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16053524 No.16053524 [Reply] [Original]

Damn this is deep...

>> No.16053545

That could have been said in one or two well constructed sentences.

>> No.16053666

Do it?

>> No.16053687

It's far more readable in german desu

>> No.16053760

Depends if you know German

>> No.16053787
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1700 years late senpai

>So for it, being what it is, the act of producing and being something that produces is precisely what it is. But it is contemplation and object of contemplation, since it is an expressed principle. And so by being contemplation, object of contemplation, and an expressed principle, it also produces insofar as it is these things. Its producing has, therefore, been shown by us to be contemplation. For it is the result of a contemplation that remains, a contemplation which has not done anything else but has produced by being contemplation.
>§3.8.4. And if someone were to ask nature why it produces, if it were willing to listen and answer the questioner it would say: ‘You should not ask but understand and fall silent yourself, as I am silent and not accustomed to speak. Understand what, then? That what comes to be is my vision, in my silence, an object of contemplation that comes to be by nature, and that since I come to be from this sort of contemplation, it is necessary for me to have a contemplation-loving nature. And my contemplating produces an object of contemplation, just as geometricians draw lines as they contemplate. But without my drawing, while I contemplate, the lines of bodies come to exist as though falling out of me. And my experience is the same as that of my mother and those who begat me. For they, too, are a result of contemplation and my birth has come about without them doing anything, but since they are greater expressed principles and contemplate themselves, I have come to be.’

>> No.16053889
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>or alternatively
So for her, being what she is, the act of producing and being something that produces is precisely what she is. But she is contemplation and object of contemplation, since she is a logos. And so by being contemplation, object of contemplation, and a logos, she also produces insofar as she is these things. Her production has, therefore, been shown by us to be contemplation. For she is the result of a contemplation that remains, a contemplation which has not done anything else but has produced by being contemplation.And if someone were to ask Nature why she produces, if she were willing to listen and answer the questioner she would say:
‘You should not ask but understand and fall silent yourself, as I am silent and not accustomed to speak. Understand what, then? That what comes to be is my vision, in my silence, an object of contemplation that comes to be by essence, and that since I come to be from this sort of contemplation, it is necessary for me to have a contemplation-loving essence. And my contemplating produces an object of contemplation, just as geometricians draw lines as they contemplate. But without my drawing, while I contemplate, the lines of bodies come to exist as though falling out of me. And my experience is the same as that of my mother and those who begat me. For they, too, are a result of contemplation and my birth has come about without them doing anything, but since they are greater logoi and contemplate themselves, I have come to be.’
What, then, does this mean? It means that what we call ‘Nature’ is a soul, offspring of a prior Soul having a more powerful life, holding contemplation still within herself not directed to what is above, nor even to what is below, but stationary in what she is, in her own stable position, she saw what comes after her by a comprehension of this kind and a sort of self-awareness as far as she can and she no longer searched but perfected a beautiful and graceful vision.

>> No.16053941

Let's hear 'em.