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File: 60 KB, 964x912, sweating pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16054003 No.16054003 [Reply] [Original]

It's seeming like something similar to that could be a reality in America within the next five or ten years.


>> No.16054011
File: 12 KB, 250x250, Spenglers Future by John J Reilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this interesting, but the exact prediction I don't think carries much weight.

>> No.16054206

Literally Amaury de Riencourt's "The Coming Caesars".

>> No.16054605

Interesting video.

>> No.16054609

The Conspiracy Against the Human Race

>> No.16054653

The US won't have a constitutional crisis or Civil War, the left will retake the presidency either this cycle or in 2024 and fully consolidate power, critical race theory will be the state ideology, etc. The current riots will be seen as the Civil Rights Movement of its time with the people burning down cities depicted as plucky rebels standing up against an oppressive fascist dictator, as the real American Patriots. And they'd be right -painting yourself as a victimized rebel standing up against injustice (with the help of some of the world's wealthiest men, of course) is what America is ABOUT.

>> No.16054732
File: 52 KB, 750x674, withered wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this video
Pls just kill me now.

>> No.16055298


>> No.16055552

Biden will win. There we be several constitutional amendments this decade reforming the electoral college, cracking down on voter suppression, and protecting human rights from reactionaries in the south and midwest. The (poor) red states will be told to either accept the reforms, which can easily be passed by blue states, or form their own union and be economically strangled and embargoed for their human rights abuses. We're finally about to bring the US into the modern age

>> No.16055590

What Roman Consul is Trump?

I'm gonna go with Pompey. Highly succesful but eventually defeated and eclipsed by the greater man, Caesar (some future American president who will be more Chad than Trump basically, probably a high ranking military man as opposed to Trump the businessman).

>> No.16055591
File: 230 KB, 1075x1130, uncle sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally someone who understands that leftists are the real American Patriots. #BASED

>> No.16055616

If Caesarism ever comes to the US it will be a leftist who formalizes what Official Martin Luther King Thought is going to be and attacks the woke as betraying the Civil Rights Movement lol, the only way the Right will have any success in the long run is by breaking with "the American Idea" itself

>> No.16055635

>the American Idea
Do you mean the Empire, or the Republic, when you say that?

>> No.16055660

>five to ten years
Caesarism according to Spengler comes around in 2200.

Also you should stop watching faggy Fuentes and listen to actual dissidents. I can't stand pro-system media, idfk how you fuckers do it.

>> No.16055674


>> No.16055678
File: 332 KB, 719x521, Screenshot_20200728-200346_Gallery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biden will win
Capped and will make a thread on the 3rd

>> No.16055684

I mean "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..."
All of US history is about re-articulation and practical implementation of the ideal of equality. But we obviously aren't all equal. Of course you can't really build popular support for repudiating equality in any sense other than gutter racism, which is why if there is a Caesar he'll be a leftist.

>> No.16055716

I think you're heavily under-estimating the popularity of "gutter racism", as you call it.

>> No.16055724

By the time you see Caesars, the civilisation is already lost.

>> No.16055739

>a Caesar he'll be a leftist.
do you guys even listen to what you're saying? Caesarism is monarchy, it is the literal opposite of leftism

>> No.16055746

The thing, is you'll just be back where you started in mid-19xx under race-based populism. Even in the event such a government did win, by 21xx they'd start feeling guilty and re-implement anti-racism again. Unless you go all the way and undo the ideals of the Founding, you aren't going to change anything.

>> No.16055760
File: 150 KB, 768x596, julius-caesar-leading-his-army-across-the-rubicon-911671054-5ad9074d119fa800368ebb56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump will win and complete the transformation of America into a monarchy/imperial state. He will either win outright, cheat to win, or simply refuse to accept defeat and destroy everyone who tries to forcibly remove him from power.

Remember: if you actually have power, and you suffer a merely procedural defeat, you can simply refuse to accept it and change the rules to get what you want. Speaking of Caesar, this is literally exactly what Caesar did. The Senate kept telling him to come home from Gaul and disband his army, and Caesar kept putting it off over and over.

Finally the Senate gave him an ultimatum, and told him to come home, it's over. So what did Caesar do? Caesar marched on Rome and occupied it, and assumed absolute control of the Roman state. Caesar didn't want to accept defeat, so he changed the rules. You get to do that when you have power.

>> No.16055762

Nick Fuentes is pro system?

Hang on, you *did* actually watch him, right? You wouldn't just repeat someone else's opinion about him without actually knowing what he believes in, right? Right, dumb dumb?

>> No.16055765

Do you really think that the public cares so much about the ideals of the Founding Fathers, and the constitution?

>> No.16055767

>Caesarism is monarchy, it is the literal opposite of leftism
Who cares? I'm only using "Caesar" as a metaphor for a figure who ends formal democracy. Such a figure in the US will almost assuredly be a leftist.

>> No.16055787

I don'rt really buy into that assumption of yours, taking a look at the "Caesar" phenomena, it's not difficult to imagine how such a character could easily do away with fake dichotomies such as "left vs right".

>> No.16055798

The public doesn't have beliefs by and large and do whatever authority says, I think the 20th Century has shown this definitively. The ruling element goes to US elite colleges and their worldview is shaped accordingly. The middle manager types definitely do - for example, recent polling shows that college-educated women are most likely to view the Founders as heroes/least likely to view them as villains. This seems contradictory to some given how left-wing women are nowadays, but they (correctly) view the Revolution as within the same tradition as feminism, Black Lives Matter, and other causes popular among college educated white women.

>> No.16055808

He's explicitly pro-system. He says so. He's a Liberal. He says so. He believes all men are created equal. He says so. He wanted a job being the Republican Party's Based Homosexual, but sadly for him Charlie Kirk was gayer than he was.

If you support the continuation of the current Liberal World Order, you are a Liberal. The fact that you want to be better off under that Liberal World Order doesn't change anything.

Yes. It's literally how people think. It's how they're raised. See >>16055739 and >>16055762. Why do you think Holocaust education starts in preschool?

>> No.16055809

No idea why you think that, the majority of the white population don't like leftism, and the hispanics and blacks are not going to produce a Caesar, if that side wins the US just turns into Brazil, which is imo more likely than any Caesarism.

>> No.16055813

This is true in the sense that electoral politics will end, what I'm saying is that the sorts of beliefs espoused by the figure in question will be towards the left end of the US spectrum, but probably opposed to the more odious characters like the CRT hucksters. This is all an "if", of course, I think the US oligarchy is sufficiently in control for this outcome to be likely anytime soon.

>> No.16055835

That's literally what he does. A Caesar solves the fundamental contradiction of the society he goes on to rule by dissolving the very system that results in that contradiction and investing power in himself. Augustus destroyed the Pleb/Patrician divide by making all equal under himself.

Fundamentally, the Republican Party are still Liberals. They just want to go back to a period of Liberalism when THEY were on top. Well, no, they just want to get paid, but Republican """""""""""""""""""""""thinkers""""""""""""""""" want to go back to when they were on top. The "divide" between Left and Right, much like the "divide" between Patrician and Pleb, isn't really that large.

The American Caesar will get rid of the coastal-interior/blue-red/urban-rural divide by making it meaningless. He'll also unify the populace under a rejuvenated state religion. Jesus the #WOKE brown refugee, who asks you to say your prayers every night so that Goldman Sachs can get a new tax cut.

>> No.16055850

>No idea why you think that, the majority of the white population don't like leftism
That hasn't stopped its advance because in the US (and the Anglosphere more generally in particular) leftism is almost wholly a gentry phenomenon and the gentry makes the culture. Besides, a lot of normie beliefs today were leftists beliefs not so long ago.
>If that side wins the US just turns into Brazil, which is imo more likely than any Caesarism.
I mean, they're probably going to coincide. Caesar isn't going to restore a white ethnostate lol, they aren't going to bother to stop immigration or anything like that. The most likely scenario for this sort of thing is "jailbreak liberalism" getting out of control. Like I wrote above, I think the most likely path to a "Caesar" figure is a white male (of course) leftist with sufficient power deciding he's had enough and purging the worst elements on the left today while delineating what Official Civil Rights Thought is and expanding welfare/UBI.

>> No.16055863

I think you're misinterpreting "Caesarism", seriously. Caesar plunged the Republic into brutal civil war. Are you getting Caesar and Augustus mixed up? The path that lead Rome to Empire was very bloody and much more chaotic than the riots we are seeing now in America.

>> No.16055888

>stop immigration
The American Caesar will solve that problem by just invading Mexico, and then the rest of the world. I'm totally serious. Caesar is supposed to see a problem, take the absolutely worst possible answer to that problem, and do it sensibly. We can't import the whole world to America, that's impossible. Instead, we'll just export America to the whole world, which will magically improve the status of everyone else!

Which is sort of the problem people run into. They think "The Left" refers to Marxists. It doesn't. It refers to Liberals. It refers to the ideology and worldview (and religion) that was born in the Enlightenment. The Founding Fathers were Leftists. Marxism is just a minor quibble about how to solve the problem of inequality, and is ultimately just part of this broader Enlightenment tradition.

So when Caesar is a "Leftist", he's not continuing the project of Marx, he's continuing the project of the Founding Fathers.

>> No.16055904

Spengler's Caesar isn't Julius Caesar, he's Augustus. Rome's Spenglerian Caesar was Augustus.

>> No.16055907

Then that's not a Caesar at all, that's just a leftist dictator, which is not even vaguely what Spengler meant

>> No.16055913

I have to take your word for it, as I haven't even read Spenglerino. At least I admit it.

>> No.16055928

Yes it is. Spengler's Caesar is fundamentally supporting the institutions, ideologies, and religions of his society, and fulfills them. That's his entire role.

The US was BUILT as a Leftist Republic, in the Enlightenment tradition. A man unifying all power in himself to fulfill that tradition would be a Leftist Dictator.

>> No.16055949

>The US was BUILT as a Leftist Republic, in the Enlightenment tradition.

I really think you might be missing something here. For example a person like Robert E. Lee can be seen as a "Caesar" in the making, even without him having embraced the Enlightenment tradition. You seem so obsessed with Leftism.

>> No.16055960

Actually Enlightenment Republicanism would probably be a moderating force against (post)-Dissenter Theocracy nowadays.

>> No.16055979

Read Spengler. These terms have very specific meanings. Spengler's "Caesar" is not just "some dictator". Robert E. Lee isn't anything close to Spengler's Caesar.

When Spengler uses the term "Caesar", he is referring to something VERY specific. See >>16055928. "Leftism" (actually just "Enlightenmentism") is the religious and cultural tradition of the US. Spengler's system doesn't require Leftism, you can insert it for any religion you want (Augustus was Rome's Spenglerian Caesar, but he obviously wasn't influenced by the Enlightenment). He lists out Caesars of other civilizations too.

>> No.16055998
File: 48 KB, 766x960, founding_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice trips, and the only correct answer concerning mexico imo. It's either forfeit Nevada and California and consolidate the northern states, or annexation of mexico. Before that happens though the whole of the northern states will have to be consolidated, and the manufacturing capabilities of the country restarted. It will take at least 10 years of a military dictatorship to restore enough order to deal with the Mexico issue.

Definitely agree about the new Caesar being a Leftist, and carrying on the tradition of the founders. Washington was a very interesting mirror image of Caesar, Washington was practically given control of the military might of the state, and he politely resigned after the conclusion of the civil war. This was seen as a profound gesture of charity, and good faith in the democratic project that was being initiated. This created the foundation of the government and endeared Washington the American people. The New Caesar will have to do some kind of 4D chess like this, a straight military dictatorship will probably be too hardcore for the masses to get behind, and popular support will be necessary in order to dissolve the American Government and re-establish it according to a new political and religious philosophy.

>> No.16056011
File: 337 KB, 1500x915, Emancipation-Proclamation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alt-righters will hate this but that's what Lincoln was, and that's exactly what we need today.

>> No.16056023

>"Leftism" (actually just "Enlightenmentism") is the religious and cultural tradition of the US.

I don't agree and that must be the fundamental part where you and I differ from each other, with regards to analyzing modern America. I see Enlightenmentism as a counter-tradition, or if you will, a negation of America's true tradition which is Christianity (no matter how degenerated it might be today). Leftism is part of a subversion or an overturning if you will, of the traditional order that existed in America even before America came to the American continent, I am of course now referring to America as a spiritual nation rather than a geographic one. Enlightenmentism is not a true tradition since it launches an attack on the very notion of Tradition with a big T. So it's rather like a counter-tradition.

>> No.16056025
File: 175 KB, 594x1218, 1560080406557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"By the term "Caesarism" I mean that kind of government which, irrespective of any constitutional formulation that it may have, is in its inward self a return to thorough formlessness. It does not matter that Augustus in Rome, Qin Shi Huang in China, Ahmose I in Egypt, and Alp Arslan in Baghdad disguised their position under antique forms. The spirit of these forms was dead, and so all institutions, however carefully maintained, were thenceforth destitute of all meaning and weight. Real importance centered in the wholly personal power exercised by the Caesar."

"Caesarism is not dictatorship, not the result of one man's overriding ambition, not a brutal seizure of power through revolution. It is not based on a specific doctrine or philosophy. It is essentially pragmatic and untheoretical. It is a slow, centuries old, unconscious development that ends in a voluntary surrender of a free people escaping from freedom to one autocratic master."

"This is the period when the final restraints are removed. The international system has been so damaged, partly by war and partly by the interdigitation of the societies which compose it, that it loses all resistance to consolidation. Domestic politics in all major powers have lost whatever restraint constitutional forms may once have provided. The extraordinary cynicism and viciousness of political life is ultimately debilitating. For a season, however, it provides a reservoir of available energy, of competent people willing to do literally anything which seems to suit their interests, which can be harnessed by the right man. Against this force, properly directed by a single will, there is nothing in the human world that can stand."

>> No.16056026

>So when Caesar is a "Leftist", he's not continuing the project of Marx, he's continuing the project of the Founding Fathers.
Already wrote that in a different post.

>Marxism is just a minor quibble about how to solve the problem of inequality, and is ultimately just part of this broader Enlightenment tradition.
Ironically Reason has largely debunked ideas about the autonomous individual, equality, etc.

>> No.16056046

Next Caesar will be Latinx, he will unite USA and Mexico and plunder Central America in the name of LGBT and ending racism (or whatever social issues of the future let him bomb brown people).

>> No.16056084

The tradition of America's founding is Enlightenmentism. Whether that's a Satanic Masonic Jewish Inversion of actual Tradition or not is irrelevant to Spengler. It is the well from which America springs. It IS America. America is rooted in it, and is totally inseparable from it. The Evangelical Christian "tradition" is just one branch of Enlightenmentism. Marxism is as well. There is no fundamental conflict between these two, as they're branches of the same tree. They want the same things, they just argue about how to get them and what exactly these things they want mean and why they're good.

But they want the same things. You want to RETVRN America to TRVDVVN? Go join a BLM protest, that IS the American tradition.

That's precisely why a Caesar is needed. People have given up on Enlightenmentism. The Caesar's coming is the sort of last gasp of it. As put it, >>16055998 Washington trusted the American people to continue his work, just as Romulus and Numa trusted the Romans to continue theirs. The American people have become exhausted. The Caesar, then, takes up power to enforce by gunpoint what Washington tried to do peacefully.

>> No.16056095

>The tradition of America's founding is Enlightenmentism. Whether that's a Satanic Masonic Jewish Inversion of actual Tradition or not is irrelevant to Spengler. It is the well from which America springs. It IS America. America is rooted in it, and is totally inseparable from it.

Again, we disagree on this point.

>> No.16056100

>Go join a BLM protest, that IS the American tradition.
This is really not true. BLM is not free men with guns telling a government to fuck off, it is a sort of block party for the footsoldiers of the government.

>> No.16056119

>it is a sort of block party for the footsoldiers of the government.
What do you think the American Revolution was?

>> No.16056139

You're just shifting the focus now, when he pointed out that you were wrong about BLM belonging to the true American tradition.

>> No.16056146

Spengler didn't predict the cultural acceleration modern technology would cause. This is a persistent issue with the timelines produced by thinkers prior to the mid-1900s.

>> No.16056154

i know you're probably just a larping teenager but still, fascists like you will get what you deserve

>> No.16056155

Not who you were replying to, but I feel attributing everything to Enlightenment Republicanism is sort of misguided - sure Washington or Jefferson might've adhered to such beliefs but most of the revolutionary fervor was due to Protestant clergymen within the Dissenter traditions. I'm not too sure about the finer points of difference between the Enlightenment and Puritanism or other antinomian traditions, but I don't think Reason is going to come up with the idea that math is racist, one of many ideas sadly gaining traction today.

>> No.16056160
File: 190 KB, 876x674, Phalanstery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The tradition of America's founding is Enlightenmentism.

It's really too bad that Free Masonry and Judaism became so corrupt. The enlightenment had so much comfy potential, just look at pic rel, this was a planned community designed by one of the working architects who designed the whitehouse. There were a lot of classical antiquarian Utopian Anarchist hippie types floating around the nation in the early days, and they had high ideals and ambitions, which came to fruition in a lot of profound and interesting ways, the Knights of Labor being one of them.

>> No.16056162

definitely not the footsoldiers of the British Government

>> No.16056166

No, according to Spengler the era of Caesarism 2000-2200 you stupid nigger

>> No.16056170

BLM is the American tradition though. It's what you have after 5-6 iterations of "Why aren't we equal yet?"

>> No.16056174

That might be true Anon.

Why's it have to be sad though? From my perspective it is hilarious. It's a source of fun and laughter, that they're attaching racism to the notion of mathematical calculation. I'm loving the whole thing through and through. I'm just saying, it depends on your own perspective.

>> No.16056176

>Nick Fuentes
Don’t listen to this grifter fag

>> No.16056179

I suppose it's funny in a gallows-humor sort of way. The white man's burden has clearly gotten too heavy at this point, America has overtraining syndrome but for antiracism.

>> No.16056185
File: 577 KB, 680x497, Orthodox-Feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually this is 100% wrong. Enlightenmentism is an actual return to tradition. The obsession with classical architecture was about returning to a way of life that was dignified and religious. This was inspired by the miserable conditions of the dark ages, which was entirely triggered by the rise of Catholic Christendom in Europe. It wasn't until Islam started reintroducing classical literature to the city of Venice that Europe began to become civilized again. Christianity, particularly Catholicism, is THE blasphemy.

>> No.16056194

Blasphemy against what?

>> No.16056201

Just shut the fuck up if you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16056207

If America wasn't founded on that the Anti-federalists would have won, or the Know-Nothings would have won, or the Confederates would have won, or the America Firsters would have won, or the Birchers would have won. We are where we are because what his post says is right.

>> No.16056209

Both Caesar and Napoleon came from the Left.

>> No.16056218

You don't know who will win in the end. What makes you think the "Revolution" is over and done?

>> No.16056223

Napoleon wasn't a Caesar you stupid faggot, read Spengler. And stop applying modern political alignments to antiquity.

>> No.16056227

Meant for >>16056209

>> No.16056238
File: 114 KB, 317x330, chad no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And stop applying modern political alignments to antiquity.
Not him, but pic related.

>> No.16056240

The revolution isn't done, thats precisely why Caesar will be a radical liberal.

>> No.16056242
File: 1.56 MB, 800x860, Virgin-Roman-Catholic-Jesus-VS-Chad-Eastern-Orthodox-Jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tradition with the capital T. Keep in mind a large portion of the pioneers who came to America were protestants who were being persecuted in Europe for their faith. This was considered heretical at the time, but the Europeans managed to come out of the dark ages thanks to Protestantism and the Enlightenment. This ideology is also why America became vastly more successful than Europe in a short period of time, because it just works better.

>> No.16056250

You should edit him to look like a brainlet if you want tk be accurate

>> No.16056261

>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...
The document refers to white, land owning males

>> No.16056265

I haven't heard a good argument so far in this thread, no argument that convinced me.

>Catholic Christianity is a blasphemy against the Tradition with a big T, and enlightenmentism is an actual return to tradition.

Pants on head retarded, man.

>> No.16056269

>dark ages
r ddit tier meme

>> No.16056282

Plato was reintroduced to the West by Gemistus Pletho, the last Greek Pagan, to combat (what he saw as) the heresy of Aristotelianism.

Entirely valid and I desperately hope you're right because I hate this garbage and want it to end.

The British government was not the source of power and authority in Colonial America, the landed planter class was.

You're right, I made an error. My apologies. I was thinking of when Constantines start cropping up (which is sort of beyond Spengler).

And once you start rolling the ball down the "inequality is bad" hill, you don't get to stop along the way. The moment you say that it's immoral for one man to rule over another just because of his birthright as a "king" is the moment you morally accept that Blacks and Whites are equal. So, by your own morality (because, after all, you admit that inequality is bad) you are actually admitting that you're a bad person when you say that Blacks and Whites aren't equal.

Unless of course, you reject the idea of inequality being intrinsically bad, but then you're disagreeing with the Founding Fathers.

>> No.16056284

>I haven't heard a good argument so far in this thread, no argument that convinced me.
I dont understand what you're saying, i agreed with you. If you want the argument read Spengler. Thinking that Caesar will be some neo-fascist demagogue has no basis in Spenglers ideas and people who believe that have on them as a burden of proof the task of refuting Spengler.

>> No.16056294

>Thinking that Caesar will be some neo-fascist demagogue has no basis in Spenglers ideas and people who believe that have on them as a burden of proof the task of refuting Spengler.
You keep saying that Anon, I can see what's going on in your mind. Still stuck in the false right-left dichotomy.

>> No.16056301

What exactly are you trying to say? Because this post here looks like you're trying to dunk on him, but he's saying... exactly what you're saying.

>> No.16056307

Inequality isn't good or bad, it just is what it is.

>> No.16056308

I think you replied to the wrong person, your comment has nothing to do with anything I've said.

>> No.16056324

I said this about slavery to someone once and they didn't like it

>> No.16056334
File: 1.42 MB, 1000x1000, 1536199703258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the hell was the Enlightenment if not a return to Tradition? Was it not the veneration of Antiquity? The veneration of the classics? The re-interpretation of Christian doctrine in a manner that aligned to the pagan European sentiments, here referring to the new emphasis on the holy spirit, or the church community. This was all an evident return to Tradition. The catholic Church had entirely bastardized both the martial tradition of Rome, and the Pascifist tradition of Christendom, by simultaneously trying to be both, and achieving neither. The only way you can accept Catholicism is if you are a literal cuck for authority who refuses to use the faculties of your own mind.

Well since you are such a scholar on the subject, what exactly caused the Dark Ages? Why is it that the Romans supposedly forgot how to make concrete? Why did the cultural life of the Europeans deteriorate to such a level that literal Black Arabs had to come up from the Maghreb and teach white people how to use toilets and clean themselves again? Or again, why is it that half of the english words for various basic food products have arabic derivatives, or why do we use arabic numerals? It's because civilization had to be reintroduced into Europe from Africa and Asia after rome fucked Europe into the Abyss with it's stupid religion. The Goths and Celts were actually fuckin' based, but the late phase Roman Empire ruined an entire continent. Stop worshiping their religion bros.

>> No.16056346

I personally would agree. The problem is, that Enlightenmentists say that no, inequality is bad. So once you say that ANY inequality is inherently bad simply because it IS an inequality, rather than because of the affects of that inequality, then you open yourself up to #WOKE.

America is a series of explosions of #WOKE. This is like, the fourth or fifth Great Awakening. Even mainstream Lefty rags are calling it the (fourth or fifth) Great Awokening.

>> No.16056356

Neo-fascist demagogue is probably the best description of the "Caesar". Of course he isn't limited by past historical forms... Hitler was Spengler's "Caesar", in a sense, not as fulfilling the entire role but stepping into it for a time.

>> No.16056366

>durrrr anon ur just stuck in the left right dichotomy durrrrr
>caesar is a neo-fascidt demagogue durrrr

>> No.16056373
File: 279 KB, 300x577, 1540902528206.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk bro, enlightenment artists were probably elitist as fuck. You kind of have to be in order to produce those kinds of art works. The Enlightenment ideal isn't that everybody IS equal per-se, but that society should strive to be the tide that raises all boats, to uplift every soul to a higher and higher station through the advancement of human consciousness.

>> No.16056375

You didn't read my post. Or worse; you did read it and didn't understand it.

>> No.16056383


Look at all of these Enlightenment organizations for example like the Illuminati and Free Masons with tiers of initiation and a clearly organized caste and class structure. The classical enlightenment was actually diametrically opposed to the formless and faceless neo-liberal cosmopolitanism we see today.

>> No.16056399

>Was it not the veneration of Antiquity?
No. Not at all. It was a veneration of reason and logic springing from a Christian worldview. The Classical period was just as irrational, illogical, and bizarre as the Medieval period. Read Roman Honor if you want to see how the Romans actually were (hotheaded proto Wops who cried all the fucking time).

>blah blah blah varg blah blah blah placenta cult blah blah blah
Read a book.

You are QUITE LITERALLY buying an Enlightenment meme here. THE Enlightenment meme. You are literally reifying capital P Progress to try and own the Liberals.

>> No.16056401

You're making shit up and then projecting your own personal hangup onto me. If you don't want to agree with Spengler that's fine but then like I said its up to you to refute him.

>> No.16056409

Haha, no Anon, I don't need to do that.

>> No.16056415

>You are literally reifying capital P Progress to try and own the Liberals.
Tbf that was the only time traditionalists ever gained any ground for a short period of time

>> No.16056422

Liberalism's primary disagreement with Communism is HOW the inequality is eradicated. Liberalism posits a historical progression of increasingly less inequality; turning macro inequalities into micro inequalities. So yes, the Freemasons having a gazillion autistic tiers makes total sense, because each tier has less inequality between it and the next and the prior than there is between the king and a peasant. They've shattered Feudalism by adding more ranks, but in doing so have made the total inequality lower (IN THEIR MINDS). The entire goal is to become progressively less unequal as time goes by. You see this in Whig History, wherein yes, the fact that it is The Current Year DOES change things.

An example: 5*50 > 100*0.00002. More ranks, but the gap between each rank is much much smaller.

>> No.16056425

Then you admit that your thinking is faulty, thank you :^)

>> No.16056429


>> No.16056446

I think the deeper sentiment underlying the Enlightenment ran much deeper than Christianity. Yes however, there was an emphasis on reason and logic, but these subjects were all taught by the ancient greeks, and made available to Europe largely through the asiatic world, which was older and more ancient than Rome. Logic and Reason wasn't magically invented during the enlightenment, it was a tradition that was adopted by Europeans, and there is nothing wrong with that. The point is to say that the Enlightenment was entirely about establishing a more fundamental way of life that was in alignment with higher spiritual and intellectual truths that were passed on from antiquity.

>> No.16056451

Bush was the first Caesar. The age of Caesarians started around year 2000 exactly like he predicted

>> No.16056465

>wants to remove the state
pick one

>> No.16056479

Read Spengler

>> No.16056483

If the State is an obstruction to racial equality, the State must go. Similar story for language, science, etc.

>> No.16056489

Which Enlightenment thinkers argued that everyone was equal in ability?

>> No.16056504

Locke obviously

>> No.16056505

This is literally from Declin of the West, lmao.

>> No.16056510

They don't need to, they just need to set a moral precedent.

I've been meaning for awhile now to do an explicit piece on this, tracing the intellectual chain from Trannies and BLAQQQ PRIDE back to Locke-And-Friends, and put it up on The American Sun, for some time now, so if you come at me with "give specifics", you're going to have to give me some time to effortpost.

>> No.16056527

Thomas Hobbes argued that the abilities of men all equal out because even the strongest man could be defeated by a weaker man whose strength was that he could convince others to fight for him. The logical conclusion is that a retard gub gub snail nigger is equal to an Icelandic powerlifter because the gub gub may provoke the sympathy of surrounding men and in doing so, get them to gang up on the powerlifter.

>> No.16056540

Thats the end of Caeserianism

>> No.16056541

The leftists tell me the Enlightenment was racist and the reactionaries tell me they thought everyone was equal, which one is it?

>> No.16056555

Locke thought humans were near infinitely malleable. It is very Lockean to expect women and Bantus to start acting like Isaac Newton given the correct upbringing.

>> No.16056559

Enlightenment theory says everyone is equal, the people who implemented it originally were racist. So now that the people implementing it are in line with the theory...

>> No.16056562

They're both right, it's just The Current Year so what "everyone is equal" means has changed.

The Enlightenment IS racist by 2020 standards. It was not by 1700s standards. This changing of standards is a necessary part of Whig History, the progression towards utopia.

>> No.16056902

Completely wrong. Technology is a consequence of worldview in spenglerian thought.

>> No.16057149

I think these genealogies of political philosophies aren't very useful because at the end of the day rulers will say they mean whatever they need to mean as a justification for their rule. The most egregious example I can think of is the massive number of eugenics societies in the US pre-1945 giving way to the UN Declaration on Race by 1963 and the complete marginalization of all sorts of related thought - all so as to repudiate Nazism, and so that the US would look better to Third World countries and appear a better alternative to Communism. If we need to justify colonialism Reason tells us the Anglo-Saxon (or whatever race) is genetically superior, if we need to build an anti-Soviet coalition Reason says that we're all equal and there's no such thing as race. If we need to get migrants out again, revive the pre-1945 view.

>> No.16057262

Makes me genuinely pleased to see that at least some people have read Spengler instead if just memeing him.

>> No.16057300

>Retroactively applying the label 'Left' to a Roman emperor
Stupid retard