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16054894 No.16054894 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw too stupid to read/understand poetry

>> No.16054906
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There's nothing to understand. Poetry is a meme.
All it is is lyrics to an unsung song - and that's if it actually has a rhythm and rhymes. a lot of poets are so low effort they don't even do that, they just write a rambling sentence and call it a "poem".

>> No.16054935

I bet you can understand this:

The apparition of these faces in the crowd:
Petals on a wet, black bough.

I'm sure you can see what he's done, why he has listed these two images together

>> No.16054951 [DELETED] 

I can't. Speak straight, faggot.

>> No.16054966

Nevermind, I got it, I just couldn't remember what "bough" meant.

>> No.16054981


>> No.16054986

yeah same, I don't even begin to understand how you're supposed to enjoy it. When someone talks about poetry I feel like a blind person listening to someone describe cinema.

>> No.16055027

Same. I also can't remember lyrics to songs.

>> No.16055066

picture in your head faces in a crowd of people at a metro station(wearing black suits and hats), then picture in your head the petals on a bough, it's an obvious visual similarity. Then think about what possible other comparisons he could be drawing with 'petals' and 'faces' vs. 'crowd' and 'bough', what these things mean or are usually associated with and so on. The whole poem is grounded as an 'apparition', how could that affect the overall meaning.

you can also just pronounce it out loud and see how pretty the sounds are one after the other and how they complement the images

>> No.16055067

Try reading it aloud. I didn’t get it either until someone told me this. Maybe this makes me a brainlet but hey works for me, brother.

>> No.16055097

Just buy a poetry book nibbah, it will explain all the ideas and complexities behind poetry, along with a book of collected poems of a poet that you like the idea of and start reading. Just in your native tongue to begin with. Poetry is extremely complicated, similar to music when you look into it.

>> No.16055103

same how the fuck am i supposed to know that when the author says "snow" he also means emptiness of the head?

>> No.16055106
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>Try reading it aloud.
I don't know how, I will get the cadence and rhythm wrong. Why don't you do it for us, anon? Record a vocaroo reading a passage from your favorite poem. Come on do it, pleeeease do it!

>> No.16055115

Yeah sure gimme a few minutes

>> No.16055185
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R8 please

>> No.16055191

You're not stupid. Poetry is low IQ song writing. It's awkward and unpleasant. Fuck poetry.

>> No.16055201
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The only kind of poetry I 'get' is haiku.

>> No.16055247

Thats pretty impressive considering how much cross referencing to Japanese lit and language I miss unless I read some grade schoolers guide

>> No.16055279
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, Impressive, very nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white hand
Impressive, very nice.

Let's see the niggers hand.

>> No.16055285

I guess I don't get it after all.
I just like how the poems describe nice, neat images.

>> No.16055368
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R8 this one, I tried to draw a female blushing emoji
Since those are part of the English alphabet now.
Tried to portray me flirting while also conveying that I never leave my house and simulating a flirtatious scenario in poem form. Do you guys resonate with this?

>> No.16055392

>how could that affect the overall meaning.
Spoonfeed me.

>> No.16055396

Can you post or link to your favorite haikus?

>> No.16055636

You're suppossed not to have a low IQ for starters

>> No.16056157

A good author is like a good screen writer who can use settings and and even rhythm to draw the audience as closely to the truth without giving it away. Most TV shows will give you the end and everything that's come to pass should fit and make sense in their universe.

in poetry, allusion can be used to influence the reader to think, or more appealing, feel, like something means more than just the words expressed.
If you want to get better at understanding poetry, I'd just dive head first into music, even if it has no words to it. Music and poetry have had a historic relationship for reasons, we even get them mixed up.

Some poets could write something beautiful and pleasant sounding, but they leave hints that every word chosen is a threat to your family's well-being, and with enough skill, make you paranoid yet unable to prove the contents intent.

>> No.16057519

t. novelcuck

>> No.16057550

poetry is the mode of sacrifice where meaning is the victim

>> No.16057571

You are too stupid to read??? How? Did you drop out of primary school? Are you genuinely mentally retarded?

>> No.16058019

How do I spot a good poet and one that is just a pseud?

>> No.16058869

Different anon but this is one of my favourites, it's by Bashō:

The temple bell stops -
but the sound keeps coming
out of the flowers.

>> No.16059016

Jesus. Talk about low effort in an already talentless art form.
Poetry’s for dumb pseuds too stupid to play a pseud in philosophy

>> No.16059056

On a journey, ill:
My dream goes wandering
Over withered fields


It reminds me of that webm of the penguin who just walked away from the pack.

>> No.16059085

long form poetry>novels>>>>>>>short poetry

>> No.16059093


Read The Pig-Tale by Lewis Carroll.

>> No.16059361

Poetry is neat. Long form poetry(books, novellas,etc) can be very good art.

>> No.16059376

A lot of poetry an attempt to abstract a simple idea, emotion, or experience in a beautiful way. Beauty is subjective though, not finding the style beautiful isn't a personal failing .

>> No.16059510


oh you sound like OP

>tfw too stupid to read/understand poetry

>> No.16059523


>> No.16059528

Fuck I love poetry? Don't even know where to start. Maybe try Spring and All by William Carlos Williams. Just read it and stop trying to dissect it. The poem will work you over, not the other way around.

4chan seems like it would worship the altar of Ezra Pound.

>> No.16059533

only children believe in semicolons, like santa claus