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/lit/ - Literature

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16060855 No.16060855 [Reply] [Original]

You do use a book holder when you read, right?

>> No.16060862

no, i use my hands because i don't buy frivolous kike trinkets because i'm not a consoomer

>> No.16060867

wtf? I never even heard about this shit. Maybe like just read a book not search amazon for 5 hours.

>> No.16060869
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>> No.16060891

If you were to read for 5 hours though it could make your hands sore, thus the book holder

>> No.16060897

or just change the way you are holding the book coomsoomer fag

>> No.16061223

must you be able to see both pages at once? one at a time is enough for me

>> No.16061236 [DELETED] 

>Getting sore hands from reading
You were supposed to be a genetic dead end, yet society has made it so that women settle down with the most sickly gub-gubs.

>> No.16061269

How do I read the bottom text?

>> No.16061276 [DELETED] 

You don't read any of the text, you just use the book holder as a conversation piece in coffee shops.

>> No.16061376

That has to be a bait. Surely this wasn't created for that purpose.

>> No.16061483

Like a fidget spinner?


>> No.16061494

Looks like something you could easily make yourself. You can do some simple woodworking, right?

>> No.16061544

I prefer the Oxford style

>> No.16061553

>Oxford style

>> No.16061639

why the fuck would I? plus this is something anyone could make at home if you need to pay money to hold a book open then theres something wrong with you

>> No.16061644

Post woodworked book holder you smug kike

>> No.16061660

good idea, will post results on /diy/ now

>> No.16061711


>> No.16061783

>plus this is something anyone could make at home
ok savage

>> No.16061862

how would a book holder help my computer screen? -silly feeling

>> No.16061929

You would like that wouldn’t you, make the golem for your dirty woodwork. wood kike

>> No.16061940

Mine doubles as a wrench to open bottles of delicious onions.

>> No.16062232


>> No.16062241

You could just whhhittle down a piece of wood to do it

>> No.16062266


>> No.16062487
File: 23 KB, 413x656, 1271306991711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe he's referring to this method of reading.

>> No.16062494

I bet you're under 20y/o anyone past that age who doesn't live with their parents is handy enough to make something basic like that a fucking dremel would do it

>> No.16062509

I have no idea what you’re attempting to convey to me here. I’ll just look it up

>> No.16063392

So I'm the only person in this thread who noticed the panda brandishing a pistol? This just confirms that /lit/ is full of midwits.

>> No.16063431

even this is generous, anon

>> No.16063492

I like the panda in the bottom left.
Very cute!
I think my biggest obstacle when it comes to reading is actually finding a comfortable way to configure my body. It’s upsetting that no matter what position I’m in either my neck is pinched or my arms get sore and if I find a position that prevents that then my back is twisted and turning pages is awkward.
I think humans actually weren’t designed with book reading in mind. It’s very cumbersome.
Perhaps I could try a book holder, but probably not because I am not a faggot.
Oh also OP I really like the panda in the bottom left of your image.
Very cute!!

>> No.16063508


>> No.16063536

>Don't buy pointless stuff.
>Go buy woodworking tools.

>> No.16063581
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FPBP, kikes and consoomers btfo

>> No.16063617
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What even explains a mindset like this? Like what deep seated pathological shit do you have to have going on to think like this? I hate to take cheap shots at one's mental health, but I can see no other explanation for it.

>> No.16064227

Yes and a fidget spinner in the other hand ofc

>> No.16064337

Your grandfather would be ashamed

>> No.16064362

You can make the OP pic object with a block of wood and a knife
Maybe some sandpaper and varnish if you're into that

>> No.16064763

Ebook masterrace don't need this nigger "technology"

>> No.16064791
File: 62 KB, 680x510, mybookwheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book holder
kek, check out my book wheel

>> No.16064924

>no u
Imagine being such a pathetic piece of shit you have to cope this hard because your whittle hands hurt from holding a book. Do your wrists also hurt when you hold your girlfriend’s lover’s cock?

>> No.16065083
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>> No.16065155
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>> No.16065162

Based, but you might want to put a side on it so dust doesn't clog the machine up. There was a whole thread about this fairly recently.

>> No.16065165
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>> No.16065170


mate this is gold

>> No.16065193

Modern men are indoctrinated to be feminized, which leads to the fags like he was replying to who have to buy shit to mitigate the mild pain of holding a book for too long. Its a function of capitalism.

>> No.16065200

I'll never stop being amazed at the sheer wimpiness of certain demographics

>> No.16065202

my book wheel is mechanical and doubles as a wood chipper

>> No.16065287

Again, you jump immediately to cuckold shit

>> No.16065732

>implying the same person is laughing at you
Oh sweetie, there’s not just one of us that think you’re a limp twisted pussy

>> No.16065907

Okay samefag

>> No.16065929

I'm >>16065193 and I think you're a pussy

>> No.16065958


>> No.16065984

There are 53 posts and 42 posters in this thread. These 16 posts
Are critical of your pussy little book opener. Mathematically there are at least 2 people who are laughing at you, and 1 of them is Butterfly.

>> No.16066441

I'm not the "reading hurts my hands" guy; I think these book holders are absurd. But equally absurd are all the people who immediately say stuff like, "You're a feminized cuck jew" or whatever.

>> No.16066463

Okay feminized jew cuck

>> No.16066501

Shhhh kike begone

>> No.16066508

Finally some variety

>> No.16067483

Fuckin based reader pro be blessed and checked

>> No.16067631
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>> No.16067641

you got some book mold you a moldy ass nigga

>> No.16067823

Shut up you effeminate kike

>> No.16068723


>> No.16069413
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