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File: 500 KB, 605x903, scruton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16059852 No.16059852 [Reply] [Original]

What is he actually wrong about?

>> No.16059863

more like roger scrotum lol

>> No.16059864

"western culture" is a cia meme

>> No.16059905

It existed long before the CIA, imbecile.

>> No.16060139

Looks like nothing lol

>> No.16060156
File: 41 KB, 500x590, A23983C3-53AA-4ED9-9D5E-D12B58B5615F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European culture.


>> No.16060164

Birth of Venus is kinda wack

>> No.16060178

not an argument

>> No.16060195

A genius discovering the world once again with fresh eyes.


Beautiful, man.

>> No.16060207

Sure it is.

>> No.16060217

No, it didn't. It was invented in December 1947 to justify intervening in the Italian elections.

>> No.16060238

>dang it jim I'm a doctor not a brick layer
I mean he's not wrong but does he really need to say stuff like this?

>> No.16060256

Blessed video.

>> No.16060277
File: 290 KB, 344x437, zizek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What he did wasn't wrong. He never hid his payments and he got paid for something he already believed in which is why he took the pay. It's like if he got paid by an art school to talk about aesthetics. No one would have a problem with that. Two he isn't the only academic who has taken money from companies. Zizek for example got paid to advertise for Abercrombie and Chomsky literally got paid to work on military technology at MIT

>> No.16060292
File: 73 KB, 1200x800, Roger Scruton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Marriage does not exist for the benefit of the present generation but for the benefit of the next.”

Could anyone be more based?

>> No.16060366

He's just super milquetoast. He's a liberal conservative, a self undermining position.

>> No.16060389


>> No.16060544

I don't totally believe this, but I do believe that CIA is brainfucking us hard into believing some stupid shit that spawned the western trad who are no different than otakus.

>> No.16060548


>> No.16060554

Is that the dirty underwear thread?

>> No.16060575

Are you a glowwie? I remembered reading somewhere that glowwies had infiltrated this place a long time ago.

>> No.16060592

Probably. He’s such an attention whore troll he’s got shove it in everyone’s face what he did.

>> No.16060714

> country is being demographically replaced with foreigners
> moral degeneracy rampant
> hhhmm this pop music sure is bad
he really captures conservatism and conservatives. they're either totally compromised and shilling for war, or they're obsessed about some irrelevant cultural matter

>> No.16060791

>underestimating the capabilities of art in uglifying the souls of the collective unconscious

>> No.16060859

how many angels can dance on a tip of a needle?

>> No.16060969


>"Scruton once attacked liberal politicians for believing “the proposition that pious Muslims from the hinterlands of Asia would produce children loyal to a secular European state”. He was clear that just being born and brought up here didn’t make someone “one of us”; indeed, for certain ethnic and religious categories, the very idea was laughable. His view that Christianity was an essential component of English identity, and that of other European countries, meant that Muslim immigrants could only be seen as a threat."

>> No.16060980

He complained about muzzies because theyre anti sodomite and he was a sodomite or at least a sympathizer. I dont care about their religion,

> Christianity was an essential
Ask him what Christianity? It would be his water downed Anglicanism with its gossip magazine sermons

>> No.16060984

Capitalism. It's incompatible with traditional values.

>> No.16060991


>"In 2007, he wrote that although homosexuality “has been normalised, it is not normal”"

>"Scruton wrote in an editorial, “prompts us to view… homosexuality as intrinsically threatening.”'

>"Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs objected because of remarks Scruton had made years earlier: he had described "Islamophobia" as a "propaganda word", homosexuality as "not normal", lesbianism as an attempt to find "committed love that [a woman] can't get from men any more", and date rape as not a distinct crime. He had also made allegedly conspiratorial remarks about the Jewish businessman George Soros.'

>> No.16060995

he says this though

>> No.16061038

erm, idk dude. maybe ask a professor i dunno

>> No.16061044

Then why was he a capitalist?

>> No.16061129

According to Jonathan Dollimore, Scruton based a conservative sexual ethic on the Hegelian proposition that "the final end of every rational being is the building of the self", which involves recognizing the other as an end in itself. Scruton argues that the major feature of perversion is "sexual release that avoids or abolishes the other", which he sees as narcissistic and solipsistic.[154] Nussbaum countered that Scruton did not apply his principle of otherness equally — for example, to sexual relationships between adults and children or between Protestants and Catholics.[155] In an essay, "Sexual morality and the liberal consensus" (1990), Scruton wrote that homosexuality leads to the "de-sanctifying of the human body" because the body of the homosexual's lover belongs to the same category as his own.[156] He further argued that gay people have no children and consequently no interest in creating a socially stable future. He therefore considered it justified to "instil in our children feelings of revulsion" towards homosexuality,[145] and in 2007 he challenged the idea that gay people should have the right to adopt.[157] Scruton told The Guardian in 2010 that he would no longer defend the view that revulsion against homosexuality can be justified.

>> No.16061140

There are many different kinds of capitalism

>> No.16061555

old weak ugly pathetic boring shit. he is wrong about himself, about world, about god.

>> No.16061609
File: 67 KB, 960x738, 1585437414799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"de-sanctifying of the human body" because the body of the homosexual's lover belongs to the same category as his own

Braindead. I suppose only pedophilia is sanctified because adults share the same category of body? Or is miscegenation a moral imperative? Races, ages, disabilities, genders, and sexualities are all different modes or categories of human. There is no argument against extending his reasoning to include disgust at two able bodied people being in love? That you must have sex with a disabled, muslim child in order to NOT be perverted. Which is clearly absurd.

So like all of Scruton's 'philosophy' he wraps up his personal view in vague and pseudo analytical justifications that fall apart under the most basic scrutony... He is not a rigorous or profound thinker. His only interesting writing is on Wagner.

>> No.16061647

You can't be wrong about a whole lot when you don't really take a stance on anything important or meaningful.

>> No.16061816

Idk but a midwit i knew irl liked him so much. He's not even white.

>> No.16061893


>> No.16061903

You, what YOU did.

>> No.16061930

What YOU did, you sick fuck.

>> No.16061932

But I'm not a women.

>> No.16061950

I quite dislike modern top 40 pop music but listening to him talk about it as someone with only a little knowledge of theory revealed to me how much of a charlatan this guy really was

Made me start noticing how full of shit he was in other regards, sorry. Don't want to insult a dead guy, especially one who was probably for the most part a decent man, but the guy was a literal fraud

>> No.16061957

Literally how? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUWQRL4LraY

>> No.16061994

have you read his work?

>> No.16062016

You realise he's saying nothing here (not sure if I've seen this particular video but I've listened to him talk about music several times) right?

It literally is "old thing good, new thing bad", he doesn't make any argument. He talks and talks about us needing to choose beauty and have standards, but never provides any kind of means by which to do so.
He doesn't know what he's talking about, he doesn't actually know anything. He will tell you certain classical/ or baroque compositions are more complex than lady gaga, but he can't actually tell you why.
He pops the occasional technical term in to fool you (wrongly oftentimes, I once heard him claim a certain pop song had no melody lmao) but in reality can't justify any of his claims

Paper tiger, you only think he's some kind of intellectual because he drops some names and has a british accent

>> No.16062018

When you ejaculate inside of a woman, you produce a child. When you ejaculate inside of a man, you produce a mixture of shit, blood and cum.

>> No.16062022
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one bit.

>> No.16062023

his stuff on homosexuality is pretty ridiculous

>> No.16062040

His book on Kant couldve been more helpful

>> No.16062049

Homosexuality is pretty ridiculous.

>> No.16062051

>modern music is played everywhere even when wishing only to be served a quiet dinner because of the utter emptiness and loneliness in modern mans hearts, and if one were to politely ask for the music to be turned off, you are looked at as some sort of Scruge, that one can enjoy his own company....
And so on. It all sounds like pretty well thought out arguments to me, and correct too.

>> No.16062052

obvious misreading of his word. The only thing that concretely differentiate between people are their genders. The thing that is there when you are first born, arguably the purest form a person can be. and it's an obvious fact that a penis is suppose to go inside a vagina for procreation. Any other alternative are simulation of the process. If this is rendered arbitrary, then this difference is purely insubstantial and useless despite being a completely meaningful and powerful force of the human psyche and activities. The difference in age, race and abilities are completely surface level in comparison to gender.

>> No.16062059

His book on Kant couldn't have been more helpful.

>> No.16062085

It's not an argument, he's not saying anything here
It's also really dishonestly melodramatic, it's not weird at all to want silence sometimes, or just conversation without music to distract you. Maybe just a weird britbong thing??

>> No.16062089

>Maybe just a weird britbong thing??
Yes, but everything he has said prior here is a logical conclusion.

>> No.16062109

>if one were to politely ask for the music to be turned off, you are looked at as some sort of Scruge, that one can enjoy his own company
This is not true where I live

>> No.16062121

I don't care.

>> No.16062135

Lol, ok I never said you did
It just demonstrates that Scruton is full of shit, which you do seem to care about

>> No.16062149
File: 1.68 MB, 2048x1111, 1590357157528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I become as erudite and learned as him?
is it possible to do as a wageslave?

>> No.16062315

>Paper tiger, you only think he's some kind of intellectual because he drops some names and has a british accent
How would he be one of the most respected aesthetic philosophers who is taught in schools and where you can find him published in academic journals and anthologies of aesthetic philosophy if he was a nobody?

>> No.16062334

Have you read his books like The Aesthetics of Music and Understanding Music?

>> No.16062338

He's a pop philosopher ffs, not even worthy for a consideration lmao.

>> No.16062343

This doesn't mean he thinks it should be illegal, which he doesn't

>> No.16062353

I can't tell if the people in this thread are baiting or just post about things they don't know.

>> No.16062407

At his best he's just that one loser philosopher who got quoted in pinterest-tier "trad" aesthetic posting by some socmed retards. Nick Land is just substantially more relevant and i'm not even trying to compliment him.

>> No.16062436

>The only thing that concretely differentiate between people are their genders

HAHAHA. Cumbrain.

>> No.16062460

>is it possible to do as a wageslave?
In part yes, and in part no; the latter will be explained by your viewing of this fox-hunting video. A wagie fox-hunting would always be a wagie "getting away from it" and talking philosophy would always be a "break from normal life" to most.

Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoybTk6TEX4

Watch all of it, it's great and arguably my favourite video on youtube.

>> No.16062536

prove me wrong lol. The only exceptions are the intersex, and they are used as crutches to defend transgender people who aren't even intersex. I will stand by my words. The purest difference a human can be is the sex.