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16051562 No.16051562[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

books that will help me destroy the international banking cabal and spread the idea of creative work?

>> No.16051648


>> No.16051692
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>> No.16051743

you keep posting this book but I can't find it
it's not on b-ok so where can I read it?

>> No.16051761

Isn’t that weird?
It’s on his own page. Here


>> No.16051786

thank you butters

>> No.16051813
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Post yfw you realize that hitler wanted to create a race of overman so that they may freely live in a democratic autonomous community

>> No.16051849
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 6EB323C0-1E17-4429-91F0-FB1EBE43D727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utter failure, no matter how you look at the man.

You’re quite welcome.

>> No.16051888
File: 81 KB, 1280x960, adolf_hitler_motivational_quote1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Utter failure
he got closer to destroying the banks than you ever will, butters.

>> No.16051901
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Hold my drink

>> No.16051957
File: 88 KB, 850x400, quote-every-actual-democracy-rests-on-the-principle-that-not-only-are-equals-equal-but-unequals-carl-schmitt-42-50-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will give this book a read, but I will never understand how you can get social democracy to work when there are innate contradicting interests between people groups.

>> No.16052017 [DELETED] 


>> No.16052032

What contradictions?
I’m advocating a very decentralized world with room enough for a lot of contradictions to to thrive or adjust to neighboring ones

>> No.16052110 [DELETED] 

>a very decentralized world with room enough for a lot of contradictions to thrive or adjust to neighboring ones
In that case I have no problem with you, but any group that tries to replace petrodollar will get assraped by the long arm of american justice and branded as enemies of freedom and democracy.
Recent examples include muammar gaddafi and saddam hussein.

Your only hope is world revolution (which is unlikely) or seizing power from your own government.
You must build a strong national state with a healthy populace and strong military as a pre emptive measure to american imperialism.
They WILL declare war on you, they WILL try to establish fiat currency.
You have to take the fight to them, there is no other way.
Until then, we will always be debt slaves and never truely be free.

>> No.16052181

>a very decentralized world with room enough for a lot of contradictions to thrive or adjust to neighboring ones
In that case I have no issues with you, but any group that tries to replace petrodollar will get assraped by the long arm of american justice and branded as enemies of freedom and democracy.
Recent examples include muammar gaddafi and saddam hussein.

Your only hope is world revolution (which is unlikely) or seizing power from your own government.
You must build a strong national state with a healthy populace and powerful military as a pre emptive measure against american imperialism.
They WILL declare war on you, they WILL try to establish fiat currency.
You have to take the fight to the heart of the international banking cartel, there is no other way.
Until then, we will always be debt slaves and never truely be free.

>> No.16052216

The Americans CAN be defeated. Look at Afghans and Vietnamis.

>> No.16052238

I hear ya. As I see it, we can introduce a duel income. Those with regular jobs still earn dollars, while also accruing vouchers. It isn’t money, it’s more of a coupon good in the community and for a limited time. Just a little thing on the smart phone.
This can spread like a fungus and probably upset the feds by then. But why should we want to live in their poverty? I still hope to avoid violence, but yeah...

>> No.16052247

The US defeated Afghanistan within six months of the invasion. The fighting going on there is a set up. A front.

>> No.16052363 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 600x430, inakkjym35001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the americans can be defeated
Yes, Americans can be defeated but the united states is an occupied country. I hold no animosity towards any people, but the U.S specifically does the bidding of the international bankers and is the center of finance capitalism, just like the British were before them. If the U.S and only the U.S implodes they will move their business elsewhere.
>Look at Afghans and Vietnamis
Can the afghan and vietnamese people print their own money?
> I still hope to avoid violence, but yeah
There is no way, dearest butters. The power these people have is unimaginable. They destroy entire nations economies and they profit from it, they are the enemies of ALL decent people and are the only ones I can definitely refer to as evil.
They will not let you remove their power, they will have you UNDER THEIR BOOT.

I am sorry that I am the fascist guy, but I genuinely with all my heart see it as a revolutionary solution to this veneral disease.
Please, you must know about georges sorel and his national syndicalism and gentile's actual idealism. Fascism is a very fluid line of thought, a great spiritual response.
There is no need for violence between US the people, all who stand against the system are my comrades.
But there are MANY who do the system's bidding, and they will be USED against those who challenge it.

It greatly dejects me, but once the powers that be are challenged they will stop at nothing to keep their place and will shed the blood of every man woman and child.

The third world war will be fought against the next state/s who challenge them, I have a hunch that I may live to see this. The 21st century has the potential to be the most sanguinary epoch of humanity.

I wish the best for you.

>> No.16052416 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 600x430, inakkjym35001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the americans can be defeated
Yes, Americans can be defeated but the united states is an occupied country. I hold no animosity towards any people, but the U.S specifically does the bidding of the international bankers and is the center of finance capitalism, just like the British were before them. If the U.S and only the U.S implodes they will move their business elsewhere.
>Look at Afghans and Vietnamis
Can the afghan and vietnamese people print their own money?
>>16052238 #
> I still hope to avoid violence, but yeah
There is no way, dearest butters. The power these people have is unimaginable. They destroy entire nations economies and they profit from it, they are the enemies of ALL decent people and are the only ones I can definitely refer to as evil.
They will not let you remove their power, they will have you UNDER THEIR BOOT.

I am sorry that I am the fascist guy, but I genuinely with all my heart see it as a revolutionary solution to this cancer.
Please, you must know about georges sorel and his national syndicalism and gentile's actual idealism. Fascism is a very fluid mode of thought, a great spiritual response.
There is no need for violence between US the people, all who stand against the system are my comrades.
But there are MANY who do the system's bidding, and they will be USED against those who challenge it.

It greatly dejects me, but once the powers that be are challenged they will stop at nothing to keep their place and will shed the blood of every man woman and child.

The third world war will be fought against the next state/s who challenge them, I have a hunch that I may live to see this. If such is the case the 21st century has the potential to be the most sanguinary epoch of humanity.

Your heart is in the right place, i wish all the best for you.

With love,

>> No.16052467
File: 33 KB, 600x430, inakkjym35001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the americans can be defeated
Yes, Americans can be defeated but the united states is an occupied country. I hold no animosity towards any people, but the U.S specifically does the bidding of the international bankers and is the center of finance capitalism, just like the British were before them. If the U.S and only the U.S implodes they will move their business elsewhere.
>Look at Afghans and Vietnamis
Can the afghan and vietnamese people print their own money?
> I still hope to avoid violence, but yeah
There is no way, dearest butters. The power these people have is unfathomable. They destroy entire nations economies and they profit from it, they are the enemies of ALL decent people and are the only ones I can definitely refer to as evil.
They will not let you remove their power, they will have you UNDER THEIR BOOT.

I am sorry that I am the fascist guy, but I genuinely with all my heart see it as a revolutionary solution to this cancer.
Please, you must know about georges sorel and his national syndicalism and gentile's actual idealism. Fascism is a very fluid mode of thought, a great spiritual response.
There is no need for violence between US the people, all who stand against the system are my comrades.
But there are MANY who do the system's bidding, and they will be USED against those who challenge it.

It greatly dejects me, but once the powers that be are challenged they will stop at nothing to keep their place and will shed the blood of every man woman and child.

The third world war will be fought against the next state/s who challenge them, I have a hunch that I may live to see this. If such is the case the 21st century has the potential to be the most sanguinary epoch of humanity.

Your heart is in the right place, i wish all the best for you.

With love,

>> No.16052519

>The fighting going on there is a set up. A front.

>> No.16052543

**A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind** by Stephen Goodson

>> No.16052567

Good book but there are some falsely reprented events and too much anti semitism

>> No.16052651

I don't think fascism really is the solution, you get rid of the Jews but what about the Anglos, the Irish, the germans, etc all being part of the international financial system. Are they magically better because they're white?
Fascism is a meme and focuses on race instead of class. Fascism protects the (white) capitalist class but doesn't actually help the working class from being exploited. But that's just my critique of the fascism.

What I think really would destroy the international banking system is this new thing we invented called cryptocurrency. While it still might be highly volatile and speculative, the overall trend is an increase of value. You get more investing in crypto than you do in stocks or putting it on the bank. While there are crypto projects that are centralized, the majority is decentralized and some even completely anonymous. It bypasses banking completely. If more businesses accepted crypto and employers started paying their workers in crypto, the banking system would be obsolete. Of course their huge amount of capital would make it easy for them to manipulate the market, but that would be a desperate attempt since there are so many projects and trading between currencies is so easy.

>> No.16052729

what does this mean i feel retarded

>> No.16052740

i dont want a fucking war dammit. something like that today, on western soil, would be goddamn insane

>> No.16052761

How much is just the right amount?

>> No.16052768

Break it into sections and consider them separately then together. You can do it.

>> No.16052772

Anon I think overt solutions such as these are doomed to fail. They will notice instantly and subdue the movement in its roots. Wouldn't a more subtler solution work better? One in which you act as if you are one of them but in reality you're only preparing to go against them. If an institution with this aim is established, one which tries to spread its roots in all sectors of power (money, culture, politics, etc.) using their own tactics until the suitable time comes, then I'd imagine that would be our only hope.

>> No.16052790
File: 227 KB, 907x1360, web of debt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First read pic related to learn how the scam of the modern monetary system works.

>> No.16052851
File: 105 KB, 656x893, 1593511224518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is opinion box

>> No.16052912

I'm guessing you misunderstood his intentions. I don't really think he's making any statements about Jews vs. other proponents of the system, I think anyone ruling, supporting or defending the system is supposed to bleed.

The biggest problem with crypto is invisibility to the state. How are they going to put taxes on crypto income? It's already tricky to force taxes on cash transactions (in my country, cash registers at bars are required to have an internet connection to government servers, which track how much comes in). It's going to be impossible to track incomes in crypto, so one of two things will happen: it'll turn illegal, or we will have centralised agencies responsible for registering blockchain transactions, and guess who's got the financial experience to be the first pick for this position?

>> No.16052918

What the fuck

>> No.16052921

Shut up

>> No.16052956

Simple, require citizens to link their name to their wallet. It's already being done by exchanges. Sure there will be the abillity to hide transactions, but that's already the case with cash and off shore bank accounts.

>> No.16053076

When I'm 50 I'll take a trip to Israel, go to a busy marketplace, and just run berserkingly knifehappy on the kikes. I'll prioritize women and children. Will probably take out 20-30 before I'm put down. I don't plan on getting old and I'm leaving no children behind, so after I'm gone there will be no one for them to terrorize (parents will likely be dead or long senile at that point). You don't fight the human disease with books, you do it with weapons.

>> No.16053100

>Will probably take down 20 or 30.
Lol, were the best country in the world at taking down terrorists. A few years ago some orthodox tried it at a gay parade, he got like ten tho it was completely full, only one death.

>> No.16053102

The actual rulers of the world in the City of London, Luxemburg, Wall Street, Zurich, etc. wouldn't care about your cute gesture even if they heard about it.