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16060831 No.16060831 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that explain that traditions are mostly made up, that nations are a modern political project, that human nature is malleable, that meritocracy under capitalism is a myth, that market solutions are often destructive to society, that disciplinarian methods are the cause and not the solution of most social pathologies, that crime is a consequence of inequality, that christian-judeo civilization is a myth, that sexual liberation is good, that most people are really bisexual but coerced by society into believing otherwise, that immigration is good, and that the state is essential to regulate the economy?

>> No.16060834

my diary desu desu

>> No.16060837

deez nuts lol

>> No.16060888

Protocols of the learned elders of Zion

>> No.16061004

You are retarded.

>> No.16061018

go away retard

>> No.16061027

erm you can go to the "fantasy" section.

>> No.16061972


>> No.16061998

This is the modern liberal narrative. Go to a bookstore, and pick out a book at random. There's a good chance the book will reflect your beliefs.

>> No.16062039

hobsbawm has edited a book on traditions that explains that a lot of supposedly ancient traditions are actually modern. Can't remember title. Should be easy to find desu.

>> No.16062053

Guns, Germs & Steel

>> No.16062711

All of this is correct

>> No.16062736

only one of those is true.

>> No.16062748

>What are some books that explain that traditions are mostly made up
the Doors of Perception

>> No.16062788


>> No.16062999

Invented Traditions. It's very good.

>> No.16064408

The Talmud