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File: 26 KB, 274x300, Nietzsche-274x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16030843 No.16030843 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16030862

>contradicts himself on every page

>> No.16031827

yes. but he didn't see everything.

>> No.16031864

>didn't hate the jews
>thinks aristocracies are better than liberal democratic societies

I like Nietzsche, but he's not always right

>> No.16031876

Ure a simp progressive neo nazi?

>> No.16031890

being mysogynistic is cringe
thinking aristocracies are better than liberal democratic societies is based

>> No.16032461

>doesn't get nuance

>> No.16032911

Another fool filtered by the paraconsistent Heraclitean logic of Nietzsche

>> No.16032957

I just finished Beyond good an Evil..my first Nietzsche- I really enjoyed how much of a smart ass he was, wasn't expecting it. His conclusions were jarring, but hard to argue against. Do any of you Nietzsche nay sayers have any suggestion that give a good contrary argument to beyond good and evil?

>> No.16032965

He would literally call you a retard for making such a statement. He wants you to destroy his philosophy like he did with the ancients and moderns.

>> No.16033069

>thinks aristocracies are better than liberal democratic societies
Almost but not exactly. He thought liberal democratic society was better in the sense that it makes the aristocracy, which is a certain genetic stock, untouchable. The problem he saw with the past political model of having the aristocracy lord directly over the plebs was that it created deep resentment in plebs for making the division transparent to them. His future philosophers were going to need to be harsher because they were going to have to discover themselves in a liberal democratic society, which was built for their own benefit, but which came with many more blockades.

>> No.16033080

he was wrong about Carlyle

>> No.16033082

contradiction is the path to completion

>> No.16033102

It's not contradiction. He was overcoming himself over time.

>> No.16033148
File: 217 KB, 1400x2129, 71ztNjrAcjL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Societies need a mighty and worthy Patriciate to maintain their culture. Founded in and guided by both their Higher values and Kinship they present society with higher culture and ideals to prevent the lower ones from descending into materialistic Chaos and spiritual decadence.

The patriciate has been ENTIRELY dismantled in the modern age hence 90% of everybody being a directionless consoomer degenerate that lets simple fads and economic/material fetishisms take and run with the entire fucking culture almost yearly and completely unchallenged.

Yes, there is definitely a Good and Evil in terms of Human Purpose. Nietzsches limit was materialism. He acknowledged the Metaphysical but claimed since it was beyond the physical it somehow didn't matter or wasn't worthwhile to study or apprehend.

Behold, Evola, Hermetic Philosopher Magician.

Stop for a moment and contemplate that beyond the animal nature of Mankind that we do infact hold a higher purpose, one beyond the world of matter.

You just learned why the modern human is disgusting and failed, Now learn where true greatness comes from, it comes from a world beyond time, the world of Tradition, the trusted methods for humans to accumulate themselves into higher stages of being.

If we will agree that embedded in Nature there is the urge for all things, and particularly Man, to ascend towards perfection and eternity (Will to Power), we can THEN agree that our Ultimate goal is in a state of being, not a state of becoming. Becoming is a time bound process by which lower things on the will to power scale attempt to ascend. BEING, and true being, exists beyond time, as the Metaphysical causes are truly the Metaphysical causes, theres no cheating, the thing is in and of itself one with "God". Evola goes leaps and bounds beyond Nietzsche because he was able to work with and describe the patterns and sciences in the metaphysical, Nietzsche was just like "yo this idea is fake and gay cause it's not real" which is useful I guess but doesn't present Humans with any transcendental quality for which we and all things possess in varying amounts. Transcendental meaning qualities that transcend the physical.

Nietzsche was trying to help humanity overcome it's self-bullshitting so we could reach a higher state. Evola does the same but he says with humans great potential to comprehend of things beyond the physical be it truth, law, spirit or purpose, we are inevitably and ought to be working with things beyond the physical. The world of matter is too small for the human.

Long story short, watch these:
Ignore the gay intro-outro music if need be
And read pic related

We know of things and the world and the world itself works by means of the distinctions of various things. Distinct classes (and types in general) are better suited for structuring, success, and ultimately fulfillment.

>> No.16033180

>refutes himself
>continues to refute himself
>gains Truth by battling his own mind
>goes mad

>> No.16033203

>Distinct classes (and types in general) are better suited for structuring, success, and ultimately fulfillment.
Yes, but they need to be hidden. As Nietzsche analyzed history, he realized how the plebs had time and again overthrown aristocracies because they were too transparent, and from that, the plebs always robbed, destroyed, and raped, diluting the bloodlines in the process.

>> No.16033250

>Yes, there is definitely a Good and Evil in terms of Human Purpose. Nietzsches limit was materialism. He acknowledged the Metaphysical but claimed since it was beyond the physical it somehow didn't matter or wasn't worthwhile to study or apprehend.
>Behold, Evola, Hermetic Philosopher Magician.
>Stop for a moment and contemplate that beyond the animal nature of Mankind that we do infact hold a higher purpose, one beyond the world of matter.
>You just learned why the modern human is disgusting and failed, Now learn where true greatness comes from, it comes from a world beyond time, the world of Tradition, the trusted methods for humans to accumulate themselves into higher stages of being.
>If we will agree that embedded in Nature there is the urge for all things, and particularly Man, to ascend towards perfection and eternity (Will to Power), we can THEN agree that our Ultimate goal is in a state of being, not a state of becoming. Becoming is a time bound process by which lower things on the will to power scale attempt to ascend. BEING, and true being, exists beyond time, as the Metaphysical causes are truly the Metaphysical causes, theres no cheating, the thing is in and of itself one with "God". Evola goes leaps and bounds beyond Nietzsche because he was able to work with and describe the patterns and sciences in the metaphysical, Nietzsche was just like "yo this idea is fake and gay cause it's not real" which is useful I guess but doesn't present Humans with any transcendental quality for which we and all things possess in varying amounts. Transcendental meaning qualities that transcend the physical.
>Nietzsche was trying to help humanity overcome it's self-bullshitting so we could reach a higher state. Evola does the same but he says with humans great potential to comprehend of things beyond the physical be it truth, law, spirit or purpose, we are inevitably and ought to be working with things beyond the physical. The world of matter is too small for the human.
>Long story short, watch these:
>Ignore the gay intro-outro music if need be
>And read pic related
Nice....I'll check it out. Thanks!

>> No.16033331

Seriously how do you argue with a cringy 14 year old that contradicts himself and doesn't offer any arguments? This is the intellectual worth of nietzsche. You have to take caring about truth and intellectual honesty as a given for any discussion to be fruitful, nietzsche actively rejects both. To someone like that, theres only violence left, which is the victory that was achieved when the allies btfo the nietzschean germs using strategy based on facts and logic.

>> No.16033333

Yes, he was

>> No.16033354

You're not hiding classes or distinctions of any type. And if you've forgot we already have a classless society and lo and behold the lowest peoples and now middle peoples are chaotic fucks who hate in every direction.

Oh well, the Dog shits the carpet. What are you gonna annex a fake pavilion on the side of your house with grass flooring to try to trick the dog that he's still in the house?

Would disguising the alpha wolf as the weakling wolf do anything to make the weakling wolf function better or less likely to act out of place? or would that simply fuck up the cohesion of the entire pack?

Plebs like to revolt and be evil dicks, the damage of such an event is controlled by two things

1) first and foremost the Strength of the authority to handle it and maintain order

2) second, how much people of all classes trust or hate the authority

If you have a strong monarch who's working 24/7 to protect and nurture what's his you'll have no problems.

>> No.16033373

>Chaos and spiritual decadence.
sounds spooky

>> No.16033461

Nietzsche had no purpose, his writing has no consequence, moral, ethical or anything. He did not believe humans were or are or will be on to something, he does not prescribe or script anything and his legacy is an account of states of affairs, not manuals with instructions. Nietzsche is extremely individualistic and against morality/ethics as well as any prescriptive ideas.
Saying "yes there is good and evil" is not a point you can debate against nietzsche, his work is not about there being any good or evil in the first place, and especially not about metaphysics, which he killed for good.
Nietzsche is not about helping humanity and not about overcoming anything, that is why even continental philosophy moved away from metaphysics with post structuralism for example (deleuzian rhizomes can be taken as anti metaphysical) and that is why there are meta-metaphysics movements and ideas, which focus more on philosophy of science. Nothing to do with you throwing the word materialism around and materialism is lazy af. These shifts get continental philosophy away from debating goodness or ethics and get it to discuss epistemology, which is the only remaining grounds on which you can discuss nietzsche and go against some of his ideas. Not what you said about that literal who.

>> No.16033466

Past societies already tried this. They got fucked sideways by the slave class. There is no authority anymore that is strong enough to fight off the ever-growing and now racially mixed slave class. It's a failed strategy.

Democracy needs precautions in order to truly be democracy, which we don't have in place. Namely, policies that combat majoritarianism, that make all voting mandatory, and that allow minorities to secede from society when they want to need to be instated to make it work. Modern society doesn't hide the distinctions well because it's poorly planned. Right now, all kinds of tyrannies form, destroying the concept of democracy from within. But today, it's still better than the past, because those of similar distinctions can still connect and build sustainable subcultures for their lot, without endangering themselves (unless their advocates are retards).

>> No.16033473

What the fuck

>> No.16033632
File: 1.35 MB, 1472x2048, Kali_by_Raja_Ravi_Varma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find me the Slave revolts in ancient Egypt, Greece and China that were strong enough to warp the culture of the civilization itself. Hell even in Rome, with it's massively complex history, slave and serf revolts happened dozens of times and it didn't change shit until the collapse which was brought about by (SHITTY LEADERSHIP) being unable to manage all the chaos.

You are wrong to say "it's tried and failed" when it clearly shows to be successful when executed properly and even half assed hundreds of times.

There is no successful Democracy or True democracy, Democracy is the same thing as Marxism, whatever these foul ideologies are to be called is irrelevant, they undermine hierarchy and use the weight of lesser and nastier folks to inhibit the existence of higher folks.

Stop trying to patch the veil with your own contrived bullshit when Tradition and Religion has already busted it open for all to see.

This is simply the Kali Yuga, the age of weakest consciousness. Just because at this rate nothing can save us doesn't mean that the lessons of the past become irrelevant.

>> No.16033677

>Nietzsche had no manual with instructions
He had the fucking Overman you twat

>Metaphysics, which he killed for good
Whoops, guess we can't study it cause of a guy who refused to study it or acknowledge that the leaders of society have always been not atheistic materialists but infact religious fanatics of all shades with a common esoteric tradition and function which enables them to lead and succeed via higher law, ontological virility, blood, and who knows maybe even placebo.

Also Holy shit word salad with cope dressing

>> No.16033725

>being full of shit is an art style

>> No.16033745

you guys would suck his cock if you could

>> No.16033769

Like the rich don't have it easier than poor

>> No.16033775

>you guys would suck his cock if you could
He's pretty cool, but I don't know if I'd go that far

>> No.16033806

>Unironically believes the overman is a recipe to be followed like any other morality
>Doesn't address how contemporary continental philosophy ditched metaphysics long ago and how its discussion today is blatantly either moral or about self help, which is moral.
You wasted time, anon, you're trying to make an irrelevant point a counter argument to something just so it has value. But don't worry, just quit metaphysics and you're good

>> No.16033841

There was no slave revolt. Great otherwise

>> No.16033857
File: 56 KB, 650x646, 4thbipe41j341 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not replying to any more of your stupid short sighted baiting, kys nigger

>> No.16033871

Unlike Nietzsche right? Fuck off.

>> No.16033872

The one thing Nietzsche does not do is make arguments.
Nietzsche is the great filter in philosophy. Anyone who cannot tell that nothing he says is rational has failed the test. Anyone who cannot at the same time see past that and find the tidbits of value, the few gems worth developing in his ideas, has also failed the test.

>> No.16033875

doubt it

>> No.16033889
File: 118 KB, 500x522, 1594310562529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope more, when you're finished read nietzsche

>> No.16033890

>He had the fucking Overman you twat
What? No, literally not a single person in existence prescribes to it.

>> No.16033927

bro your spookin me

>> No.16033962
File: 1.46 MB, 3032x879, 20200803_012838-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really feeling this opening passage from WtP lately

>> No.16034045

nietzsche doesn't write for everybody. sorry you couldn't hang

>> No.16034084

The whole thing is a banger. You're going to love it. I just finished wtp a few days ago

>> No.16034370
File: 3.04 MB, 2908x2198, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For lack of a better thread, any thoughts?

>> No.16034563

that's pretty solid my dude. don't you think Wagner should be on the list though?

>> No.16034595
File: 138 KB, 300x437, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty based quote. Evola is a great follow up to Nietzsche as he has a superior understanding in areas such as Hindu/Buddhist works, Roman Empire, and the Holy Roman Empire.
Nietzsche lays the philosophical groundwork and Evola lays the political/metaphysical groundwork. That all being said, Nietzsche is a far superior writer to Evola in terms of style and content.

>> No.16034599

based post*

>> No.16034638

I do think so, I've got him in mind as well as a couple of other names. Not sure which of his writings I should include exactly. Might add a section for different mediums in art regarding N's tastes.

>> No.16035464

Judaism and Christianity are slave religions. Are you suggesting that Europe has not been permanently changed by them?

>> No.16035475

ah..I see...So besides your own brilliant conclusion, where would you point someone to see a contrarian view of what he had to offer. Who strikes the stone and proclaims "I disprove it thus!" when it comes to Freddy here? Without devolving into the semantics of argument, who do you read to bolster this opinion?

>> No.16035489

Christianity is the slave religion. Judaism is master religion.

>American Jews today (2018) are about 2–3% of the population and 50% of the billionaires.

>> No.16035513

Judaism is also a slave religion for placing a beyond over life. It necessarily emerged outside ancient noble classes.

>> No.16035534

go home dumb stirner poster. why dont you repeat that one word at anything even remotely abstract.

>> No.16035561

Nietzsche derived much of what he understood as slave morality and history from his studies on Theognis in ancient Megara, who was a poet who lost his home and was exiled during a pleb uprising in the city.

>> No.16035566

You must be over 18 to post on this board

>> No.16035614

christ, this is one of the best guides I've seen posted on /lit/ or any board for that matter. 10/10 to whoever made this.

>> No.16035743

For Wagner, I'd suggest The Artwork of the Future. I believe Nietzsche was directly referencing it in his Five Prefaces on Five Unwritten Books and in Birth of Tragedy.

>> No.16035746

>implying Nietzsche's contradictions were Heraclitean
>implying they had anywhere near as much complexity

>> No.16035765

>implying they weren't
Nietzsche himself refers to himself as having phases in his life. Zarathustra's metamorphoses for the spirit are in line with what Nietzsche himself went through. In reality there are no contradictions, only Nietzsche overcoming himself.

>> No.16035830

>dude greatness

what if i personaly can't/don't have the stamina to archieve greatness? Do i spend the rest of my life tryharding and becoming increasingly frustrated at my own ineptitude? Does everyone need to live this way?

>> No.16035863

Then you should spend your life in the service of greatness.

>> No.16035891

Becoming a slave?

>> No.16035913

Best guide I've seen on /lit/, full respect king

>> No.16035950

Sure. If you can't be great, then your value is in servicing the great.

>> No.16037373

I'm reeling. I wasn't ready anon. You could drop an elephant with redpills this big.

>> No.16037892

No human all too human, 3/10