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File: 166 KB, 1383x891, publishing literary agents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16037887 No.16037887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literary agents openly laugh at you and say they throw your work in the trash without reading it.


>> No.16037932

They're doing them a favour, the quicker your hopes of becoming a successful author are shredded the better.

>> No.16037936

>Writing books

>> No.16037948

I will books into existence.

>> No.16037950

That can't be possible because white dudes get published all the time

>> No.16037972

Absolutely nothing is communicated in the first 1/16th of this video. I'm supposed to believe this person has any sense of aesthetics or editing when they waste that much time? I would be happy for such a dumb broad to dump my manuscripts as it would save me the agony of having to "work" with such a vapid brainless cunt. I doubt competent literary agents are making youtube channels about it, they're probably just doing their job. Next.

>> No.16038009

>Boo hoo hoo, nobody wants to publish me and it must be because I’m white! It can’t have anything to do with the insane amount of writers in the world and a limited audience and the fact that I’m 22 and probably suck

The same dumb sentiment as always but this time combined with a social media screencap
Fucking cancer

>> No.16038111

She isn't qualified for her job. She has some humanities degree and her father knows someone high up in the publishing office. Also her colleagues want to fuck her and so do her job for her.

>> No.16038159

It's probably some of the things that you list, but I'm not sure how you could think being a white man could help you when you're submitting your manuscript when major publications and companies like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Conde Nast, etc., are constantly running anti-white articles.

>> No.16038233

Find a single percentage in your family tree that invokes non-white status and then just push it as hard as you possibly can, at least in the "cultural pride" sense rather than trying to pull a transnigger dupe ethnicity disguise like that one lady did. I am unmistakably white but when I start prattling on about Persian heritage and the plight of the Iranian people everybody turns their gaze away in shame and all that hate just washes off. Ironic how the "anti-racist" side is so quick to turn coats on you depending on where you say your ancestors squirted into one another two or three centuries ago.

>> No.16038249

If I were applying for college today, I 100% seriously would apply as a male-presenting, lesbian mtf tranny.

>> No.16038272

In America North Africans are considered white and not considered African American, but I really wanted to higher my chances so when I Applied to Universities I checked off African American along with white.

>> No.16038276

>half of the bookshelf's space is taken up by plastic toys and random, vulgar trinkets

>> No.16038334

and the rest of it looks like harry potter/eragon-tier shit or books she bought solely because the spine looks "old timey" or something gay that women love to posture with

>> No.16038369

we need alternative underground institutions

>> No.16038383

I'm beginning to understand why our ancestors were reluctant to teach women how to read

>> No.16038385
File: 36 KB, 657x527, 1588043745089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna fuck the shit out of this bitch. Why do you guys waifu that ugly rat Kat instead of this lady?

>> No.16038404

>brings up a book literally for middle school kids
>points over her shoulder and the complete collection of the series is RIGHT THERE
Why should I take this whore, and publishing as a whole, seriously?

>> No.16038488

we are largely free to make them

>> No.16038531

Anything that will generate sales will get published. Genuinely good work will get published even if it is from straight white male author. Also shitty woke sjw trash will get published too.
However most work submitted is too mediocre and generic in a way that do not generate sales.

>> No.16038534

>nothing is communicated in the first 1/16th of this video.
It's Youtube. She's obviously socially intelligent but at the same time incapable of have a unique thought. She intuitively and unthinkingly has succeeded in reproduced the expected style for Youtube videos of this sort. Not unsurprising given the content of the video. The advice is good if you want to conform to the standards of the culture industry but not if you want to write anything worth being read long after you die.

>> No.16038548

I really need to proof read my posts better.

>> No.16038588

I do have a vague awareness that some people feel their videos need 1-2 minutes of preamble, title sequences, musical interludes, prefacing, shilling, and so on, but I simply couldn't disagree more. It immediately tells you they have no taste. Since she treats books this same dismissive way I feel comfortable slamming her for it.

>> No.16038615


I'm hearing a lisp, I'm out.

>> No.16038617

just write something good

do you seriously think if you write a book that a publisher knows would sell millions of copies and make them fuck loads of money, they would choose to miss out on tens of millions of dollars in profit just because of some stupid superficial agenda that "woke" companies and mentally challenged female executives pretend to champion?

stop posting this kind of fucking self-pitying garbage. not only are you hurting yourself but if someone here actually wants to write and you're discouraging them then you're ten times as much of an asshole

literally seethe more

>> No.16038632

Just include a chapter where you take countless black dicks in a bathhouse then axe it during editing

>> No.16038634

None of that applies to /lit/. This is for being consumed by the masses.

>> No.16038641

I think their argument is that publishers don't know their ass from their elbow. But we're really only hearing about the dumbest agents around in this kind of thread.

>> No.16038652

It’s not agents or publishers colluding to keep White men out of bestseller lists. The book buying public is nothing at all like a random cross section of America, it skews heavily towards urban, college educated liberals.
Contrary to every other instance, books are probably the one consumer good that people should be listening to woke twitter’s opinions on because they’re the only ones that buy them. Especially new releases and not classics.
Try reading the reviews on goodreads or amazon (though it’ll be a lot less irritating if you don’t and take my word for it).
You’ll see white people there unironically leaving 3/5 star reviews on short fiction collections that say “All the stories were excellent but unfortunately the author pool suffers from a lack of representation...”

>> No.16038658

I am actually in full agreement with you. My intention was to point out that it's a general problem with the way information is presented on the platform than an issue with this individual woman.

>> No.16038661

write under a black sounding name. EZ WIN.

>> No.16038666
File: 17 KB, 346x346, 1587228627810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman makes some sort of guide
>it's not about how to please your husband better
Where did we go wrong to allow this?

>> No.16038668

Contemporary novels are irrelevant. The only consumers of them are social media addicted young(ish) white women.

Any self-respecting reader will read only classics— Books that have been chosen to transcend their respective eras.

>> No.16038673

That's alright, they'll come crawling back when all their sjw shit runs them out of business.

>> No.16038679

Why is this white woman, in a position of power, telling me, a black woman, how to write?

>> No.16038685

Lots of publishing places, mags, agents, publishers, etc will require a headshot of you. If they're planning on paying you any decent amount of money, they're going to want to meet you also.

>> No.16038693

Have you seen how many books these young women buy? Look at any booktube (sorry) video and they have walls covered in newly-bought hardbacks. They are making an incredible amount of money being woke.

>> No.16038726

Based Satan

>> No.16038749

>thinks publishers don't discriminate against white men
>knows that people into contemporary literature do discriminate against white men
This doesn't seem contradictory to you?

>> No.16038755

sjws are hypercoomsoomers bud

>> No.16038782


Tips 1-24: basically don't write shit.

You'd think that wouldn't need to be said, but in fairness, like 99% of what agents and publishers receive is absolute trash.

Also complicating matters, most great books break most, if not all, of her rules. When you're good, you can do what you want.

i'd add 25: if you're writing sci-fi/fantasy: Stop. That's it, just stop.

>> No.16038791
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No one reads

The only people who buy books are middle aged women

Also, no publisher will ever take you seriously unless you've spent at least half a decade whoring yourself out on social media.

>> No.16038824


I don't know about that. I'm starting to see some agents bitching about social media on their bios. Saying something like, "It's nice if you haven't alienated 50% of your potential market by your social media political crusade"

It's not easy, as nothing ever is, but if you got the goods, you put the work in, I'm sure you'll find an agent and publisher you jive with.

>> No.16038838

Is there a white man who's actually been discriminated against by a publisher in this thread?

Or is it just a bunch of shit worldbuilding sci-fi asswipes who are using that as an excuse as to why their identical garbage isn't getting published?

>> No.16038854
File: 235 KB, 540x400, the_summoning_by_frank_walls-d9b94a42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that constant vocal fry

>> No.16038862

Thanks for the (You).

I have a project I've been working on for some time, but when I think about the prospects of getting it published and how difficult that could be, it really takes the wind out of my sails. I write and edit government publications for a living, and have worked for a newspaper in the past, so I'm not completely without writing ability, but getting fiction published seems bleak.

>> No.16038863

Idk about publishers but I know minorities and women get extra points added to their lsat scores when applying to law school

>> No.16038887
File: 16 KB, 303x328, Feels_good_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else remember that white guy who won some poetry prize using an asian pseudonym then after the prize board chair or whoever found out about it afterwards they got super assblasted? Was pretty funny.

>> No.16038888


So? Who says that does anything for them?

I had an journalistic piece where i MAY have been discriminated against. I sent it to them, they loved it, said they'd publish it immediately. They asked for my headshot, I sent it, I'm a white man, and they wrote back and said they made a huge mistake and won't be publishing it.

So, ok, whatever, I sent it somewhere else and it got published, and I'm never dealing with that other mag again, case closed.

>> No.16038896

>Idk about publishers but I know minorities and women get extra points added to their lsat scores when applying to law school

Which doesn't make much sense because aren't the majority of law students now female?

>> No.16038901

the whole idea that any random faggot can just send in a novel and become a successful author is the weirdest grift, only screenwriters have less hope.

>> No.16038908

Quads confirms story to be true. Maybe next time tell them you don't wanna send a headshot because you're 'horribly disfigured" or something.

>> No.16038935

That's my second set of quads in like a few days. last was 6666

>> No.16038979

A couple extra points absolutely does matter on the lsat. I scored a 169 and at that level 2 or 3 points is the difference between having no chance of getting into a top ivy league school and having a sure chance. There are very limited spots and its a 0-sum game, obviously. Its certainly made me disillusioned about even applying knowing that I have a significantly smaller chance of getting in than some black lady who may by all metrics be a worse candidate than me.

>> No.16038998

imagine thinking you can go down a checklist making sure your character has a sympathetic backstory and there aren't to many povs and so on and at the end you get a good book.

>> No.16039000

I'd assume so, I know that undergrad and graduate school in general skews female. Most law schools are garbage though and those people are never going to get worthwhile jobs.

>> No.16039071

In terms of minorities, I think the preferential treatment is just for blacks and latinos, not Asians. Incidentally, biases against Asians in affirmative action may be what causes affirmative action to fall apart. If you're a white person with a legitimate claim to being disadvantaged by affirmative action, no one cares, but now that it's affecting a non-white group (Asians) something might actually be done to combat it.

>> No.16039127


You know...I went down that road once. Everything I read online talks about how the only way you'll ever be succesful is if you score a 180 and get into harvard an it's so super hard to get spots.

I took it and got a 140, thought I was retarded and gave up law school altogether. Then I was talking to my cousin once, who's a pretty successful lawyer and told him that and he just shrugged and said I scored higher than he did.

Anyway, don't believe hardly anything you read online, especially about law school.

Btw my cousin told me the the lsats and law school are kinda like college football, just because you do well in that, and even if you get drafted high, in no way means you're going to be a successful lawyer.

>> No.16039138

isnt it weird that all the filters they put out makes the end result of all the end result being the exact same thing

>> No.16039147

it's not supposed to be good, it's just supposed to sell

>> No.16039151

if you don't then you won't succeed. you have to know the rules of what you are playing

>> No.16039153

That's the problem with all this "advice", it's being shilled to you by midwits with zero creativity or passion who heard it (probably on reddit or twitter) in its seventeenth illegitimate, watered down replica of the much more intelligent version of the REAL advice. If you take the word of these people to a tee you'll end up with actual shit that is trite and boring and reads like somebody in India had to translate to English.

>> No.16039156

From the comments in the thread it looks like no one watched the whole video. Admittedly the race part OP is referring to is late in the video and the video in question could use an editor. Anyways her only point on race she makes is if you are white/black/Asian maybe don’t write a book about what it’s like to be some other racial group. Not sure why she brought it up since she specializes in fantasy/sci-fi but there you go. Also she self published her own book this year despite industry connections and the only thing she talks about in terms of the plot is that it’s a steampunk novel involving a polyamorous relationship. Remember to write what you know anons.

>> No.16039157

Sue them even if you don't want to deal with them anymore

>> No.16039175

sue them over a $100 journalistic piece? And I have no proof whatsoever? Yeah, I'll get right on that.

Any of these lawyers want to take that case up?

>> No.16039320

Its better to go to a mid-high tier school on a full tuition scholarship anyway.

>> No.16039334

Idk, don’t forget theres a huge power gap between “get to tell people I’m a published writer” and “get to live an upper middle class lifestyle on royalties alone”.
Most published writers still had day jobs after successful books, even if it was teaching literature. Even if you’re writing fiction, I don’t think a modest success is out of the question.

>> No.16039423

If they are popular on YouTube as a booktuber than those books might be free. They are seen as influencers.

>> No.16039466

Why would you care about bending the knee to degenerates who worship moloch?

What's wrong with her face?

>> No.16039514
File: 992 B, 1024x614, 1024px-Transgender_Pride_flag.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just identify as a woman and become a trans woman. You don't have to live differently, just say you have gender dysphoria to a psychologist and then get your drivers license changed.

>> No.16039665

>4:43 I find that very triggering

>> No.16039701

Took jizz to the eye. Hasn’t been the same since. Very tragic.

>> No.16039718

>they're going to want to meet you also
Das rayciss.

>> No.16039736

GPT-4 will kill this entire normie book world, if it makes you feel better

>> No.16039788

>do you seriously think if you write a book that a publisher knows would sell millions of copies and make them fuck loads of money, they would choose to miss out on tens of millions of dollars in profit just because of some stupid superficial agenda that "woke" companies and mentally challenged female executives pretend to champion?
I know people who work in publishing. Yes, they would. They'll glad miss out on your book. They get too many submissions anyways. They read less than 2 pages of most books before rejecting them. Your work of staggering brilliance just isn't going to be read.
There are basically two ways to get a real read:
1) networking
2) diversity
If you're just a random white male - no MFA, no prior employment in publishing, no contacts in the industry - you're barely going to get read. An intern will skim the first two pages to see if it feels marketable. The intern has been trained to discard works like yours. The intern will then discard it.
For the record, it's worth trying anyways. Just because your odds are low, doesn't mean they're zero. But if you're an unknown white male submitting to agencies, prepare for hundreds of rejections. That is not hyperbole. Odds are, you'll need to submit to hundreds of agencies before you find representation. The vast majority of the time, an actual agent won't even look at your work.

>> No.16039856

What is this hypothetical anti-pc best-seller?

>> No.16039865

Just start your own publisher

>> No.16039872

Like, all this agent, publisher, "wants this" shit is all genre stuff, right? What about real Literature?

>> No.16039900
File: 1.49 MB, 887x999, Profile_-_Cruella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHA bitch, I'm writing with a female pseudonym HAHAHAH

>> No.16039908

well now im fucking depressed.

>> No.16039922

women are the biggest consoomers going, they're too stupid to pirate stuff like us, it's why the YA trend won't die bitches keep buying that trash

>> No.16039939

The only reason a white male's book would be refused is because he put up with it. People who are successful are not necessarily nice and they tolerate preposterous stuff like this.

>> No.16039953

Most authors published today are crackers so this isn't true - but it should be.

>> No.16039956

I wasn’t saying they are pirating the books. Publishers send book influencers free copies to shill on their channel. They even pay them to do it.

>> No.16039963


>> No.16040037

She is so cute and I am looking forward to reading the Cyborg Tinkerer.

>> No.16040105

God I hate white women so much

>> No.16040159
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>God I hate white women so much

>> No.16040283


Most agents only publish genre stuff, or at least, it's their bread and butter. They might publish lit quality stuff on the side, but it's rarely ever a good seller even if they publish it.

>> No.16040381

I remember.

>> No.16040514

How does she pick her nose?

>> No.16042258

Not him, but I'm in a discord populated by 90% black people and we always post "hate white women" memes.

Ironically you're probably white

>> No.16042287
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I'm in a discord populated by 90% black people and we always post "hate white women" memes.

Ironically you're probably white

>> No.16042308

>Ironically you're probably white
Explain how I'm "ironically" white.

>> No.16042323

I didn't say you're ironically white, I said it's ironic that you're probably white. The more you respond the more obvious it is that you're white. Don't worry, I am too. Nothing to be ashamed of

>> No.16042326

How is it ironic, though?

>> No.16042338

>Don't worry, I am too
Well no shit. I could tell since your self loathing race posts amerishit for example >>16040105
. You are not better than those white women crying about cis white males at this point.

>> No.16042340

Because the person you responded to is most probably not a white soiboi, but a black or latino guy because that's the core audience of the hate white women meme. Therefore it's ironic because you're accusing them of being white despite the fact that they most likely aren't, and you are.

>> No.16042343

>not a white soiboi, but a black or latino guy because that's the core audience of the hate white women meme
But it isn't. Unless you can back this statement up.

>Therefore it's ironic because you're accusing them of being white despite the fact that they most likely aren't, and you are.

That's not irony lol

>> No.16042344

I'm not self loathing, the accusation of the other anon is just fucking retarded, inaccurate and cringe, n i g g e r.

>> No.16042352

I can back up my dick into your mother

>> No.16042353

>of the other anon is just fucking retarded
How so? its clearly true since you said you were in a discord with niggers and laugh at white women memes and you as you yourself said are white in this post >>16042258
go back

>> No.16042357
File: 169 KB, 600x584, 898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can back up my dick into your mother

>> No.16042366

meant this post >>16042323

>> No.16042374


>> No.16042387
File: 466 KB, 975x590, 6klygahe7v841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that white american that hates his own race

>> No.16042390

I don't post the memes and I don't particularly think they're funny.

>> No.16042395

You are just like those white women in american that cry about white cis males but the genders are reversed. You amerishits give me fucking cancer

>> No.16042403
File: 183 KB, 472x314, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah bro white women right? lol I hang out in a black discord

>> No.16042421

Shit like that is happening in all creative industries now. IMO if you're a white male artist of any kind you should not be waiting for opportunities, use the internet to find our own audience, build your platform, start your own companies to put content out there, build a network of artists in a similar situation, etc. It's not like big companies know what they're doing, these are just 50 year olds panicking because they think Twitter is representative of real audiences.

>> No.16042423

>white female
>agents still throw my query directly into the trash anyway
I don't know why I don't just kill myself. I try not to think about it.

>> No.16042428

We saw your post the first time, buddy.

I have no reason not to since the whole whites vs blacks idea is just propaganda. We should live in separate countries for sure, but no reason to hate each other.

>> No.16042437
File: 583 KB, 869x557, haha _i_hang_out_inablack_disord_bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>16042395 (You)
We saw your post the first time, buddy.

>>16042403 (You)
I have no reason not to since the whole whites vs blacks idea is just propaganda. We should live in separate countries for sure, but no reason to hate each other.

>> No.16042442

Go hang out in your black discord and this post here >>16040159 applies to you 100%

>> No.16042494

I'm serious, does she just use tweezers? Does she have it professionally done? There's no way a finger fits in there.

>> No.16042640

How is that irony? What the fuck do you think a soijack is? It's a white guy by the way. Do you think people are all niggers on here making fun of a white people when they post a soijak? No. They're making fun a group of white faggots like yourself that idolize niggers and hate their own race. Are you new?

>> No.16042791

why do you guys even care about this, she's obviously speaking to genre-trash writers. If this is you, get the fuck out of here, /lit/ is for patrician elitists ONLY


>> No.16042798

>another episode of a loser blaming his failure on identity politics
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.16042824

her channel name is a pastische of the lowercase "i" that Apple uses, of course she doesn't have any aesthetic sense. This wasn't an aesthetic spoof 15, 10, or 5 years ago, let alone today

>> No.16042856

you live in a bubble if you think urban college educated liberals are the only ones who buy books, let alone thinking they make up any kind of market share besides a niche. Why do you think Stephen King is the best selling author in the world? If what you said was true you would find leatherbound literature in airport bookshelves instead of paperbacks

I think I got baited

>> No.16042880

This mushmouthed bitch can't enunciate worth fuck. I hope someone pulls all the cotton balls and feces out of her mouth.

>> No.16042884

This man understands how "woman professionals" work.

>> No.16043224

Then where does one look for literary fiction?

>> No.16043283


>> No.16043978

Write genre fiction or technical manuals
If you want to write 'serious art' you shouldnt be in it for the $ anyways, so self-publish

>> No.16043987

Self-publishing gives really good royalties nowadays. I don't know why people depend upon traditional publishing anymore

>> No.16044002

not writing under a female poc pen name then revealing on your death bed you are a white male all along shattering these homos lives

>> No.16044006

Nah he has a point, white women are like 70% of new book sales

>> No.16044149

>technical manuals
i want to be a writer for user manuals, how do i get into this?

>> No.16044224

As long as you know how to use something reasonably well, you can write a manual on how to use it. I've seen manuals written on how to use an internet browser

>> No.16044250

American universities ask you about your ethnical make-up?

>> No.16044260

Yes, your race is also a factor of admission, unless you're applying to the public universities of California, which have banned race-based admissions.

>> No.16044288


>publisher's low level employee who reads manuscripts from agents

These are not the same thing and they do not have the same financial interests.

>> No.16044375

What's wrong with her commentary? It seems like she's giving out good advice. There might be a serious critique about the commoditization and standardization of literature here, but there's nothing particularly disgusting here on the surface, and this criteria probably does a good job of filtering out most pleb-tier writers.

>> No.16044421

>mass media shit

Why should I care? She's not wrong, but I'm also not making garbage for the rabble.

>> No.16044589
File: 23 KB, 680x453, d62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old popular fiction
Conan, Tarzan, cowboys, boxing, tall tales
>new popular fiction
gay vampires, wizards but gay, beta teenage "romance"
the shift coincides with the grain based food pyramid and the smoking ban

>> No.16044889

if you're a writer and you're getting book recommendations from /lit/ it's probably already too late for you. being a white male isn't the hurdle you have to get over. writing trash autist fiction is.

>> No.16044995

That's too bad because 90%+ of the greatest writers have been white men, so I assume we won't get any new great literary works for a long time.

>> No.16045108

> I was turned down for ten years. I couldn’t get a thing in print. My writing went nowhere. I guess you have to be persistent. Talent is just one element of the writing business. You also have to have a stubborn nature. That’s rarer even than the talent, I think. You have to be grimly determined. I certainly was disappointed; I got upset. But you have to go back to the desk again, to the mailbox once more, and await your next refusal.
> When you’re trying to get started and you want to do something new and no one wants it, and you keep getting rejected. It took me eight years or something. I couldn’t even get a letter-to-the-editor published. Nothing. And you get frustrated and mad at the literary world, and the people who support mediocrity and call it excellence. And that involves your pride and all the rest of it.

>> No.16045854
File: 7 KB, 266x300, go1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking around, it honestly seems like white people are the only people on the planet obsessed with both equality and with following the rules. This will probably be their downfall because no other racial group really cares about fairness or obsessive rule-following.

>> No.16045876

>unless you're applying to the public universities of California

They still ask about it as part of an optional, supplemental part of the application process, sort of like they do as part of the employment process in California. (I think affirmative action via quotas is also illegal in other states because of a SCOTUS ruling, but I'm not sure. All three of my degrees are from public California colleges/universities.) As you may have heard, California is attempting to re-institute affirmative action.

>> No.16045957

>and this criteria probably does a good job of filtering out most pleb-tier writers.
And we're left with patrician tier art like Franzen, Whitehead, and Rowling.
I think the only solution is to make literature as folk art and disseminate it through guerilla campaigns.

>> No.16046073

god this race/politics/genderbaiting shit has gone on so fucking long

>> No.16046354


Chance of admission to Harvard law is still only like 5-10% for qualified applicants

>> No.16046406

Persians receive none of the inclusive diversity benefits unless they talk about how "muh evil mullahs oppressed us", which fits into the narrative of Jews. In fact, Persians have it harder than whites if they want to publish any literature not dealing with identity politics bullshit.

>> No.16046468

why isn't this woman raising children or tending to the home?

>> No.16046485

eh. i think i could beat her into submission and have her barefoot and perpetually pregnant within a year. (hypothetically)

>> No.16046625

>There's no bias against you goy, you're just not talented enough and you're not working hard enough!


You're Iranian. You know people see through your "Persian" euphemism, right?

>> No.16046669

Yes, I have heard that. It's pretty funny to hear black people say that non-raced based admissions is rayyyycis

>> No.16046682 [DELETED] 

Well, the country was called Iran(shahr) since Sassanian empire. It was actually due to Hitler's recommendation that Persia asked countries to refer to it by its native name, Iran. It introduced a lot of confusion which politicians take advantage for propagandist purposes.

>> No.16046704

Well, the country was called Iran(shahr) since Sassanian empire. It was actually due to Hitler's recommendation that Reza Shah asked countries to refer to Persia by its native name, Iran, in 1935. It introduced a lot of confusion which politicians take advantage for propagandist purposes.

>> No.16046733

great Gass quote. thanks for posting

>> No.16046848

Hi everyone, just wanted to pop into this cesspool of resentment and misogyny to point out that self-publishing is a booming business these days. Don't want to doxx myself but all I'll say is that I have reason to believe that rather than waste your time pursuing some conventional vision of publishing success (in a world where all the mainstream channels that big publishing companies used to dictate what readers see have lost influence anyway) you might be better off embracing the future and putting yourself out there all on your own. All it'll take is a little bit of investment on your part, and you'll end up with 100% editorial control over the final product. If you're really in it to be an artist then you should care more about making the final product you want to make than achieving some prepackaged notion of "agent --> big 5 publishing company --> Barnes and Noble --> fame and fortune." You're not going to make any money regardless so you might as well do it in a way that actually works rather than hope you're the 1/1,000,000 person to just email an agent a query letter you wrote in 15 minutes and have that end up getting you a book deal

(Getting an MFA might also make sense although the basic idea is not inherently that different from self-publishing: you pay a bunch of money, someone helps you turn your Microsoft Word document into a real book. It does make it marginally easier to get a job in the industry tho)

>> No.16046937

It's pretty entertaining because if you take even a cursory look at the University of California it's pretty evident that de facto affirmative action is already occurring.

UCLA is one of the most applied to universities in the United States. If it were a pure meritocracy, we would expect it's student population to be almost entirely Jewish, Asian, and White. But it's not—there's a fairly sizable Black/Latino contingent at UCLA.

>> No.16046953

Really? I went to Berkeley and I remember blacks and Latinos were reeeeeeing because their numbers dropped substantially after UC stopped affirmative action

>> No.16047522

I'm not as clued into the situation at Cal (I took my master's at UCLA last year). If Black and Latino numbers have dropped, it's probably because of Asian enrollment. There's a little bit of numbers fudging on Asians because they're represented in two different groups (Asian and International). If you consider just White and Asian undergrads at UCLA, they're about equal in representation, but this doesn't take the International Asians into account, which would tip the Asian demographic into being a plurality. Technically Europeans are included in the International category as well, but (speaking from anecdotal experience) it's likely that Asians are far and away the largest group within the International category.

This is all very interesting with regard to the upcoming vote on reinstating affirmative action. It's actually Asians and not Whites that are most disproportionately represented in the UC (general California population vis-a-vis the UC undergrad population; about 15 percent Asian in the former versus ~32 percent in the latter).

>> No.16047551

>to be almost entirely Jewish
Meritocracy and Jews don't fit together.

>> No.16047584

self publishing where youu're competing with 90,000 low iq novels a week. the only way to succeed in that is ironically creating exactly what the agents are looking for.

>> No.16047609

Back in my day, Janet Napolitano was in charge of the Berkeley. When the affirmative action argument came up, she said that she wouldn't change race-blind admissions, even if Asians made up 90% of the student body.

I don't know why blacks even care about affirmative action into UC schools. They can get automatic admission into the Ivy league by getting reasonably good grades and not going to jail or getting an abortion, for males and females respectively. Every city has its own historically black university, which also automatically accepts their kind.

>> No.16047719

>Implying I'm not illiterate

>> No.16047740

>157 replies
these shitty threads are just bait for insecure white men at this point

>> No.16047818

Honestly, just kill all of the Jews and these problems fix themselves. The only good Jew is a dead one. Also, before a mod deletes this post, I want you to realize it is highly /lit/ and it's censorship to ban me over it. Wanting dead Jews is something many great writers historically advocated for.

>> No.16047835

Don’t worry, maybe you’ll be reincarnated as a non-pooskin after you die.

>> No.16047917

>another yt video repackaging common sense as a """tutorial""""
She's like the Weber Cooks of publishing tips

>> No.16048119
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>> No.16048164

>There's no bias against you goy, you're just not talented enough and you're not working hard enough!
prove otherwise, 2016fag

>> No.16048341
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They absolutely would. And do. All for the Cause.

>> No.16048372

What else is there to write?

>> No.16048409

She’s 8/10.

>> No.16048422

Where are you published? I’ll buy your Kindle book right now.

>> No.16048424

oh no looks like you triggered the poltards

>> No.16048452

Yeah... White.
>echo echo echo

>> No.16048462

>I'm in a discord populated by 90% black people and we always post "hate white women" memes.
and youd be terrified to post a 'hate black women' meme around them you little bitch

>> No.16048471

Yeah. That is the usual thing, in my experience. You see it all the time.

>> No.16048479

What kind of investment?

>> No.16048654

>There might be a serious critique about the commoditization and standardization of literature here, but there's nothing particularly disgusting here on the surface
You anon, are too far gone

>> No.16048669

Consoomerism is the endpoint of all movements. The alt right was dead the second it became obsessed with aesthetics. Images can be sold to the groupthinkers as a way to purchase inclusion. You should always be wary of any movement with a glorified aesthetic. They are being primed to be milked for niche marketed products.

>> No.16048931

God fucking dammit, I'm 10 seconds into the video and it sound so awful. Someone tell this roastie to step up her audio.

>> No.16049014

Like literally 10,000 other things.

>> No.16049041

Why not? Most black men hate black women. Most black women hate black men too.

>> No.16049263

I go to UCLA and like 65% of students are Asian. Walking around Westwood makes me feel like I'm in china town

>> No.16049379

>I go to UCLA and like 65% of students are Asian. Walking around Westwood makes me feel like I'm in china town

A bit yeah. I went to school there after spending two years living in San Francisco (where there are basically no young women) and so seeing even occasional groups of hot blonde and brunette white girls was a breath of fresh air. With covid affecting international students and California voters (possibly) voting in affirmative action in the fall, you might be seeing way fewer Asians there in the near future.

>> No.16049607

Interned for an agent back in 2014. 90% of rejections come from the following:
>total spaz has a great idea for a book, wants to get representation before “wasting their time”
>obviously didn’t read the submission guidelines, sending sci-fi to romance agents
>they wrote incomprehensible garbage
If it isn’t that then:
>idiot thought they were the first to rush out a thinly veiled metaphor about a big social issue (at the time it was Trayvon Martin, it’s probably covid-19 now)
>writing style that is best described as “tedious realism” (eg “he got into the car and shut the door... someone cut him off, but he refrained from honking... double-checked that he wasn’t parked too far from the curb; he’d always had trouble with that”)
>writing style that is best described as “schizoid rambling” (“because he KNEW as a certified-bona-fide, AMERICAN PATRIOT that upon his grave would he swear before ever he did allow a so-called Mommy Government [or as the liberals think it is] to ever...”)
That’s not even counting the psychos who threaten you in the query letter etc. etc. After that, like 3% of manuscripts are requested, just aren’t marketable or interesting.

>> No.16049636

Are you sure that it isn’t the other way around?

>> No.16049653

God I hope so, I am so tired of the yellow tide. Some of them are alright individually but on the whole it's a trillion gooks who feel an automatic right to colonize and take over every city on earth.

>> No.16049694

Fuck your rationalization and obfuscation of the truth. Fucking worthless dog

>> No.16049704
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>ALWAYS seeking: diversity. Race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, mentality, health, economic status, religious affiliation, all of it. The obvious shouldn’t need to be said — that I want my projects to reflect the beautiful diversity of the world, that I want to see and share with others life through another’s eyes, that I want to see these differences expressed through art and creation and culture, that these books need to be on bookshelves — but that’s the state of things. So yes, there is no question to it: I want diversity.
>This is your semi-annual reminder that while I'm looking for diversity and own voices across the board, I am particularly interested in seeing submissions in the mystery and historical romance genres. Please send! #mswl
>Seeking: manuscripts from POC, diverse authors,#LGBTQ,#OwnVoices, & all voices that have been silenced but NEED to be heard. I support you & want to share your stories with the world.
>I have never stopped looking for Black voices to add to my list of authors. If you write fun, escapist stories for MG or YA, I'm here! Currently hungry for rom-coms and light fantasy, but open to an adventure.
>Someone write me the epic queer MG I can comp to She-Ra, please
>We need more adaptations where draucla and van helsing were past lovers but now they're old petty exes
>#ownvoices#marginalizedvoicesfriendship-based adventure a la Goonies, please!#MG#YA#amquerying#amwriting
There are all real things written by real agents.

>> No.16049772

In fairness, do they actually publish any of this shit? Or...are they just throwing that out there to virtue signal, knowing they're not really going to receive any of it anyway?

>> No.16049787

>>total spaz has a great idea for a book, wants to get representation before “wasting their time”

what does this mean? You mean they haven't actually written the book yet?

Well, yeah, I hear that happens all the time. Most people don't realize that good ideas are cheap and common, it's actual execution that counts. Hell, most great books aren't even that great of concepts, just very well written.

>> No.16049818


I get sick of hearing people talk about their "great ideas" for just about everything, not just books. They don't realize everyone has a great idea for something, but it's worthless unless you actually make it into some kind of product.

When it comes to books, in any case, you need way more than one great idea. There's tons of books that had a great initial idea that just fall apart. You need more like a couple hundred good ideas.

>> No.16049902

>what does this mean? You mean they haven't actually written the book yet?
Exactly. They send in a synopsis (usually a thin metaphor for current social issues, as mentioned above) hoping to secure representation. I imagine this type of thing comes from reading about authors who already have marketable names (like journalists or extremely popular bloggers) querying ideas and getting an advance so they can focus on writing their novel as opposed to their day job. I’ve actually seen posts on writing forums from aspiring authors who have read wildly outdated querying guides from the heyday of mass market paperbacks (50’s-80’s) who believe it is still standard procedure to query the first few chapters, get an advance, and then finish the novel.

>> No.16049990

Well, yeah, if you're a celebrity with an existing platform then you can get away with that, if you're a nobody, nope.

Although, I've heard a lot of celebrities end up screwing themselves with those deals though. Because they all think it'll be easy money, having never written anything before, and they take the advance and just blow the project off like a 10th grade science project, thinking they'll throw it together the month before it's due.

So then, fast forward two years, they're way overdue, they've spent the advance, and finally the publisher just says, "look, we'll just hire our writer to write it, and we'll handle it ourselves, but guess what? we're taking like like 99% of the profit".

>> No.16050275

I did the same.

>> No.16050416

I ascend to transniggerdom

>> No.16050428

Don't normal authors only get 5% of profits anyway

>> No.16050461

Nothing happens pseudo-memoirs and fitness books, got it.

>> No.16051337

Can't be bothered clicking the video but I'm going to assume she's saying publishers are exponentially more interested in minority writers and if you've spent any time at all around 'elites' (aspiring or real, doesn't matter) you'll find all they read or want to talk about is the latest memoir from a 37 year old Pakistani woman navigated around 'microaggressions' in Silicon Valley, or Ivy League-educated, daughter-of-a-surgeon New Yorker columnists's self-insert "restructuring how we think about the feminine experience in contemporary culture". Nobody wants to read for personal edification, it's so you can tweet a picture of yourself laying on your Bay Area deck with the latest navel-gazing NYTimes bestseller and bask with smug superiority about how enlightened and elite you are. None of these books are remembered or serve a purpose after their cultural value has been wrung dry, if anything it's the opposite and you'd rather be dead than be caught with something slightly out of season.

>> No.16051350

Writing is a big meme unless you genuinely enjoy it and need to do it. Then you'd better have some other source of income. Or I guess it can work if you're rich and/or have connections.

>> No.16051436

Stephen King is the best selling author because he has a huge backlist of consistent sellers. He also gathered his following in the 1970s. You’ve totally missed the point of all of this if you’re thinking about Stephen King.

>> No.16051552

What a bitch.

>> No.16052350

Just do this with a pen name such as Shalika Mumbekie and in your bio say you worked on a kibbutz. I'm waiting for some white guy to do this IRL then let it out who he really is trolling the shit out of leftcucks, satan's jews and nigger all the way to the bank. Would be epic lulz.

>> No.16052361

The majority of leftcucks are white women who have had their feeble emotional mind hijacked by satanicjews.

>> No.16052365
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>> No.16052407
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Heh, like I'd ever let anyone see what I've written

>> No.16052550
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>I have never stopped looking for Black voices to add to my list of authors.

This reveals how cynical corporate "wokeness" is

>> No.16052575

she gives me anxiety just looking at her. what is going on with her ears? why are they so long? i dont like her lower face either. her nose is nice though.
on the whole however i dislike her. the coquetry of making videos doesnt help either.
as kant says, if a woman wants to gain knowledge, she may as well want to grow a beard.
meaning that they only want the appearance of wisdom. i forget who said it, but there was a phrase "his wisdom didnt go beyond his beard" .
this applies to all women who read. the wisdom doesn't go beyond the books. the books could be empty and theyd still want to read them. its all an illusion

>> No.16052601

> serious art
> self-publish

Betraying the fact that you know literally nothing about publishing. Serious art would come out from mid to small presses.

>> No.16052635

Never? Its going to become the status quo you dumb fucker.

>> No.16052677

> You can't make good art unless you work with a company with x number of employees and produces y amounts of goods per year!!!!

>> No.16052758

Of course you can make it; it's just that you're throwing it into the void afterwards.

>> No.16052783

> Books that are printed by this type of company can sell more than books printed by other company

>> No.16052816

>how do i get into this?
Get a job in manufacturing and migrate to the documents room.

>> No.16052933

>u need to include minorities in your stories
>a white man can't write from the perspective of a black girl
In fact a white man is the only people who are able to write to begin with.

>> No.16053052


>> No.16053514
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>we want books that feature diversity
>but don't write about lesbians if you are a man or about black people if you are white

>> No.16053527

it's more like don't write if you're white
just sit down and shut up and listen while we walk all over you, because it's our right as proudly oppressed minority groups. the world has billions of brown people but relatively few white people, so there's no use for you anymore, so just lie down and die

>> No.16053536
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> Yi-Fen Chou: White author under fire after using Asian pen name to be published more often

The publishers of The Best American Poetry anthology have come under fire after publishing an entry from a white man using the pen name “Yi-Fen Chou.”

Sherman Alexie, the editor of the annual publication, has defended his choice to publish Michael Derrick Hudson, even after the supposed author admitted to using an Asian alias because he couldn’t get published under his own name. Hudson says “The Bees, the Flowers, Jesus, Ancient Tigers, Poseidon, Adam and Eve” had been rejected 40 times before the name change. After, he was accepted after nine rejections.

"I realize that this isn't a very 'artistic' explanation of using a pseudonym,” Hudson said in a letter to Alexie, explaining his reasoning for the pen name. “Years ago I did briefly consider trying to make Yi-Fen into a 'persona' or 'heteronym' a la Fernando Pessoa, but nothing ever came of it.”

Members of the literary community began chastising Hudson for appropriating the name shortly after excerpts of the book hit the public.

Franny Choi, a Frederick Bock Prize winner, said that Hudson has displayed cultural appropriation at it’s purest, as Asian-Americans are typically forced to change their names to survive racism.

“When I was in the second grade, I stopped going by my Korean name, Jeong Min, because at seven years old, I already felt the shame of being foreign and the exhaustion of hearing my name butchered over and over again,” Choi told The Independent. “As a kid, I tried to imagine myself as an author but worried about how to hide my obviously Korean surname.”

"Michael Derrick Hudson's pseudonym is cultural appropriation at its purest,” she added. “It’s stealing from the struggle of people of color for a white man's personal gain.”

In a lengthy blog post, Alexie responded to early criticism by saying that he had only learned that “Yi-Fen Chou” was a white man’s pseudonym after he chose the poem.

"I had to keep that pseudonymous poem in the anthology because it would have been dishonest to do otherwise,” Alexie wrote. “If I'd pulled the poem then I would have been denying that I gave the poem special attention because of the poet's Chinese pseudonym. If I'd pulled the poem then I would have been denying that I was consciously and deliberately seeking to address past racial, cultural, social, and aesthetic injustices in the poetry world."

Yi-Fen Chou is the actual name of a woman who attended high school with Michael Derrick Hudson, the Fort Wayne Sentinel first discovered. The woman’s family has come forward requesting that Hudson never use her name again again. The Chicago woman now goes by her married name.


>> No.16053587

that would be 2 of 10,000 possible things, yeah.

>> No.16053839
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Is literally just adding "I am transgender," to the bio section of the query letter enough to get an agent? How will they ever tell? I can just wear a cheap wig to meet the publishers.