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16054489 No.16054489[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

books that will help me combat the international banking cabal and spread the idea of creative work?

>> No.16054491

Mein kampf

>> No.16054497
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We just had this thread

>> No.16054498

The Conspiracy Against the Human Race

>> No.16054499

First thread.

>> No.16054503 [DELETED] 


>> No.16054506

i guess he still needs to know the answer

>> No.16054531

it got deleted

>> No.16054744

State & Revolution

>> No.16054762
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my reply to what you wrote earlier
>you get rid of the Jews
that's not what fascism is
>Are they magically better because they're white?
that's not what fascism is
>Fascism is a meme and focuses on race instead of class.
national socialism focuses on race, and national socialism is supposed to be workable for any race of people. national socialism does not see a distinction between the race and the nation, the nation comes into fruition by the race.
still, both fascism and national socialism 100% focus on class issues, it just doesn't want a class war.
please, stop this meme that natsoc allows le capitalists to further exploit the laborers. in theory and in practice they nationalized key sectors and made the private industrialists pledge loyalty to the state, they demonstrably improved working conditions.
half of mein kampf has hitler ranting about the bourgeoisie and parliamentarians and how the working man is mistreated and is seen as the bottom of the barrel in society when in actuality they are lifeblood of the nation.
>Fascism protects the (white) capitalist class but doesn't actually help the working class from being exploited.
yes, former anarchist mussolini doesn't recognize class issues and wanted to protect the capitalist class by nationalizing almost all of italian industry.
You know why mussolini failed? he assigned leadership positions based on loyalty rather than competency and strayed AWAY from the doctrine of fascism.
give "The fascist manifesto" a read.
>But that's just my critique of the fascism.
>i have no idea what fascism is, but that's just my critique of fascism

>> No.16054766
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>> No.16054830

>gaddafi on a cover filled with bad guys
i'm not even going to look a summary for that sole reason alone. gaddafi will be vindicated, killary got to him because he stood up to (((them)))

>> No.16054848

can vouch for this. one of the most enlightening books ive read

>> No.16054865

>gaddafi on a cover filled with bad guys
the author doesn't think any of the pictured men are "bad guys"

>> No.16054901

>State & Revolution
how do i get the swiss train filled with gold?

>> No.16055163


>> No.16055317

objectively not good

>> No.16055325

Please stop using the word objectively incorrectly. It makes you look stupid

>> No.16055329

lincoln did nothing wrong, he wanted to preserve the union. the bankers wanted a civil war to divide america and drive them into further debt.
lincoln didn't even give a shit about slavery.

>> No.16055339

objectively suck my subjective balls
he was doing what jefferson could have done 60 years earlier and took 4 years too long and got a million americans killed.

>> No.16055354

OP is not satisfied with the (You)s he has

>> No.16055374

this is an unusually rpd post

>> No.16055380

Even if you buy into the “evil hitler” agenda I don’t see how at first glance you would think any of these people were bad guys and not just historical figures.

>> No.16055402

All of those in the bottom 5 opposed jewish central banks, and got destroyed for it.

>> No.16055423
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>he was doing what jefferson could have done 60 years earlier and took 4 years too long and got a million americans killed.
this shit isn't black and white, there was going to be a war either way because the bankers wanted one.
even the "first shots" of the civil war was a farce because the union soldiers were refusing to leave confederate territory. it could have started for any reason, but that's just the story we use.
no matter how you look at it, there was going to be a war because it was decided that there is going to be one.

>> No.16055444
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>> No.16055456

ironic, considering just half century later america became their favorite lapdog

>> No.16055465

stop calling them jews, are the Rothschild jews?
the jews have their own factions within and the fucking hate eachother
read about the sabbateans

>> No.16055524 [DELETED] 

>are the Rothschild jews?
Yes, moron.

>> No.16055543

sabbateans are not jewish.

>> No.16055607 [DELETED] 

Is this some "'jew' is purely a religious designation" idiocy, or what? Jewish factions all bicker with each other, but only about the best thing to do for jews.

>> No.16055618

>Is this some "'jew' is purely a religious designation" idiocy, or what?
>but only about the best thing to do for jews.
please explain to me how sabbateans did "what's best for jews"

>> No.16055626 [DELETED] 

No, explain what the hell you're talking about.

>> No.16055648 [DELETED] 

Lincoln was a good goy piece of shit.

>> No.16055650

potrait of dorian gray... I guess

>> No.16055677
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>i have no idea what i'm talking about
>i'm gonna keep arguing anyway
read this jewpedia article, and then this book as a preliminary introduction to the redpill nu-/pol/ fags such as yourself missed out on back in 2013.

>> No.16055718 [DELETED] 

Just explain your position, you faggot. You say Rothchilds, who are obviously, and universally agreed upon as jews, aren't jews. Clear it up right now, or fuck off.

>> No.16055748

>he still thinks judaism is limited to faith
i have spoken to and worked with easily a hundred jews in my life and maybe 10 out of 100 believe in god in the slightest. jews are among the most unbelieving populations in the world, so much so that "jewish athiest" is a real term and not an oxymoron. judaism outside of israel refers to cultural jews, who identify not with their faith but with as ethnic group

>> No.16055794

>spoonfeed me daddy
there's a sect within judaism that does everything /pol/ alleges they do, but since they were banned from the planet they now call themselves 'secular' instead of sabbatean.
It's naive to think the direction of history isn't by design. England & Germany were their greatest allies so naturally pay the greatest price. America's reward is all over the catalogue right now.
>he still thinks judaism is limited to faith
where did i say this

>> No.16055849 [DELETED] 

>waaah, don't make me articulate my opinion!
Get over it, this how real conversations work. So far you've been a total retard, so why would exert myself towards adopting your worldview? Think about it.

>but since they were banned from the planet
>there's a sect within judaism
>they now call themselves 'secular' instead of sabbatean.
>sabbateans are not jewish.
This is a tangled mess of bullshit. Try again, moron.

>> No.16055882

>so why would exert myself towards adopting your worldview?
don't then, i don't care.

>> No.16055892

> Satanic kike thinks he is the Messiah
> Comes up with a convoluted theological argument that it is necessary to do evil and invert the natural world in order to bring about the Messianic age
> Orgies, wife-swapping, proto-feminism, rape, theft, human sacrifice, animal sacrifice
> Sabbatai Zevi joined Islam, and encouraged his followers to pretend to join other religions, but to continue practicing Sabbateanism in private as crypto-Jews
> Heavy ties to the Rothschilds
> Heavy ties to the French revolution (destroying European monarchy = upending the natural order)
> Heavy ties to the Masons, and all kinds of secret societies
Dr. Henry Makow is the go to guy. Hold onto your butt.

>> No.16055916


>Is this some "'jew' is purely a religious designation" idiocy, or what?
Read Marx "On the Jewish Question". Reminder than Marx predicted the rise of financial capitalism and the coming back of judaism as a consequence.

>> No.16055931

This is the answer.

Also: "The Banking Swindle" and "Opposing the Money Lenders" by Bolton.

>> No.16056131 [DELETED] 


>> No.16056564 [DELETED] 


>> No.16056778 [DELETED] 


>> No.16057002


>> No.16057287 [DELETED] 

And another

>> No.16057330

Gaddafi had ancient artifacts.

>> No.16057381


>> No.16057488

i called you based yesterday mommy, don't make me rescind that for besmirching the name of gaddafi

>> No.16057497
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This will help you grow up.

>> No.16057907

How does this book justify fractional reserve banking?

>> No.16058112 [DELETED] 


>> No.16058288 [DELETED] 

Le Shadow bump

>> No.16058350 [DELETED] 

Le shadow bump

>> No.16058838 [DELETED] 

Shadow bump

>> No.16059045

this thread was so underwhelming
nobody cares about this

>> No.16060204
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I cared in the first thread.

>> No.16060631
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>> No.16061810

>stop calling them jews
one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat...

>> No.16063713

>stop calling them jews
Yeah, funny how just NOTICING Jews and what they are doing is now "anti-Semitic" LOL. Our invisible ruling class.

>> No.16063730

It doesn't, that's not the subject of the book. Fractional reserve lending is justified because it works - only libertarians and gold standard weirdos give a shit. Leftists don't care because there's too many big words.

>> No.16064396

>justified because it works
>Lets just lie about the amount of money we have because we can get away with it
I guess might really does make right

>> No.16064440

If you don't don't want to learn why modern monetarist theory is correct then it's your right to stay uninformed.

>> No.16064782

>he thinks exponential economic growth will continue forever

>> No.16064842

If you're greentexting you've lost.