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16042002 No.16042002 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished pic related, why is it bad to be a nazi again? This seemed pretty based and I think Hitler was probably right to follow it.

>> No.16042009


>> No.16042024

Yes. National socialism is good. Normies have been brainwashed into two camps: hating nazis, and hating socialists. This is so people don't realize national socialism is good.

>> No.16042038

Is there any anti-fascist ltierature that refutes the Communist Manifesto?

>> No.16042055
File: 348 KB, 981x1600, platt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another classic argument for national socialism. This knowledge has been hidden from the world by the contortion of the word "republic" to something barely removed from a democracy. Read this book for the truth

>> No.16042059

World history

>> No.16042144

Both communism and nazism are products of globalists, Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, and Hitler were sponsored by the wealthiest bankers of Europe and the US, apparently some of those sponsors are the same for both sides.

>> No.16042285

t. brainlet

>> No.16042365

What is good about national socialism?

>> No.16042398

Reorienting the state towards the interest of the nation rather than the corporation, and expressing that orientation through an effective praxis that doesn't simply nationalize private assets and run them into the ground.

>> No.16042407

hitler was a beady eyed jew

>> No.16042409

as long as you guys promise to not kill any jews we can be friends : )

>> No.16042426
File: 163 KB, 700x609, m'furherer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not entirely for Hitler, he's the one who gathered the top German capitalists and told them if he dosent win the communist will and they'll kill you all. So then those German capitalists who backed Hitler called up their wallstreet buddies who also sent them money to fund Hitler per request of the German capitalists. People like to use that argument to make Hitler seem like a puppet when he literally played the top German industrialists into fear porn lol.

>> No.16042438


>> No.16042509

what does this even mean?

>> No.16042527

Real national socialism achieves the goals set forth in the communist manifesto.

>> No.16042549

this but unironically

>> No.16042550

so a dictatorship of the proletariat and the building of a stateless, classless society? the exercising of the principle of "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" in conjunction with an abundance of goods? national socialism doesn't have fucking anything to do with communism, except in name

>> No.16042570


>> No.16042681

"National Socialism" is a misnomer. "National Capitalism" is more apt.

>> No.16042695

The existence of bourgeoisie and capital does not alone capitalism make. Fascism, like feudalism, was an entirely different mode of production.

>> No.16042696

The property structure stays basically the same

>> No.16042788

The Guardiams in this book are not capitalist and have no private property. This book is Pol Pot NazBol level.

>> No.16042792

>The existence of bourgeoisie and capital does not alone capitalism make.
While this ^ is maybe strictly true, please explain how fascism was a different mode of production. State control/"state-oriented" capitalist production is still capitalist production.

>> No.16042812

The state is inherently Capitalist and will have a capitalistic mode of production regardless of ideology.

>> No.16042821

False. Look at the Eastern Bloc and North Korea and Khmer Rouge. Also any monarchist state ever. Hell, even modern Iran.

>> No.16042952

you are idiot.

>> No.16042966

Their is no such thing a state socialism, and Im pretty sure feudalism is basically proto capitalism

>> No.16042999

Those German capitalists who backed Hitler called were literary raised by globalists that's primarily a financial and industrial backstage with the well-known names of Morgans, Warburgs, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, etc. It was through the efforts of these financial capital gates that two plans were created. One of them was called the Dawes Plan (1924), the other was called the Young Plan (1930), which provided for the rise of industrial potential of Germany and led to the power of revanchist forces in order to create a punch fist in Germany against the USSR. Giant financial resources were being pumped in there. For example, according to Dawes plan, more than 4 billion dollars of that time were invested in the German economy. Similar amounts were pumped into the German economy and according to the plan of Young. In 1931, the famous Bank for International Settlements in Basel was established, through which the purchase of shares of all major industrial companies in Germany began. It was during this period, for example, that the entire oil refining industry, production of synthetic gasoline, etc. began to be owned by the American company Standard Oil, owned by J. Rockefeller. And 100% of shares of the famous car concern "Volkswagen" were controlled by the American company "Ford". Before the beginning of the Second World War, 280 largest German firms were in one way or another completely under the control of the Anglo-American industrial capital.

>> No.16043021

This doesn't mean anything. If I were to guess what you were trying to say, I would respond that states can be 'state capitalist', i.e. use labour for production for profit, but the society which the state is associated with does not always have to have a capitalist mode of production. Just look at the USSR, etc. etc. Please read a book.

>> No.16043027

national socialism and stalinism were explicitly anti-globalist

>> No.16043042

>Before the beginning of the Second World War, 280 largest German firms were in one way or another completely under the control of the Anglo-American industrial capital.
source for this? because it sounds insane if true

>> No.16043047

Except that it literally does. Land use is overseen for the benefit of the nation instead of the capitalist. Taxes are as progressive as we will them. One-dimensional "property rights" are discarded, hoarding and inheritance are curbed in the national interest. How exactly do you plan on achieving a classless society without implementing these measures?

>> No.16043141

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