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/lit/ - Literature

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1602799 No.1602799 [Reply] [Original]

Which of these 4chan boards is more intelligent: /lit/ or /sci/?


>> No.1602805

Obviously /sci/. Hands down.

>> No.1602803

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.1602808 [DELETED] 


however lit is blooming with personality

and some small amount of intelligence

disgusting, i know

>> No.1602814


Why don't smart people want to change the world through literature?

>> No.1602815

I think we'll find out by seeing which board is the first to rage at this

>> No.1602818

equally dumb

>> No.1602820


Going to have to say /sci/. I've only been a few times, but aside from natural trolls, shit seems to get done more efficiently there. Both boards are laden with faggoty, but as far as general intelligence, /sci/ wins in my eyes.

>> No.1602844

I am the most intelligent person on 4chan and I frequent /lit/

>> No.1602855
File: 38 KB, 562x437, 1298215233865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lit smart

>> No.1602859 [DELETED] 


>implying you're not intimidated by isabelle huppert

>> No.1602862


>implying you're not intellectually intimidated by isabelle huppert

>> No.1602883 [DELETED] 


>> No.1602893
File: 47 KB, 429x410, cultured troll2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that any board besides /sci/ could even be considered moderately intelligent

>> No.1602897

For some reason this board has a few peopel who are a million times more intelligent than anyone on any other board and I think that tips the scales in /lit/'s favor

>> No.1602904

assuming you live in a country with a keyboard layout where the letters s c and i are next to the letter x and you accidentally hit them all at once by mistake

>> No.1602903


>few peopel who are a million times more intelligent than anyone on any other board

Names plz.

>> No.1602905

The most important thing is that OP got doubles in both of his threads, and correctly predicted their respective post numbers

>> No.1602909


>> No.1602911

>tripfag thinks there intelligent

your an idiot

>> No.1602918


Fuck. Just realised that.


>> No.1602919

I am the best

>> No.1602920

You seem to of misused alot of words in that post, buddy.

>> No.1602925

if /lit/ can't appreciate the value of this meme, then no one can

its not just an insult, but its supposed to make you feel stupider, as in sapping your intellect, as you read it

>> No.1602931

I can tell you the thread on /lit/ got created before the thread on /sci/

>> No.1602943

I want your dick in my mouth

>> No.1602954

/lit/ is full of kids wearing helmets and blowing into pinwheels

I've never been to /sci/, but /lit/ has set the bar extremely low for them

>> No.1603016 [DELETED] 


>> No.1603027


Has anyone got a pic of D&E's beautiful good looks?

>> No.1603043

i dont

but even if i did i wouldnt share them with you, not because i dont like you, but because its a trust thing, i wouldnt want anyone posting pics of other people

let me just tell you that hes more beautiful than anything else in the whole world

>> No.1603046


Shut up D&E, no one wants to see your fat ass anyways.

>> No.1603050

you guys have forgotten who i am already?


>> No.1603052

Sock puppets, sock puppets everywhere.

>> No.1603053

>implying every tripfag isnt hideous as fuck irl and tripfag to compensate for their shitty self-esteem

>> No.1603055


report all these posts. i just did.

>> No.1603056



any celebrity comparisons?

>> No.1603060



he looks like apollo

only more manly

>> No.1603061

Science and math - you are given the parts and told to make the whole.

Literature - you are given the whole and told to make the parts. Then do this 500 times or so, and make the whole from all these different parts.

So the answer: /lit/

>> No.1603065
File: 131 KB, 500x333, laughinggirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what english majors actually think

>> No.1603072

So... Literature is like a cow because you people too ruminate. Way to make progress I guess.

>> No.1603076


Out of this whole entire clusterfuck trollfest of a thread you choose to report those four posts Good job, retard, for helping make /lit/ a better place.

>> No.1603081

All of those comparing have the intelligence of /sp/, cheering for an specific board. Instead, we should dive in exact sciences and literary art, just as much we should admire the beauty of scientific discovery and study literature and its techniques.

This is 4chan. The answer is they're both dumb boards.

>> No.1603088

I like to think people on 4chan have more reason than the common man, but in terms of intelligence, you may be right.

>> No.1603086
File: 38 KB, 400x368, CatFrowning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we can't say one has a higher median of intelligence without discrediting the opposite as worthless
Seriously, leave the thinking for the grownups.

>> No.1603150

I'd say that both aren't completely retarded, but the best are the people that frequent both.

>> No.1603158


>> No.1603167
File: 120 KB, 504x504, 1289115747291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shitttt

>> No.1603172

But it's what happends.

>hey /lit/, which is better: the scientist or the writer
>hurr literature so hard durr writer genius, why have scientist if i has calculator?

>hey /sci/, which is better: the scientist or the writer
>durr science durr math is hard rocket science derp scientist useful, writer r too lazy to proper study

>> No.1603188

Well, literature has "women's studies", "gender studies", etc. (Really all the same shit. Should be called "applied leftist politics.")

There really is no contest. This board is full of people who swallow that litcrit bullshit whole.

>> No.1603250

>OP got doubles in both threads
>OP successfully guessed both ##

posting in a Mod troll thread

and btw, i make /sci/ a more intelligent place every time i post

>> No.1603260

>living in the lap of a patriarchal society
>probably a white male, or one of the two, or pandering to the pride of the two to fit in
>never faced a serious problem in his life because of the above
>decides that everything he can not comprehend must be leftist/bleeding-heart/bullshit

I pity you

>> No.1603267


Uh, welcome to America?

>> No.1603270

please tell me you arent the same poster as above

>> No.1603273

I can't speak for sci, but with the refresh speed on lit anyone could get dubs.

>> No.1603276


I'm not.

>> No.1603281


i thought he was using that as an excuse as first

then i realized you were making fun of both him and me

>> No.1603433
