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16059723 No.16059723 [Reply] [Original]

i cant afford an ereader right now

>> No.16059751

If you don't value what you're reading enough that you should own a physical copy, imo anything you read to understand a point of view or understand cultural context rather than to enjoy the writing itself falls into this

>> No.16059760

don't listen to this nigger >>16059751, OP.

reading on a laptop is fine. good luck saving for whatever medium you choose to read on.

>> No.16060394


Been reading with my laptop for the past 4 months

>> No.16060587

it's actually good if you are working on your posture but may not be great for you sight

>> No.16061528

reading on a laptop is better than not reading at all
so if its your only option now then DO IT!

>> No.16061536

I read on my phone. Was a turbo physical book fag until my second library was stolen due to being a homeless faggot. It was uncomfy at first and now I don't get the deal with it being any different. Plus I enjoy features like word lookup.

>> No.16061732

Just read a book, how hard can it be? Stop being a consoomer and put entertainment in tech companies hands.
>hurr durr books cost I'm poor
Go to a library or buy them used like I do.
Cute pic OP btw.

>> No.16062321

You just have to read, anon.

>> No.16062330

If Uncomfortable is Ok, then yes, sure.

>> No.16062339

For me, it's secondhand books at $1-5 each

>> No.16062376

Yeah,it is,but i prefer physical books,i can concentrate more easily than pc.

>> No.16062387

Kill yourself retard

>> No.16062651

if your eyeballs can handle it, go for it. Try to find some software that makes page turning not annoying, try flux or something similar to relieve eyestrain.

Oh, and try your local library before committing to reading on a monitor

>> No.16062713

I got one for 40$ and it got me into reading desu. I probably wouldn't read otherwise, phone is better than laptop tho

>> No.16062773
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I explicitly read from monitor screens desu

>> No.16062911

what ereader was that?

>> No.16062940

Used paperwhite 2. Honestly you can get one for 20-50$, they all do the same. Even older models, except they don't have a light.

>> No.16062941

>its okay to get up using left foot in the morning /lit/?
What did OP mean by this?

>> No.16063446

any tutorial on how to hold a lamb while bathing it?

>> No.16063746

Yes, and if you get eye strain try using a blue light filter like f.lux, though those might just be memes. Just look away from the screen for a few minutes every so often to relax your eyes.

>> No.16064093

I read the entirety of Infinite Jest on my phone in one month. By the end my vision got blurry and I couldn't focus my eyes for a week. I almost got a bogus prescription for glasses, but it went away, and now I can read on phone all day with no problems.

>> No.16064156

>Infinite Jest on my phone
How does that work with respect to endnotes?

>> No.16064216

Yes. Actually the only use of edge browser for me is to read pdf. I also like that i can just google some parts easier.

I also read book from physical copy and kindle. They all have their own benefits desu.