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16027744 No.16027744 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished "Reflections of a Russian Statesman" by Konstantin Pobedonostsev.

He makes other absolute monarchists like Robert Filmer and Joseph de Maistre seem like liberal republicans.

Are there any other theoreticians, jurists or philosophers like him or even further to the right?

>> No.16027762

Maybe you should watch some Vaush before going down into this incel rabbit hole. Like I can't imagine anybody uncritically accepting everything that some dead white aristocrat trying to justify his status says.

>> No.16027835

.... a fucking youtuber?

here is a very biased but pretty accurate summary of Pobedonostsev's world view


we simply don't have minds like this anymore

>> No.16027955

>we simply don't have minds like this anymore

Yes we do, they are in isis


>He did have some pleasures as a person.
>He particularly liked funerals

What a freak

>> No.16027964

>Vaush incel rabbit hole.

>> No.16027988

Did you read a hard copy, or a digital one? I managed to get an .epub off the internet, but the formatting was totally fucked. Readable, but fucked. I assume that it went through some kind of .pdf-to-.epub process and got a bit shaken up.

I'd be interested in finding the works of other similar "ultra-conservatives" from China, Japan, the Islamic world, Africa, India, etc.

>> No.16027997

I read a hard copy, found it at a bookstore

>> No.16028331


>> No.16028347


You mean the fat, autistic, pedophile goblin, dating some obese troll bitch? If this is the peak of leftism, yeah nah I'll go with the russian conservative however eccentric he may be. Atleast he's a human being.

>> No.16028362

never heard of him, thanks anon

there's a copy on archive.org btw >>16027988

>> No.16028374


>> No.16028384

Sure his retarded views didn't backfire for the Romanov dynasty :^)

>> No.16028442

Oh, sure. The Jewish Bolsheviks were much better

>> No.16029240

Dostoevsky was way more mild than Pobedonostsev

>> No.16029350

>you better cool down and conform to liberal bullshit
Vaush is getting eaten alive by his foreigner friends. He's probably not going to openly adopt our views because his fans would leave and /pol/ will never accept him, but he must be realizing he's wrong and his ideology will kill him.

>> No.16029376

I don't know about ISIS, but Bin Laden had some good ideas. Stop trying to judge things by comparing them to other things that the media told you were good or bad. Look at things as they really are.

>> No.16029409

Pobodonosteonostonostonostevovovstoinovsiovov died in 1907, ten years before the Russian Revolution. If anything, a lack of him sticking around is what caused the dumpster fire that was the USSR.

Bin Laden is pretty milquetoast as far as anti-Liberalism is concerned. Do you know of any Islamic authors advocating for the (Islamic equivalent of the) Ancien Regime?

I'll have to check if the archive.org copy is better than what I've got, it might be the one I already have. In any event, thank you. It's a book I've wanted to get hardcover, but just haven't gotten around to buying yet.

>> No.16029435

kek at OP getting attacked by multiple bad faith shills and defeating them just by replying normally

>> No.16029504

>Do you know of any Islamic authors advocating for the (Islamic equivalent of the) Ancien Regime?

Ibn Taymiyyah is the medieval author of choice for the Salafist Jihadists. Sayyid Qutb is the most well known modern Islamist ideologue.

A really hardcore modern one would be Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi. If you look around for his books online you will definitely end up on a list.

>> No.16029512
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>.... a fucking youtuber?
Modern leftists are unable to read a book. In fact, the only reading they do is thru those "memes" they make

>> No.16029574

I am legitimately asking a question.

I think Pobedonostsev is even more reactionary than Filmer because he doesn't even entertain the notion of being rational, God's will is indisputable, you can't even begin to think through it, you must just obey.

I don't think even Evola and Carlyle go this far

>> No.16029582

>end up on a watchlist
Yeah, that's the fucking problem, ain't it? Oh well.

Any hyper-reactionary literature by non-Euros from parts of the world that WON'T get me put on a watchlist? I will also accept "ultra-conservatives" and "mega-monarchists".

>> No.16029650

>Any hyper-reactionary literature by non-Euros from parts of the world that WON'T get me put on a watchlist?

Maybe some Hindutva writer. I'm really unfamiliar with those though.

>> No.16029731

Ending up on a watchlist doesn't mean anything. Go ahead and read/listen to Maqdisi, and listen to Awlaki, and read Dabiq and listen to Adnani. No one will come for you. The biggest problem is finding what you're looking for - most I'm mentioning here is subject to greater censorship than any Western ideology you can think of.

>> No.16029741

He looks like an absolute autist.

>> No.16029782

I agree since they are prometheans to varying degrees, and there's a sense in which their absolute values are subject to human approval, even if only implicitly. We're not just fortunate that the absolute is good, the absolute ought to be good to be worthy of furnishing us with values.

But I'm curious how you say Pobedonostsev goes beyond even thinkers like de Maistre in their absolutism of "given" values (and the authority that emanates from them). In my understanding de Maistre states the rational, philosophical extreme of this position. How could you get more polarized than stating that values have to be prehistorical, prerational, prior to any debate or perfecting, because they are the bedrock of all political life?

Is Pobedonostsev more enthusiastic about this, or less concerned to mitigate its potentially despotic conclusions? Or do you think he actually makes an advance on de Maistre in some philosophical sense? Seriously asking, I don't understand how you could be more radical.

>> No.16029820

>I think Pobedonostsev is even more reactionary

Not really "reactionary" throne and altar style but if you are look for the most "right wing", identitarian racialist, I would nominate Houston Stewart Chamberlain and Paul de Lagarde

>> No.16029947

>Is Pobedonostsev more enthusiastic about this, or less concerned to mitigate its potentially despotic conclusions?

It is not that Pobendonostsev is less concerned about the potentially despotic conclusions. He full on endorses despotism. Any reform of expansion of freedom is a direct attack on god

>Or do you think he actually makes an advance on de Maistre in some philosophical sense? Seriously asking, I don't understand how you could be more radical.

From my understanding, Pobendonostsev full on rejects the very notion of human freedom and reason in all its forms. Humanity is sinful at its core so all decision making must come God, which is intermediated by the Orthodox church. This goes beyond de Maistre.

I can't find any article online comparing the two, but I found this podcast. At the end, both scholars agree de Maistre is much more mild than Pobendonostsev : https://ir.uiowa.edu/history_nbih/188/

>> No.16030241

His support for pogroms drove Jews into the arms of Bolshevism

>> No.16030346

Evidently the pogroms were too lenient

>> No.16030382

Go back to /pol/ edgelord

>> No.16031167


>> No.16032095

That seems interesting on a political level but honestly disappointing on a philosophical level. Philosophically the obvious question is, how are you using human reason to establish the insufficiency of human reason (a reasoned claim), and how can you then use human reason to establish the validity of scripture, let alone appointing and maintaining some community for interpreting that scripture?

It's all the same problems as the Reformation opened up against the Catholic Church. Again it might be politically and historically interesting that this particular figure was gung-ho Orthodox and Tsarist but disappointing from the philosophical perspective. De Maistre was not just arguing for this, but arguing for this in spite of the paradox I just mentioned, at a higher level of self-awareness about the problem.

>> No.16033460

>how are you using human reason to establish the insufficiency of human reason (a reasoned claim), and how can you then use human reason to establish the validity of scripture, let alone appointing and maintaining some community for interpreting that scripture?

Pobedonostsev was openly against critical thinking. This were the things they were becomes god says so

>> No.16033941
File: 8 KB, 228x221, 3DC5F1B2-F94E-4F5B-8DBC-20B9215DCF2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go ahead and read/listen to Maqdisi, and listen to Awlaki, and read Dabiq and listen to Adnani.

>> No.16034371

>You mean the fat, autistic, pedophile goblin, dating some obese troll bitch?

This applies to both Vaush and this Russian reactionary