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16036218 No.16036218 [Reply] [Original]

>Hey sir please sit down. I've heard you don't like how things work in here. Why don't you tell me what's bothering you so we can have a rational discussion about it?

>> No.16036236

We need to go back to God sir

>> No.16036247

Women don't want sucky my pp

>> No.16036252

One of the things that bothers me is dogmatism. Why are people so incredibly insistent on their beliefs that they sometimes act as if me denying to have the same beliefs is akin to me fucking murdering them? Like, bitch if I actually wanted to get you killed for your dumbass beliefs like nihilism I would just whole-heartedly laugh at you. Instead I'm arguing with you because I feel we can help each other. So why so hostile?

>> No.16036295
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More like

>> No.16036311

The only things to do in the modern developed world are hang out with friends and get drunk/high, consume media, go to clubs and bars, and hopefully study some subject that you enjoy and work a job you don't hate until you die.

No, the first world isn't "bad". That doesn't matter. There are no genuine adventures anymore. Traveling the world to see the sights is all well and good but it is not a replacement for genuine adventure. So the next best thing people can do is risk their lives doing stupid shit like tightrope walking between buildings or swimming in shark infested water while making youtube videos about it to get some slight semblance of risk and adventure in a world where technology has so effectively sterilized the environment that genuine risk and adventure doesn't exist anymore.

And if you're born in a third world country, then your life really sucks, and you STILL don't get to go on cool adventures.

Human's have effectively inacted millions of years of environmental change without the corresponding naturally selected adaption that is supposed to have come along with it. Our psychology is literally exactly the same as it was 150,000 years ago when we were jumping around in the jungle. Its not meant to live in this environment.

>> No.16036312

Fucking kek

>> No.16036566

You have created the most advanced slave farm of all time, and all technology and entertainment is just there to maintain it and keep the slaves in the slave society. You are able to manipulate the fashion system to have billions value whatever you want, while faking disasters to make the origins of the value seem aleatory. You have created an enormous drive to liberation which is nothing but its opposite (the "liberation" of anything is just its further containment in slave society). All so-called gurus and influencers are controlled by you to further confuse and tangle the populus in the slave society. You enforce random divisions between people so as to not have them revolt against you. People spend 40% of their lives supporting and feeding you, just to get some money (which you take a 50% cut off of) which they use to buy more junk that poisons and traps them in slave society, making them even more stupid, confused, socialized, and, in a word, civilized. The highest values are everywhere scorned as the lowest, even among you, since to support them would mean to act anti-economically. Oh yes, the economy! That system of enforced lack, structural penury, which keeps the whole system of plebeian bartering going on, which you hire fake heads to support, creating stupid theories to justify disadvantageous decisions to the people (I believe you have masked them as economists?), all born out of that socially-valued centre where you put yourself in perminant debt to brainwash yourself with propaganda, while feeding and poisoning people mentally and physically so they wouldn't be able to see it, while setting it down not only as a socially acceptable path, but as the path to wealth and happiness! The slave society values little to nothing more than those two things! Maybe the third would be fame, fitting perfectly in line with the herdification of man. Oh, and "happiness"! Yes, let's talk about that stupid and nebulous goal. It is everyone's dream to be "happy", and I know this is one of the ways you, modernity, "motivate"! A worthless value set up as the highest in a world full of binge eaters, binge watchers, binge druggies, prozac addicts, porn addicts, etc. One day it will be nothing but a world of zombies, of "happy" zombies, drugged, infected with poisons, patches, and pills, connected everywhere, tethered everywhere to the slave society (in fact, they will pay for the privilege, for thousands of slave-bucks) where the spirit has withered down into self-help endurance-increasing Stoic garbage or western yoga buddhism. Oh wait, we already live in this world! Hats off to you, modernity!
All this wouldn't be so bad if the masters of the slave farm were competent, but they have fallen for their own system! They are themselves only seeking money and happiness. The lies have made them themselves sloppy and stupid. The poisons have drugged them too. The only hope I can see for you, modernity, is if a truly competent set of people took charge

>> No.16036657
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God should come back to us.

>> No.16036668

>Our psychology is literally exactly the same as it was 150,000 years ago when we were jumping around in the jungle
Prove it

>> No.16036704

More often than not, accusations of nihilism only amount to "these people don't value the same things that I do." Real nihilists are incredibly rare.

>> No.16036711

There has been no change in our DNA since then

>> No.16036713

good pasta

>> No.16036718

>real nihilists
Meh. The amount of self-declared nihilists in my circle of acquaintances is staggering. Not that they don't actually believe in anything, they're often just scared of admitting their beliefs because they can't prove them to be objectively real by modern standards.

>> No.16036754
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>akin to me fucking murdering them
most people are pure, unadulterated ego these days. they have no sense of the nature of self, no sense of perspective, no respect for other peoples beliefs. this is the end result of a culture where everyone is told they are special and important. note that they don't have to earn their importance or respect, they just fucking expect it. so when you threaten their ego by telling them their ideology is dogshit, you are, at least from their perspective, attempting to murder them, because they are nothing except their ego. they have nothing else, they are nothing else. this is the final form of identity politics. it is a literal identification with your political beliefs.

>> No.16036784

Read Freud. A life of “adventure” was mundane, anxiety-ridden and down right boring. Just lookat monkeys, man. Thry dont do anything. Civilization is the single most entertaining thing there is. Politics, religion, art, war, work, you name it, the whole of our history is making stuff up to pass the time than in the past we would’ve soent eating or looking for food.

>> No.16036801

Modern society is not the pinnacle and neither was the cave.
The ancient world, where wars were fought with swords and men entered caves to find treasure, was the pinnacle of the human experience.
Now we wait until some computer evolves into a super intelligence and kills everyone to turn them into paperclips. That's literally all there is now.
Modern society is not even close to the best society to live in. Modern comforts and medicine are not worth the loss of the overall experience. Fighting another man to the death with a sword is a greater experience than literally anything you can get in the modern first world.

>> No.16036832

I've been thinking about why I dislike a person on the Right (they're obscure, their identity doesn't matter) and I've come to realize how shockingly similar the attitudes of Evangelical Christians and LBBTTBGQQQ-=!BBQ folx of faggotry are at every level, right down to their fucking rhetoric. The very manner in which they communicate is identical. It's maddening.

It's a sort of humilitiless assertiveness, wherein stating their beliefs is some part of them. It's not just that they hold these beliefs, or think they should be lived by or put into practice or whatever, but rather that stating the belief IS part of their being. Like, they're not living if they're not telling you how things are. The fact that "how things are" is usually totally divorced from reality and little more than an opinion and a bundle of emotions that that opinion makes them feel is totally irrelevant to them.

>> No.16036837

Our DNA is not the whole of our psychology

>they're often just scared of admitting their beliefs because they can't prove them to be objectively real by modern standards
Do you actually know this or are you just speculating?

>> No.16036862

>anon wants a "life of adventure"
>it's just retarded high fantasy bullshit

>> No.16036865

It's the incredibly disingenuous brownie-points-gathering which maddens me. Religious people that say stuff like "Jesus is Lord" as if that's unadulterated unobjectionable FACT are just as bad as those atheist types that mock the notion of anything being more than le random chemicals as pure COPE. As if them stating and holding that belief wasn't pure COPE of the same or worse caliber.

>> No.16036877

Start a business
Become a vagabond
Become a deep sea diver
Start a cult
Become a mad scientist
Become a hermit poet
Take a walk

>> No.16036891

I know this. Some of them for example believe in the concept of higher power but will only admit it when pressed, and when in company of someone less inclined to such beliefs they will phrase it in a way that makes it more palatable to a general possibly-antithetical audience.

>> No.16036896

I think it's because, under Modernity, we're all sort of forced together into one big room. Because of this, we can only ever have any sort of identity or being by communicating our ideas. But we're all shouting, unable to ever actually separate, so if anyone stops you from trying to shout out your dribble, they're effectively eradicating your identity and being. When Lefties say "silence is violence", they aren't all that wrong, as their entire identity is wrapped up in nothing more than a verbal bundle of garbage that they vomit out. If you tell a tr*nnoid that you don't give a shit, you're preventing them from regurgitating that bundle, and therefore denying their existence.

The only solution is mass balkanization.

>> No.16036910

So I have an ultimatum: Bill Gates and the Illuminati got a herd of nigger cattle. WOOOO WE GOTT A HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE WE GOT A HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE. They got a big herd of nigger cattle yippie ki yay we're nigger cattle herders we got a herd of nigger cattle, they are the most docile fucking nigger cattle we got 'em so docile we got this awesome big fucking herd of nigger cattle and they shit and they sit there and they watch TV and they shit ITS THE BEST FUCKING HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE. We took away all their guns now they just shit and we watch them and were rich. We are so fucking rich. We have so much fucking money. We got this herd of nigger cattle WOOOOO. We're milking the fucking nigger cattle it's the best thing ever. So that's what the Illuminati got and I got a space alien. So here is my ultimatum: you can live in hell with my nigger cattle OR you can put me in charge of the space alien temple, the third temple. OK? Have fun with your nigger cause I sure as hell ain't gonna fucking suck your jew nigger cock. Fuck yourself you think i'm gonna fucking enjoy nigger cattle after I had a fucking space alien are you fucking crazy? I got a fucking space alien of course I'm not gonna fuck, fuck with nigger cattle fuck yourself. You fucking think i... enjoy your FUCKING NIGGER CATTLE YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE GO GO GO GO YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE. You got a fucking herd of nigger WOOOO we got 'em so docile they just shit all day aint that so great?

>> No.16036911

Gay people and minorities make me angry >:((((

>> No.16036931
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There are only two types of (anthropocentric) philosophy:

>Human as fallen angel, AKA slave morality
faggots, trannies, queers, etc.
>Human as rising beast, AKA master morality

Christianity and faggotry is a false dichotomy.

>> No.16036934


>> No.16036938
File: 44 KB, 626x227, corny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your elites have the corniest motives and dreams, sir. Just look at this shit.

>> No.16036942

Stop crying you fucking faggot and respond to me >>16036842

>> No.16036951

>this passes as elite
Sometimes I wonder whether the old saying is true, that a population has the rulers it deserves

>> No.16036982

Serious question, why press your friends on their beliefs? Personally, that's not something that I'm interested to know most of the time, but it sounds like it's something that you do quite often

>> No.16037015

1. Not close friends, I know the beliefs of my friends and we discuss them regularly
2. It generally makes for interesting conversation to talk about how people see the world
3. I only press them when I feel they left something out

Also it's not like I only talk "high-brow" stuff. Infact I'm just as likely to talk movies or music or current year politics.

>> No.16037058

Lol what, that isn't me. Relax, fucking spaz

>> No.16037069

Not him, but
>start a business
and get curb stomped by monopolies
>become a vagabond
>deep sea diver
too reliant on equipment, assistance and logistics and thus, on your finances
>start a cult
>become a mad scientist
no great breakthroughs to be discovered, only gradual shit. you could probably engineer something crazy ai related though
>become a hermit poet
not adventurous, but good
>take a walk
also good, you could always meet some unexpected stuff, especially when you are curious

>> No.16037096

This is true, as Kierkegaard there are only two possiblities, either this or either that, this universe is based on the principle of one thing being the negation of the other and vice versa, therefore it is correct that there are only two types/paths. I find no good counter-argument against it

I agree with the right side, however I also agree that man is born inherently corrupted because we have a concsiousness and it is the goal of society to stray him towards the correct path, because we differentiate from animals from the fact we can make choices and decisions therefore we can see what we can do as what we could do, so neither society and earth are bad, they are only bad when they are used as a means to a corrupted end

>> No.16037103

You can detest them without anger or hate

>> No.16037105

>I also agree that man is born inherently corrupted because we have a concsiousness and it is the goal of society to stray him towards the correct path
This is already said in the picture that I posted, right on the top of the right side. Read again.

>> No.16037112

So... the only path is eugenics.

>> No.16037119

me too but don't worry, we're working on it

>> No.16037122

Selection will happen anyway, either find sense quick enough and implement artificial selection (eugenics), or the society will collapse nad nature will kill off everyone who is too weak or stupid to hunt food for himself and family (natural selection).

>> No.16037137

Why wouldn't someone who believes in the rhs, especially the eugenics column, not just become an ancap?

>> No.16037140

>>Human as rising beast, AKA master morality

>> No.16037148

Do you ever wondered why illnesses like down syndrome were never as prevelant in the past or didn't exist at all? Every single civilisation practiced a form of eugenics for its population, it makes no sense to make one suffer just so you feel better about yourself, it is the most selfish thing one can possibly do, and a person like that does not belong in a society, but in the wild to get eaten by wild beasts

>> No.16037208

I suggest that you read the Talmud. Judaism is not as Jews present it to gentiles.
There is a reason that Jews, despite being only 3% of American population, make up almost 50% of billionaires.

Organised society is obviously plain superior to anarchy. If you had a anarchic environment, and in it there would arise an organized "gang" of sorts, it would quickly dominate everyone else. This is also why Jews dominate in Western society, because Jews are organised and Westerners are individualistic and plagued by D&C. It is also why a fascist-esque system is the only correct one, at least for the time being - after eugenics do their jobs, people might become intelligent enough to recognize that cooperation is beneficial, and also become immunine to demoralization from subversive gangs like Jews.

>> No.16037249

Yes, I agree selection will happen, but the more important factor is to what end you are selecting. In progressivism, this end is for the creation of even more and more crippled reverse cripples, "good" men, and greater feminization. Eugenics (at least in the way it is outlined in the picture) is for the creation and progression towards a stronger, fuller man (which is to say, the complete opposite).

>> No.16037262

Nothing is funnier than the impotent 4chan fag implying they will have any sort of effect at all on culture or society. You lost the culture war already. What's the first step in your master plan, posting infographics on /pol/?

>> No.16037264

Are present billionaires not stronger, fuller men? Why or why not?

Isn't leaving everything up to "market forces" generally eugenics? If the progression is not the direction you desire, can you explain why? Are the people at the top of the class strata in the present society not the strongest?

>> No.16037301

Not him, I don't care about /pol/ or 4chan and don't even go or post on /pol/, yet I still only read as a means to an end

>> No.16037304

>In progressivism, this end is for the creation of even more and more crippled reverse cripples, "good" men, and greater feminization.
>Eugenics is the complete opposite
Progressivism will lead to collapse of the society because nobody seems to comprehend that to maintain the status quo requires many skillful, intelligent and strong men. All of the sysadmins, plumbers, electricians, engineers, etc. are mostly invisible to the blinded-by-ego normalfags, however without them the system will collapse and it will be extremely ugly, like drowning in a sewage flood kinda ugly, in a very literal sense. Nobody seems to care about toxic masculinity when the shit pipe blows and there is liquid shit flowing everywhere, and the only person who can fix it is some "toxically-masculine" man.
Expect a fallout-like scenario where the only way to survive is to collect bottlecaps and not get sniped while doing it.

>You lost the culture war already.
I have a question: who is the current president of United States of America? Thanks for your attention.

Neither Jeff Bezos nor a soi-boi bugman will fix your shit pipe when it breaks and floods your house with shit. And those two types of people are the only ones that progressivism seems to create.

>> No.16037310

You ever seen what most billionaires look like?

>> No.16037322

Fixing a busted pipe is not difficult dude

>> No.16037345

>America is the entire western world
Trump only won because leftists won the culture war. They thought it was impossible for trump to win, so voter turnout was incredibly low. And hilldog still won by 2 million votes.

>> No.16037347
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>I suggest that you read the Talmud. Judaism is not as Jews present it to gentiles.
>There is a reason that Jews, despite being only 3% of American population, make up almost 50% of

What books of the Talmud have you read

Not just isolated passages but what actual chapters with a context in the narrative

Im willing to guess fucking ZERO

Btw social darwinists don't understand darwin. Natural selection works at a sub-individual level, at the level of genes using a human body as a means to an end to replicate themselves, and it barely works at a family level, and will never work at a collective level, no matter how much eugenics you come up with. (and races are objectively not that different, they dont have 'different needs', this is garbage pretending to be science)

You won't read the Talmud (it is a rather boring book) but at least read some Dawkins about how evolution works. But oh wait, he is globohomo isn't he? Or maybe he works for the jews? Shame, he is only the worlds' best authority on Darwins, you'd think someone whos ideology is Darwinist would care.

>> No.16037351

The current economic and cultural zeitgeist works on the assumption of infinite progression, something that is intrinsically and ontologically impossible

Not to mention today's billionares literally role play as other great men because they know they are not, like Zuckerberg who literally openly larps as Augustus, hair and everything

>> No.16037365


>> No.16037385

>no great breakthroughs to be discovered
midwit cope, just because you and I aren't making any great breakthroughs doesn't mean they're not happening
t. Grad Student working on gradual shit

>> No.16037388
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Shouldn't be, which says a lot about our wonderful society.

Copious cope.

>Natural selection works at a sub-individual level, at the level of genes using a human body as a means to an end to replicate themselves
I 100% agree with gene-centered view of evolution.
>it barely works at a family level
What is kin selection?
>races are objectively not that different
You've got to have your eyes checked. I would have posted a picture comparing a nigger's skull to whitoid's skull, but have already chosed a picture for this post. You can google that one.
>You won't read the Talmud (it is a rather boring book)
Talmud is literally the most accurate description of reality for its time, and it is a major reason for Jews' success.
>read some Dawkins about how evolution works. But oh wait, he is globohomo isn't he?
Ridiculous strawman. Nothing I said contradicts Dawkins, in fact he is a major influence on my understanding of selection, especially with the "selfish gene" idea.

>> No.16037433

so which books of the Talmud have you read?

>> No.16037441

How often do you touch yourself?

>> No.16037473

>tells people to 'read the talmud to find the truth'

>hasn't read any of the talmud, apart from maybe a few memes

Fucking typical

Overdose and die faggot

>> No.16037484

>Are the people at the top of the class strata in the present society not the strongest?
I really don't hope you believe this, because you would reveal yourself as an idiot instantly if you did.
First of all, people at the top of the class strata aren't even the best ones at MAKING money, due to nepotism. All you need to be on top of the class strata is a rich dad.
Second, due to democratization, taste is the worst it has even been. This means having a product sell well doesn't even show that you are good at creating, it just shows you are good at satisfying the masses. In fact, it is even a mark of inability and weakness, since your end is no longer the creation of a timeless masterpiece, your end is money. There will actually be built in obsolescence to products. They want their products to be timely, if not instantly, degradable. Imagine if Tolstoy came back to life to read the bestselling paperbacks made by author millionaries that you think are the "strongest in society". I wonder if he would despise you or the author more? I wonder if Bougereau came back to life to see the modern art in conntemporary galleries made by billionaires that you believe to be the "strongest in society". He would probably beg to be put back down, since not only have these products taken over completely the field he has worked in, but millions believe it superior, and believe the artists geniuses! A true artist wouldn't be able to SURVIVE around such a disgusting group of people!
Third, aiming to be at the top of the "class strata", that is, shaping yourself, moulding yourself according to your environment, instead of shaping and moulding your environment according to your own criteria, already demonstrates a weakness. It is reactive. So, as a goal, it does not create a stronger group of men, but a weaker, more submissive group of men, a more feminized, liberal, pussified group of men, that is to say, the opposite of the overman, a man who has the opposite instincts of an overman, a dependant man, a civilized man. To aim for money as an end! To aim for status and fame as an end! This is just as disgusting as to aim for happiness as an end.
The market forces are eugenics, but cetainly not in the direction in which the picture describes, that is, towards the fuller man, the overman! They are only a move towards herd-animalization, and an infection through the mind (which is equivalent to the christian infection through the soul) under the sign of materialist parousia!

>> No.16037508

I fully agree!

>> No.16037515

lmao nigga here tryna reason wid da racists

>> No.16037517

Perfectly said.
Happy to hear that.

>> No.16037532

Try write a letter to Dawkins telling him how his selfish gene work influenced your ideology. You'll get brutally btfo.

>> No.16037536

>modern art in conntemporary galleries made by billionaires
There are no billionaire artists

>> No.16037564

Oh, yes, I overexaggerated there. I thought Damien Hirst was a billionaire. Multi-millionaire artists, then. My point remains unaffected either way.

>> No.16037607


>> No.16037654

Yes, thank you for your time. I’m as just wondering if you would be so kind as to tell me whether or not “race” is real. It’s just that I hear the people riding on the toaster-coaster telling some people that race exists and others that it doesn’t! It is really confusing to someone like me and I just wanted to see if you could clear this up for me.

>> No.16037675

>people’s ideas cannot be improved upon or developed

>> No.16037729

very cool

>> No.16037739

the funny thing about antisemitism is that the people who are the most jewish are actually typically the least involved in degeneracy. the most fundamentally jewish people, who take the most hardline positions and read those books the most closely, tend to be insular to the point where they barely even interact with the outside world at all. in israel for example there's a whole population of ultra-orthadox jews who don't get jobs and don't serve in the IDF and just generally opt the fuck out of society and have like 14 kids each and it's actually kind of a problem for the rest of the country. the beliefs of these people (and similar groups in america) are not even remotely progressive and are more conservative than /pol/ itself on many points. they have no hand whatsoever in the western culture wars currently raging, and yet when you look at the jews who do, almost universally they're jewish in name only, their connection with the jewish religion is nominal at best and the vast majority of them identify as literal atheists or "culturally jewish"
>inb4 muh uss liberty
in terms of cultural damage tiktok alone is probably worth a thousand uss liberties. soldiers are dumb animals and ships are replaceable, but culture is irreplaceable and israel has always had negligible influence on it. that is actually the easiest way to spot a CIA nigger - if they hate israel, it's because they don't want you to blame leftism instead (which, incidentally, also hates israel, because they basically live in an apartheid state)

>> No.16037747
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I don't believe it, but I have a hard time justifying to myself why I don't believe it a lot of the time.
Obviously at the lowest level it's just "Be confident in what you value, and if the current hierarchy doesn't value the same, it is time to construct a new one."
But sometimes it feels like cope, I don't know how to describe it any better.
Anyway, thanks for the response, it gave me some energy.

>> No.16037774

>the funny thing about antisemitism is that the people who are the most jewish are actually typically the least involved in degeneracy
Read Evola. The problem with Jews is not that they are a race, it's that they are a NON-RACE. They are an ethnicity of vastly different groups of people who converted to judaism during the centuries and have no real genealogical connection.

Since the only thing that connects them is their Law, once they abandon Judaism for atheism they become a blackhole of cosmopolitanism and subversion.

There's nothing wrong with orthodox Jews, just like there's nothing wrong with conservative Amerisharts. The problem is that mutts and mongrels will never be able to be genuinely traditional, since they have no roots.

>> No.16037848

What is it with you people and tradition? You very likely have no traditions.

>> No.16037861

>>>16037532 (You)
>>people’s ideas cannot be improved upon or developed
Only if you understood them in the first place you deluded fuck

>> No.16037944

Nobody has a tradition anymore. That's the entire point.

>> No.16038001

And why should I be convinced by Evola's ideas?

>> No.16038017

I don't know, maybe because you have to read actual antisemites in order to know what antisemites believe, fucking faggot.

>> No.16038031

>Relying on socratic dialogue to rationalize.
>Not accepting inherent irrationality and subjectivity of existence.

>> No.16038062
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>slave society
ah yes, I too wish for a return to serfdom or the lower castes of India that contained the bulk of the population. I too wish to return to a state of destitution where every waking moment was stressing out about my next meal. To be clear, many of the issues you brought up such as the pharmaceutical industry, the tech industry etc should definitely be heavily scrutinized, but come on man, you're being a bit dramatic

>> No.16038100

>well howdy joe! what's up?
>oh nothing much, hey, whaddya say we go looking for treasure in some caves or something?
>sounds good to me man, I just got this treasure map from a strange man wearing mystical robes!

>> No.16038130
File: 79 KB, 750x159, 3605BFC1-1EB8-417D-BC23-0C45CD3D30E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I’m the same guy
>implying I’ve read Douchekin

>> No.16038189

>doing stupid shit like tightrope walking between buildings or swimming in shark infested water

Sounds like someone needs to confront boredom; pointless adrenaline-seeking is just a cry for help.

I feel like you're on the right track.

The whole point is to reject the modernist mindset and create your own vision, not to analyze the merits of individual suggestions.

>Are present billionaires not stronger, fuller men? Why or why not?

They're mostly businessmen. They aren't doing anything that noteworthy that will be remembered.

There's a point once costs have been driven to the bottom at the expense of quality that consumers will reject those products and the market will shift back; the only people who will continue to buy them will be the outright poor.

>instead of shaping and moulding your environment according to your own criteria, [...] It is reactive.

I've actually been thinking about this recently and how someone is a revolutionary by asserting their own will against the masses, instead of reacting and being molded by it like you say.

>> No.16038440
File: 40 KB, 720x450, ayatollah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we must go back

>> No.16038490
File: 4 KB, 179x170, Pepe laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men entered caves to find treasure
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.16039130

literally me

>> No.16039139

>he thinks being selfish is always evolutionary beneficial in the struggle for existence
Top kek

>> No.16039456

I only dislike atheist Jews and the “jewishnesss” that Weininger talked about. Orthodox jews are obnoxious assholes but they at least don’t interfere with gentile society.

>> No.16039794

i laughed at this so hard i physically hurt myself and i'm not entirely sure why

>> No.16039809

Remember that society revolves around people like this feeling slightly more comfortable

>> No.16039844

this is your mind on fantasy literature

>> No.16039930
File: 236 KB, 500x421, jack hammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and men entered caves to find treasure
Kantbot, is that you?

>> No.16040023

Honestly, I really just want to kill someone with my bare hands some day, so I'm hoping to make dueling legal in the future.

>> No.16040076
File: 7 KB, 179x281, 1592007810828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>present good because past bad
>don't be dramatic
t. slave