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File: 1.20 MB, 2020x3709, hugo 2020 finalists and winners 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16055244 No.16055244 [Reply] [Original]

>here's your Hugo 2020 finalists and winners bro

>> No.16055277

> Best Fan Writer
Beyond based. GRRM must be seething.

>> No.16055303

Try Not To Cum Challenge?
why so early?

>> No.16055407

>only 6 jews
/pol/tards btfo

>> No.16055424

Rent fucking free

>> No.16055431

>noooo woms can't get in my treehouse daddy please kick the scary woms out of my secret club!

>> No.16055454

Who are the judges?

>> No.16055457

its not rent free if every jew has a star next to their face for no reason at all

>> No.16055475

Anon I'm not the one researching the ethnicity of Harry Potter fan-fiction authors.

>> No.16055476

besides the fact that they are jewish, of course.

>> No.16055481

I assume the publishing industry has done research and found that women and pocs actually read the most scifi not fat white kids like people assume, and have aligned their awards to lean into the demographics. Who gives a shit.

>> No.16055496

why not denote any other ethnicity? Why is jewish singled out?

>> No.16055509

you can do that too if you would like. put a saysage next to the germans and a zulu sheild next to the Bantus.

>> No.16055514


>> No.16055515


>> No.16055530
File: 972 KB, 980x786, hugo awards 2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It's not about demographics. These nominees and winners have nothing to do with sales or popularity. It's a matter of ideology.

>> No.16055532

arent zulus bantus?

>> No.16055539

Because they rejected Orthodox Nazism where it's about muh Aryans to neo nazism where it is muh white race.
Mostly due to America this happened, Europeans might still wanna call Slavs sub human and Mediterraneans not white.

>> No.16055550
File: 76 KB, 476x453, 1581179356595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont see myself casting a white dude as main lead

>> No.16055556

Now I know why the amerimutt meme exists

>> No.16055558
File: 14 KB, 173x326, currycel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a hugger
How terribly disappointing

>> No.16055564

Out of 4chan tradition desu

>> No.16055579

The US needs to get nuked asap. What a worthless, dysgenic, degenerate nation.

>> No.16055596

Is this real?

>> No.16055597
File: 497 KB, 778x1024, 1556395630888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe because I'm a leftie, but I don't care about all the IDpol shit. What makes this whole thing so troubling is the fact they are all so fucking ugly. There isn't a single fuckable woman there ...

>> No.16055599

>no reason

>> No.16055601

my bad i assumed they khoisan

>> No.16055608

yes, took me hours to do. I might have gotten a pic wrong here and there, but overall it should be all correct

>> No.16055613

What the... We need a men's only publishing house and awards committee for literature ASAP.

>> No.16055628

source btw https://io9.gizmodo.com/here-are-the-2020-hugo-award-winners-1844579368

>> No.16055634

Based. Thank you for your work anon.

>> No.16055639


>> No.16055640

Cross-eyed big-nosed long-faced old hag

>> No.16055668

Leftisim is an ideology of failure, intentional ugliness, and anti intellectualism.

>> No.16055687
File: 126 KB, 618x1024, SPQR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading or following modern fiction

>> No.16056070
File: 178 KB, 330x319, be8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP spend more than an hour making this

>> No.16056126

Because of passing. No one needs to be told that a person is Black or Asian because their face communicates their race. Unless the photos are side profiles a Jewish person may pass as White and will often change their name and speech to project a false White identity when it is perceived as beneficial, like to obscure an accusation of ethnic nepotism.

>> No.16056182
File: 48 KB, 147x234, Screenshot 2020-08-05 at 20.23.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16056206

unironically, no girls clubs were based

>> No.16056220

>most of the winners were caucasoids

This applies to the Western Canon as well. Thousands of years of writers and there are like 5 max fuckable people in it.

>> No.16056342

What the fuck is wrong with Americans?

>> No.16056355


>> No.16056493


>> No.16056711

>Ideology of failure
Then why does it keep winning?
Then why are most intellectuals leftist?

>> No.16056921

Who cares? Stick to your containment board plebe nerd.

>> No.16056955

dont care. do you think the oscars represent film too? nobody except industrycucks care about these events, and history will filter them out in the long run.

>> No.16056974

>Then why are most intellectuals leftist?
Who says they are? It's just the ones you hear about and have amplified through the mainstream media.

>> No.16057270

Lol what is wrong with that image? It doesn't matter. Women read more books than men, of course the genre fiction award is going to have a ton of them. It's just good marketing.

>> No.16057343 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 415x233, U7FTHBC34RDWBAGXQPS7EA7BVY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do weighted blankets help with reading?

>> No.16057347

You're right, women seem to read more on average, but men seem to write more on average, though I haven't quickly found stats on the fiction category. Either way, I don't believe for a second that the 5 objectively best science fiction novels in 2020 (or 2019?) were written by women, that's just bullshit. And almost not a single white man is represented among the top categories.
I also bet that all the stuff that won is actually garbage. Maybe I'm wrong, but most likely I'm not.

>> No.16057360

wtf is hugo

>> No.16057392

So what happened to the puppies groups? Looks like they got BTFO hard and only seemed to have made things worse with some kind of gargantuan PC backlash?

>> No.16057499

>Then why does it keep winning?
Because the people with power want it to, and the masses don't care. Leftism as an ideology is appealing to young idealists, and young people are rightfully angry at the system right now, but leftism has been co-opted by the ruling class into system-serving liberal individualism.
>Then why are most intellectuals leftist?
Academia today is rife with liberals, it's an unspoken rule that straying from the line is professionally unacceptable. Maybe as a result there are almost no prominent, genuine intellectuals today. Noam Chomsky is an exception, but he has become outdated and irrelevant to contemporary "leftists", most of which have no sense of history and no curiosity. It's become a religion, with blind followers.

>> No.16057525

>men can't write garbage
The Hugos are almost always garbage. Why pitch a shitfit about it.

>> No.16057651

Of course men can write garbage, it's just that most typically excellence comes from men, and when we are talking best X of any category I expect it to be filled with men if merit is the main criterium.

>> No.16057662

i don't read anything published after 1960 at the absolute latest

>> No.16057709

Is one of the criteria is being ugly as sin? What's the deal with the trophies next to some of the names?

>> No.16057714

Each row is the finalists. The trophy is the actual winner.

>> No.16057717


>> No.16057741

Okay have you read the books that won? Or are you just sperging because men weren't nominated. Judge them on their work, shallow fucker.
Man the normal middle aged person does not look that attractive. These people are just normal.

>> No.16057745

>the left
>anti intellectualism.

>> No.16057753

protect the canon at all costs

>> No.16057762

You expect me to read all science fiction books that were released in the last 1,5 years so I can be taken seriously when I say that it's weird that among the top 20 finalists (first 4 categories that actually matter) there's not a single white man and almost no man at all in general despite the best science fiction books of all time being all written by men?

>> No.16057763

why are there so many categories
how the fuck do you evaluate editors

>> No.16057789

So what? Sci-fi is shit. Only a few have aesthetic value.

>> No.16057823

That anon is not that far off. The leftist intelligentsia used to be fringe, away from systemic indoctrination, always trying to push the envelope. They might look like that but now belong to the system’s ideological machine. The corporations have done it, Amazon can rely on right wing authors to defend their economic policies and on left wing authors to defend their social ideas that lead to cultural alienation if not for consoomer identification (I sure love marvel what about you?).

>> No.16057872

They got btfo but at the same time hugos confirmed everything they claimed

>> No.16057888

those nominees don't write sci fi.

>> No.16057894

I have more respect for chick lit.

>> No.16057937
File: 838 KB, 1674x2048, The Calculating Stars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should actually try to read some of their books because they are ridiculously bad. This is the 2019 Hugo winner.

>> No.16057952

ahahah hah ah ahdahhahahahfshjahahjkhahahgjkjfhkhjklhfghgjkl;dfgggl';dafkls;d'a'o4p;'tlg

>> No.16057961

This is fan fiction tier writing lmao

>> No.16058076
File: 65 KB, 1233x657, Percy_B_Shelley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga writes better than these faggots

>> No.16058122

Jesus scifi truly is dead. The last good thing was probably blindsight, othervise this last 20 years have been trash

>> No.16058157

classic contemporary *nglo prose

>> No.16058195

yeah cause this are 100% normal women we see every day, and also in a very natural distribution (around 50%)

>> No.16058213

this is going into my cringe folder.

Got any others? I remember a story about a guy who has a little rain cloud over his head because he's gay and he comes out to his family. I wonder what that reads like.

>> No.16058234


>> No.16058245
File: 93 KB, 720x405, them too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16058277

oh no no no

>> No.16058295

Who cares about awards? They'ra all poozed from the begining, specially nobel.

>> No.16058328

Black Opera. Winner of Pulitzer Prize.

White men are scared because their art is upheld by white supremacy.


>> No.16058358

>who cares about culture amarite guise?
Are you 14, a kike, or something awful I haven’t mentioned yet?

>> No.16058364

Even industry cucks don't really care about the Hugos all that much.

>> No.16058390

>awards are culture
You're a midwit desperately seeking approval.

>> No.16058442


>The Lady Astronaut Series

Science fiction at its finest.

>> No.16058464


Hard science fiction is now sweeping the Hugos:

"Elma York is on her way to Mars, but the Moon colony is still being established. Her friend and fellow Lady Astronaut Nicole Wargin is thrilled to be one of those pioneer settlers, using her considerable flight and political skills to keep the program on track. But she is less happy that her husband, the Governor of Kansas, is considering a run for President."

>> No.16058617

You went out swinging lmao, guess I hit a nerve calling you underage and a kike

>> No.16058643

>engaging with industrialized nerd culture
Let’s not pretend shit like Dune and Game of Thrones was any better.

>> No.16059347

Haven't the Hugos been a joke since like the 80s?

>> No.16059368

Good Lord I looked up this turd on TV Tropes

There is le ebil Afrikaner white man character

>> No.16059371

Men aren't writing coherent stories anymore they limit themselves to short form shitposts on a laotian weasel breeding website.

>> No.16059553


What's disturbing is somebody took that much time to list all the tropes in Lady Astronauts.

>> No.16059570

is there any recent sci fi thats not pozzed trash?

>> No.16059579

What is a fan writer?

>> No.16059669
File: 147 KB, 1600x1155, mature-grey-haired-woman-suffering-heat-stroke-sweating-high-temperature-home-sitting-couch-waving-fan-using-laptop-146961957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16059713

It's someone who writes fanfics professionally.

>> No.16059754

har har

You can't legally write fanfics, right? At least, you can't publish and make money off of it. It is intellectual property of the author. How does this even work

>> No.16059768
File: 365 KB, 400x226, 03114662182348e2659aee21a0ed5d1a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can if you're a woman and it's based on a man's work. It's only fair

>> No.16060090

>Starts out in the very first paragraph about how she's getting her black blown out
Women, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.16060136


dw common mistake

>> No.16060148
File: 760 KB, 853x506, 1438729324927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one that, when I see a female name in (the more current) fiction, I immediately disregard the book?

>> No.16060279


how tf does that image happen. is that just fat or do they have a condition

>> No.16060287

the american diet

>> No.16060344

>am I the only that does a thing people on this board parrot every day
No, newfag

>> No.16060588

Yh I normally just lurk but that's so shit, I've had a rough shift, laughing at this made me a bit happier. God bless my elitist psued brothers, 21st art is just watching dumb retards like a lynch film. Love you all, stay safe.

>> No.16060607
File: 3.65 MB, 400x224, 4TpAbc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16060615
File: 65 KB, 152x266, A MAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that key and peel