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/lit/ - Literature

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16054863 No.16054863 [Reply] [Original]

I have no intention of reading LotR. THe subject doesn't interest me and I do not want to throw countless hours into them. I don't care about Hobbits or whatever else. It's just not for me. However, I do want a taste of Tolkien's writing style, and I like his villains and lore/mythology. I hear that he's taken stuff from Norse, Celtic and Greek Myths and managed to create a whole mythology of his own. So, all that said, which books should I read if all I care about are Sauron, the Ainur or whatever they're called, Morgoth, etc ? I want to read about Angels and Demons having Cosmic Showdowns, and about Armoured Conquerors. Plus, just get a taste of the man's style.
>inb4 just read LotR it's great you faggot
No thanks; I just don't care.

>> No.16054891

Just read LotT you illiterate. It won’t take long. This isn’t Wheel of Time with 14 books. You’re acting like it takes a huge amount of dedication when it doesn’t unless you have zoomer adhd

>> No.16054910

I just don't care about Bilbo Baggis and the Hobbits and whatever else, you literal faggot. I've got textbooks to read, I don't have ample free time to invest on something I don't care for. I don't like Fantasy, never have. It doesn't interest me. But I like stories about conquerors and Cosmic, Mythological scale events.

Either answer the question or ignore/hide the thread.

>> No.16054917

> I don't like Fantasy, never have.
Then Tolkien isn’t for you, you faggot

>> No.16054965

>I have no intention of reading LotR.
Kill thyself, OP.

>> No.16055014

Just read the Silmarillion

>> No.16055026

read LOTR

>> No.16055147

cool blog OP where do I subscribe?

>> No.16055217

Read LOTR bitch

>> No.16055258

What a pointless thread. Your efforts to prove to a collective of anonymous internet autists that you’re above reading Tolkien instead makes it seem like you really want to read Tolkien. So why aren’t you reading Tolkien?

>> No.16055338

>I'm very interested in this characteristic of *literary work*
>I won't read *literary work* though, since I don't much care for anything else in it
>Never mind the fact that what makes certain aspects of *literary work* exceptional is the way they pertain to the overall structure of the work itself
Read, ffs

>> No.16055365

>hey, I only like Darth Vader and the Sith in general; which Star Wars books should I read
This is how you sound.
OP@4channel . com
Thanks anon.

>> No.16055403

I hate fantasy. I really do, I've never had time for any of it. I read the first two ice and fire books and they were just awful. Having said that, Tolkien is wonderful. Seriously, read Lord of the rings. It is an absolute masterpiece. His prose is beautiful, the plot is great, I didn't give a fuck about hobbits either but it's probably on my top 10. There's no other fantasy book that I would even say I liked except for once and future king.

>> No.16055486
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You can't "get a taste" for Tolkien's villains without understanding the context in which they are used in the story. Do you not appreciate that? If you try to extract them from the context of the story you will lose what makes them compelling.

>> No.16055730

>which books should I read if all I care about are Sauron, the Ainur or whatever they're called, Morgoth, etc ?
That would be the Silmarillion.
>I don't care about Hobbits or whatever else. It's just not for me.
There's still a lot of stuff unrelated to your preferences in the book.
Also, I think you don't know what you're talking about, the LotR books have a ton of mythology, especially the first half of fellowship.
There's less and less mythology in LotR the longer the story goes on, because it's about the end of that mythical age in middle earth.
Elves leave, Ents become normal trees, no more numenoreans, sauron dead etc.

>> No.16055864

I don't like your approach at all. However, your will.
>Norse, Celtic and Greek Myths
I can also call Milton's Paradise Lost. (To be honest, I started it and put it off until later.)
The Bible, of course.

But in fact, JRRT is not just a sum of Nordic, Greek myths, the Bible and other things.
I gave him my ideas, which cannot be reduced to "sources".
He correctly answered the claims of the Catholic bookselling network: that I am a Christian and a writer, but my work is not an exposition of Catholic dogma in literature, so that some things in my book may not be derived from the position of the Church.

I even believe that his themes of Creation and Will are in some way superior to Christian theology and philosophy. Of course, he would never agree with this.

>> No.16055885

OP, you might not like my suggestion but the clear answer is : Vsbattle wiki
That or lotr pedia or whatever it is known by.

>> No.16055901

> which books should I read if all I care about are Sauron, the Ainur or whatever they're called, Morgoth, etc ? I want to read about Angels and Demons having Cosmic Showdowns, and about Armoured Conquerors. Plus, just get a taste of the man's style.
Lord of the Rings and SIlmarillion

>> No.16056600
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>I don't like Fantasy
>I like stories about conquerors and Cosmic, Mythological scale events
What did he mean by this?
Anyway read Marlowe's Tamburlaine

>> No.16056609

If you don't have time to waste, don't spend it on /lit/.

>> No.16056666

>I don't like Fantasy
>I like stories about conquerors and Cosmic, Mythological scale events
This is your brain on anime

>> No.16056906
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>Genre fiction

>> No.16056981

>His prose is beautiful
read more books.

>> No.16057533

What I don't get is why this bunch of genre fiction is so well regarded. The man wrote a lot of other stuff, yet these children's stories are all anybody remembers. Some even take them seriously, even religiously. Literally why?

>> No.16057589

Why you came here to shit on Tolkien, reject LotR, and then beg us for reading material by Tolkien himself is beyond me. You did not need us to tell you to read The Silmarillion (which is what you're begging for).

>> No.16057691

>Hey guys I don't want to read this book because it's gay trash but I want to know all about this core component of the book, what should I do
I think you should hang by the neck until dead

>> No.16057705

Hey guys, entitled retard here, i have a retarded question that doesnt really have an answer since its so retarded, if you dont answer i will call you a faggot

>> No.16057764

I only want to read the sex scenes of great literature. Nothing else interests me. Can anyone recommend how to go about doing that? I don't want to waste my time with anything else. Just dicks and vagoos. Is there some kind of compilation? And don't say to just read literature. Literature doesn't interest me. Just fucking. Thanks. Faggots.

>> No.16057816

well read The Silmarillion then, obviously. Instead of reading the Children of Hurin chapter, read the Children of Hurin novel instead and after that continue with The Silmarillion

>> No.16057830

what other books have a similar style as Tolkien's prose, but does it better?

>> No.16058399


You're wasting your life not reading The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

>> No.16058428

>I have no intention of reading LotR but I want to read LotR

>> No.16058438

>I don't like Fantasy
>But I like stories about conquerors and Cosmic, Mythological scale events.