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/lit/ - Literature

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16056568 No.16056568 [Reply] [Original]

Do you seriously enjoy reading or do you force yourself just because you think it will benefit you in the long term?

>> No.16056593

I only read non-fiction and i only read when i get the urge to learn about a specific topic. I also only read when a book is engaging enough to make me want to go back to it as often as possible.

>> No.16056599

i dont read

>> No.16056603

Both on different situations

>> No.16056610


>> No.16056613

I do enjoy much of what I read but to enjoy *reading* would be bizarre to the level of tile-fetish anon.

>> No.16056627

It’s a fun way to pass the time. Generally, I find books more enjoyable than other media.

Reading is a diversion, nothing more.

>> No.16056641

I very often go into it with a degree of selfish intent, but there comes a certain point where that dissolves and I find myself turning the pages in incredible pleasant nothingness

once I take a break, I can stand to look at myself in the mirror a little more knowing I am still capable of wanting to understand others

>> No.16056642

the former for fiction and the latter for non-fiction

>> No.16056720

I enjoy it if the book is good

>> No.16056858

I am pretty sure I used to really enjoy reading as a kid.. I wouldn't have done it for any other reason... I remember asking my parents to buy me story books on my birthdays. I don't think I enjoy it quite that much now. Wonder what changed.

>> No.16056946

If you are forcing it you are reading the wrong crap, a great book will be enticing, almost addictive, making you crave to read it.

>> No.16057040

generally i have to force myself to put down the internet and start reading but once I start i enjoy myself and can read for hours on end

>> No.16057063

I enjoy reading. Due to school I forgot that I enjoyed it for about a decade, but then got back into it.

>> No.16057079

Enjoy. Great novels are much better than the best TV shows and at least on par with the best movies

>> No.16057082

stfu no one cares about your life

>> No.16057085

If you're reading fiction maybe. Useful non-fiction isn't always fun.

>> No.16057094

Reading is actually so deeply rewarding, that I don't really understand why I spend any time here, not reading, at all. Why brain choose shallow reward? Hmm

>> No.16057098

I wouldn't be doing it in the first place if I hated it

>> No.16057099
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Books have brought me to tears more often than movies or television shows. In general reading generates huge emotions in me more often than the visual arts. Only music makes me feel passions the way reading does.

>> No.16057159

I enjoy it, and I'm doubtful that I'm getting more out of it than the enjoyment. Except for a small fraction of the nonfiction I read, perhaps.
If I don't enjoy a book I have trouble sticking with it.

>> No.16057164
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>Books have brought me to tears
grow up

>> No.16057172

Seriously enjoy it. Nonfiction can be enjoyable but not always.

>> No.16057189

I don't really like reading, but everyone knows me as the "guy who reads" so I do it to keep appearances up. I usually just listen to audiobooks while playing vidya though.

>> No.16057214

Most of the time I continue reading a book if I enjoy it
Rarely push through dull/painful parts if the content is important - culturally or informative

big gay

>> No.16057867

I treat reading very similarly to exercising. It can be a painful and mutinous to get through at times but 9 times out of 10 I'm glad I pushed through all of the way.

>> No.16057868

Modern people read 24/7. Reddit, facebook, wikipedia, twitter etc. are all 99% reading, even discord has a lot of text, and people use all of these alongside video sites like YouTube. Women into fanfiction often go through an absurd amount of text (albeit generally low quality). It's only the novel that has declined as an art form. If people don't have the patience to not skip a 10 second ad they don't want to read some 900 page slog. Even then, a lot of people swear by physical books - I find it easier to browse things on ereaders, but worry about my eyes.

I read and write a lot of short stories and nonfiction. I like poetry too, and I jot down observations from nature whenever I go for walks. Lyrics are fun to write, the constraint of rhyming and meter makes them engaging. I keep all of my ideas for art, stories, roleplaying sessions and inventions (which will never go anywhere) along with random doodles in a big stack of commonplace books where I also keep track of whatever autustic subject I'm studying at the moment. Being a dilettante is my hobby and it takes up most of my spare time... I don't play much vidya anymore and I can only watch Netflix or Crunchyroll in short bursts. I find "marathoning" things in front of a screen to be boring as shit. I don't even like drinking alcohol because I find it stunts my creativity, which is where most of my entertainment comes from.

IMO don't be like >>16057189 # and force yourself to read the classics or whatever just to be a "smart guy". Instead, mingle your appreciation of aesthetics in art with the mindfulness you apply to everyday life. If you get into nonfiction subjects you find intriguing, or even just fiction authors with unique prose styles, you'll find your own page turner soon enough. I personally dismiss shit books after the first page - sometimes even the first sentence.

>> No.16058365


>> No.16058422

This with histories.

>> No.16058493
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There aren't enough decent movies and anime based on the stuff I like to read about and I've slowly come to make a habit of and enjoy reading; that being said, some days I tire of particular subjects and end up starting a new book before finishing an old one but I'm working on reading them simultaneously so I don't drop something decent

>> No.16058520

When I wake up in the afternoon (work night shift), have a bite to eat, then make a pot of coffee, reading in the evening with a cup of coffee while the dishwasher runs is one of the great joys of my life.

>> No.16058578

i switch off. one book to learn/seem intelligent then one book for fun

>> No.16058836

a diversion from what exactly?

>> No.16060432


The second, I genuinely have not felt in love with a book, or have had that experience where you enjoy a book so much you do nothing but read it since I was 13 years old.

Now it's just an anxiety ridden feeling of ''how many books can I read'' followed by reading little at all

>> No.16060721

Both, in different situations, I like to read a lot, but I like fiction and being stuck to this damn computer gives me no space to read like I once did, so I force myself to read from time to time, shit like das capital and the like, though as long as it is a gripping anything I could theoretically read it, if I ever got off 4chan, which I doubt

>> No.16060728

I like books, I like the idea behind books, I like good phrases, good prose, verses. But I'm not really a good reader, I read very slow and have problems picking up books. Looking back after I read them it was always time well spent though.

>> No.16060731

recommend books that made you cry

>> No.16060739

reading makes me happy, it realizes new avenues of thought, but i dont always enjoy it in the moment

>> No.16061996

Few things in life are as enjoyable as reading a good book

>> No.16062365

I love it

>> No.16062807


>> No.16062817

Me but with science books that catalogue things like clouds, minerals, animals, etc.

>> No.16062826

Sister Carrie

>> No.16062854

I learned a new word today :)

What do you write/keep track of hobbies in your diary/notebook?

>> No.16062868

Fiction: better form of entertainment than tech companies propaganda filled media such as TV or streaming services.
Non fiction: I read them because I genuinely want to learn something new about my job and passion and because I find some books enlighting. Religious books are cool too because I'm interesting in metaphysics.

>> No.16062949

Based post.

>> No.16063057

Non fiction books are not enjoyable. Usually, the more knowledge there is in a book, the more difficult it is to read. Take Hegel for example. Who does like to read this? However, it is kind of essential to read to understand other works, and life.

>> No.16063274

You make it sound like you've never read a good biography.