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/lit/ - Literature

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16054062 No.16054062 [Reply] [Original]

is literature really threatened by a "cancel culture" like Rushdie says?

>> No.16054079

Literature has survived censorship from pretty much every institution in human history, most notably the fucking vehicle of God’s will on earth, the clergu. I think we’ll be fine.

>> No.16054092

I stand by this typo.

>> No.16054110

Absolutely true even with normie lib shit like American dirt was almost cancelled. Left wingers have always tried censorship they are just more subtle about then when rightoids do it. Remember when feminist seethed at American psycho because it portrayed women accurately? We have seen multiple literary agents blatantly state that they will only take woke manuscripts

>> No.16054146
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It´s astonishing on how intellectual lazy people can get as they age.
You think critical thinking is something that sticks onto a personality until death,
but it actually hollows out as soon you dont need critical thinking for yourself anymore and becomes literally the enlightent centrist trope.

>> No.16054173

Yes obviously

>> No.16054187

How do you pronounce his name
Is it like "rush" and "die" the English words or is it some Persian shit

>> No.16054202
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didnt honestly expect there were any tradcells left on /lit/ who still follow petersons failures

>> No.16054217


>> No.16054237

Of course it is. Everyone already self-censors. The only people who feel relatively free to express themselves are people who have either monetized that particular trait or who are already so wealthy that they don't care.

>> No.16054239

if there is a profitable gap in the market for non-woke literature then just publish it yourself and become rich while owning the libs

>> No.16054299

That doesn't mean that "cancel culture" is not a threat, which it clearly is.

But I agree with you nonetheless.

>> No.16054301

What’s your point? Literature survived Stalinism.

>> No.16054305

>warns that it is a threat
In August, 2020? Thanks for noticing boomer.

>> No.16054314

And with every threat is an opportunity at reaction. That’s how we got the great works of Renaissance Humanism, satire, even the birth of the novel in some regards.

>> No.16054336
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The cop riots of 2020 coupled with the IDpol we’ve soaked in for decades now, are all a part of the corporate states censorship and control plan.
There’s far more to “left wing” than race relations.

>> No.16054339

>get cancelled for writing something about trannies
>"this is a threat to western civilization! it's all dark sided!"
>get someone shit-canned for saying palestinians deserve human rights
>"this is fine :^)"

silencing of "heretics" is part of social culture, always has been and always will be. this is just hypocrisy to suddenly wake up now

>> No.16054348

I just fear for the Universities. It's very hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel for the Humanities at this point.

>> No.16054355

I for one hope to see the universities entirely engulfed in light.

>> No.16054381

Jordan Peterson completely shat on cancel culture and won.

>> No.16054382

Literature did but not many authors.

The current woke craze is an intellectual fad that won't last forever, but it's still no fun to be living through it.

>> No.16054444

The university system has long since been fucked. Whatever classical notions you’re holding onto are outdated by several decades at this point. As for the light/tunnel metaphor, remember Kafka: there is hope, just not for us. That is the nightmare of Modernity, the contemporary, etc.

But simultaneously their literal decimation emblazoned and immortalized them. Isaac Babel is the obvious example. Cultural threats are catalysts for the true artist and his contribution will be made regardless. That’s the force I hold faith in.

>> No.16054453

Not only is cancel-culture a largely online (American) phenomenon utterly irrelevant to those who don't spend their time on social media, it's a completely non-partisan phenomenon, right wingers are just as autistic as lefties in cancelling shit, well, American "lefties".

>> No.16054468

I'd say a bigger threat is mass illiteracy and mass education. canceling is just the name of the political game. If I could I'd cancel every dumbass multicultural propagandist demon I could.

>> No.16054474

Really? How are the island people in Pippi Longstockings called again?

>> No.16054477

>he says as people across the country lose their jobs, students are expelled, and politics are decided by frothing social media bullshit

ok boomer

>> No.16054484
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>> No.16054492

The Swedish Academy literally cancelled the Nobel last year over it. You’re speaking for yourself exclusively when you talk down the issue. The fire of both sides is more visibly raging in America because we've pretty much always been a bipartisan pissing contest, but let’s delude ourselves into thinking that this is exceptional or not somehow mirrored by global cultural forces. That‘s ironically very “American exceptionalist” of you.

>> No.16054502

What? I don’t have the slightest basis to begin to address this.

>> No.16054510

Name one person who got cancelled because of right wing demand.

>> No.16054512

It's been like that since the 50s. All of the West is heavily censored. There is no freedom of speech at all in the West. Try speaking out against Jews and see what happens. For example, you can't even question the official Holocaust narrative. It all began with the Jews, but the Jews want whites to place the entire blame of Muslims and blacks in order to conceal their actions more.

>> No.16054515

Arthur Miller

>> No.16054519

Yes, in 50 years it might be impossible to find copies of the works of Heidegger, Celine or Torrente Ballester without resorting to piracy.

>> No.16054525

psycho ethnonationalist zionists have cancelled more academics and professionals than sjws could ever dream of

>> No.16054528

James Gunn

>> No.16054533

No, they aren't (at least not an any exceptional rate), take a break from the internet. People have been loosing jobs for being controversial ever since universities came into existence.
>cancelled the Nobel
So they didn't cancel any people. Mutts shouldn't speak about Scandinavia or Western Europe.
The entirety of Nike, some right-wing mutts burned their shoes last year because of some footballer.

>> No.16054534

Idk if the normies are well-read enough to know about Celine.

>> No.16054547

Yes but as a writer I don't want to be Isaac Babel or Vassily Grossman or Bulgakov. I want to see people read my shit. And getting canceled on Twatter isn't going to earn you any immortality like dying in a gulag.

>> No.16054551


>> No.16054552

Literature may have survived threats in the past, but with the reach we have now via social media etc I must admit I am sincerely worried. Cancel Culture (which could also be called Shame Culture, IMO) can destroy careers and reputations with blinding speed because of technology - so fast no thoughtful discussion is able to occur - a knee-jerk reaction to uncomfortable feelings.

>> No.16054557

>cancelled the Nobel
>So they didn't cancel any people.
You really should stop trying to post about what you don’t even have the effort to google. That you would then try to criticize someone for being shortsighted or whatever for being a Mutt is ironic seeing as you’re too fucking narrowminded to think for two seconds before replying to someone. Pretty embarrassing you don’t even know the contemporary state of European letters yet you try to speak on cultural issues.

>> No.16054565

What are you talking about? Liberals are constantly shitting on Israel. If anything, it’s cool and progressive to shit on Israel

>> No.16054570

>Yes but as a writer I don't want to be Isaac Babel or Vassily Grossman or Bulgakov. I want to see people read my shit.
Sounds like you’re just a pussy anon. Sorry but some of us nonplebs are in it for the glory.

>And getting canceled on Twatter isn't going to earn you any immortality like dying in a gulag.
Then why are we making the comparison in the first place?

>> No.16054575

Do people worry too much about "cancel culture?" It seems like a meme that has started to prefigure the way people act. You expect that something called cancelling exists so you try hard not to get cancelled and blow a fuse at the slightest pushback. Let's say it actually happened to you; couldn't you lean in, say "fuck you" instead of apologizing, and capitalize on the reaction? It seems like almost everyone tries to immediately grovel because they have this huge idea of "cancel culture" already built up in their head even when very little has actually happened to them. Isn't this all a little overblown

>> No.16054584

Yes but it’s unpopular to admit that “Israel” may just be shorthand for “the global actor known “‘the Jew’”

>> No.16054585

Because Twitter mobs and gulags are both forms of censorship.

>> No.16054588

Yeah it literature doesn't survive fat Twitter bitches then we're doomed. There are too many avenues of publication online, and although most major platforms are controlled by a few companies with liberal bias, the truth will out.

>> No.16054595

So my point is sustained. You can’t have your cake and eat it too anon. Either drop the comparison or come up with some further account.

>> No.16054612

You're describing self censorship. Lots of people hold back from saying that they think is true because they have no desire to be stuck up in some controversy that's barely related to their actual topic. This has always happened but again social media makes the pressure to avoid controversy omnipresent.

tldr; The smartphone revolution has been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.16054621

>Torrente Ballester
I've only read Crónica del Rey Pasmado. What else did he write that makes you think he'll be cancelled?

>> No.16054637

Both SJWs and neocons are extensions of psycho ethnonationalist zionists.

>> No.16054642

They choose to self-censor because the concept of "cancel culture" has prefigured their response. They think of the worst "cancellation" they've ever heard of, and think it's happening to them as soon as they get any pushback, so they immediately apologize, and grovel. It's a kind of hyperreality.

>> No.16054652

>What else did he write that makes you think he'll be cancelled?
He was a falangist.
(La saga/fuga de J.B. is his masterpiece)

>> No.16054664

Fear over it is probably overblown, but I have read such extreme and absurd cases of it that I'm not willing to shrug it off. People are so hypersensitive these days its truly contemptible and disgusting. And the domain of who is cancellable is expanding. It used to be liberal's usual punching bag, straight white men, but I've seen queers and even an white and asian woman get canceled (have her book deal for her debut novel unpublished). This weak minded and scornful trend of coddling people's feelings and seeing anyone who tries to imagine other's experiences outside their own narrow identitarian categories is radiation poisoning for the mind.

>> No.16054686

I did not know that. I have a copy of La saga/fuga de J.B. laying around; I bought it when an anon recommended it here, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. It feels kind of intimidating.
I was able to read the Quixote without any issues and enjoyed it greatly. Will I have a similar experience with Ballester's masterpiece, or is it a deeper tale that will take greater sensitivity and intelligence to appreciate?

>> No.16054702

boo boo i'm being censored because some dude on twitter called me a r*cist or whatever!

>> No.16054709

People lose book deals over this shit.

>> No.16054714

Sort of. Shit like that has always happened, but the internet made it too regular and effortless. Part of the problem is that corporations and institutions' perceptions haven't adjusted to this, and the boomers in charge of those things still see a popular tweet or facebook post attacking them and think it's like having an angry mob outside of their office, when in reality it's just the condensed reaction of a bunch kids from a series of shithole countries liking something they don't really care about because it vaguely aligns with their views, before moving on to the next post without even registering it mentally. If they all decided to just ignore it there would be no negative consequences for them whatsoever, unfortunately economic competition makes this difficult, so they'll stay in a race to the bottom trying to out-virtue signal each other.

>> No.16054715

>censorship from clergy
Enlightenment propaganda, the Church never censored anything and the Index prohibitorum was supposed to be a guide for people of weak faith to avoid challenging books their halfwited brains couldn't handle, judging by the state of modern education it wouldn't actually be the worst idea to implement it again

>> No.16054727

I couldn’t agree more! We are losing our objectivity and failing to understand the true meaning of Freedom of Speech. Nobody is allowed to be offended or hurt on any level no matter what. It doesn’t make sense. I can’t help but think a good portion of it began with the Self-Esteem Movement, which evolved into Nobody Loses Sports/everyone gets a medal for showing up. These folks don’t grow up with the challenge of failure or hurt feelings and when they are old enough to reach out into the world they react like toddlers to the slightest offense. Whatever happened to dialogue and agreeing to disagree. It makes me sad.

>> No.16054731

boo boo I'm downplaying something serious because it's not happening to me and i want to feel like i belong

>> No.16054739

>There’s far more to “left wing” than race relations.
Nonliberal leftists are like nonavian dinosaurs, anon. They're extinct.

>> No.16054754

There are a lot of references to grammar theory and poetics and some dialogues are in galego. Other than that, it's really easy to get immersed and enjoy the novel.

>> No.16054757

>Literature has survived censorship from pretty much every institution in human history

No it hasn't, textbook survivor's bias. Only one percent of ancient literature survived. I don't know how someone can be on a lit board and not know this

>> No.16054773

>The cop riots of 2020
Those evil, racist police! Always rioting and smashing up black businesses.

>> No.16054779

I don't go so far as to say "fuck your feelings" although I almost do. There are shades of nuance to literature as in life. These subtleties are what gets lost on cancel culture. It's an illiterate mentality if anything.
The truth is, it's not about minimizing offensiveness. It's about power, the only grubbing, squat, pathetic little power these people have, which is the power of getting their feelings hurt and therefore being entitled to retribution.

>> No.16054786

I think I might be able to handle and even enjoy grammar theory and poetics. I had a class related to that in college and I found it pretty interesting. I don't speak galego, but hopefully it will be easy enough to decipher being a Spanish speaker. Thank you very much.

>> No.16054798
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>Pretty embarassing you don't know the contemporary state of European letters yet you try to speak on cultural issues
That's a pretty fancy way of saying you have your own curated feed of horseshit of every flavour from Twitter and you think you're well learned for it, anon. Go back.

>> No.16054812

There is a time coming when you will be prohibited print publications on the grounds of 'climate change'. With everything digital, you will have to question "Is this text censored?". Fahrenheit 451 won't need to be achieved with digital scrubbing and retouching the past to conform with whatever social (and genetic) engineering ends the freaks at the giga-trillionaire level have in mind. Cancellation and those grifting for it are rubber stamping hobo glomo -- actual culture and its tradition from countries down to the family's own customs is the only line of resistance to any of this (Muslim population dominance and strict religious observance are seen as the biggest roadblock to this.)

>> No.16054815

well he should know. he was a victim of it when the satanic verses came out. he got literally threatened with death and the fact that so few of the literati spoke out against it is to their eternal shame

>> No.16054824

>one percent
Gonna need a citation on that Mr. Smarty Pants. Also,
>Literature as in literal books and not the practice

>> No.16054832

You bring up a good point. Technocratic cancellation will be AI powered filtration. The bots will detect verboten language and you will basically be shadow banned from all platforms. Any traditional publisher that survives in the next decades will have the foresight to adopt AI to prescreen and read all submissions to filter out the obvious chaff just like resumes are filtered today. All will quietly hum in a perfectly unoffensive, barren sterility of unchallenged norms.

>> No.16054840

? I don’t have twitter. The Nobel scandal was widely publicized in every major newspaper. Keep it up with the damage control frogposter.

>> No.16054844

? American psycho did talk about genders and it was cancelled for it.

>> No.16054855

Stop copying my posting style before people start accusing me of being you. I don’t want to taint my track record here.

>> No.16054874

I don't even try to make this point to people anymore because I have gotten "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences" as a word-for-word answer about 5+ times in real life. Lots and lots of millenials do not value the concept at all and their entire take on it comes from a webcomic which was inadvertently paraphrasing Idi Amin:
>There is freedom of speech, but I cannot guarantee freedom after speech.

>> No.16054877

Yes, Galego and Spanish are mutually intelligible. The grammar theory is extremely interesting. Good luck and enjoy.

>> No.16054934

What everybody needs to do is take this whole shitshow as an opportunity to rethink their perception of what power is.

Everyone always thinks of authoritarianism as something the State does, but this whole cancel culture shit is proof that everything we criticize the state for can also be achieved by private agents and individuals just looking after their own interests. There's no censorship in the traditional sense here, but there are groups of activists threatening to harm people's profits if they don't bow to their agenda, and that being internalized by companies, advertisers, and the media, to the point where it becomes reflexive for them to follow their line, creating a cascate effect. With the economy being completely privatized and market-driven, that creates a degree of social control that most authoritarian governments could only dream of. You might not be thrown in jail for saying something bad, but you will lose all the material means of sustaining one's life due to a convention that was established by a series of unelected, unaccountable agents.

So you might take this as an opportunity to criticize the Left because they're the ones with the most financial influence when it comes to social issues right now, but that is transient. On a structural level, this is just evidence that the Left is right - capitalism is not freedom, capitalism is just the realization of whatever is profitable. If the consumers and investors want censorship, it will sell it to them. So as counter-intuitive as it is, you can't transcend this whole mess through right-wing politics, you need to take a criticism of capitalism as your starting point.

>> No.16054980

Maybe in the Anglo ''world''.

>> No.16054991
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Splitting things into "left" vs "right" is not very helpful. Some of the first people to speak out against it were communists like Mark Fisher

>> No.16054993

Back to Merddit. This board isn't yours, you deranged, monolingual, Anglo imbecile.

>> No.16054997

Daddy Land would beg to differ

>> No.16055001

It might not be helpful in rhetoric, but it is quite obvious there is one side that is promoting censorship.

>> No.16055004

They’re a thought away, even if that were true.

The whole thing was staged to distract and dissuade the growing labor organizing that had started up since the quarantine. There’s numerous footage of agent provocateurs vandalizing businesses to encourage looting from desperate communities, and numerous instances of cops letting the looters go while at the same time creaking protesters heads. The keystone pigs are just following orders, bootlicker.

>> No.16055008


>> No.16055019


>> No.16055022

There is a cluster of ideologies that currently push it hard, who exist within the network of ideologies colloquially called the left, but do not consist of the entire left, yes.

>> No.16055048

And there is where I have a serious problem with Cancel Culture - it’s about retribution. Because feelings are just feelings - the result of chemicals in your brain as a result of outside stimuli - how you RESPOND to those feelings, on the other hand is under your control. Burning down someone else’s life because you got your feelings hurt is insanity.

>> No.16055064

I guess there's a new fatwa out for him and it ain't from the Islamic world this time.

>> No.16055080


>> No.16055099

No because all these narcissistic losers complaining about being cancelled are multimillionaires with massive audiences. They won't let anyone into their club they don't like.

>and won
He literally ended up destroying his brain... although that may be contingent upon other factors but it definitely had to do with his personality.

Amazon took down a bunch of pederast books about 10 years ago which was their first wave of censorship because of complaints from conservatives.

>Burning down someone else’s life because you got your feelings hurt is insanity.
No, it's basic social dynamics. There's noting that unusual about gas lighting and revenge. Powerful public figures could be insulated more from that before social media since they could interact with a more closed circle of midwits instead of highschool bullies.

>> No.16055117
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"Being left-winger or being right-winger are both two of the infinite ways that man can choose to be an imbecile. Both are forms of moral hemiplegia"

>> No.16055941

>He literally ended up destroying his brain... although that may be contingent upon other factors but it definitely had to do with his personality.

He ultimately won, regardless of what happens to him in the future. His ideals have already spread wide and far. We will see the fruits of his work in the next generation of writers.

>> No.16055993

>Burning down someone else’s life because you got your feelings hurt is insanity.
In their mind, they are ridding society of a bigoted oppressor . I'm reminded of that Pascal quote, "no one does evil so joyously and completely as when they do so from a religious conviction." In this case their feelings of moral righteousness ARE religious convictions. They bear the stamp of the high minded pursuit of social justice.

>> No.16056010
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>He ultimately won, regardless of what happens to him in the future. His ideals have already spread wide and far. We will see the fruits of his work in the next generation of writers.

Sorry but he even lost the pronoun wars, any inspired writer ain't going to be able to accomplish much since they'll end up in the same state

>> No.16056048

>I'd say a bigger threat is mass illiteracy
this is a good thing.

>> No.16056288

Well put!

>> No.16056376

>Fear over it is probably overblown, but I have read such extreme and absurd cases of it that I'm not willing to shrug it off

>I recognize that it is overblown, but I will continue to react emotionally to it anyway because I read some extreme outliers
brainlet take

>> No.16056390
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The irony of this entire post.

>> No.16056439

What are you even on about? My whole post was about honing in on the actual threat level of cancel culture. And getting "canceled" is a comparatively rare occurrence in the first place. So there aren't any outliers.
Fill me in on what's ironic about it.

>> No.16056524

someone should inform mr. Rushdie that freedom of speech includes the right to shit all over books who don't like and call them racist

>> No.16056864

Negerkung på kurrikurridutön

>> No.16056916

Are you implying reactionaries don't want to censor things like LBGTQ, sexuality, drug culture?

>> No.16057152

>edgelord doesn't like being called an edgelord

>> No.16057530
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>Muslims threaten to murder Salman Rushdie
>literally had to go into hiding
>the left is going to cancel all of his artistic accomplishments because he said "it's okay to disagree with my opinions on things"

>> No.16057558

Nice contrarian projection.

cope :^)

>> No.16057605


>> No.16057614

Always a little shocked when I find a butterfly post that I agree with.

>> No.16057620
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Social media was a mistake. Not only did it deteriorate Internet culture, it enabled these witch hunts as well.

>> No.16057631

The observation that government authoritarianism has been outsourced to activists is very apt, but don't fall for the assumption that the companies are just following what they percieve as most profitable. These companies are going far beyond the threshold of signalling necessary to maximize profit, and are instead are signalling to the point of alienating large amounts of their audience. Gillete was in that recent fiasco about some ad, and the CEO was quoted as saying that they want to push their message regardless of how much business they lose. Cartoon Network tweeting a painting of Floyd saying "he changed the world" is in no way in response to anything a reasonable part of the population expects from a children's cartoon Network. It's useful to view corporations as engines of cultural change, not just secular economic entities. They are clearly not the prime mover of such change, but they have a part.

>> No.16057751


>> No.16057889
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>Gonna need a citation

>> No.16057898
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>Mr. Smarty Pants

>> No.16057921

Goddamn how much this tripfag pisses me off.

>> No.16058041

I was hoping this would be more of a cute thing, but it seems kind of like a sexual thing the way this girl fiddles the bird's supposed feather nipples, and strokes the bird in a hyper-sexual way.

>> No.16058057
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>Gonna need a citation on that Mr. Smarty Pants

>> No.16058081

walkable cities would have prevented cancel culture prove me wrong

>> No.16058084


>> No.16058140
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>> No.16058248

People complaining on twitter = cancel culture
People complaining on 4chan = heroic defense of free speech

>> No.16058264

Metafilter misses you.

>> No.16058270
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>> No.16058304

The only reason surviving literature has survived is due to the efforts of people fighting back against censorship.
You should be hunting down and murdering every blue checkmark you can find.

>> No.16058321

nobody gets fired because 4chan complains about them is the difference. In fact 4chan complaining about you will probably garner you sympathy like that whole video game debacle

>> No.16058340

>There’s numerous footage of agent provocateurs vandalizing businesses to encourage looting from desperate communities
Antifa retards have always done this. This isn't some sort of new development where they were peaceful goodboi heckin protesters and only just started being violent.

>> No.16058352

>trump wants to ban tiktok and journalists who disagree with him, spergs out because twitter added a fact check to his tweet and demands it be censored
>hungary, brazil and russia censor opposition
>the right cheers

Killing people for calling you transphobic is basically censorship

>> No.16058368

>complains about left-wing cancel culture
>"Waaah Peter Handke shouldn't have won the Nobel waaah"


>> No.16058375

No. It's certainly annoying, but no not really. At worst there's more schlock being published.

>> No.16058376

Tiktok is nothing but communist spyware, and most "journalists" should be in prison for malpractice.

>> No.16058381

What's wrong? Don't you believe in property rights? They're hiring you with their money, stopping them from firing you is literally communism. Just have faith in the free market bro, it'll fix it eventually.

>> No.16058402

>bird's supposed feather nipples
Why would you think a bird would have nipples? The retardation that come through here sometimes.

>> No.16058426

>Tiktok is nothing but communist spyware
But capitalist Big Data and Trump renewing the patriot act is okay?
>most "journalists" should be in prison for malpractice
Great word! Nobody is being censored after all, blue checkmarks are just calling them out for malpractice!

>> No.16058451

>when you’re so butthurt you return several hours later with a specially made jpg to reply

>> No.16058458

Stay mad, nigger! And stay as stupid as you were this morning.

>> No.16058471

>Great word! Nobody is being censored after all, blue checkmarks are just calling them out for malpractice!
One could even say it's a magic word.

>> No.16058477

i have no idea what you're rambling about, Im pointing out the difference between two things you were implying were similar

>> No.16058484
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>Why yes, when I post, I make sure to make the virgins reply to me five times and seethe

>> No.16058492

survival doesn't mean there won't be a few casualties along the way

>> No.16058501

>so few of the literati spoke out against it is to their eternal shame
Is there a list of quotes online cconcerning the issues surrounding Rushdie's feud with Islam? Is there one well-researched book covering this?

>> No.16058508

Yes. Not to my knowledge.

>> No.16059411


God that site is a fucking tragedy.

>> No.16059425

elaborate. i like where you're going

>> No.16060769

My personal favorite piece of propaganda is the one about the church censoring and silencing Galileo. They gave that guy so many chances to not be a dick and slander the church, but he went ahead and did it anyways repeatedly. They literally begged the guy to just present an unbiased scientific work and Galileo gave them the middle finger

>> No.16060787

Salman Rushdie has dated a lot of beautiful woman. I met this one chick he used to have sex with at a book store.

>> No.16062183
File: 450 KB, 620x775, DOOCTE7VQAAMi6J copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*like Bradbury said

>> No.16062362

grown ass men are really scared of teenage girls on twitter lol. just don't say faggot and you'll be fine

>> No.16062396


if only it was just literature
What these people call "cancel culture" is something far more complex and sinister than they might think
The death of freedom of speech is already a footnote on the path we're headed down

>> No.16062415

>There’s far more to “left wing” than race relations.
Sure, but race relations are part of everything else in post-CRT leftism. Nothing escapes it.

>> No.16063229

>Is there a list of quotes online cconcerning the issues surrounding Rushdie's feud with Islam?
there's enough of them on wikipedia to be going on with
even normally sensible people like roald dahl came out with weaselly proclamations to appease rushdie's potential murderers
>Is there one well-researched book covering this?
rushdie's own book joseph anton a memoir covers enough of it

>> No.16063309
File: 51 KB, 625x415, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtqia leftist cattle? In no time you will see their little stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will have to report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training"

>> No.16063399

Bioleninism, the corporate machine would prefer we were all ground down homogenous unthinking atomized mass of consumer cattle with pink hair. LGBTSJWPOCWOCS are not even subversive communist revolutionaries but purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for the HR department, happy to do what they are told suppress any sign of dissent or independent thought and consoom their hollow identities sold back to them as commodities

>> No.16063819

> People casually transfer hundreds of gigabytes of data to watch pointless tv shows
> Massive books are about 2 megabytes of information

No, nobody can effectively censor works made of text anymore.

OnionShare + RSA signatures (to prove the authorship, pseudonymously) + Bitcoin for monetization make censorship pretty much impossible.

>> No.16063830

They’ve made it clear that they wish to get rid of the western canon

>> No.16063845

These people want you broke dead, your children raped and they think its all pretty funny. "Faggot" is not a strong enough word for them.

>> No.16064104

Within a decade, all literary work will just be variations on James Baldwin. I for one can't wait to engage with such a vibrant tradition. Have your read the new Pulitzer winning Colson Whitehead novel? I bet it's inspiring.

>> No.16064116

Teenage girls have always held a wildly disproportionate amount of economic power.

>> No.16064391

This. Censorship has always been a thing. It was about time that it was used for good. Freedom of speech is the refuge of shitty people.

>> No.16064403

And his punishment was still in name only. There were no guards making sure he didn't leave his house and no one gave a fuck if he did anyway.

>> No.16064412

Weren't Eckhart's texts banned?

>> No.16064417

No. Mass literacy was a mistake. If anything, cancel culture will save literature

>> No.16065073

It's notions of righteousness so lacking in any critical thought or introspection like this that honestly have me rooting for climate change.