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/lit/ - Literature

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16048402 No.16048402 [Reply] [Original]

I need some quick advice. I enjoyed Game of Thrones on HBO (through s4 anyways) and was wondering if I should read the books. I haven't read much fantasy beyond Jordan and Tolkien though and I'd also be concerned that knowing what happens generally would ruin it for me regardless and I'd be bored and end up wasting my time. Or should I just read the first book and see how I feel? What do?

If you have another fantasy series to suggest instead I'm open to that too

>> No.16048464
File: 48 KB, 297x678, 785E6DD8-7567-4336-B5E8-9F26991D809B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game of thrones

>> No.16048477

GoT books have shit prose but decent conflict-building. Books are drastically different from the show later on so you will still be surprised at some points
You'll probably like 'em

>> No.16048514

read the books, they're good fun. there's a bunch of supplemental books, worldbuilding etc. that you can read too.

>> No.16048534

Season 5 is exactly where we go from (mostly) minor plot changes to something wildly different in tone and plot, also the point where all the small changes start to take effect

Books are not that poorly written, despite a few well memed passages suggesting otherwise, and honestly worth a read. The religious stuff in the books is much more well thought out, it's not just window dressing but a crucial part of the story and the symbolism the series is playing with.
Characters are more well fleshed out, and consistent yet more developed, etc.

Honestly you owe it to yourself to give them a go if you were disappointed with the show, way more magic and crazy castles and locations too if you like that stuff

>> No.16048543

>GoT books have shit prose but decent conflict-building
This. Just watch the Alt-Shif-X and Order of the Green Hand lore channels and see if you still need the book fix

>> No.16048605

ok you convinced me

>> No.16048623

If you liked the first four seasons you'll probably like them too, just try out the first book. Up to the fourth book the story is basically the same but there is obviously a lot more detail and nuances. Books four and five offer storylines that are not at all or just barely hinted at in the show.

>> No.16048813

Preston Jacobs' videos are the reason I ended up reading the books desu

>> No.16048825

>If you have another fantasy series to suggest instead I'm open to that too
Stay in /sffg/ newfag scum, you have containment for a reason

>> No.16048865
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Shut up incel!

>> No.16049055
File: 194 KB, 1200x523, AEAC00D1-0F4D-4E32-8B65-E0A218C0C72D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASOIAF is one of the most popular fantasy series of all time. It didn’t get that way by having shit prose and shit this and shit that. It’s fucking cool as shit. The first series I ever read after shedding my high-school-chad-cocoon and becoming il/lit/erate . It’s fucking cool. You faggots are just hating on something popular because it’s fucking popular. Aaaarrggggh. AAAARRRGGHHHH AAAAAAA... when Jon choke-lifts Allister Thorn aaargghg. Fuck you faggots the books are fucking sick and cool AND ARENT A FUCKING headache to read.
>muh prose
Sorry you masochists only like shit that gives you migraine headaches. Fuck you. Fuck you fuck you. I’ve been silent for too long on this. The red wedding??? Are you fucking kidding? Never before has a book made me chuck it across a room in anguish. THERES A REASON ITS FUCKING POPULAR AAAAAAAAAAAA. I’m a chad I’m a chad and you are all gay faggot me MEE MENENRNRNEMEMEMME

>> No.16049185


>> No.16049199

50 Shades of Gray has sold more copies than LOTR

>> No.16049206

So which is better, GoT or LotR?

>> No.16049222

Based schizoposter
You already know the answer

>> No.16049419

Someone post the Dany diarrhea paragraph

>> No.16049424

quality wise they're not much better than say harry potter or hunger games

>> No.16049457

This but unironically

>> No.16049564


>> No.16049613


>> No.16049767

it goes
50 Shades of Gray > LOTR >>> GoT
this guy proved it

>> No.16050004

I read the first two, didn't think much of it. Martin poorly masks his plot-driven narrative as a character-driven one, whe in reality the character just act whatever the story needs him to, he'll just pull 'emotional decisions' on his characters to shift the plot and the equation of power between the factions whenever he wants and then convince you that this happens because the characters have "dimension".

The prose kinda sucks, i couldn't understand shit of the battle by the end of book 2. Also, some parts are unnironically better in the hbo show, even tho they miss the spot in some others.

>> No.16051864

ASOIAF has a great balance between realism and atmosphere. Here and there it has some nice poetic passages and descriptions of the scenery, pretty good sentimental mood. Personally I like it (recommend me more books like those).

"At the edge of the wolfswood, Bran turned in his basket for one last glimpse of the castle that had been his life. Wisps of smoke still rose into the grey sky, but no more than might have risen from Winterfell’s chimneys on a cold autumn afternoon."

"Three days ride from Winterfell, however, the farmland gave way to dense wood, and the kingsroad grew lonely. The flint hills rose higher and wilder with each passing mile, until by the fifth day they had turned into mountains, cold blue-grey giants with jagged promontories and snow on their shoulders. When the wind blew from the north, long plumes of ice crystals flew from the high peaks like banners."

>> No.16051878

>What do?
Ask mommy to change your diaper cuckboi

>> No.16051895

>It didn’t get that way by having shit prose and shit this and shit that.
Nobody knew of it before the show and all that had was good casting

>> No.16052294

I loved the first 4 seasons as well. Read the first book and half the second book. He's a comfy writer but his prose is painful to get through.

Plus he'll never finish them, I don't recommend

>> No.16052331

Book Of The New Sun

>> No.16053027

I was in the same boat as you when I read the series. The first book is probably the closest to the show, they start to differ heaps as you read further. The books offer a whole lot more detail in regards to world building and history. From the first book you actually get a decent recount of what happened before Robert became king, who fought with and against him and how that affects characters in the present. The show does lightly touch on this stuff here and there but you'd mostly have no idea unless you went ahead and read some wiki's. I don't think I would have understood the world nearly as much if I hadn't read the books.

>> No.16053048

Maybe it would have been better had you read the books before watching the show. I did, and absolutely loved reading them. Don't listen to the contrarians on /lit/, its a great story with really well thought out characters.