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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 54 KB, 477x264, polic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16052604 No.16052604[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sir please open up, this is the Literary Police. We've had reports of someone at this residence buying dozens of books but not reading a single one of them.
Do you care to set the record straight?

>> No.16052608

The record? Uh that one is in my backlog, I'll get to it soon

>> No.16052615
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G-giulty, I-I'll come quietly.

>> No.16052652
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>> No.16052694
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I pirate all my books officer

>> No.16052700

They were shit and not worth reading.

>> No.16052716

It was the chart threads, officer! You can’t just buy the book you want, officer!
I wanted to read Herzog, but I must start start with the Iliad, you understand, officer? No? You fool!
Unhand me, pseud! won’t go quietly!

>> No.16052726
File: 243 KB, 890x900, 1552738310441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall contest such slanderous rumor by informing you that I have read the first twenty some fifty pages of no less than several said books in my possession.

>> No.16052748
File: 434 KB, 1328x1488, dark-wojak-light-grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JUST A MOMENT OFFICERS! I'm having an argument in an anonymous Bulgarian stamp collectors forum about literature I haven't read but have on my shelf.

>> No.16052764

>beads of sweat begin to pool on my face, I begin stammering and murmur:
>>i-infinite j-jest
>suddenly the polizia have knocked down my door with a tremendous tome covered in blue, paired with pisscoloured letters, which I make out only to be "jest"
>quickly, I scale the ladder in my room that reaches its hands up to a skylight above me, I thrust my fist into the perplex and it breaks off from the glue. So I sez,
>>Seeya later pigs! F-fuck 12, a-and that's on gang.
>I'm sprinting across the tiles of my rooftop, when some of them come loose. I begin sliding as I run, almost toppling over and dangerously close to the edge. I yelp out:
>Regaining my footing isn't easy, but I manage to balance myself with my arms outspread like I'm about to hug a carebear.
>Quickly, I think, I better hightail it outta here before they come a-wrappin' their shackles around my wrists and ankles.
>Do the only thing I know will get me out of a lifetime sentence of pseudery with intent to distribute pseud remarks.
>>I b-better an hero this one.
>With the pose of Jesus Christ on the crucifix, I jump off the roof and splat onto the ground, darkness consuming me like I'm a turd going reverseways into the insides of an anus.

>> No.16052872

Must be a false report, I have dozens of 'unread' books as some would say, but I have actually read at least 10 pages from every single one of them.

>> No.16053026


>> No.16053032
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>> No.16053038

I get all my books from thrift stores at $1-4 each, it's not a big deal, officer.

>> No.16053041

A lot of the books I buy are out of print, so I have to buy them when I see them, even if they go unread, since I won’t know when I’ll see another copy.

>> No.16053649
File: 1.40 MB, 2915x1945, DenA-stitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But officer, they're not really literature, so it doesn't count, right?

>> No.16053659

I'm holding them for a friend

>> No.16053664

why so many books about nazis?

>> No.16053667

They're reading material for my pension.

>> No.16053682

Looks like a fun time.

>> No.16053706

Who, what, where, and how I read is none of your goddamn business.

>> No.16053819

Sir, we’re gonna need you to come downtown.