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File: 98 KB, 750x1098, 7xi9gfm5b5q41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16040471 No.16040471[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books about the collapse of the left.

>> No.16040480

did whores not exist until 2020 or am i missing something?

>> No.16040481

Holy fuck she's hot.

>> No.16040484


>> No.16040494


how many beers deep would you fall for the trap? for me it probably would only be 3

>> No.16040495

hes fucking annoying, but I would

>> No.16040496

Whores have literally ALWAYS existed. Not just literal whores, but just women who will fuck and suck anything that moves. The only difference is that social media means they can document their whoring in real time.

>> No.16040501

Didn't this guy get cancelled for something? Is he back? Did he write a book? This is a literature bored

>> No.16040506

I'd smash that even if I wasn't drunk desu

>> No.16040507
File: 241 KB, 1600x1597, contrapoints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine raising your son only to him to end up cutting off his own dick

>> No.16040512

>all these fucking retards falling for photographic trickery

>> No.16040519

i get this, but to keep responding to OP as i was, is this really the Left's fault tho? not like tranny whores will cease to exist after the Left ostensibly collapses. even if the concept just vanishes from everyone's mind, these people will still exist no?

>> No.16040528

That's what thousands upon thousands of dollars in medical care (endocrinologist, plastic surgeon), in addition to strong feminine features already present, will net you. Most MtF are not nearly as lucky.

>> No.16040546


no you wouldn't

>> No.16040553

Yes I would, she was cute even before all the surgery

>> No.16040564

>that midsection


>> No.16040572

He kinda looks like a self righteous prick desu tho

>> No.16040581

Oh God I want to cum balls deep in that qt

>> No.16040592
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>strong feminine features

>> No.16040593

i want to impregante that leftard asshol

>> No.16040594


z e r o

>> No.16040600
File: 381 KB, 670x750, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strong feminine features
Good lighting, a lot of makeup and carefully chosen camera angles can make anyone look like anything.

>> No.16040610

I don't know who I feel more bad for, the trannies who have to delude themselves on a daily basis that what they're doing is anything other than a sex fetish + exhibitionism, or the people whose communities and movements have been colonized by these confused coomers.

My friend got his dick sucked by a tranny in Mexico after about 4, said it was the best blowjob of his life

>> No.16040636

Is the breadtube fad finally slowing down? Infotainment doesn't tend to work if the people making it are very funny or entertaining, so I doubt the wave would last forever.

>> No.16040641

youtube presently is a smoking crater

>> No.16040643

How so?

>> No.16040649

Talking to leftists actually turned me away from leftism. They're all "intersectional"(aka they don't care about class)and speak 24/7 about being trans.

>> No.16040662

leftists destroyed the left

>> No.16040678

Breadtubers are killing themselves in a circular firing squad. Contra got cancelled for thinking the current obsession with pronouns was more harmful than helpful for trans people, for example.

>> No.16040687

The left has a serious tranny problem, they are fucking everywhere.

>> No.16040707

Then why am I still a virgin
Checkmate incel

>> No.16040708

Those are radlibs, not leftists.

>> No.16040715

>muh class conflict
You’re as retarded as they are

>> No.16040725


>> No.16040747
File: 116 KB, 1000x483, 1478098749013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those are radlibs, not leftists.
Is there even a difference anymore?

>> No.16040768


Leftoids need to start taking ownership of their flock. This deflection doesn't resist even the mildest scrutiny, considering how closely it smacks of the now-cliched "not real communism" bit.

>> No.16040770

This makes me sad.

>> No.16040773

We live in hell don't we?

>> No.16040782

>now-cliched "not real communism" bit.
Facts aren't somehow falsified when the become "cliched".

>> No.16040784

Dude Trump is gonna lose against a demented retard, give up anon these 4 years of embarassement were the fruit of the right winning.No one can stand you anymore. Get another hobby anon.

>> No.16040793


>> No.16040796

>implying Biden's victory doesn't signify the collapse of the left as much as it does the failure of the right.

>> No.16040802

It might be time to adopt a word other than leftist given that most people who call themselves leftist are far more similar to OP’s mentally ill young man than to actual Marxist revolutionaries (as would be found in Early 1900s Russia for example); though this has been the case in the west since the sixties at latest.

>> No.16040806
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They have completely different ideologies, yes. Radlibs care about culture, whereas leftists deal with politics and the material world.

>> No.16040817

people will finally realize that "democracy" and "left and right" are just big memes

>> No.16040835

ehh there was no left in the past 30 years, but the right grew enough too prove it´s failure.
It´s not good but it´s something.
The tolerance many people have for right wingers is slowly falling.

>> No.16040839

I don't think Biden will make it to the debates. The rumblings in Washington are that his handlers are increasingly nervous about how to puppeteer him. They already floated the idea of cancelling debates, which is practically an admission of his full-blown dementia. He should be resting on his running mate but he can't even do that because all his picks are unpopular and don't gel with his camp. The party is fucked.

More likely some real, real weird shit is about to happen in the United States. Either they'll pull Biden at the last minute and swap in another candidate (who?), or something even weirder. Maybe a badly inept coup attempt.

>> No.16040848
File: 373 KB, 1507x1200, 1933-may-10-berlin-book-burning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're falsified by nature of being false, that's correct. Once again, as before, leftoids lack the gene that allows them to take responsibility for anything, ever.

>> No.16040849

you haven't seen anything even mildly right wing in your lifetime, and neither did your parents.

>> No.16040862

I dunno isn't Reagan pretty much Hitler for refusing to save the gays and junkies?

>> No.16040863

I thought he still had a dick and wasn’t going to get the gaping neo vagina wound

>> No.16040865

Imagine needing to make things up just to cope.

>> No.16040876

There has been no right either. The right was colonized by neocons which are just corporatist shills for Israel. They promote individualist degeneracy and accept all the worst stagnation of the welfare state, have no cultural policy like real conservatives, while also promoting maximum freedom for business criminals and usury.

The real right was suppressed in the 1970s.

>> No.16040877

lol no man between the softball botching of the covid response and the ongoing collapse of the economy trump is absolutely fucked and even his brain-warped q anon psycho-baby base will not be able to carry him. the democrats could run a rotting piece of fruit and they would sail into office.

>> No.16040878

Nah, that's bullshit. "Totalitarian communism" is a contradiction in terms. What the USSR had was autocratic, centralized state capitalism.

>> No.16040882

you're going to feel very dumb in november

>> No.16040884

>burning books
fuck you

>> No.16040885

reminder contrapoints is 6'2 and has a huge cock and linebacker shoulders, and used to have skinny guy abs. they wasted their natural chad body to become a giant autogynephile weirdo. FUCK CONTRAPOINTS

>> No.16040891

yeah okay we'll see won't we?

>> No.16040894

"liberal vs conservative" is a separate axis from "left vs right".

>> No.16040900

You may be right but I doubt it. Remember also the media is completely corrupt and completely high on its own supply, so anything they tell you about polling is probably distorted. Both by their real delusions and their "sore winner" love of pissing on the faces of flyover state voters.

>> No.16040901


The SA burned Jewish transgender and communist propaganda. It's a shame they weren't burning the propagandists themselves.

>> No.16040906

Spoken like a true retard. The more niggers burn down shit, the harder white women clutch their pearls. No matter what they say on social media they'll still vote whoever promises law and order.

>> No.16040908

I'd fall for it after a few, but I could be near blackout and would still find it in me to pulverize that freak's fucking orbitals into sand the minute I felt a dick down there.
If you "accidentally" have sex with a tranny while drunk, you're a homosexual.

>> No.16040913
File: 83 KB, 750x1000, 1590528622234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nah, that's bullshit.

Snooze. I stopped reading.

>> No.16040918

>noooo not my boookerinos!
>not my subversive dreck!

>> No.16040923

yeah just like we saw in 2016, when you guys were just as sure

>> No.16040924

Propagandists of any affiliation should burn.

>> No.16040925

The polls were spot-on in 2016. Where the media fucked up was in assuming that the electoral college result would align with the popular vote. That was a reasonable assumption for the 20th century, but not anymore.

>> No.16040932

>believe the same shit
>act the same way
>vote blue no matter who
>both post incomprehensible newspeak in an attempt to convince you that they're totally different for real guys

>> No.16040933

>I stopped reading.
You'll fit right in on nu-/lit/.

>> No.16040940

Trump won the popular vote too until they brought in the meme votes from California 2 weeks later

>> No.16040942

Which I suspect was the goal of the culture war psyop.
Read anything Marx or Lenin. Communism is pro work, pro gun, anti identity politics.
Do not try to join any twitter or reddit communist groups. They are psyops.

If the CIA can murder millions of people from Asia to South America, they can hire a dozen accounts to gov gate keep.

>> No.16040943

Literal retard detected.

>> No.16040949

This, beaners reproduce by mitosis at will so California votes mean nothing.

>> No.16040956

Is Communism anti-globalism and for limited migration?

>> No.16040958

trump makes arbitrary and wishy washy declarations on what is and is not 'allowable' behavior from his phone. he's also a limp-wristed nancy boy. he will sic his weekend wannabe operator goons on people, but that is seriously bad for the optics of the wine moms perched on their fence. biden, on the other hand, wrote the fucking bill that promised to lock up black kids for life for handling a gram of crack.

>> No.16040970


>> No.16040977

the layout is very different now. trump is the incumbent and all of this bad shit is going down on his watch. his promise was to 'make america great again' and we all just spent the past 8 months locked inside seething and worrying about how we're going to make our accrued mortgage payments when the deferral expires.

>> No.16040981

>how intoxicated would you need to be to consider shovelling another man's shit out of his rectum
I wouldn't because I'm not a filthy sodomite

>> No.16040986

If blacks had actually been prosecuted for their rampant crime a few decades ago they might have learned to stop doing it by now.

>> No.16040987

when is the last time the US shifted from one party to the other after only 4 years? It's always 8 or 12

the only people that blame a global plague, which has not hit the US worse per capita than most other western countries, on Trump are people who already hated him

>> No.16040992

I can't believe they are going ahead with their "Keep America Great' marketing campaign.

>> No.16040995

They have been and they haven't learned.

>> No.16041002

America is the only country with a double peak. That is purely due to Trump's incompetence. Imagine being a small business owner in this environment.

>> No.16041005

When have they been? It seems like the norm to release child rapists and murderers in 17 years, 14 with "good behavior".

>> No.16041007

You're acting like they're even self aware or have an inner monologue. No, the beasties operate on little more than insatiable impulse, it's an inextricable part of their nature.

>> No.16041008

Nah, that´s not really needed.
People are more angry at non masker trumpets than pink haired Sjw, the times are changing somewhat.
Biden doesnt NEED ANYTHING to win. Nothing. Trump managed to lose votes to a virus.
Even Bolsonaro managed to gain approval while literal dying to the virus.

>> No.16041009

Based 2 beer queer

>> No.16041011

Have any dissident media outlets covered the fact that negros are major coronavirus vectors because of their apathy and nihilism?

I saw some news outlets report that it's hitting the black community hard, but of course they were evasive instead of saying maybe black people are being fucking stupid as usual.

>> No.16041024

It's hitting them harder because they tend to have the relevant comorbidities -- diabetes etc.

>> No.16041027

Just like with bernie right?

>> No.16041029

>People are more angry at non masker trumpets than pink haired Sjw, the times are changing somewhat.
where are you getting this from, twitter, mainstream news?

>> No.16041042

his base isn't going anywhere, but the demographics that matter for him--the working class in vulnerable energy and manufacturing sectors and suburbanites with just enough to lose to care--are not nearly as secure. the fracking industry is tanking (goodbye pennsylvania) and the global supply chain is jammed, which means small industry and contractors can't operate at capacity.

>> No.16041056

You midwesterners are complete babies with a huge persecution complex

>> No.16041060

there was nothing inevitable about the bernie campaign. he was done dirty by his top advisors, but he made a million and one other small mistakes and was capped at 30% popularity within the party.

>> No.16041067

>capped at 30% popularity within the party.
>we all support Joe Biden as the democratic nominee

>> No.16041068

I'm not American. I just hate coastal elites and can smell their smug WASP/jew stink from across the ocean.

If you have a trust fund or your parents collect rent from anyone, I hope you are legally hanged by your state in the near future.

>> No.16041070

I can’t blame them when places like California and New York want to use their economies to force everyone to submit to their lifestyle demands.

>> No.16041075

branding was locked in of course but i still smacked my forehead the first time i saw a sign. 'no more bullshit' is what i've seen more often, but that's 'unofficial'.

>> No.16041080

He tried to appeal to low turnout demographics. His failure is no one’s fault but his and his strategists.

>> No.16041083


>> No.16041084

You should hate Republicans in that case.

>> No.16041088

Bernie wasn’t even that popular in his home state, super tuesday it’s not a zero sum game.

>> No.16041090

right, that was part of it. what about this do you think contradicts my post? 'he was done dirty by his top advisors, but he made a million and one other small mistakes'.

>> No.16041093

Anti globalism in the sense of imperialism, and deindustrialization, forcing wages down. But globalist in the sense of recognizing a common struggle happening in all countries.

Don't know about immigration,. So called communist states werent known for their openness..

>> No.16041098

do you guys not know how to read? he was capped at 30% within the party. do you know what i mean by that?

>> No.16041100

Wasn’t trying contradict you, just elaborating in your point. I know too many people who genuinely believe that his loss was part of some grand conspiracy.

>> No.16041102

Neocons and neoliberals are the same thing. I don't give a fuck about fake parties in a fake system grounded in phony principles that only exist to fuck working people in the ass. The lizard on CNN dislikes Trump and likes Biden, so if I have to pick a strategic move in the binary game of Trump or Biden, I'll pick Trump. Doesn't mean I love him. Just means I like the lizard less.

>> No.16041104

Well besides the fact every politician backed Joe. There was no blue wave, it was a reddit echo chamber. Super tuesday was predicted to be bernies day but he was massacred by Joe Biden.

>> No.16041105

it's growing exponentially, just check twitch numbers

>> No.16041106

>DETROIT — Representative Rashida Tlaib, a first-term Michigan Democrat who rocketed to national attention as a vocal critic of President Trump, is fighting for her political life, locked in a close primary race that could be decided by a few hundred mail-in ballots.

Any leftist who supports the DNC's mail in voting scheme is an idiot. Everything they've been doing to Trump for the last three years they will do to a socialist 10x worse.

>> No.16041109

imagine being natalist, having a son who hides from you to jerk off, and you jerk off seeking to send him away. how many males would agree to live with you? but he won't have a choice.

>> No.16041110

It means that he lost? regardless of this meme poll?

>> No.16041119

>what is a vanguard
Also, it was at the very least state socialism, there was no capitalist mode of production after the NEP ended.

>> No.16041128

>If you have a trust fund or your parents collect rent from anyone
Neither applies to me. And bear in mind that people in "flyover states" hate Europeans just as much if not more than New Yorkers. Lick my balls and ass.

>> No.16041137

i see. and yeah it's too bad as it could be an opportunity to learn some lessons and strategize for next time. much safer to retreat into fantasy, though.
what poll? i'm not referring to a poll. and no one can win the primary with 30% of the delegates unless there's a split convention so obviously if he was capped at 30% he could not have won.

>> No.16041140 [DELETED] 

Nice materialism faggot, I be all your books are in perfect condition too. Take your magical heckin bookerino mystique back to you know where.

>> No.16041145

I love seeing how the entire anti-Trump group are so lost in their filter bubble. They learned nothing from 4 years ago. They seem brain damaged and incapable of learning.

It's the only way they can possibly have supported Bernie a second time and been surprised when he was 'cheated' again. This time he wasn't even fighting an entrenched candidate like Hillary that had actually spent 8 years from her previous loss doing everything to take control of the party.

>> No.16041151

bernie was done for when he couldn't secure a solid win in new hampshire against pete fucking buttigieg. south carolina was the nail. both happened prior to super tuesday.

>> No.16041156

There is no obvious right answer. Obviously if he had managed to lock in the support of old southern blacks, he would have sealed the deal. But that community is very disciplined when it comes to voting, and basically does whatever community leaders tell them to do. Those community leaders may have been idealistic civil rights activists in their youth, but they tend to "evolve" into practitioners of transactional power politics later in life.

Another strategy would have been to reach out to white socially moderate populists. If he did that, he would have been absolutely slaughtered by the media. See what they did to Tulsi Gabbard for example. The neolib elites have the game pretty much locked down, so it's hard to even imagine a winning strategy.

>> No.16041159

>>16040884 #
Nice materialism faggot, I bet all your books are in perfect condition too. Take your magical heckin bookerino mysticism back to you know where.

>> No.16041162

just wanted to point out thats a man

>> No.16041163

Warren did her job syphoning votes from the progs.

>> No.16041164

I’m so fucking sick and tired of social media posting here. Keep your twitter and instagram bullshit there, you fucking faggots. Stop giving attention to mentally ill trannies.

>> No.16041165

Censorship advocates get the rope

>> No.16041169

>bear in mind that people in "flyover states" hate Europeans just as much if not more than New Yorkers.

Uhh, actually most Midwestern states still have European themed festivals from their settlers. 'Swedish Days' and the like.

Keep trying to deflect your toxic attitude onto the rest of us, though, you parasite.

>> No.16041170

and got absolutely nothing for it lol
what a fucking tool

>> No.16041173

Who the fuck would unironically vote for Warren? Even among 90 IQ radlib Neanderthals? She nearly lost fucking MASSACHUSETTS to a Republican and even Drumpf destroyed her career.

>> No.16041178

The difference is that Republican policies are pro-actively designed to exacerbate the wealth and power disparities, whereas the Dems are just going along with it, perhaps dragging their feet a bit.

>> No.16041184
File: 716 KB, 2010x952, 1580821396599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find that this pretty much sums it up, even though OWS had its own issues. Its all intentional, and if there are still hardcore leftoids that don't see that then that's hilarious. Fear of being called racist/sexist is strong I guess.

>> No.16041186

Not books but they have some good soundbites on the topic.

>> No.16041197


Welfare is designed to have a 'trap' where gaining employment status ultimately means you work for less benefit.

This trap is meant to keep people dependent on Democrats and ensure a voting block. It's the same strategy they use with minorities. Ultimately they want to keep the poor, poor, or else Republican policies would be more appealing once they are out of poverty.

>> No.16041205

That's nonsense. Welfare barely exists anymore. The percentage of the electorate on welfare is vanishingly small.

>> No.16041209

the immigrtion policies of the Democrats are cancer for the working class

>> No.16041215

Wrong. Only rightwingers support open borders.

>> No.16041219

By welfare people mean the collection of safety net programs like SSI, Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers, etc.

>> No.16041222

You can call the Democrats whatever you want but their policies support mass immigration

>> No.16041226

>The American People: Hey JPM-Chase, stop fucking embezzling all our money or we'll smash your teeth into the pavement
>Banks: No can do buckaroo. We know what you really want is to watch two disgustingly hairy men pound each others shitboxes until they're so deformed they passively leak fecal matter.
>The American People: What the fuck, no that's no-
>Zoomers: Did someone say HAIRY MEN!
Having made this facebook-tier meme, I will now hang myself with a line of barbed wire in Times Square.

>> No.16041231

Most people using those programs are whites in red states. It doesn't even occur to them that they are welfare leaches.

>> No.16041237
File: 24 KB, 281x396, Explain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the fuck would unironically vote for Warren?

I would vote for her before Bernie.

But keep drinking your kool-aid

>> No.16041239

No, the status quo supports mass immigration. Immigration reform would eliminate the incentive by mandating e-verify nationwide.

>> No.16041242

you should take a look at the net amount of tax each race pays per capita

>> No.16041251

Why are you trying to weasel out of admitting that the Dems support mass immigration, what do you possibly hope to gain from this. They are the 'status quo' anyway

>> No.16041252


This is why I hate you and want you to suffer. You intentionally try to deflect and confuse the conversation since you know it's damaging to your position. You poison democracy with your garbage. Killing yourself would be the best thing you can do for the world.

>> No.16041259

I thought you cared about the working class? Most of the people on SSI in red states are opioid junkies. Thank god Trump finally stopped the Chinese from lawlessly flooding the county with fentanyl.

>> No.16041264

Dems support immigration REFORM, dumbass. The Repubs like mass immigration since it lowers employment costs, that's why they will never sign on to immigration reform.

>> No.16041267

So you are in favor of cutting Medicare/Medicaid, Food stamps?

>> No.16041269

The 'reform' they want enables more and more immigration. They are completely open about this what on earth are you trying to say here?

>> No.16041271

Sorry basic facts make you seethe so dramatically.

>> No.16041274


Only the slimiest establishment hacks talk about e-verify, even Bernie doesn't insult people with that trash

>> No.16041278

>The Repubs like mass immigration

Trump won his campaign speaking against this. Democrats said he hates immigrants.

Your entire political ideology is a bigger mess than a nuclear meltdown.

>> No.16041280

You are completely clueless. Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh et al. It's rotting your brain.

>> No.16041289

>Books about the collapse of the left.
Mein Kampf

>> No.16041292

Damn, I can't even make fun of it. It's just sad

>> No.16041293



You mean your political lies? It's good your entire movement is composed of fags, that way you will enjoy getting your ass raped for the next decade.

>> No.16041296

What? It works basically 100% of the time. If implemented nationally, it would eliminate the incentive to migrate in the first place. Hence why GOP-voting small business owners hate it.

>> No.16041297

We all know Democrats immigration "reform" means more amnesty, and more H1Bs. I can't believe some DNC dummy is on here trying to win gropey joe some votes. Not gonna happen.

>> No.16041302

A paradox because the amount it would take would kill me. I’d fuck or get sucked by a cute twink but not a tranny, that level of mental illness is too much

>> No.16041304

Bullshit. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16041308

They support giving all the illegals citizenship, they are completely open about this, and they are constantly talking about how immigration makes the country great.

>> No.16041312

So you think it should be the responsibility of small business owners to enforce US immigration law? No, I think ICE should do that.

>> No.16041315

>I can't believe some DNC dummy is on here

Posting lies to the internet is the only job he's qualified for.

>> No.16041322

No, you.

>> No.16041325
File: 23 KB, 633x758, dqf1tgyuu3r31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just check twitch numbers

>> No.16041328

>They support giving all the illegals citizenship
Of course, you moron. If they continue having second-class undocumented status, they will continue to fuck up the labor market and undermine employment prospects for native workers. Are you really this stupid?

>> No.16041333

Or just...deport them. What message does it send to the third world that if you just move there illegally they'll give you citizenship

>> No.16041335

Only someone with a heart of stone couldn't laugh.

>> No.16041337

Whenever I hear "e-verify" and "path to citizenship" I know the speaker is full of shit and doesn't give a fuck about Americans. Take that back to DNC headquarters and let them know.

>> No.16041338

It is the responsibility of small business owners to follow the law and only hire legal workers. It take 5 seconds to enter the data into the system. They just don't want to because then they lose access to cheap labor.

>> No.16041348

That's because you're a drooling imbecile.

>> No.16041349


You mean you hope they will all vote blue mindlessly the way you do.

It's all about inflating your voter base by any means possible.

How much do you get paid to take abuse from people you are utterly incapable of persuading?

>> No.16041353

Get a load of this Democrat demonizing small business owners due to the lax immigration enforcement Democrats have supported for a decade.

Biden must be getting killed in your internal polls if they had to send someone out to low traffic boards on 4channel to try to win over some zoomer votes. Get a better candidate next time.

>> No.16041359

Nobody is going to do that -- certainly not Trump, who relies on cheap illegal labor for his businesses. The problem can only be fixed going forward.

>> No.16041362

You just let your mask slip. You are pro mass immigration, just admit it.

>> No.16041367

Why are shills so easy to spot?

Because they are simply unable to engage in honest conversation. You can see their rhetorical tactics amount to nothing but lies, deflection, confusion, and avoiding inconvenient facts. They never actually engage with truth, they just hope if they repeat lies often enough they gain traction.

You will all be forced to choke on your lies.

>> No.16041375

Deporting them is going forward, and it would completely cut off incentives for illegals to come if they knew that would happen to them

>> No.16041378

Dude, Trump was able to get to the left of you on trade, but trying to make Biden seem to right of Trump on immigration isn't going to work. Dems are hopeless.

>> No.16041383

/pol/cels have brainwashed themselves into thinking rightwingers are not the driving force behind the open borders ideology. Sad to see.

>> No.16041391

You should read who passed the 1965 immigration act

>> No.16041395

WTF are you talking about? Trump literally employs illegal aliens.

>> No.16041401


Hmmm, I seem to remember Trump being a racist that hates immigrants and puts babies in concentration camps because he's literally Hitler.

But then, I have a memory that spans more than the last week, unlike the people you prey upon.

>> No.16041405

Joe Biden's son literally does piles of coke, that doesn't mean Biden is pro-legalization.

>> No.16041411

An overwhelming, bipartisan majority. Bankrolled by the business community, of course.

>> No.16041425

Hiring cheap labor doesn't make you a civil rights icon, dumbfuck.

>> No.16041442



I think I broke your little pea brain. Notice how this (poorly) paid shill just avoids the point and doesn't even seem to have the reading comprehension of a child?

>> No.16041453

Do you think The Federal Reserve impoverishes the working people through currency manipulation

>> No.16041454

You seem literally incapable of processing the fact that Trump benefits from cheap illegal labor while also holding racist views. I estimate you have an IQ of around 62.

>> No.16041458

Well, I'm sold! Time to vote blue. Post me to the most anti-immigration Dem and let's compare to Trump.

>> No.16041466

IQ is racist didn't you know

>> No.16041467

They just do jobs Americans don't want tho, amirite

>> No.16041468

Anyone who opposes immigration reform is not anti-immigration. Putting kids in cages may be fun to watch but doesn't solve the actual problem.

>> No.16041479

Is your Dem reform going to cause fewer people to immigrate to the US?

>> No.16041483

Illegals undermine the native working class by underbidding them in the labor market. Hence the need for immigration reform.

>> No.16041485

>Kids in cages

Quick, "Fine people on both sides", saaay it! saaay it!

>> No.16041488
File: 623 KB, 1532x2029, youknowwhatitis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not quite hell. i think there are still places a lot lower than this, but this place is definitely a lot worse than it first appears.

>> No.16041493

Obviously. They won't come here if they can't get hired.

>> No.16041497

>I estimate you have an IQ of around 62.

A clear case of projection, as I'm not the one failing to follow the conversation.

I will put this in a way even your fetal alcohol syndrome brain may be able to comprehend:

Democrats complain about Trump putting illegals in camps and deporting them. Now you're also saying he's pro-immigration. These two things are contradictory.

You keep trying to avoid this, because you're being paid to be a retard. It's amazing that you were able to find someone to pay you for your birth defects.

>> No.16041504
File: 1.23 MB, 528x398, based retard 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only does this guy dab on trannies, he picks up pussy like a pro

>> No.16041511

All the racist virtue-signaling doesn't advance the ball on any actual policy objective. It's just noise to please the mouthbreathers in his base. To solve the immigration problem you have to change policy.

>> No.16041518

I see why do Democrats not talk more about how they're anti-immigration. I don't thnk I've ever seen one say that, they usually seem to be discussing all the benefits of immigrants

>> No.16041521

>strong feminine features
Naw, look at pictures and shots of contrapoints that (s)he hasn't spent an hour crafting. Better than most trannies but still obviously a man.

>> No.16041520

Putting people in camps and increasing deportations doesn't make a dent in the problem, jackass. It's just a show for dumb people like you.

>> No.16041526


Joe Biden on the demographic future of the US:

"In the future the US will have less people of European ancestry, like myself. That's our strength."

Why is a future with less white people in the US our strength, Mr Shill?

>> No.16041529

chad af

>> No.16041530


But you said people won't come here if they can't get a job. You can't get a job in a camp, Shill.

>> No.16041549

It's just pandering to the Hispanic electorate, most of whom have relatives that are illegal. I agree that the way Dems talk about immigration is weak. It makes it easy for the right to demagogue the issue even though the Republican donor class is the actual driver of mass immigration policies.

>> No.16041553

Sorry, but if some dumb fuck who barely speaks the language, has zero education, grew up on a farm with barely any electricity, and puts their employer at risk for hiring illegals can take your job, maybe your work isn’t worth as much as you think. You know how many fucking pajeets I have to work with? None, because everyone who does anything more complicated than web design realized they write shitty unmaintainable code that’ll cost them more in the long run. The world doesn’t owe you a job. Make yourself useful or go cry about the evils of capitalism on reddit.

>> No.16041555

Unironic communist and I think trannies are an insulting caricature to women. It's misogyny that people don't comprehend. It's acting. It's a role. It's bullshit. It's fetishisation.

Gender roles are pretty stupid, too.

>> No.16041558

Deleuze unironically

>> No.16041561

The libs in Silicon Valley can never get enough cheap indentured servants aka H1Bs. I don't give a shit about undocumented workers who deliver hoagies on a bicycle for tips.

>> No.16041568

You don't seem to grasp the scope of the problem. We are talking about many millions of people, not a handful of stragglers who got caught crossing the desert. Whole industries depend entirely on illegal labor. Nothing significant has changed.

>> No.16041577

It affects the entire labor market by taking out the bottom.

>> No.16041578

>You know how many fucking pajeets I have to work with? None, because

Even street shitters are above being paid to shill on 4chan.

>> No.16041590

Whores have always existed its just that because of the combination of new technology (smartphones lowering the bar to entry to any toddler/eldery boomer and social media) any dumb slut can get online and start luring in simps for money. In the past whoredom was limited to a females local community/social environment. However with smartphones they can now extend their whoredom beyond local markets and and make it global. We are literally experiencing a global pandemic of whoredom.

>> No.16041596

I thought these occurred in the same event until I saw his shirt.

>> No.16041635

The world post sexual revolution has brought has made sex into a kind of obscene candy to be enjoyed on a whim, and brought it into a morbid myopic focus of western life. Institutional sin builds momentum of the prevalence of sexual simulacrum through porn and "catch-all" acceptance of degeneracy. The overton window has moved so far to traditional whoredom is bland by comparison and augmented by information technology. Late-stage capitalism deepdicked by political entrepreneurship; the only product left to sell is yourself and the content you can churn out. All you need to become a millionaire as a female in the year of our lord 2020 is a hot body and an iphone.

>> No.16041656

Literally no reason to care. Poor people are stupid and the safety net just encourages them to continue being drains on society. It’s not even like the work illegals do is inhumane and underpaid. I worked as an electrician through college and made 20/hr by the end of it. Every single guy I worked with (that was there longer than a month) was both illegal and cleared 3k a month easily. I helped my boss out with the tax stuff and he was reporting well into the six figures in profit. But even the lowest rung guys would be able to save for a few years then go back home set for life. The poor deserve their fate not our compassion and two thirds of our tax revenue.

>> No.16041681

How hard would it be for an europoor to come to Ameristan and land a gig as an electrician?

>> No.16041688

perhaps somewhere around the range of 13-15. a territory i have rarely explored that would have me making reckless decisions but if anyone was attracted to me that wasted it would say more about them than it does about me

>> No.16041689


I think that guy might be autistic based on that bopping around and the hand movements. A work with the developmentally disabled, and this screams "high functioning chad".

>> No.16041707 [DELETED] 

I worked for a roofer for a while in college. He also owned some rental property, and had a rent controlled apartment in Manhattan, so he paid like $300 a month for his main residence. He had a crew of illegal guys who made like $200 a day cash, not bad. He even offered to sponsor them to get them citizenship, but they turned him down because they didn't want to pay taxes! This was in the Bush days, so they had no worries. These days, I wonder if they changed their mind, probably not.

>> No.16041741

>imagine being natalist
as a healthy adult I don't have to imagine this at all

>> No.16041746


>> No.16041753

The big book of Reddit.

>> No.16041756

There's obviously music playing

>> No.16041769


Imagine hating your parents this much.

>> No.16041862

Not him but don't mind if I do...

>> No.16041864

Who is this beautiful women?

>> No.16041875

Yaaaassss kweennn. Using the right pronouns.

>> No.16041915

This is how I imagined Raskolnikov looked like in C & P. Thanks... book ruined.

>> No.16041917

Impossible without taking a risk of coming here first. It requires zero outsourcing so if you’re any more trouble than a regular citizen it’s a hard pass. If you’re willing to take some shit work and pay for a few months as helper it’s easy enough though. The work isn’t difficult to understand so just go to a state that still does a lot of residential. Commercial pays even better but they’re less willing to take new guys in. It’s much easier labor wise though and bending pipe never got boring for me plus the fact most people struggle with simple math gives you some job security. Honestly as much as lefties live to cry about capitalist slavery I sincerely believe I could have had a perfectly happy life if I made a career out of it due to a lack of better options.
I still know a guy that takes in guys from Florida during the off season. Apparently companies are to this day still willing to sponsor Mexicans just to come pick some plants. One of the guys told me if he really put the effort in he could make 1200 in a week. Those people will never get their taxes back or see a return with SS or Medicare. I doubt illegal immigration is as big of a problem for the lower working class people as it’s made out to be. There’s plenty of opportunity, everyone just feels like they’re owed something without working for it.

>> No.16041937

They will dissolve eventually like the Skeptics before them.

>> No.16041956

Biden is not on the left retard.

>> No.16042244
File: 57 KB, 800x420, 1592105246376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pseudo intellectual narcissistic cute twink with 7/10 good looks gets older and loses attention from men.

Decides to become a tranny to rekindle sexual excitement and sense of self-worth and attention. Likely makes grandfathered in excuses like he was always transexual and repressed but likely just a mentally ill auto genophile who never actually developed a worthwhile hobby or interesting life skill beyond psychology and politics.
Is basically a typical bourgious middle class white kid who likely could have used a blue collar job to teach him what real masculinity is or play on a sports team

>> No.16042265

I'm sure the illegal gatherings and riots had nothing to do with it

>> No.16042266

This faggot came out as a "lesbian", which just goes to show how he is a pathetic loser who couldn't get laid, took one of his fetishes and decided to live in it 24/7. Trans women will never be women.

>> No.16042299
File: 14 KB, 220x276, distressedwithfatties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh my mistake I often assume that most trannies are gay men who have an unhealthy obsession with youth and perhaps a narcisistic sexual fetish where they want a feminine body but keeping their dick. I see it a lot in tranny porn where they masturbate while watching themselves in the mirror and touch their boobs.

I feel like the lesbian trans fetish is very strange and rediculous because id assume very often they keep their dick so they want to fuck women while believing they themselves are women but engaging in a wholly masculine sexual act ie the act of penetrating another person.

From my perspective having engaged in both forms of gay sex I can understand the idea of viewing yourself as feminine while getting fucked and your asshole being a pussy of sorts but the idea of trans lesbian just really fucking takes the cake to me in terms of the mental gymnastics it must take to pull that shit off.

>> No.16042310

>I see it a lot in tranny porn
not a good look m8

>> No.16042362

It is really just that thirteen year old fascination with lesbian porn taken to the next level, along with the difficult to cope with not getting enough attention from women that drives these degenerates to ruin their bodies and play pretend in order to find some sort of fulfilment. And they are the little snowflakes, right? If you are a straight man, not wanting to fuck another man gets you cancelled; if you are a gay woman, you are also cancelled. It's pathetic and narcissistic. Society really has to stop enabling these men instead of just playing along with their mental illnesses.

>> No.16042429


>> No.16042504

>Society really has to stop enabling these men instead of just playing along with their mental illnesses.
I think we both know the only way that will ever happen is if a bunch of white guys in polos larping as Germans in the 1920s somehow get power, which won't happen.

>> No.16042539




>> No.16042560

A jannie was probably the OP. They are too busy nuking soccer cup threads and banning the posters.

>> No.16042561

The trannies are already raping women in female prisons. Twitter will always be retarded and bend for these snowflakes, but the trans agenda will not last as more and more people actually "de-transition" and are just revealed to be perverted retards.

>> No.16042574


>> No.16042580

What kind of fucking faggot wouldn't leave a summer cup thread? That's just normal 4chan shit

>> No.16042584

I feel like I've seen people saying "the trans agenda won't last" for years now. You think there's going to be some kind of big cultural roll back on that shit? From where? Every institution that was captured by the Big Gay strain of thought is still all in favor of it and there's no reason to think it will stop. The people who support that shit are only gaining more power as center-left boomers age out of the work force and get replaced by radlib millenials in education, the media, HR, think tanks, etc. The train hasn't gone backwards on the tracks in any meaningful way in like 60 years.

>> No.16042597

California has trannies reading to kindergartners but then again that state has always been Satan's playground

>> No.16042603

California is just a glimpse into the future. Here in NJ the state has mandated that all history classes have to teach a section on LGBTQ history.

>> No.16042607

Raskolnikov transitioning is canon

>> No.16042613


Of course, they did, were do you think the symbolic caricature of Succubus comes from?

>> No.16042630

white men aren't allowed to have opinions because we've turned it into a fun game to hate the productive backbone of society in this freakshow moment in history. so when white men go "wait wtf lol" to the tranny phenomenon, nobody listens and the men are just shamed for existing or whatever, and men at this particular moment are duped into thinking they're being nice and atoning for past sins or some shit so they internalize the shame and bemusedly tolerate the tranny thing. the combination of men forcing themselves against their own nature to tolerate it, and society currently having a big role-play of ignoring white men (the people who actually maintain/create it), mean that trannies have been artificially tolerated by the deranged status quo for a while

but now women are turning against them lol. that will be the death knell. previously blacks didn't like them because blacks are more resistant to the pozzed TOLERATE ALL FREAKS propaganda, and that occasionally broke the narrative of prog tranny acceptance even by itself but now that average everyday women are starting to reject the programming, trannies will have nowhere to go, and the dormant pent-up "wtf lol" of white men will eventually be unleashed.

it already tries to unleash itself, that's why tranny hate is so common online where men can be honest anonymously, but when women finally stop socially manipulating cucked modern men into acting contrary to their instincts and give the nod of assent to tranny hate, the floodgates will open. it's all already there, just needs the go ahead.

>> No.16042648

I love how radical feminists and men are almost joining forces in fighting the retarded bullshit that is "gender". Truly the enemy of my enemy is my friend type of stuff.

>> No.16042663
File: 1.53 MB, 450x800, 1596497868475.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16042664

does any one else remember a couple years ago when this guy kept making fun of the Golden One for being a fascist meathead while obviously wanting to fuck the Golden One, and now GO is a chad family man with a beautiful wife and child but contrapoints is still a lonely sexually confused freak

>> No.16042673

radfems will get to watch the ever present thot majority of their gender slide into neo-patriarchy in their lifetimes. the majority of women will reject progressivism and pick regressivism right back up, they'll ask to be "tradwives" again. they won't get less cringe than the current generation, they will invert the cringe and a minority of radfems will be caught in the middle.

you can already see it happening day by day, every radfem has demi-radfem female friends who sell out and become submissive to some dolt normie husband. just as the average woman senses that the ship of attention seeking via progressivism is sinking, she'll jump to another equally bad ship.

i feel bad for the genuine feminists but they made their bed when they totally failed to criticize this hedonistic anarchogynocracy for the past 50 years and tried to pretend it was a positive movement.

>> No.16042675

TERFs are literally irrelevant, they have no institutional power. Being a TERF is seen as a positive thing on the left, it's a brand as heretical similar to the way that more 'classical' Marxists are derided as "class reductionist". I don't know what world you're living in where you think liberal white women are going to be the ones to make a stand against trannies. Like yeah you're right, a lot of them in private really don't care about trannies that much and think it's weird as fuck just like most people in general do. They're not going to do anything about it though. They'll still go to pride events once a year to cheer on the AIDs parade. They'll still donate money to think tanks and NGOs that organize tranny book readings and lobby for more tranny rights. They'll still wave pride flags around and vote for the guy with a D next to his name who thinks he can be the next bernie or AOC by having an awesome pro-tranny soundbite.

>> No.16042683

*being a TERF isn't seen as a positive thing

>> No.16042690

Is there some remnant of hope in the political system that compels you to pin immigration on a Republican donor class? For every republican shilling for immigration there's hillary promising her corporate backers open borders or democrat shilling for DACA. The huge R donor Koch and huge D donor Soros even got together to create some PAC to pacify political discourse. We're in agreement about the issue, but both sides are controlled by the same people. Think outside of the false paradigm.

Abhorrent thread, OP.

>> No.16042698

I am writing a novella about it right now. Is not only about the left, but the current state of this world. It has an epic style and is filled with many metaphores. Is quite poetic. Probably I wouldn't end up publishing it since the nature of its content. I used many interesting metaphores to refer to (((they))) and other degenerates.

>> No.16042704

ITT... nerds vehemently longpost about chicks-with-dicks.

>> No.16042710

full blown self identified terfs yes, but anyone who knows halfway intelligent women (haha) knows that they're all spontaneously gravitating away from trannies dude. the tradwive cringe shit is the tip of an iceberg that is actually just women realizing that the progressive shit is cringe and uncool. popular successful ones who can still get lots of validation and attention from making a vine video will continue to do so of course, but as jealous bitches want to justify not being those bitches, they will form a new system with its own center of gravity away from that. the new mainstream will emerge, and just like how it took women fifty years to realize they weren't avant garde anymore and were actually the mainstream, it will be a tediously, torturously long time before the new mainstream of anti-progressivism among normie women shows its age

women are herd animals and they want to be comfortable. trannies are making them uncomfortable, and progressive culture is leaking in a few places. that's all it takes. a few terfs will give the stupider, average women permission to indulge in the terf worldview ,without being full avowed terfs themselves. that's how women operate.

i don't like em

>> No.16042714

Trannys on the internet surely didnt

>> No.16042720

Hilary is basically a moderate Republican. No surprise she took that stance. Soros is a neolib capitalist who literally runs a hedge fund.

>> No.16042732

Sounds masturbatory

>> No.16042735

Men larping as females to get attention and feel special deserve to be bullied.

>> No.16042738

I am thinking unironically of calling it "clown world"

>> No.16042744

Shemales are a topic for the ads in the back of Penthouse magazine. They're not a political topic.

>> No.16042763

Sadly, anon, they are one of the most prominent and divisive political topics of these God forsaken times. Just trying using the word "shemale" around any university campus and watch them burn in anger and try to "cancel" you.

>> No.16042784

>I dunno isn't Reagan pretty much Hitler for refusing to save the gays and junkies?
Reagan spent billions trying to save the gays and junkies, he was way too gay friendly as is

>> No.16042803

Those are just deranged kids. They don't know anything about life yet.

>> No.16042825
File: 113 KB, 990x990, 1594623137790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tradionalists/reactionaries not in this chart

>> No.16042835

That makes sense, and what comes next in your opinion? I mean, the market is going crash at some point

>> No.16042842

In the alt-right box

>> No.16042867

In the internet age, they hold the most power.

>> No.16042870

Well Traditionalists should be condemnatory towards capital

>> No.16042881

Looks matter

>> No.16042890

Traditionally, the aristocracy held all the wealth. That's pretty concentrated. But cultural traditionalism does not by itself require a specific attitude toward capital. They are independent dimensions.

>> No.16042923

i hate trannies so much bros. i’m so tired of everyone pretending that these fetishist predators are normal. i’m so tired of “include your pronouns in your email signature please!” fuck trannies. FUCK TRANNIES.

>> No.16042949

Just never give in into the status quo and we'll beat these monstrosities, anon. Don't let the hate go away because it is fuel against them.

>> No.16042983

Sounds like you want to fuck em and are upset they won't touch you lol work out, study, get a job and maybe one day you will you thirsty weirdo

>> No.16042995

i’d rather die than fuck some hulking restroom invading bepenised monstrosity. go pop your tit pills and dilate. hop the fuck off troon.