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File: 104 KB, 903x863, esoteric fascism online 4chan and the kali yuga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16065404 No.16065404 [Reply] [Original]


Thoughts about this scholarly article?

>> No.16065654


>> No.16065666

whatever, not reading this lib

>> No.16065675

>Kali Yuga
Idealist trash

>> No.16065682

>fringe web culture
Nigger should check who is the current president of USA and will be for the next 4 years.

>> No.16065691
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>mfw Kalki is coming for the Rakshasas (no mercy this time), and they are starting to feel it in the air
>Final Destination

>> No.16065702

>trump is far right

>> No.16065711
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Thid was published by Routledge, a well known and respected scholarly publishing company. How can you doubt anything that's published by them?

>> No.16065806

Pretty weak analysis, it doesn't really say anything about the phenomenon beyond noting its existence

>> No.16065834

Started reading it, and I can't help but feel the utter disdain the author have for the subject of his writing. He makes "taking the red pill" sounds like a sort of delusion.
It's funny cause I have much more sympathy for the left then they have for us.

>> No.16065843

Wake me when one of these nerds tries unironically writing analysis on kaliacc

>> No.16065866

I wonder how the average rural Indian Shaivist would react if you told him there was a community of western social media addict reactionaries who view themselves as divine and mystical agents of Shiva who spend all day binging HRT and ranting about technocapital.

>> No.16065925

They'd probably be confused, maybe view it as a total misunderstanding like western yoga.

>> No.16065964

>Evola soon turned his attention towards philosophy and occultism, producing a body of work that sought to embrace traditionalism and thereby reject modernity, egalitarianism, democracy and liberalism.
Cool and good.

>> No.16065978
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Read the introduction and skimmed the rest, sounds run of the mill. The author can't tell sincere ideas from memes/trolls and thinks boards run under one mind and ideology.
The problem with these articles/books is that they are always written by outsiders who are making a big deal out of one (admittedly ugly) part of 4chan. /pol/ isn't some big secret meeting place of le ebic alt-right warriors, its a failed containment board for the boomers and schizos and feds. The more obscure and more interesting communities of chan get overshadowed by their retarded brother. They need to delete the board or move it to its own address like they did with the_D so pseuds like the article author who think Peterson is a gateway to the alt-right can stop lumping us in with them.

>> No.16065987

looks good is this about /pol/ being a quite literal 24/7 CIA COINTELPRO operation? except /pol/ does their work for free KEK

>> No.16066097
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How do we save academic writing?

>> No.16066124

The obvious way

>> No.16066132

academics only know academia, they project its tendencies

>> No.16066189

>alt-right still a thing
late as always

>> No.16066247

Lel fashwave was always cringe and went out of fashion in 2018.

>> No.16066296


>> No.16066297

We don't, it's broken beyond repair

>> No.16066303

I thought this might have been about our hinduism threads, instead it's just boring /pol/ crap

>> No.16066316

Even the based Chinks acknowledge the third world state into which our universities have fallen.

>> No.16066324

>they need to delete the board
Anon I can tell you're new but I'll tell you right now that this has been tried and it had the opposite effect that you seem to think it would have.

>> No.16066430

Whata laughably bad essay. Its method for "interpreting" meme trends was by examining word clusters.

>> No.16066452

Okay google, Marc Tuters early life

>> No.16066481
File: 30 KB, 300x299, 6C50825B-A049-413F-BD05-AB5266AD0693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marc Tuters early life
I don’t need that anymore. I can feel it.

>> No.16066734

Well, ,we aren’t the intended audience. It’s basiclaly trying to explain us to us. We obviously know better.

>> No.16066802

>uses the term Manichaean constantly
>thinks Evola is a white supremacist or nationalist when he explicitly states they are copes by the cultureless

>> No.16067254

>based Chinks
Their scholarship centers around Marxism, they are no more free they we are.

>> No.16067273

go back to twitter you tranny

>> No.16067277

Protect the canon. It’s what we must do, anon.

>> No.16067281

The semantic normalization of using "far-right" to mean nothing apparently distinct from "right" is so gay

>> No.16067287

>listening to the right wing flavor of discord trannies

>> No.16067296

Anytime someone describes themselves as part of a movement ending in "acc" I immediately assume they are a schizophrenic, a discord tranny, an autistic /pol/smoker, or a combination of the three.

>> No.16067302

Try tranny and twitter user. Calling them schizo would be too kind, they wish they were that interesting.

>> No.16067368
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Holy shit this is gold

>> No.16067490
File: 165 KB, 1300x956, friends-or-teen-girls-reading-magazine-at-home-FXW5JB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the current reactionary
populist moment in online culture can be traced back to the convoluted narrative of “Gamergate”, which was essentially an anti-feminist protest movement bewilderingly disguised as a moral outrage against “ethics
in game journalism”. Gamergate may be understood as having pioneered a new model of right-wing activism centred around a fundamentalist defence of free speech, neo-reactionary and traditionalist notions of identity
politics and a series of online harassment tactic referred to as ‘brigading’.
>What is of particular significant for our purposes is how Gamergate served
to politicize a cross-section of previously relatively politically unengaged internet users in the service of a cause. (In a rare instance of such censure on an otherwise uncensored platform, discussions of Gamergate were in
fact banned from 4chan since they violated its ‘causefagging’ prohibition.)
>In apparent violation of 4chan’s irony imperative, Gamergate created true
believers. Through a process they referred to as ‘red pilling’, coverts came to see themselves as part of a collective quasi-religious community. While this awakening had none of the individual piety of prior American religious
revivals, it did draw its strength from the Thomist idea of the just war against the infidel, who were in this case the dreaded SJWs. >Alongside the globalist and the so-called Cultural Marxist, the figure of the SJW
served to unite these online antagonistic communities.

That's pretty much /leftypol/ view. You still hear this narrative even on 4chan.
It's ridiculous that Marxists like him choose to ally themselves with hegemonic mainstream capitalism against internet-fascists rather then have a more mutually constructive red-brown alliance.

>> No.16067498
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>a fundamentalist defence of free speech

>> No.16067505

acc people are schizo wannabes who desire the edgy aesthetic, not real schizos

>> No.16067509

I can't hardly thing of something more irrelevant than kaliacc

>> No.16067535

> Through a process they referred to as ‘red pilling’, coverts came to see themselves as part of a collective quasi-religious community. While this awakening had none of the individual piety of prior American religiousrevivals, it did draw its strength from the Thomist idea of the just war against the infidel, who were in this case the dreaded SJWs.

You can say the exact same thing on all types of activism - Feminists, SJWs, BLM. That just hypocritical.

>> No.16067552

people who reach schizophrenia via d&g rather than meth

>> No.16067561

nobody wants to be schizo, they don't know what schizos even are if they say that

>> No.16067564

>Jordan Peterson

Hogwash. Peterson is a pedestrian center-left academic. These goofballs in academia literally think anyone who is not registered as a slave of the Clinton Foundation is a fascist. Avoid.

>> No.16067570

perhaps it is you who does not know what they mean by schizo, rather than they who does not know what you mean by it

>> No.16067583

Schizophrenics are not an ambiguous category, and nobody wants to be like them. Their lives are embarrassing and miserable

>> No.16067695


>> No.16067712

People like the aesthetic of being a crazy person, it befits their edgy art covered in glitch filters. Just like how teenage "doomers" romanticize depression.

>> No.16067815

you are
<refusing to come to terms>
<the way other people are using them>
and insisting on
<your prefigured opinion>
which is
hope that helps.

>> No.16068036

>While this awakening had none of the individual piety of prior American religious revivals, it did draw its strength from the Thomist idea of the just war against the infidel, who were in this case the dreaded SJWs.

Such a pea brained take my god. I wish people would stop calling everything a religion. I’ve fallen into it myself

>> No.16068099

You are <typing like a fag> which is <retarded & gay> hope that helps

>> No.16068119

Trying to find any possible angle to cram this knowledge into your brain with. It's pretty tough due to the thickness of your skull.

>> No.16068200

Sorry I don't think schizophrenia is a cool quirky personality trait. Maybe your buddies on tumblr will agree with you though.

>> No.16068244

>posting the same thing again and again
>not integrating new information
Drunk or dull

>> No.16068387

bro JBP believes in government mandated gfs. that's right wing

>> No.16068427

>government mandated gfs are right wing

>In Saratov, for example, the provincial welfare department issued a
'Decree on the Nationalization of Women': it abolished marriage and gave men the right
to release their sexual urges at licensed brothels. Kollontai's subordinates set up a
'Bureau of Free Love' in Vladimir and issued a proclamation requiring all the unmarried
women between the ages of eighteen and fifty to register with it for the selection of their
sexual mates. The proclamation declared all women over eighteen to be 'state property'
and gave men the right to choose a registered woman, even without her consent, for
breeding 'in the interests of the state'.

>> No.16069485

fucking lol

>> No.16069533

where is the specific text you screencapped there?

>> No.16069553

What makes that right wing?

>> No.16069607

The title sounds like some sensationalist bullshit. When scholars are subjected to the laws of capitalism, the result is clickbait celebrity scoops and stirring controversy for the sake of controversy, and nothing remotely connected to science

>> No.16069640

Aren't schizoid and schizophrenic two different mental illnesses? Schizo is just another word that is being killed through overuse.

>> No.16069647

I'll read it and give it an eval shortly

>> No.16069680

>Juden Petersberg
>Othering of 4chan
>The majority of Esoteric authors do not specify anything about hating "dark races". The majority of the foundation texts aren't even authored by nazis, the Golden Dawn as 1 example was co authored by a Jew. Savitri Devi didn't hate brown people she married one lmfao.
>No mention of the black sun symbology used by indo-europens in burial
Savitri Devi isn't mentioned until page 15, yeah this is bullshit what the fuck is an "Evolite" lmfao. Where is the Bhagavad Gita?

This is so poorly researched if they had interviewed me I could have fully explained it

>> No.16069706
File: 205 KB, 1200x798, downfall break with tradition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God tier cringe indeed

>> No.16069849

Haha, nice. I wrote a paper on this guy for my polsci course. Also saw him speak on some events.

I think Tuters missed and continues to miss the underlying dynamics of a platform like 4chan because ultimately he applies structuralist theory to a chaotic medium. You cannot understand something like /pol without considering its actual demographics (not the in incel-meme). There is ex-military, Christians, students etc... there is no underlying ideology and that drives critical theorists absolutely crazy. They cannot grasp it. The closest thing to a fundament would probably by neo-nihilism based not the structure of the boards, not the users.

>> No.16069945

they didn't read any books by the people they talk about an unpaided intern was told to give them a summary and the intern just watched some internet meme videos

>> No.16070187

>there is no underlying ideology and that drives critical theorists absolutely crazy.

Because critical theory fails in every respect in what it's trying to do. Absolute shlock and none of it is correct.

>> No.16070211

Why would it drive them crazy? Iirc critical theorists never had any trouble with trying to fit different groups into one ideological straight-jacket when it suits them.

>> No.16070223

Well tbf in some very centralised states with top-down decision-making some of it holds up, but then again you can think of any random thing and coincidence will provide you with a perfect example to illustrate it.

>> No.16070228

Kill me, above comment was meant for this guy.

>> No.16070257

Because they are rapidly losing ground, have you been living under a rock since 2015? Structuralists recently have been trying to elevate a literal drug addict refusing arrest To martyrdom in a last desperate attempt to generate urgency for their cause, while academia are still pumping out muh ebil Nazi right wing papers. There is an underlying mechanism but they cannot figure it out with the theories they “believe” in, and their slowness is making them lose.

>> No.16070895

literally what?

>> No.16070927

>Thoughts about this scholarly article?

I have suspicions that the author studiously avoids mentioning Guenon, because then he would have to admit that anti-modern thinking combined with mysticism and an interest in spiritual metaphysics actually has quite a serious intellectual foundation and history instead of being a passing fad among zoomers

>> No.16070941

Nah, the reification of spirituality by anglos is false consciousness, idealist trash. But the metaphysics behind the cyclical conception of Time is purely mathematical. Modernity = we got filtered by the ancients. Pick up one of Guénon's book for instance, let's say règne de la quantité, the first three chapters are simple geometry - which the diminished masses cannot possibly grasp - but have you ever seen or heard someone engage with the mathematical aspects of these principles? No, it's always idealist trash that they choose to address, not willingly, but because of their own limitations.

>> No.16070966


We kali yuga now

>> No.16071285

and they still ship all of their "best" students over here

>> No.16071295

The state of humanities
>Pretty much every Chinese scholar studying English or American literature will find a post.

>> No.16071317

You have to read these things carefully.

Take this remark from the article: "In the current right-wing populist political climate, we can find expressions of the alt-histories of esoteric fascism resonating between the margins and the mainstream, as prominently seen in references to Evola by former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon."

On it's face, this suggests that Bannon has cited Evola approvingly more than once. Once you track down the actual original source though, you realize that all of this is built on a single remark given at a conference about how Putin is influenced by Dugin who 'harkens' back to Evola. It's not at all clear that this is a positive thing for Bannon.

>Bannon: I think it’s a little bit more complicated. When Vladimir Putin, when you really look at some of the underpinnings of some of his beliefs today, a lot of those come from what I call Eurasianism; he's got an adviser who harkens back to Julius Evola and different writers of the early 20th century who are really the supporters of what's called the traditionalist movement, which really eventually metastasized into Italian fascism. A lot of people that are traditionalists are attracted to that.

Nowhere is it made obvious that Bannon has actually read Evola. The most you can say is that he is aware of him, and yet how much yarn has been spun from this?.

>> No.16071444

>not listing Anon Cafe’s /fascist/ whose text is literally “Surf the Kali Yuga” and is full of Savitri Devi autism

>> No.16071458

Cringe, but redpilled.

>> No.16071506
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>> No.16071570

wtf I love antifa now

>> No.16071578
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>> No.16071753


>> No.16071805

Newfags don’t know about /new/

All in all /pol/ was fantastic during the Martin case, and every now and then you’ll see top-tier shitposts, which have entertainment value to me. /gg/ took a massive toll on it, and the 2016 election was the nail in the coffin. I browse it from time to time for nostalgia, and about a month ago there was a “what’s your age” thread. The average age posted was late 40s. The amount of 50 year olds and even 60 year olds astonished me. They were all brought in during the election cycle and wanted to see what the kids were doing, they never left. In addition to the increasing boomer user base, feds from all the major countries are on the board as well due to it having such an impact in 2016. Whether you want to admit it or not, /pol/ had a profound impact on the American political system. As soon as they became a noticeable player, they were ruined.

>> No.16071824


Image boards break down once they get too fast. It's a question of scale. I still remember when you could have conversations on /b/. Now? Not so much. /pol/ is too fast to be good these days. The influx of outsiders contributed to this problem.

>> No.16071826

>The amount of 50 year olds and even 60 year olds astonished me.
Same. I can always tell a boomer on /pol/ by their typing style and it's so annoying.

>> No.16072028

Abolish all academic institutions and start from the ground up.

>> No.16072044
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write some yourself?

>> No.16072094

Yeah the reason why I think there's a huge increase in politicization on other boards like /lit/ and /tv/ compared to a few years ago comes from the fact that /pol/ is just too fast. I remember back before the election was on anyone's mind you could have genuine conversations on there so if you wanted to have a multi-paragraph, multi-day talk with someone about politics you could do that. Now it's just a clusterfuck of one-line rapid-fire trolling, fedposting, and boomerposting so everyone with a triple digit IQ moved on to other boards or even other websites and takes out their political urges there. If /pol/ was deleted now I think it would make the original deletion look like nothing in comparison. The huge wave of nazi meme kiddies and boomers that would flood every other major board would be unbearable. You'd have unironic Trump threads on /lit/ lmao.

>> No.16072110

This, it's just as thinly veiled as the putative influence Nietzsche had on Hitler which is supposedly evidenced by one quote from the Table Talks

>> No.16072132

I agree with the take on Bannon and Evola, but it's almost certain that Hitler had some kind of influence from Nietzsche considering how thoroughly he poured over schopenhauer

>> No.16072190

Oh great, he misquoted him out of context. How many times did right wing writers were accused of doing the exact same thing by the mainstream? And yet when this guy does that he gets a pass and featured in a Routledge publishing.
He's writing reminds me of how Israeli scholars write about Islamists or Nazis - complete lack of empathy to the people they're writing on, with a "know your enemy" sort of mentality.

>> No.16072325

>JBP believes in government mandated gfs
Actually no.

>> No.16073421

>The average age posted was late 40s. The amount of 50 year olds and even 60 year olds astonished me.
Same. I think this is also a big part of how /pol/ got started with unironic christianity as if it's in any way compatible with anything else posted on /pol/. It suddenly hit me that a lot of these people were typing exactly like boomers and that they probably were boomers.

>> No.16073446

>as if it's in any way compatible with anything else posted on /pol/.
idk did you hear about the Spanish Inquisition? very /pol/