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16055071 No.16055071 [Reply] [Original]

Does GRRM deserve all the hate he gets?

>> No.16055081

Yes, he's american

>> No.16055085 [DELETED] 

And then some.

>> No.16055102

why does GRRM have such a big nose? is he polish or some east euro? surely he can't be mixed with black

>> No.16055110

>His mother was of half Irish ancestry.[10] He also acknowledges French, English, Welsh and German roots,[11] which were confirmed on the television series Finding Your Roots. However, while he also believed he was a quarter Italian because of who he was told was his paternal grandfather, a DNA test on the show confirmed his Irish and other ancestries but excluded any Italian ancestry, showing instead he is approximately a quarter Ashkenazi Jewish.[12]

>> No.16055118

GRRM is unironically better. LotR are children’s books, GRRM at least makes his entertaining and doesn’t have so many gay songs

>> No.16055130

Considering how he actively courts it through his mixture of hype and procrastination, yes. The big issue (for me) regarding Martin is that he actively positioned his series as a counter to LOTR (the whole 'muh taxes' meme). He has the ego to see himself on the same level as Tolkien, whereas other fantasy writers at least acknowledge the lack in their own works. To do this and not even follow through on your own series (which itself reads like standard pulp) is inviting the criticism directed at him.

>> No.16055132

he is a jew then

>> No.16055225

Based early life poster

>> No.16055255


“Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.”

― George R.R. Martin

>> No.16055854

>gay songs
Depends on performance.

>> No.16055894

Tolkien failed to deal with two central questions: Aragon's tax policy, and whether he genocided orc babies. GRRM's ability to deal with these complex moral issues puts him leagues ahead of Tolkien, who, much as I admire him, I do quibble with.

>> No.16055968
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>> No.16055983

>Aragon's tax policy, and whether he genocided orc babies
Aragon's tax policy = genocide orc babies [orcling, accurate]

Everything is solved simply. I don’t understand why it’s not obvious to the people.

>> No.16056175
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>complex worldbuilding, language
Worldbuilding is hard. This was maybe my answer to Martin, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. A Song of Ice and Fire had a very shallow background: that if the king had a gold mine, he was rich. We look at history and it’s not that simple. Martin can say that Starks ruled the North for 9,000 years and commoners loved them. But Martin doesn’t ask the question: what was the Seven Kingdoms' administrative division? Do they collect a head tax or a chimney tax? What was their writing system in which they kept records? And what about the calendars? By the end of the book, we're told there are the long and short winters, but we still have no idea how long they spanned. Did the Targaryen kings pursue the policy of lunisolar astronomical observation and account for difference in length of Planetos orbiting the Sun? Even the leap hours and little infinitesimal leap minutes?

>> No.16056210


>> No.16056517

GRRM imitated Tolkien, Tolkien didn't imitate GRRM

>> No.16056521

That entire paragraph is empty tautology.

>> No.16056569

not unlike GRRM's work then

>> No.16057205

Retarded detected.

>> No.16058476


There's another thread where an Anon is asking about Tolkien's writings and what sources inspired Tolkien's works and because the Anon is interested in the villains and Tolkien's writing, yet the guy doesn't want to read Tolkien's LoTR trilogy. I told him that he is wasting his life not reading The Hobbit and LoTR. Anyway, should I read George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, and will I be wasting my life reading them, especially since they aren't finished?

I've read Frank Herbert's Dune series, and even though he died before writing the conclusion of Heretics of Dune and Chapterhouse: Dune, I'm fine with the series not having been finished. Well, it was finished by his son but I haven't read the Dune novels outside of what Frank Herbert originally wrote.

>> No.16058523
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Somebody post the time Peter Hitchens shat all over GRRM.

>> No.16058549

Stop trying to upgrade Tolkien to the status of literature. Both Tolkien and GRRM wrote genre fiction for smelly nerds. Now get back into your containment thread.

>> No.16058870

Tolkien is a better writer than some of the so-called great writers of the 20th Century.

>> No.16058889


>> No.16058903

Take a shower.

>> No.16059982


>> No.16060054

Tolkien had such an autistic attention to detail that I've no doubt he probably did have an idea of the tax policy.

>> No.16060149
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>> No.16060180

He's not a good writer if he didn't write anything of substance. You can only be a good writer if your works are worth reading, this kind of delusional, escapist fiction is what gives the whole genre a bad name. At least myths give you an insight into the philosophy of early man and his early attempts in trying to understand the world around him

>> No.16060557

hehe lmao

>> No.16060563

tolkien is way more into trad shit then goy rr martin is. good readers like trad shit more

>> No.16060640

Well, Martin (for all his egoism about realism), is yet to write a single realistic event.
Most of the politics in Westeros is driven by short sighted psychopaths over personal slights rather than cold blooded strategy by political masterminds.

In comparison, Tolkien wrote more and better politics in The Hobbit purely by accident, as seen by how he deals with the Erebor Siege as well as the general behaviour of the Dwarves, Lakemen and Elves. Every political veteran acts as expected of politicians, even when they're being guided by greed and paranoia.

That is the difference. Tolkien is a giant among giants. Martin is a dwarf among ants.

>> No.16060657

>showing instead he is approximately a quarter Ashkenazi Jewish
This should have been self-evident given his works' love for elevating the base, brutish, and material and desecrating the divine. ASoIaF is truly as Jewish as LotR is English. Iconoclasm is in their blood.

>> No.16060777
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>reading either

>> No.16060790

>good writers
pick one.

>> No.16060799

Eh? Tolkien was extremely popular with hippies and other counterculture groups. Tolkien is hated by SJWs sure, but really what white man isn't?

>> No.16060889

You mean the lesser Hitchens brother? Why would anyone care what he has to say?

>> No.16061106

I honestly don't understand why this is supposed to be that bad. It's ugly and vulgar but that was the intention.

>> No.16061134


>> No.16061317

It's vulgar without regard for reality. He's trying to manufacture a hyper-real moment, but that's not how literature works. This isn't Hollywood. The gunshot doesn't have to be bloody to read well, unless you're a big fat retard clacking away at your IBM-PS/2

>> No.16061533

ehhhh fucking martin... Memed me into describing administrative structures of the countries to make them realistic.

>> No.16061667

Extremely based take.
I'm so sick of grey fetishists who look down on simple black vs white stories.

>> No.16061734

I miss GoT /tv/ threads.

>> No.16062251

>Martin's universe is far less real than Tolkien's is because he tries to simulate some of the complexity of reality and that's not the point of fiction
Literally not coherent

>> No.16062280

Not him but Martin tries to make fantasy "realistic" while Tolkien makes it out of whole cloth, the latter is closer to what fantasy and storytelling is meant to be (at least according to him).
Not that hard to follow, brainlet.

>> No.16062296

I hate him because he will probably ruin Elden Ring's lore with his gritty realism bullshit that's completely out of place in Souls.

>> No.16062598

Not really. It's less offensive than most fantasy crap (or it was for the first few books anyway). Comparisons to giants like Tolkien are a little unfounded when you should be comparing him to his real kin like Brooks OR Jordan.

It's trash lit to read on holiday, not mythology or literature. For the category it exists in its arguably one of the least cringe.

>> No.16062624
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He triggered hugo trannies, so there is that.

>> No.16062631

He also hated them. The point of LOTR is essentially everyone who isn't a middle class non-urban white English man with no industrial ties should be killed.

>> No.16062640

>Tolkien wrote genre fiction
Summer lit. Tolkien wrote a mythology. Arguably got a bit sidetracked but that's besides the point, the silmarillion is like the old testament on steroids.

>> No.16062642

Why are black people so ugly, bros?

>> No.16062654

Only low t guys don't have jungle fever.

>> No.16062664
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It's fine.

>> No.16062670

I lmao'd

>> No.16062750

What's the parameter to say if something is worth reading or not? Why are Pynchon, Joyce and Nabokov worth reading but Tolkien is not?

>> No.16063384
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>> No.16063604
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He deserves praise for unwittingly ruining the pozzed utopia subversion of the Hugo SJWs by talking about actually good science fiction writers.

>> No.16063632

>He's trying to manufacture a hyper-real moment, but that's not how literature works.
I don't care for A song of ice and fire or GRRM but that's such a stupid thing to say. Writing exagerated descriptions to the point they become disgusting and grotesque is something that has been in literature since at least Gargantua and Don Quijote (and in medieval literature too), and in both of them describing physiological processes as well. Saying that's not how literature works doesn't even make sense.

>> No.16063705

Your examples are self-aware, GRRM isn't

>> No.16063711

does he get all the hate he deserves?

>> No.16064756

I am not disputing this, I am disputing that he simultaneously claims Martin's realism represents the opposite of what fantasy literature ought to be, whilst at the same time claiming that "Martin's universe is far less real than Tolkien's" because he provides detail on some of the minutiae of his fictional kingdoms from real life historical examples. Because somehow Tolkien's stories are to be merited a greater foothold in reality due to the fact they don't refer to any of the technicalities of their fictional kingdoms?
Are you really such a brainlet that this blaring contradiction wasn't apparent to you?

>> No.16064854

So, hugo trannies was not just an insult.

>> No.16064859

>And was Jerusalem builded here amongst these dark satanic mills

>> No.16064908
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>> No.16064941

He's not wrong.

>> No.16065486

>he simultaneously claims Martin's realism represents the opposite of what fantasy literature ought to be, whilst at the same time claiming that "Martin's universe is far less real than Tolkien's" because he provides detail on some of the minutiae of his fictional kingdoms from real life historical examples
Fiction never happened, so the reality of a work has more to do with its applicability than how many details it has. It would be historically accurate that everyone has bowel movements. Why not have a detailed paragraph about Gandalf's stool every time he slips away to take a giant shit? Is that an improvement? Unless it's actually important to the story that his shits are frequently runny and beige these descriptions weigh him down and make him less applicable as a symbol, not more. By adding superfluous details you have actually made him less real by making his applicability more cluttered. Tolkien loved details, but unless you strayed from the beaten path of his main works into his autism forest they were always meaningful and appropriate. What purpose does fluff like tax policies serve other than to flesh out a world that literally doesn't exist with data that was only added for the sole purpose of simulating reality rather than refining your narrative? Tax policies and orc babies would be essential for some stories. It depends on what you're trying to do, but Martin frames their absence as a criticism of Tolkien and suggests that these details would have enhanced the work's realism when they wouldn't have. The details in LotR are meant to tell you about the real world and real people. The details in Fire and Ice are meant to tell you about Westeros, which doesn't exist. You can debate that but it's what the post is saying.

>> No.16065610

Shitting is hard. Or soft, as the case may be. This was maybe my answer to GRRM, whom, as much as I lust for him, I do quibble with. A Dance With Dragons had a very scatalogical philosophy: that if the queen drank dirty water, the land would be covered in shit. We look at real shits and it’s not that simple. GRRM can say that Daenerys got dysentry and shat for a hundred years, and each stool was looser than the last. But GRRM doesn’t ask the question: What was Daenerys' fiber intake? Did she ingest a recommended amount of solutes? What did she do when she needed to wipe? And what about all these turds? By the end of the defacation chapter, Daenerys' bowels are empty but all her number twos aren't gone – they’re not even in a shit pit dug in the ground. Did Daenerys pursue a policy of systematically dumping in one place? So that there was a gigantic mountain of diarrhea?

>> No.16065665
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>> No.16066470

What was Stannis's tax policy?

>> No.16066699

maybe children's books but they're better by far

>> No.16067996

> Language is hard. This was maybe my answer to Martin, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. A Song of Ice and Fire had a very modern philosophy: that if the king was a good man, he would get his dick chopped off. We look at history and it’s not that simple. Martin can say that Bran became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Martin doesn’t ask the question: How was High Valyrian conjugated? Does the pluperfect tense of Bravosi derive from the suffix? How did dragons understand the verb “dracarys”? And what about all those lost Westerosi languages? By the end of the war, the Night King is gone but all of the autists aren’t gone – they’re in the Godswood, watching beautiful sisters be beautifully raped. Did Bran pursue a policy of monolingualism and kill all other languages? Even the little baby dialects in their little dialect regions?