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16058285 No.16058285[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Politics are boring

>> No.16058291

so is my cock, but i still like to stroke it.

>> No.16058308

based mtf

>> No.16058336

Have fun slaving under neo feudalism, faggot.

>> No.16058411

like being aware that you are or not makes a difference lol

>> No.16058433

However we are still affected by it so just pay attention to it a little and mainly deal with community politics

>> No.16058453

Ignorance is bliss thats why I just like to grill :^)

>> No.16058560

this but unironically
if you are armed and have a family there is no reason you should trouble yourself with politics you have no control over

>> No.16058597

What, no.
if you have no say in the law then the law can immediately turn on you. they could take your gun away as we have seen recently with full legal authority. and in a fight between you and the entire federal collection of agencies i'd put my money on the later

>> No.16058610

I've been much more content since I stopped caring and reading the news

>> No.16058626

Audibly kek’d

>> No.16058671

and then your son dies of a preventable disease you were denied healthcare for lol

>> No.16058757

retards who believe voting matters

>> No.16058793

hi brennan

>> No.16058794

Jokes on you, I'm not poor.

>> No.16059452

People find boring those thing that; or excede, or or are not enough of a challenge for their intellgience.
That's why you find quantum technical things and a lecture from elementry math boring.
You have a low IQ.

>> No.16059473

Is this also why you find children's shows so entertaining, because you found something you can understand?

>> No.16059474 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 250x250, AHEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Only midwits care about politics, <90 and 13+ Chads don't give a shit.

>> No.16059486
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Have a (you), cheeky bastard

>> No.16059492 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 250x250, AHEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Only midwits care about politics, <90 and 130+ IQ Chads don't give a fuck.

>> No.16059506
File: 10 KB, 250x250, AHEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Only midwits care about politics, <90 and 130+ IQ Chads don't give a fuck.

>> No.16059693

no i find them boring cause they "are not enough of a challenge for their intellgience" as i said

>> No.16059698

>t.<90 IQ

>> No.16059730

>t. claims to be +130 but is really 105

there is great wisdom in adknowledging one's stupidity

>> No.16059732

It gets boring once you realize you're unable to affect them. Then you move on to philosophy and privately nurture an interest in Fascism.

>> No.16059738

Not until he gets sick.

>> No.16059739

Seething midwit.

>> No.16059795

i have literally never had to go to the doctor for a nessecary medical treatment (besides toe wart removal) since i was 4 years old. and it wasn't because i was sick, it was because i stuck a rock in my ear because i wanted to hear it talk

>> No.16059804

Its also scripted drama for dummies.
This, except the fascist part.

>> No.16059812

If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/.

>> No.16059834

You libertarians sound increasingly mad these days. Arguing against socialism before having a conniption over defunding the police. Which is it?

Also, what the hell is a libertarian doing in a federal agency? How does such a person live with themselves? How do they reconcile their existence?

>> No.16059856

yeah let me just ask politely for them to not steal my ability to defend myself from them, shit why didn't we think of this sooner

>> No.16059862

and then your son dies of a preventable disease because it took you 7 months to see a government approved doctor lol

>> No.16059894

Reminder that Leftypol has made multiple threads discussing how to raid /lit/
https://bunkerchan.. DOT xyz/leftypol/res/749397.html
https://bunkerchan DOT xyz/leftypol/res/720042.html
They will not rest until this board is turned into /pol/.

Reminder that Leftypol has made multiple threads discussing how to raid /lit/
https://bunkerchan.. DOT xyz/leftypol/res/749397.html
https://bunkerchan DOT xyz/leftypol/res/720042.html
They will not rest until this board is turned into /pol/.

Reminder that Leftypol has made multiple threads discussing how to raid /lit/
https://bunkerchan.. DOT xyz/leftypol/res/749397.html
https://bunkerchan DOT xyz/leftypol/res/720042.html
They will not rest until this board is turned into /pol/

>> No.16059915

Quite possibly the worst place to discuss politicts

>> No.16059924

You know what happens when a libertarian leads a federal agency? He feeds off of it like the bloodsucker he is and when things start to go tits up he hatches plots to run away into the woods until the danger has receded. There is no accountability. No sense of ownership. Just supreme cowardice.

Libertarians! Answer me this! Is slavery wrong if it helps your bottom line?

I'm more of a progressive centrist. I'm open to verbally abusing everyone.

>> No.16059935

>dud i swear only midwits care about politics. fuck that thing about celebs and shit!!!

>> No.16059964

people here are more critical and hold more varied opinions than /pol/, whatever these raids think they'll accomplish is for nothing. either they'll be engaged seriously or ignored, rarely people will goad others into a shitpost fight about politics - posts with no thought behind them are largely ignored.

ps take your meds

>> No.16060069

>these threads are full of people actively dissuading any kind of raid

>> No.16060084

What we need are more libertarians in the government and more marxists in the boardroom.

Ha ha, jk. What we need is some fucking consistency. If you could stop being the largest hypocrite to ever walk the Earth, that'd be great. Or hey, why don't you follow up on that threat to move to China for once - where they do have marxists in the boardroom.

>> No.16060092

>get caught
>"Bros don't make threads where they can see us planning to raid"
They don't even care people are raiding, they are saying don't make threads so we can't link them.

>> No.16060184

Libertarians, why must we all suffer because you grew up around scumbags? It's a pandemic. People can't work not because they're lazy, but because they shouldn't spread disease. What the fuck is wrong with you? We're not your goddamn family, some of us are decent. You fuckers. Covid continues thanks to your pathological hatred of handouts. All the while you grew up on welfare and accepted your handouts. You fucking rat.

>> No.16060218

>leftypol poster made this unironically and hit post

>> No.16060229

It's okay anon, let it all out. Also maybe take your meds.

>> No.16060260

>You better blow my brains out
No need, you will hand that yourself tranny.

>> No.16060300
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I don't even know what you're trying to say or who you're saying it to. Your posts are incoherent and you seem to be taling to imaginary libertarians. Are you okay?

>> No.16060388

Oh thank God, you mean to tell me there are no libertarians working for federal agencies? Thank God, anon! I thought I lost it for a second there.

And there are no libertarian senators worried about encouraging financial dependency on the government during a fucking pandemic? None? Man do I feel stupid.

I'm ranting at the libertarians I know are out there, just like random anons rant at women they know are out there every fucking second on this site, you selectively oblivious jackass. I suppose using second person pronouns was pretty direct for 4chan and I will be subsequently checking myself before I wreck myself.

Just kidding. Stew upon my legitimate grievances. Shove them up your ass and meditate upon the depths of your hypocrisy. Or affirm your hatred of government by acknowledging that no self-respecting libertarian should be employed by a federal agency.

>> No.16060418

>This is your brain on estrogen

>> No.16060508

I assumed a libertarian would find it disgraceful to be employed by the government, an institution that is the supposed bane of their existence. And furthermore, it would be ruinous for a government to be made up of people who don't believe in a functioning government. Does libertarianism have any principles or is it just naked avarice?

>> No.16060829

>this is your brain on strawmen

>> No.16062005

Has anyone ITT stopped reading the news actively??

I just get thing through cultural osmosis now, but politics has not much to do with politics news anymore.
Pretty much everything that will happen in the next 2 years is set in stone anyway:
>Trump is gonna lose
>some Qanon chimpouts are gonna happen
>people act like everything is now good with Biden
>more people get frustrated disenfranchised
>Republicans are either act like they were neverTrumpers or gonna try finding a new One
>some scandal is gonna happen maybe a policemen gets actually punched the first time or a drunk transvestite is pissing against a tree, which means for republicans the end of western civilisation again

>> No.16062028

>why do peopel even hav curosity?
Shut the fuck up, bug man.

>> No.16062041

I haven't actively read the news since the election, I think.

Understanding political theory is much more important and the subject matter is actually interesting, knowing everything about every performer in the ZOG circus and mapping out a game plan is as interesting as fantasy football.

>> No.16062061

Basically. All politics is mental masturbation to cope with the fact that you're not Chad. Chads are our getting laid and travelling and hanging out with friends , not arguing over bullshit with strangers about stuff they can't change. and most of the right wing stuff is just bitterness that roasties dont want them in the current zeitgeist when it's really just about genetics
that's why I went from pol to /tv/ at least there I'm honest about it being a jerk off

>> No.16062349

>he doesn't know about triage
Oh i am laffin

>> No.16062385

it's funny because his entire rant about libertarians started because of >>16059795 my post
i got him seething over imaginary libertarians when i'm an anti-capitalist paleoconservative

>> No.16062551
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I can only give developed thoughts on certain issues, a lot of politics I just don't give a shit enough to even toe a party line.
Also philosophy is more boring than politics desu

>> No.16062663

ok bro
now pay my taxes :)

>> No.16062743

I am tiring of the Obamas swanning about, chastising people for not deepthroating the Clintons hard enough. Recently Michelle said government doesn't have a PR budget. It has no PR campaign with which to explain itself. What a goddamn neoliberal. Pretty sure a strong civic education used to accomplish that objective. But fuck it, let teachers donate blood if they want civic textbooks.

I like thinking about political factions in terms of quadrants. Really nifty, that. I like running between all of them and stealing their best ideas. And conversely slamming them against a wall when they're being shit. I say that, but only Libright can really take a proverbial beat down. Libleft and Authright need to be handled more gently lest they explode. And Authleft is incredibly sensitive to criticism that you only need to think of something disparaging and they feel it.