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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 122 KB, 1000x1464, DF27293C-249C-4FA5-9B12-4C75558A25F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16030155 No.16030155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

892. Whoever hasn't reached a competitive level of ability in a major, serious sport (i.e. stuff like swimming and kickboxing, not golf or ping-pong) hasn't really lived—and never will. He is incapable of even conceiving what it means to be alive. Just consider that the videogame aspies feel like gods when they perform a highly demanding feat in which they are barely moving a finger or two, and then extrapolate from that what it would feel like to have to move every single muscle of your body in perfect unison, under the risk of serious injury or even death no less, if something goes wrong—not merely losing the "high score". "Better than sex" doesn't even begin to cover it—and that's why sex barely even figures in my top ten of favorite things to do. And that's why for the subhumans sex is the best thing of all, and after that drugs and rock and roll; or eating, drinking, or smoking and so on—some type of quick and easy chemical or hallucinogenic stimulation that their brains need on a daily basis merely so as to feel alive, because as I have just explained they really aren't. They sit in their little cubicles day and night, and flood their brains with these chemical substances, or submerge them in fake visual and aural worlds, until at last they become "addicted" to them—as of course they would, since what else do they have to do all day long? And that's when the struggle begins, the never-ending struggle against "addiction": addiction to sex, to drugs, to rock and roll; or to eating or drinking or smoking, and so on—whereas a man who is engaged on a daily basis on a hardcore fucking sport simply does not have the luxury to get addicted to anything beyond his goal. When you have to get up in the morning and swim two or three miles you can't afford to neglect your diet and rest and mental balance and so on. If you don't sleep a full night's sleep the night before you will drown. If you don't eat a full balanced meal you'll get sick. It's called "failing adaption", and a few days of that in a row will reduce a colossus of a man to a wreck who needs to spend all day huddled under a blanket drinking camomile tea and avoiding thinking loud thoughts.

>> No.16030191
File: 181 KB, 1200x675, F44314CE-E74B-4EC5-B03C-0B869F786BA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start swimming three miles a day and all your "addictions" will instantly vanish—or you will die. Meanwhile, the subhumans keep fighting their "addictions" without realizing how assbackwards this approach is. For if I were condemned to a chair all day long, I too would spend all day eating and drinking and smoking and jerking off; I wouldn't be "addicted" to anything, I'd just be bored! To take away my "addictions" from me at that point would not be helping me, it'd be cruel! But when the lifeform is expanding in perfect proportion in all directions—as the Overman of course always does—there is no such thing as "addiction"; or rather, there is "addiction" to everything in every direction and at all times; but these "addictions" self-regulate and keep each other in check precisely because the lifeform is expanding in a balanced manner in all directions, and hence imbalances ("addictions") have no chance of forming by definition, without him having to bother with the concept at all. Nietzsche: "To have to combat your instincts—that is the formula for decadence." What kind of life is that, when you spend half your time neurotically swatting away at your own urges as if you hate yourself?
It's the subhuman life, it is precisely the definition of decadence, a decadence to which they are condemned—as I will never tire of repeating—because they aren't human.

>> No.16030216
File: 76 KB, 498x400, 2CADF5B8-3D57-47E9-B06A-3989FDE92000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable” — Socrates

>> No.16030357
File: 464 KB, 750x950, Gelbooru mizuumi (bb).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"A sound mind is in a sound body."

>> No.16030487

What is this from?

>> No.16030491

found it, my bad

>> No.16030514

he's not exactly wrong. ootw is ridiculous in general but his reading of Nietzsche is not really that off

>> No.16030533

the permavirgin that had to be cared by his mom like 2/3 of his life? lol

is this quote real?

>> No.16030647

What is it from?

>> No.16030657

Karate Kid

>> No.16030679

>Whoever hasn't reached a competitive level of ability in a major, serious sport (i.e. stuff like swimming and kickboxing, not golf or ping-pong) hasn't really lived
I competed in several local competitions between our local martial arts clubs, and won few times. Even though it was nowhere near pro level the feeling was great nonetheless. It was nothing like even serious sparring during class.

>> No.16031128

Post body

>> No.16031205


>> No.16031224


>> No.16031238

this from something?

>> No.16031246


>> No.16031249

>Better than sex" doesn't even begin to cover it—and that's why sex barely even figures in my top ten of favorite things to do
kek it shows

>> No.16031253

great literature post you faggot

>> No.16031256

i see. always found him interesting if a little too much "zarathustra's ape" if you get me.
alex is running some pua site now... bad year for that

>> No.16031258

Martial arts lmao

>> No.16031585


>> No.16032197
File: 247 KB, 2042x1141, rise-of-the-planet-of-hte-apes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

893. French voters demonstrating during the last election that they want neither the right nor the left. What do they want then? It's simple. They want to demonstrate. Their flat rejection of all ideologies and political philosophies is merely the consequence of their not undestanding them, reflecting the simple fact that the homo sapiens genome has not evolved to deal with such monstrously complex issues (while it has evolved to walk around and scream like an ape, aka "to demonstrate"). That's also why the gamers who enjoy grand strategy titles are a tiny minority of the population. Someone who enjoys complex strategizing and is good at it is for all intents and purposes an alien to the homo sapiens race. He may as well hail from another planet as far as they are concerned.

>> No.16032214

>the gamers who enjoy grand strategy titles
what is he talking about here?

>> No.16032794
File: 170 KB, 1400x1050, terminator_endoskeleton_1020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

894. Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool because they couldn't figure out how to stop it from discriminating against women. The gods are laughing their asses off on Olympus! From a subhuman perspective, AI has already become more intelligent than them, since it's trying to tell them the simple fact that women are inferior, and they don't understand it. So they shut it down, because they still control the switches. But the day will come when they no longer do so, and it's the AI that will be shutting down them at that point. O dazzling day! O glorious day! Let us all humans work together to speed it up and make it happen.

>> No.16032883

>a major, serious sport (i.e. stuff like swimming and kickboxing, not golf or ping-pong)
of those four, golf is by far the most "major". in china, table tennis is taken very seriously. kickboxing is a tiny minority compare to the other three.

>> No.16032913

how can you be this fucking stupid

>> No.16033045

Xenophon's Apomnemoneumata

>> No.16033458
File: 173 KB, 1721x2162, 7B8E7BF0-1A1B-4BF3-A254-E1BD30FB3271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

895. "Mind over matter" is sheer stupidity and laziness, as if the one was an entirely separate thing from the other and could jump "over" it for fuck's sakes. Rather, it is mind THROUGH matter; i.e. the mind does not magically manifest itself in the world, but—quite aside from the fact that mind is already matter (it's called the brain), it uses matter, it commands it, to get its will done. Reminds me of Schopenhauer denying that knowledge is power because power didn't just jump into his lap while he was sitting in his couch of its own accord due to his sheer intelligence. Not intelligent enough to get OUT of his couch and his home and put his vaunted intelligence to use! Intelligence my ass if you can't even figure that! And then pretend to regale us with how jaded you've become of your intelligence! Well, as it happens, we too have become jaded of your intelligence, buddy.

>> No.16033510

Probably mathematicians

>> No.16033582

I could kill this bitch with ONE strike.

>> No.16033608

Yikes, this gamer manchild actually thinks this serves as a refutation to Schopenhauer?

>> No.16033626

An absolute LARP just like literally everything else this guy wrote.

>> No.16033640

>always found him interesting
you may as well just say, "Yes I'm one of Alex's cultists and I'm spying on /lit/"

>> No.16033688

>is this quote real?
Yeah it's in Xenophon.

>> No.16033699


>> No.16033713

icycalm is a literal bugman that hates art and spirituality. avoid at all costs.

>> No.16033740

Philosofaggots should be kicked out already.

>> No.16033743

I would nut to this bitch in one pump

>> No.16035029
File: 528 KB, 850x1202, Pixiv 23 (real xxiii) 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? Put them up!

>> No.16035218

Icycalm is a literal overman that hates you and your family. avoid at all costs.

>> No.16036082
File: 13 KB, 300x184, A56860A6-EDDA-4F91-8642-89D7A67DD630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

896. "Humans are simply agents of change on earth, our role is to bring about the next epoch in the planet's life. We are engaged in killing off most of the species here, changing the landscape to remove all that was formed or evolved over many eons. By all accounts and evidence we are doing a fucking great job!"

—I am icycalm, and I approve this message.

—And what are we clearing the way for?

—Nanomachines, son.


>> No.16036087

I am a double national-champion in U18 baseball.

>> No.16037035
File: 146 KB, 914x480, Spacetime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

897. If the past still affects the present, in some cases even more than many present things do, in what way is it past?
"The past is never dead", wrote Faulkner. "It's not even past."
We need a new conception of temporality. A philosophical one this time.

>> No.16037053

>Schizo and coomer thread

>> No.16037071

If it were true, I would, but the fact is I just have a soft spot for schizos and pseuds.

>> No.16037115


so close to basic Buddhism and yet still so far away

>> No.16038041
File: 34 KB, 1022x265, orgy898899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16038598
File: 69 KB, 750x445, j6ovuzbmlle70fojyi09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

900. The dirty secret of the Marvel movies is that the Avengers comic was never among the best. Group comics were always inferior to the best solo ones, for the same reason that ensemble movies are inferior: because multiple protagonists hurt identification with a single character, which destroys immersion. But the Marvel movies are structured as if the best ones are the group ones that culminate the plots, because wow look at all the stars in a single movie. In comics the group plots in group comics are mainly a bonus, almost never the main meal. The main meal are the solo comics. Barely any exceptions exist, like Claremont's X-Men run, and the reason that that's good is because it only focuses on barely three characters—essentially a love triangle. All the other characters are extras. In contrast to movie Avengers where there are no protagonists and everyone is an extra, so they end up being fun spectacles, but still the best movies are Spider-Man 1 and 2, Thor 1 etc. That's why people often end up rooting for the villain in these ensemble movies, who is a single guy and therefore easier to identify with, and who is often better written and has more screentime than any hero because... he is alone. That's why Loki steals the show so much in the earlier movies, and I hear Thanos does the same in the later ones.
The main draw of the comic book format is the extreme length of the stories and their continuity. By chaining many movies together, Marvel got the continuity right (which older attempts failed at; just look at the three Punisher movies), but they still failed at the length. So copy-pasting comics tropes wholesale doesn't work because the movies lack the key ingredient that the comics' tropes were built on: the extreme length. WTF I am supposed to care that Quicksilver dies after ten minutes of total screentime in Avengers 2? They would have to do several TV SEASONS of a character before it would have an effect on the audience killing them. I don't know who dies in Endgame, but even Tony Stark dying would have no effect on me since three movies over a fucking DECADE is nowhere near enough to get me invested in the character. It all looks like a Benny Hill skit to me. That's also why many people who first get acquainted with these characters through the movies don't get the appeal. Countless people on Twitter etc. just don't get why people like the movies. We like them not because they are great movies in themselves, but because we go into them with decades worth of familiarity with these characters and storylines. Nevertheless the most sensitive viewers like me are disappointed because movie Tony Stark, though familiar in terms of character traits, is nevertheless an alternate reality version of comic Tony Stark, and hence my faculty of suspension of disbelief treats him like a new, separate character and refuses to bond with him after a mere six hours of screentime, spread over a fucking decade no less.

>> No.16038618
File: 1.69 MB, 5000x3087, hoqzkzmqo3n21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cinema is the wrong format for these stories. TV would work better if they had the budget to make it look not ridiculous, but they don't so the TV shows are even worse than the movies.
The above analysis also explains why the best movies tend to be the first ones. The origin stories are the best because they assume no previous knowledge of the character, while the second movies assume that the character has grown and his relationships have developed but WITHOUT SHOWING this growth and this development, so that it feels we've missed dozens of issues lol. Like Stark's relationship with Pepper Potts. It's never shown because there's no time for it, but in the later movies the characters act as if they have a massive history between them, which of course breaks suspension of disbelief for us and we stop caring about them and their bullshit "relationship", which is the opposite of what happens in the comics where we often don't give a shit about the monster of the week fight and buy the comic pretty much only to see what happens with the relationship. And of course this entire dimension of the comics goes completely over the heads of the Twitter "intelligentsia" that never read the comics and trashes the characters due to the shallow movies.
Then add primadonna actors who do a mere three-four movies and then declare they are "done" with the character because they are "real actors", and suddenly studios are forced to either replace them or kill them or reboot them every five-six hours of screentime, which kills even the continuity that the MCU at least got right. The end result is: read the comics, and only watch the movies to see your favorite superhero characters in flesh and blood, which is a kind of miracle really considering how outlandish these characters are, and which is the true triumph of these movies, for which everyone involved deserves the profits they are making, and more than deserve them.
And, as a bonus, you are also getting a glimpse of what the future Overmen will look like.

>> No.16038623

Timeless stuff.

>> No.16038968

It's a type of RTS games

>> No.16038993

I want to give her an abslingus.

>> No.16039077


>top athletes don’t have addiction problems

Meanwhile in the real world, based Jon Jones is doing lines of coke and fucking hookers the night before a fight, and winning.

>> No.16039357

>douchebag greek scam artist

>> No.16039358

Thank you for proving Icy’s point

>> No.16039426 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 600x600, Gelbooru shu-mai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I See You're a Man of Culture As Well

>> No.16039469
File: 230 KB, 600x600, Gelbooru shu-mai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you're a man of culture as well

>> No.16039659
File: 23 KB, 894x773, wojak big mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me what this is?

>> No.16039686

That's wojak big mouth.

>> No.16039764

Some crazy gamer guy has a website where he spouts aphorisms and rants about stupid shit, something about being the "Next Nietzsche".

>> No.16039905

He's also a sociopath, pua and wanted criminal

>> No.16039986

>Some crazy gamer guy has a website where he spouts aphorisms and rants about stupid shit, something about being the "Next Nietzsche".
Lmao guys you gotta give me the sauce for this.

On another note, how was afternoon tea yesterday?

>> No.16040011

Orgy of the will
Insomnia . Ac
Culture . Vg
Maleprivilege . net

>> No.16040027

>SERIOUS sport

>> No.16040361

Everyone knows that the majorness and seriousness of a sport is determined by how many Chinese people watch it on TV. It has nothing to do with how much agility, strength, reflexes, endurance, or dexterity it requires, or how cool and fun it is. If microdick masturbation was taken very seriously by Chinese people then by golly that is a serious athletic endeavor.


>> No.16042098
File: 116 KB, 1100x825, 5481da53ecad049650390b16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

901. I am sorry, but I can't take the "Chinese threat", or even the "Asian threat" in general seriously. Hollywood romanticization of martial arts aside, have you ever seen any actual Asian people fight? Even in their own movies they seem to spend most of the time flailing their arms around and making girly noises than hitting each other; they seem like children to me, and not particularly masculine children either. At the end of the day, setting culture aside for a moment, basic biology shows it all: you've got a sea of tiny, thin dudes that look like stick figures with barely any hair on their chests or faces (not to mention that many of them grow their nails like women, among other horrific grooming faux pas); how masculine can these people possibly be? History itself tells you, "Not very". The entire Chinese "superpower" itself was conquered and humiliated by tiny neighboring Japan during WW2, and it would still be Japanese if the Japanese had had any notion of strategy and hadn't autistically decided to attack the entire world at the same time (copying Germany no doubt, but doing it badly, as with all their first-generation knock-off efforts. Too bad for them war isn't the same as making Walkmans, and they were never given a second chance.) Besides, if the West ever had to fight China for its survival, you bet your ass the Russians would join us so fast it'd make your head spin, because at that point it'd be a showdown of white vs. yellow, and the whitest nation on the planet is of course Russia. It's also the second biggest military power after the US, so you'd have the first and second strongest nations fighting the third... which is game over for the chinks before the war has even begun. Their Sun Tzu himself would advise them to shut the fuck up and keep bowing, which is what they are currently doing. And that's besides noting that no one else in the world actually likes the Chinese. So it wouldn't be white vs. yellow, it would be everyone vs. the Chinese because the Japanese hate them so much they would of course be on our side, and ditto for every single other Asian nation around them.

>> No.16042112 [DELETED] 

But ultimately, geopolitics aside, the issue I have with Asians runs far deeper. The very fact that in the entirety of Asia the group matters vastly more than the individual, and Western-style individualism never took hold there, let alone arose of its own accord, tells me that there's something wrong with those people; that there's something weak about them. Not so weak as in Africa, were civilization never arose due to low IQ, but weak enough so that, the civilizations that did arise there, never managed to move out of religion, via individual emancipation, and start on the road to endgame philosophy and Overman worship. That's why there are no Asian intellectuals today. There are a couple of Asian-Americans or whatnot who playact intellectualism in the West (Fukuyama with his stupid book, that dumb phycisist popularizer Michio Kaku, etc.), but native-born and -raised Asian intellectuals there are none. The poor dudes simply have no idea what to do with individualism, so they are completely lost in the modern intellectual landscape, which is strictly individualist and therefore also atheist in nature. Atheism meaning, of course, as I've already explained, "I am strong enough to not need anyone", while the Asians still need everyone; they need their frigging group because that's how herd psychology works in the weak, and everyone in Asia is weak.
Look at history with the above in mind. The Japanese trapped in their tiny island until we showed them how to make boats, the Chinese coming close to circumnavigating the globe but giving up at the last moment because lacking in basic masculine drive and wonder and ambition. If they have a couple dozen individuals in their collective history worth looking up to and emulating, it's almost as if by accident, since any given tiny European nation has more. And you want me to fear a nation, or a race, of intellectually dead effeminate men-children? I am sorry, but I can't do that. I reserve my fear for the fearsome, and there's nothing fearsome about Asia in general or China in particular from where I am standing.

>> No.16042117
File: 40 KB, 880x480, NPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But ultimately, geopolitics aside, the issue I have with Asians runs far deeper. The very fact that in the entirety of Asia the group matters vastly more than the individual, and Western-style individualism never took hold there, let alone arose of its own accord, tells me that there's something wrong with those people; that there's something weak about them. Not so weak as in Africa, were civilization never arose due to low IQ, but weak enough so that, the civilizations that did arise there, never managed to move out of religion, via individual emancipation, and start on the road to endgame philosophy and Overman worship. That's why there are no Asian intellectuals today. There are a couple of Asian-Americans or whatnot who playact intellectualism in the West (Fukuyama with his stupid book, that dumb phycisist popularizer Michio Kaku, etc.), but native-born and -raised Asian intellectuals there are none. The poor dudes simply have no idea what to do with individualism, so they are completely lost in the modern intellectual landscape, which is strictly individualist and therefore also atheist in nature. Atheism meaning, of course, as I've already explained, "I am strong enough to not need anyone", while the Asians still need everyone; they need their frigging group because that's how herd psychology works in the weak, and everyone in Asia is weak.
Look at history with the above in mind. The Japanese trapped in their tiny island until we showed them how to make boats, the Chinese coming close to circumnavigating the globe but giving up at the last moment because lacking in basic masculine drive and wonder and ambition. If they have a couple dozen individuals in their collective history worth looking up to and emulating, it's almost as if by accident, since any given tiny European nation has more. And you want me to fear a nation, or a race, of intellectually dead effeminate men-children? I am sorry, but I can't do that. I reserve my fear for the fearsome, and there's nothing fearsome about Asia in general or China in particular from where I am standing. /

>> No.16042125
File: 379 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-East_Asia_(orthographic_projection).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The above was said for the highest Asian cultures, by the way: the Chinese and Japanese and their satellites (Korea, Taiwan, Singapore). Every other Asian culture is a shithole of low IQ monkeys in comparison. If the Chinese look down on the Thais or the Indonesians and so on, they have a right to do so, and I would be agitating for Chinese dominance in the area if I didn't rather we kept those places as playgrounds for wealthy Westerners instead.
I know I have many Asian readers, by the way, and I hate to upset them with the above analysis because East Asians especially make for very good nerds due to their high IQ, and since, among many other things, I am a nerd myself, I very much enjoy interacting with them in certain contexts. So I am sorry for hurting your feelings, dudes, but someone had to say this stuff, and it may as well be me since I am the only one who truly understands it. This is the ultimate analysis of your ethnicities and cultures that I bequeath to you, and what you do with it, beyond this point, is up to you.

>> No.16042293


>> No.16042296

just say icycalm a lot he searches himself it's funny

>> No.16042444
File: 30 KB, 250x375, nietzsche superman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1002. On the unfathomably wide reach and influence of the philosophers. Did you know that the DC Comics character Superman, who essentially launched the entire superhero fiction genre, was inspired by Nietzsche? It's true, look it up. He is basically a crude debasement, a caricature really, of Nietzsche's ideas on the subject (but that's okay because all art is caricature; that's the whole point of it). Would Nietzsche have enjoyed the Marvel movies that derive from the comic Superman, and dominate the art of the cinema today (and will soon dominate videogames too)?

Of course he would enjoy them. I just told you he fucking made them didn't I.

>> No.16042959

Sounds like you're 12 years old and just discovered Joe Rogan bro, that's really cringe

>> No.16043394
File: 33 KB, 600x424, sinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have competed at levels most could only dream of and attained victory. Yet I still chase the the greatest feeling of contentment I have felt in my lifetime; the true love of another.

>> No.16043740
File: 46 KB, 650x650, sexist myuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do 7-day solo tramp through rough terrain in winter
>still a worthless dreg
Explain this.

>> No.16043844


>> No.16043867

what about dancing, OP?

>> No.16043990

>Of course he would enjoy them.
Takes a severe reduction in IQ to believe this.

>> No.16044274
File: 151 KB, 1024x768, icycalm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

547. Baudrillard is my nihilistic counterpart (bemoaning reversibility as rendering all our efforts pointless, instead of glorifying it as an essential and ingenious mechanism of an astonishingly well-designed and world-encompassing game), as Schopenhauer was Nietzsche's (lambasting the will as something reprehensible that's worthy of being "negated", instead of celebrating it as the most spiritual manifestation and justification of existence). And in both cases the healthy philosophy follows closely on the heels of the nihilistic one (indeed, was inspired partly by it) within a margin of a mere couple of decades. I am convinced that this is no coincidence.

>> No.16044293

Kill yourself.