tell yourself this? In my school they acknowledge the replication crisis is a huge deal. The studies were always biased and clearly horseshit, there's just proof of this now.



How can you see a study like this and not understand how flawed and presumptuous it is? Yet it's treated as gospel. Don't be a salty Psyche major defending this dogshit. Your mentality should be "the future is bright for me and primed for new discoveries"

>> No.16071343

just finished it, I' was planning to read jung, you?

>> No.16071363

Same but I recently saw contentions with the Jung chart that gets posted in a thread, so I'm unsure what direction to follow after finishing. What're you reading next?

>> No.16071472

There are a lot of garbage studies floating around, and that 100 replications study was *one of them*, it was designed to be a publicity stunt and the replications were done sloppily on purpose. I've worked in a lab that does nothing but throws shitty hypotheses at the wall, one after another, just to see what can stick with a little p-hacking. I've fucking seen this first-hand. We are more in agreement than you think, I just push back against the "look at the "replication crisis" psychology is bullshit yo" attitude. A more valid diagnosis is that the field has a publish-or-perish frenzy crysis, the push for quantity of publicatons creates incentives to cut corners and shit out large volumes of garbage. If it sounds like I'm salty, it's because my scientific career was crippled because of my constant bitching to my superiors about the weakass methodology. I basically quit science for the private sector because of this bullshit.

>> No.16071497
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well using that chart I was gonna do 'two essays' and 'psychoanalasis and freud' but was finding it a little hard to digest that sort of academic writing right now ,and don't have the time/energy to devote.
I'm just reading pic related until having more time , then following that chart. What did they say was wrong with the chart btw?
If I had more time then it might have been fun to read his books together at the same time and discuss them.
What made you want to read Carl jung?for me it was 'memeanalysis' on youtube

>> No.16071586

Here's the thread.
And the post in question >>16064154
Idk what is or isn't wrong with it as I am a pseud.

>made you want to read Carl Jung?
I don't remember. It's one of those names that have been floating within my mind for some time. If I had to pinpoint a specific moment I'd say it was when I talked with a first semester psych student friend about personality in general and he asked me
>do you think people fit into categories
Or something. I answered yes and he said
>ahh so then you're a Jung kind of guy
And so at that moment I was like "add it to the list I guess".

Can you tell me about your pic related? It seems like something I might want and need to read.

>> No.16072045

Alexander lowen talks a lot about bioenergetic therapy in his books, which is based on reducing chronic muscular tensions in the body (which prevent emotion/feeling) so that the body can regain it's emotional potency - which in many people is dulled due to childhood trauma.
he brings up a lot of cases from his own patients, in a humanizing way, showing the causes of their mental illness and how they were healed during therapy.
I'm only on chapter 2 of this book so don't know enough about it, but his book on Narcissism is a really good and I'd recommend it, especially the later chapters

I'm really interested in jungs 'active imagination' / archetypes / synchronicity etc. It's so cool how mystical he sounds as a scientist. Same as with Wilhelm Reich and orgone, who influenced Alexander Lowen to become a psychiatrist in his 30's .
pretty excited to learn about it, actually I'm going to try to read man and his symbols right now, thanks for that new list

>> No.16072089

Glad to be of help.
>regain its emotional potency
Oh this is right up my alley then, thanks. I've been working on freeing my emotions and tensions in my body for a while.

>> No.16072113

Metabolic disprivilege

>> No.16072129
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>> No.16072136
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Me too man, here's a book he put out of some of the exercises he uses in workshops and therapy and it might be helpful if you get into the practice of doing it every day. Yoga and taichi are also good ways to reduce character armor
good luck anon

>> No.16072137
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>> No.16072138

Is this true for most people?

>> No.16072149

eliezer pls go

>> No.16072154
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>> No.16072157

metabolic disprivilege lmao

>> No.16072162
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>> No.16072204

There's no metabolic level you can be at where eating healthy and exorcising won't help you.

>> No.16072242

>Metabolic disprivilege
There are individual differences concerning how difficult it will be, but it's always calories in, calories out. There is no better answer than diet and exercise, no matter your situation. Unless you have a better answer, in which case I'm all ears.

>> No.16072253

Also, privilege is something granted to you by other people. The notion of nature-bestowed privilege is hilarious.

>> No.16072279
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Yes. He has another called She, and a longer book on the Grail Myth as a whole. Interesting guy. He was a student of Jung.

Also quite digestible. It's pretty too the point and focused in how the myth relates to development, and dealing with one's anima and shadow. Whereas pic related is incredibly dense and requires a lot of background information to totally explain.

>> No.16072303
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Pic related was a truly great lecture series with a good overview and synthesis of philosophy, neuroscience/psychology, and information science, and what it tells us about conciousness.

Just a credit on Audible. The Great Courses site is expensive. Quality class.

>> No.16072308


MODS how do I delete these harmful and harassing troll posts?

>> No.16072319


>> No.16072350

Best college-level introductory textbook to psychology? Preferably one written in the last few years?

>> No.16072382

Are you interested in psychology for your own health, the health of others , or to understand the mind in general?

>> No.16072406

All of those

>> No.16073061

Google "Psychology Textbook" and the Saylor open source one is first. It's as good as anything else.

Undergrad courses are surface level surveys. It'll give you all the basic background.

For interesting books I'd say look at Oliver Sacks "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat."

The Other Brain is a cool book on glial cells and their underappreciated role.

Also The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker. How the Mind Works is great too but I imagine it is dated now.

>> No.16073119

It holds up surprisingly well. Evo psych gets a lot of flack but his main argument (that social constructionist dogmatism in academia is unscientific) still holds true.

>> No.16073138
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>people's psychological processes are channeled by the ways in which we anticipate events.

>> No.16073443

Wtf is anima?

>> No.16073456

A feminine aspect in male's psyche.

>> No.16073661

I second this, especially the essays about how to conceptualize human freedom and flourishing given what we know from behavioral science.

>> No.16073674

too bad humanism is a dying thing in psychology, now it's all about behaviorism and meds.

>> No.16073962

same, didn't expect this guy to be this stupid

>> No.16074027

Yeah same. Dude writes like a fucking high school student lol

>> No.16074096

>lol ur stupid
Fuck man I'm gonna rethink my life now thx

>> No.16074151


He's actually right tho. All of our evidence-based psychotherapies have the same modest effect size and the actual methodology contributes the least to this effect, instead its mostly the common factor of the therapeutic relationship. The implication of that is that it doesn't matter whether you go to a psychoanalyst or a CBT expert or a new age energy therapist, all are equally effective as long as you personally buy into their theoretical model. Talking to your grandma would likely be as effective as any of the bullshit that is currently being peddled as "empirically effective" because it's all placebo at best.

I'm not sure if Taleb is familiar with the "Dodo bird verdict" but his take is probably based on a heuristic of detecting bullshit. Anyone that has had therapy can tell you its largely bullshit unless they heavily bought into a particular cult or they're a bullshit peddler who's livelihood depends on people believing in therapy.

>> No.16074189

So it's as effective as much as you believe it's effective?

>> No.16074217


>> No.16074286

Yes, statistically, a certain amount of people "get better" based on self-report. The crazy thing is that all empirically tested therapies have about the same effect size and the methodology doesn't matter much apart from what the person is willing to buy into. Some people prefer psychoanalysis and others think CBT makes a lot of sense. Despite the fact that these two approaches are radically different, they produce the equivalent outcome.

I strongly suspect all therapies are placebo or random at best. None of their theories actually work in practice.

>> No.16074301

I bet that religion serves this function as well. You go confess, or you talk to the pastor or whatever Protestants do.

>> No.16074303

Oh i see. Is there an effective way to treat schizophrenia?

>> No.16074385

Maybe just letting your problems get our of your head is what actually does it? That's the common characteristic here, is it not?
If your asking this as a challenge but know an answer based on psychology or psychiatry, would you mind elaborating on it?

>> No.16074469

Literally Jung. The "doctor" is basically clergy and the only theory that matters is the one the patient buys into.

>> No.16074473

Like all mental illness, at best you can manage symptoms with medication or learn crappy techniques to dissociate and get used to the distress until you're a functional human on the outside. We can't barely treat simple anxiety and depression, let alone the undefinable clusterfuck of "schizophrenia".

Yeah, therapeutic relationship is the common factor that makes people feel better, but what's the point of all the fluff around it? They put in all these decades of research on crap like cognitive-behavioral therapy and in the end, it's fucking nothing and talking about your "Oedipus complex" produces the equivalent outcome.

>> No.16074516

I guess even if you manage to treat depression, you're still going to be depressed person with some positive attitude and different from non-depressive person for the rest of your life. It looks like you cant actually deal with mental illness once and for all.

>> No.16075269

Any orgastically potent motherfuckers in this thread?

>> No.16075313

Intrigued...I am a wounded narcissist. When my life went badly I got "redpilled" and started hating blacks, Jews, and gays. Culminated in a psychotic finding-Jesus experience, then a suicidal depression following all the IRL cringeposting. I mean, I think I've had a 'hades' experience but maybe it's just more trauma to respond to with narcissism

>> No.16075323

OTOH I don't see myself taking a student of Orgone Man seriously

p.s. fuck kikes

>> No.16075401

thanks for the input
orgone man bad

>> No.16075407


>> No.16075421
File: 2.85 MB, 403x333, 1416622251696.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may be partially right, but that still sounds like a bunch of French bullshit.

>> No.16075523

Any advice for an ADHD bro? Can't afford a doctor or testing. Best I'm doing right now is nootropics, but they last about 15 minutes and then there's the tolerance problem.

>> No.16075752

just b yourself