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/lit/ - Literature

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16057064 No.16057064 [Reply] [Original]

When it comes to literature and philosophy who wins?

>> No.16057075



>trying to legalize pedophilia

>turning philosophy into bourgeois tranny enabling for dumb women

>> No.16057076

philosophy is for faggots

>> No.16057078

I love France, but this is still a no-brainer. Germany easily wins.

>> No.16057110

sorry you're too dum for it anon
basically yes
with lit its more of a toss-up

>> No.16057222

>sorry you're too dum for it anon
nah you're just a time wasting NEET faggot

>> No.16057271

How come Germany doesn't have easily recognizable monuments like France?

>> No.16057298

>The Brandenburg Gate
>The Reichstag
>The Berlin Wall
>Nuremberg Christmas Market
>Neuschwanstein Castle
Burgers current year

>> No.16057313

Germans have Kant and Frege, they take this one.
If we mean German as in the country/region then Franch literature is better. If we are talking about German-speaking authors in general then German.

>> No.16057325

Germany. Not even close.
Individual authors - Germany (Goethe > Proust fight me)
volume of good authors - France

>> No.16057377


>> No.16057397

frenchfag here, i'd go with germany.
have of them were bombed.

>> No.16057414

The French crippled their WW2 strategy to avoid damage to their cities.

>> No.16057419

German poetry sucks. The French win in poetry easily. They beat the Germans in prose too, but it's more competitive. Philosophy goes to the Germans though as easily as poetry goes to the French.

>> No.16057430

Best answer /thread

>> No.16057458

Literature as art: French
Philosophy: Germans
German literature is good but not as good as the french, even in terms of greatest work and writer Proust is better than Goethe (though by only very little) and there are far more literary french writers of quality. French philosophy is absolute trash, particularly 20th century, to think that the same century that produced Heidegger also produced Sartre shows just how pathetic and awful french philosophy is.
They do see >>16057298
and also >>16057397

>> No.16057487

France might actually be the country with the worst philosophy in existence. So many notable philosophers and all of them are trash.

>> No.16057495

What the burgers in this thread must understand is, that many great German works of literature are not really known outside of Germany. French books seem to be more known in the Anglosphere than German books.

>> No.16057630

Even the scandis had dope mystics like Swedenborg.

>> No.16058069

names that pop in my head when I think of german literature:
>arno schmidt
very limited, help me expand it

>> No.16058121

I'd say the burger test is actually a great way to measure how recognisable something is
If someone illiterate in geography recognises it then it must be pretty damn recognisable
If they can't, then not so much

>> No.16058136

In both these fields the French set the foundations but it was the Germans that actually walked and the walk
Still, both are inferior to classical literature and philosophy so why bother

>> No.16058150

fucking kekd.
Sad thing is it is actually accurate.
reichstag is very damn recognizable though

>> No.16058235


>> No.16058430

lmao forgot kafka

>> No.16058435

>Neuschwanstein Castle
That's so gauche it pretty much wouldn't look out of place in Las Vegas,

>> No.16058452

Wasnt Kafka Bohemian?

>> No.16058505

>the French set the foundations
In philosophy? Fuck no. In literature? Still no.

>> No.16059299

ok excuse me i concede german philosophy is better but how the heck is german literature better than french?
>Froissart, Villon, Montaigne, Rabelais, de Navarre, du Bellay, Scève, Ronsard, Commynes, d'Aubigné, Garnier, Corneille, de La Rochefoucauld, de La Fontaine, Molière, Pascal, Bosuet, Boileau-Despréaux, Racine, de Marivaux, Rousseau, Voltaire, Prévost, de La Fayette, de Chamfort, Diderot, de Laclos
>erasmus, goethe, schiller, lessing, holderlin, kleist

>> No.16059304

oh this is from bloom's canon btw

>> No.16059607

obviously germany

>> No.16059653

France easy

>> No.16059737

quality over quantity m8

>> No.16060671

>Implying Bloom is an authority on anything
lel. He made a valiant effort at defending a classical education but that doesn't mean everything he said was right. Half the people you listed under france are literal whos.

>> No.16060676

Fontane, Freytag, Grabbe, Büchner, Hofmannsthal, Hauptmann, Böll, Zuckmayer, Dürrenmatt just to name a few.
These aren't even obscure, they are some of the best known authors here in Germany.

>> No.16060689

Pre-1900s philosophy: Germany
Post-1900s philosophy: France

France has the better literature of the two, but both pale in comparison to most other major countries (Russia, Britain, Ireland, United States).

>> No.16060690

> Worst of the European arches
> Only interesting thanks to British rebuild
> Not a monument, ugly as sin
> An event? It's just a town square digga
> Kitsch self-parody

>> No.16060697

Is shit though. Highschool tier morality theatre plus some pretentious crime thrillers.

>> No.16060715

Yes he definitely isn't on the same level as the other authors I've listed, but he is enjoyable to read in my opinion.
Also he is well known, especially because his books are often read in school.

>> No.16060757

i like both : ) (fiction)

>> No.16060971

Up until ~1850, it's Germany without a doubt.
After that it's France (compared to Germany of that time; it still can't compete with German romanticism).

>> No.16061072

Proust, Flaubert > all german shit.

>> No.16061078

France is done. Its over them. Their next international best seller will be a Quran reprint.

>> No.16061080

France and it's not even close.


>> No.16061082

...is this a joke

>> No.16061109

That's a nice philosophy you have, anon.

>> No.16061123

Yes but his books are written in german

>> No.16061127

German lit >>>>>>>>> French lit, but
>Half the people you listed under france are literal whos
Fuck off, brainwashed /lit/ard. Consider actually reading books instead of shitposting about mediocre contemporary American writers of the brazilian basker-weaving board

>> No.16061139

germany for philosophy (they were the peak, better than lit's greek meme)
french for lit

>> No.16061200

Heidegger alone is worth more than all the french retards of the 20th century

>> No.16061228 [DELETED] 
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It's actually the Scots

>> No.16061257

erasmus was dutch you retard

>> No.16061272
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The English

>> No.16061294
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Reminder that the French ended poetry. Quality over quantity isn't a valid argument for German lit.

>> No.16061296

god i hate the fucking french

>> No.16061313

please support your autism so I can sperg out too

>> No.16061328

>, better than lit's greek mem

>> No.16061338

>German lit >>>>>>>>> French lit
Literally how? Are you German? Or a Germanboo? What kind of ridiculous cognitive bias do you have to posses to think that?

>> No.16061569

neuschwanstein is a very kitsch replica of medieval nostalgia

>> No.16061577

I am Italian, you dumb fuck, and besides poetry (the inferior mode if literature!) German lit is way, way ahead of French lit. What do the french have? One decent modernist writer (yet how inferior to the anglos!), one big realist massively inferior to Tolstoy and many other Russians, a bunch of small writers of small fiction of no great genius, a bunch of shitty flees like Bloy and Giono, and Schwob; Huysmans is probably their best, always struck me as more mentally german than french, quite honestly. Contemporary writers are even worse, Quignard is probably the best one and he is still just Maupassant lite.
No French writer is on the level of german S-tier writers: Kleist, Kafka, and Mann. Even getting to the A-tiers, France only has a handful of writers who can rival Hesse, Goethe (even his prose!), Doblin, Grass, Musil, Brecht, Sebald, Junger, Roth, or Fontane.

>inb4 some dumbfuck opinion about how Kafka is edgy and Hesse is for highschool students
Don't bother. Read more. Read better. Think better.

>inb4 muh poetry
Ever since the end of the Augustan age it has been a brainlet thing which can be safely ignored!

>inb4 muh Proust is actually the best writer ever!!!
I thought so too before I turned 16

>> No.16061589

What an entirely retarded post

>> No.16061603

Seethe more

>> No.16061661

In terms of volumes? The germans.
In terms of quality? The french.
Some germans did a great disservice to the world with their philosophies and we're still paying for it to this day.
There's nothing in german literature close to Proust.

Overrall, France is the better nation artistically speaking, perhaps even the greatest one. Their only mistake was the french revolution, it simply destroyed their culture throughout the years, making it the empty shell that it is today.

>> No.16061687

Germany of course but Camus is great.

>> No.16061690
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>In terms of quality? The french.
What are some quality French philosophers? Give me one French philosopher better than Kant

>> No.16061731

No matter which one I answer your question with, you'll laugh and call me dumb without realizing your own stupidity. Before making your post you already set up your mind on not listening to anything I have to say, that's deplorable, but understandable given the nature of this site. I can only pity you.

>> No.16061769
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Absolutely deluded

>> No.16061772

I wouldn't set an order, both is great.

>> No.16061786

kant alone is more influential and important than all french philosophers combined

>> No.16061789

If Camus is the best philosopher France has to offer then anon I...

>> No.16061815

>In terms of volumes? The germans.
>In terms of quality? The french.
Thanks anon, I was feeling quite down today. I needed the laugh.

>> No.16061820


>> No.16061828

>a bunch of shitty flees like Bloy and Giono
Bloy and Giono in the same sentence.
Good lord you're not just a poseur you're fucking retarded.

>> No.16061838

He's right you know

>> No.16061846

Why are you posting about philosophy if you have no business discussing about it?

>> No.16061853

Who posted about philosophy in this thread ?

>> No.16061856


>> No.16061971

>inb4 muh Proust is actually the best writer ever!!!
>I thought so too before I turned 16

You read In Search of Lost Time before you were 16? Then you were struck by an anti-Proustian impulse? Please explain.

>> No.16062010

he hasnt read anything

>> No.16062096


>> No.16062123

I read the first 4 volumes back when I was 15 and absolutely loved it but maybe 6 months later I tried to continue and was struck with the realization that while certain aspects of it are definitely admirable (especially the accuracy with which subconscious mental processes are portrayed) Proust just doesn't do anything truly huge, nothing which would truly be a matter of the greatest possible importance; in essence, he has a small, specific niche he occupies and is afraid to face that which writers like Kafka fight with exclusively. There is a famous Bolano quote:

"Without turning, the pharmacist answered that he liked books like The Metamorphosis, Bartleby, A Simple Heart, A Christmas Carol. And then he said that he was reading Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's. Leaving aside the fact that A Simple Heart and A Christmas Carol were stories, not books, there was something revelatory about the taste of this bookish young pharmacist, who ... clearly and inarguably preferred minor works to major ones. He chose The Metamorphosis over The Trial, he chose Bartleby over Moby Dick, he chose A Simple Heart over Bouvard and Pecouchet, and A Christmas Carol over A Tale of Two Cities or The Pickwick Papers. What a sad paradox, thought Amalfitano. Now even bookish pharmacists are afraid to take on the great, imperfect, torrential works, books that blaze a path into the unknown. They choose the perfect exercises of the great masters. Or what amounts to the same thing: they want to watch the great masters spar, but they have no interest in real combat, when the great masters struggle against that something, that something that terrifies us all, that something that cows us and spurs us on, amid blood and mortal wounds and stench."
Proust is beyond these categories: he doesn't struggle because struggle is foreign to him. He deconstructs the matter of life but not the spirit of it. Henry James and late Maupassant (who Proust was clearly derivative of, stylistically at least) would be the other big offenders.

Ignore the projecting retard who accuses everyone who he disagrees with of not having read anything.

>> No.16062139

>I read the first 4 volumes back when I was 15
In French ?
If no opinion discarded.

>> No.16062192

>In French ?
Yeah, I am a quarter french, I could already speak semi-fluently back when I was 5 years old because everyone in my family was at least bilingual

>> No.16062254

This... seems a bizarre reaction. Recherche, on the level of global structure, not sentences, is about the most imperfect and torrential thing in the canon. The inclusion of events is in no way a perfect exercise and almost nobody would ague that it is. Amongst other things, it's about twice as long as the original 3-volume plan and its clearly unfinished.

I also think that the transformation of character over time, the impossibility of understanding others without knowing their pasts (vol 7) and the possibility of art as a means to restore meaning to modern life are pretty enormous themes. Certainly bigger than some of the works Bolano labels as major there.

>> No.16062256

>is afraid to face that which writers like Kafka fight with exclusively.
Sorry anon but you're a brainlet

>> No.16062291

Don't over represent yourself anon, nobody will judge you. Your posts looks really childish tho.
You don't need to name drop or cited in a way that everyone with a little culture would laugh at.

Bossuet, Moliere, La Fontaine, Rabelais don't have German equivalent.

>> No.16062314

>need to name drop or cited in a way that everyone with a little culture
thats my dose of cringe for the day, thank you

>> No.16062319

I'm trying to be nice with you anon

>> No.16062430

>one big realist
... which of Zola, Flaubert, Sand and Balzac you're thinking of, I just don't know.

> Huysmans is probably their best

>> No.16062461

I would count him as Czech then. If a Mexican in Mexico wrote in English we wouldn't count him as being an author from England.

>> No.16062484

He was a German Jew in German-owned Prague. Bohemia was a part of Austria. He spoke German and was a German Jew

He was as Czech as a Mexican in El Paso is american

>> No.16062516

I think we would still count him as contributing for Bohemia/Czech Republic or Austria than Germany. Or is OP saying all German literature and all German philosophy vs their French equivalent?

Are we allowed to count De Maistre as French? If that's the case then my answer would change.

>> No.16062585
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>Tfw didn't know any of those places before googling
>Only have heard about the berlin wall once, thougt they have already demolished it?
>The christmas market is just a 1st world version of a tianguis.

>> No.16062650

>Be american culture
>Devote your life towards imitation
>hahaha your stuff looks like my imitation of it.
Ok lmao.

>> No.16062745


>Für eine Burg typische Merkmale wurden zwar zitiert, auf echte Verteidigungsanlagen – das wichtigste Merkmal eines mittelalterlichen Adelssitzes – aber verzichtet.

The typical features of a castle were, true, referenced, however true defensive features - the most important quality of an actual medieval castle - were foregone.

It was always pastiche. The vanity project of an imbecile.

>> No.16062756

>besides poetry (the inferior mode if literature!)
Your post started out as retarded and only got worse.

>> No.16062780

We had no capital or central government that that built monumental stuff like Versailles. Instead of that Germany has basically dozens of smaller Versailles.

>> No.16062805

As a German I actually cringe every time I see a 50 cent coin with the Brandenburg gate, it's the most underwhelming "national monument" in whole Europe.
>Berlin Wall
>Christmas market
That's not monuments lmao. You pretty much proved his point.

>> No.16062823
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>19th century philosophy - Germany
>20th century philosophy - France

>> No.16062871

The real question is Italy vs Spain.

>> No.16062918

Butthurted german. Not everyone thinks your shitty country is great, dela with it.

>> No.16062927

Italy wins easily and it's not even close. I'd say even Portugal would win against Spain.

>> No.16063772

What does this ugly garden gnome have to do with philosophy.

>> No.16063815

The Enlightenment was born in France and most of the important figures were from France, that puts France above the Germans who Romanticism never came close to that influence.
As for writing thats harder. I'd say that the Germans have the win there.

>> No.16063852

the answer is Mallarmé

>> No.16063889

Name a single philosopher that changed more in the world than Montesquieu.
I'd say that he and his liberal cohort were probably the most impactful group so far in human history.
We're still living under their framework.

>> No.16064003

>The Enlightenment was born in France
No it wasn't.

>> No.16064022

Found you, Meillassoux.

>> No.16064035

I've always been one to say that it started with Descartes, but if you go with a later thinker, British I assume, thats alright.

>> No.16064096


>> No.16064231

It didn't really 'start' in one country but was the culmination of several successive developments in European science, philosophy, and religion that started with the Renaissance and Reformation.

>> No.16064253

France. No chance.
Who cares. The greatest writers are also the greatest philosophers.

>> No.16064294

>half the people you listed are literal whos
>"bloom didnt know anything!"

god this board has gone to shit

>> No.16064355

Explosively based post

>> No.16064431

>Spain and their ONE book
There have been more masterpieces written about Spain by other nationalities than Spain has written themselves lmao

>> No.16064452

... you know, the neo-gothic movement was basically that. imitating old castles and stuff but make them all prettier. it was pretty popular in germany.

>> No.16064457

>>The Brandenburg Gate
>>The Reichstag
>>The Berlin Wall
>>Nuremberg Christmas Market
>>Neuschwanstein Castle
never heard of any of them.

>> No.16064514

Not really a contest.

>> No.16064519


>> No.16064524

Neuschwanstein is one of the most iconic castles bruh

>> No.16064535

Does France have any easily recognizable monuments outside of Paris?

>> No.16064576


>> No.16064597
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>the G*rmans played CS:GO and then actually made Cobblestone a real place
Creatively bankrupt Teutons

>> No.16064644

Literally 10 miles from the center of Paris.

>> No.16064706

Mont St Micheal.

>> No.16064831

Mt St-Michel
Châteaux of the Loire Valley
Chartres Cathedral
Reims Cathedral
Pont du Gard
There's a lot more of less famous landmarks pretty much everywhere in France, and a lot more than in Germany because:
-the unified state is far older than the one in Germany
-rich and powerful area for a very long time
-the Romans were a lot more present
-they got less bombed during WWII and WWI didn't do that much damages in the cities
Italy has more famous landmarks but that's probably the only country.

>> No.16064888

Besides Mont St. Michel none of those are easily recognizable by the average pleb. Sure people might be able to tell they're in France but I guess that makes the average historic fachwerk town in Germany a famous landmark because people can tell what country it's in.

>> No.16065536


Germany without a single shred of a doubt.

>> No.16065597
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Louis-Ferdinand Céline Über alles.

>> No.16067292


>> No.16068210


>> No.16068241

I just realized that france has a tons of good to very good writers but they dont have a writer like goethe, cervantes or shakespeare. France is truly the land of midwits.

>> No.16068942

I would put all these on at least the level of Cervantes. The guy had one single novel that's been carrying Spain singlehandedly since the goddamn Reconquista.

>> No.16068996

All those three are partly the product of idolatry. For the lack of anything earlier, Germans have followed Goethe's models and made him central by conscious choice. Were it not for that history, Werther, for instance, would not be so widely read today. Shakespeare's output is wildly inconsistent, but read, and interpreted, with extraordinary goodwill. Notoriously, he's a writer of popular and populist material who's later been declared highbrow.

France's problem there is just having too many good authors to play easily into the cult of the lone founding genius or 'national' writer.

>> No.16068999

France and it's not even close. Germans haven't produce good literature at all. Besides that gay shit that Goethe made

>> No.16069009

Shakespeare is genuinely anomalously good, just in terms of pure ability to compose phrases and sentences.

>> No.16069017

Cervantes is ahead of anyone who isn't Shakespeare

>> No.16069060

>Literally one single notable work
I'm sorry that Ethhhhhpana has contributed zero literary value in the centuries since, but Don Quixote being unquestionably great does not make him the second greatest writer of all time.

>> No.16069244
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>> No.16069252

>implying germans didn't invent trannies

>> No.16069296

Dull as fuck
Very important for early realism but also dull as fuck
Haven't read. Don't understand why he was such a loyal cult following. May be a great writer but certainly not as revolutionary or influential as Joyce his contemporary
Who the fuck reads Moliere? lel

>> No.16069332

>He is judge a writer who has never read.

What a autisic retarded

>> No.16069339


>> No.16069342

Aaah, I haven’t heard this in a while. Thanks for that.

>> No.16069350

Ok anon, I’m interested. Why do you think Goethe is better than Proust?
Also, I haven’t read any James Joyce yet, what do you recommend I should start with?

>> No.16069356

He was born in Prague.

>> No.16069379

I didn't say that about Proust was bad. I simply said that I consider Joyce to be the canonically much more important writer. I did read Moliere a while back tho. Found him meh and forgettable.

>> No.16069389

I cannot picture Sartre as a twenty something year old.

>> No.16069398

How do you know he's a good writer when you haven't even read it? Are you an idiot?

>> No.16069417

Calm down

>> No.16069606

The 19th century basically belonged to the French in world literature, while the greatest works of the 20th century were done by Germans. I'd still put France slightly ahead.

>> No.16069609


>> No.16070045

Really? The best of Mann and Kafka is a high bar, but Grass's influence outreaches his quality, Lenz, Böll, Süskind, Fontane, Zweig, R and M Walser etc. are solid not great. Honestly, the 20th century belongs to the filthy Anglo.

>> No.16070304

I am including the Austrians. Musil, Broch and Kafka are the top echelon of 20th century literature in my opinion, followed by Döblin, Hasek and Gombrowicz.

>> No.16070528
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>> No.16070698

This thread provides ample proof that /lit/ should be abandonned right away. Just leave this place, what's the point of discussing with anglos who picked up their first book in college and 'learned' about the classics on 4chan? Lol. Say what you will about us superior frenchmen, but I've been around the world and never met a culture as highbrow and developped as ours. Even my dumbest friends have read a million times more than the shitposters on this shit board. Listenning to anglo moralists calling us pedos when it is highly documented that pedophilia is much more prevalent in judeo-calvinist countries, pretty ironic coming from those who laud empiricism as the end all 'philosophy' - they can't even practice it correctly, but that is a given for those who paid attention, you can't take anything that a moralist produces at face value Then you have the uncultured philistines praising russian lit in lieu of french lit, only to exhibit to the world their limited comprehension of its origins. Etc... I could to on and on but I doubt the feminized sensationalists care about anything other than vulgar projection of their own neurosis. Last time I checked the inhibited protestants were still crippled by jealousy over their carefree catholics neighbors. And to all the pathetic italians riding the anglo cock in order to exist, kill yourselves, you disgust me.

>> No.16071437

Parisan interacts with non-parisan people and finds out he is not revered as a God, the post

>> No.16071483

>No mention of Zola

I honestly think he's leagues above most other French greats.

>> No.16071622

>I've been around the world and never met a culture as highbrow and developed as ours.

Sadly I haven't had that experience yet talking to a French person. Maybe it's the fact that they were transplants but I've tried talking about classic French cinema and the response is usually that nobody in France watches that stuff or have heard of those films (Vigo, Renoir, Resnais, ect.)

>> No.16071866

Très basé mon ami, sur le fond je suis d'accord avec toi mais n'oublie pas de prendre tes pilules anti-autisme tout de même

Obviously the French common man is not more aware of high culture than his German counterpart for instance. But like the other anon I've travelled a little bit and I have to agree that I never found a highest concentration of arthouse cinemas (to take your example only) than in Paris. Sadly this is only a small Parisian microcosm, in these places people know Vigo, Renoir, Resnais, etc. This is unquantifiable, but I think there is a small class of "cultured" people than is proportionally larger than in other countries. It might just be my Parisian phantasmagoria talking though

>> No.16072805

>Honestly, the 20th century belongs to the filthy Anglo.
I can't think of a single good work of 20th century A*glo literature that isn't genre fiction.

>> No.16072819


>> No.16072992

High modernism (Woolf, Joyce, Faulkner) is the obvious factor, but there are plenty of great individual books by e.g. Maddox Ford, Isherwood, Naipaul, Ballard (ok genre), Spark, Alasdair Gray, Bellow, even... Pynchon.

It's hard to give props to any postwar fiction here without some classicist LARPer declaring it beneath them, but the USA has some really strong stuff in that period from the obvious names.

>> No.16073009

Oh, you're talking about English language literature. It seems like the A*glos themselves were outdone by all the other English speakers in the 20th century.

>> No.16073212

your lack of culture is showing

>> No.16073219

Do you know Molière ?
underage should be banned.

>> No.16073259

based frog

>> No.16073306


>> No.16073325

Literally can't stop since 1500 years

>> No.16073341

This poster is an A*glo

>> No.16073384 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16073926

Zola is so underrated on /lit/ it's a shame.

>> No.16074063

what's your favorite Zola? I've read La Curée and liked it a lot, but Son Excellence Eugene Rougon bored me to no end, where should i go next?

>> No.16074078

Names a fucking board game. Pleb

>> No.16074169

If you liked La Curée then you can read Nana, Aux Bonheur des Dames and L'argent, they share in common some themes and characters (and they take place in Paris).
My favorites from Les Rougon Macquart are: L'Assommoir, Germinal and La Terre.

>> No.16074215

this. anyone who disagrees probably only reads translations

>> No.16074246

I remember reading Aux Bonheurs des Dames. I've heard a lot from Nana and my best friend talked to me about La Terre, I'll probably go for one of these. Thanks!

>> No.16074255

Proust is an author for females and numales. Flaubert is a hack.

>> No.16074315
File: 52 KB, 378x600, celine_1_louis-ferdinand-celine-saint-malo-1933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there even a contest lol ?

>> No.16074583


>> No.16074796

Zola is literally soap opera tier

>> No.16074808

opinion discarded

>> No.16074897

that picture is hilarious, never thought of him like that

>> No.16076011


>> No.16077383

Spain, unironically