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/lit/ - Literature

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16023402 No.16023402 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Tolkien's writting so boring? Especially when he describes places and the lands where Bilbo travels to. God, it's such a boring book to read at times.

>> No.16023505

Wait till you get to lotr. The movies were actually better.

>> No.16023542

I think it's a sign of modernity and urbanisation, combined with worsening educational standards, detaching people from the natural land. People in ye olden days could appreciate Tolkien's lengthy geographical descriptions in a way that has been lost to us.

>> No.16023546


>> No.16023565

This. Stimulus thresholds are too high. landscapes have nothing interesting to "say" to a mind raised on the internet's information density. As you get older and slow down you appreciate authors like Tolkien far more

>> No.16023589

This explanation said it all. I know some old folks who can appreciate it and they’re not using internet

>> No.16023603

>Tolkien's writing

It's don't.

>> No.16023625
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>can't even spell "writing"
>criticizes Tolkien

>> No.16023630

How do you get filtered by The Hobbit of all books?

>> No.16023644

Because he’s an awful writer. Don’t blame yourself

>> No.16023673

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.16023683

The Hobbit is comfy as fuck.

>> No.16023717
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>Why is Tolkien's writting [sic] so boring?
C'mon, you can bait better than that...

>> No.16024269

For the hobbit i thought it was ok, for lord of the rings it's really too fucking boring to bear.
I wanted to make a thread about movieXbook but i was too lazy to even decide which board to put it on.
I can say from the top of my head that

lord of the rings
fight club
the green mile

the hobbit
Starship troopers
ender's game

both are great

>> No.16024978

>t. adhd american retard that cant focus on sentences longer than five words and his brain explodes when he has to read a paragraph of descriptions that show the true artistry in a work

>> No.16024996

Op has a point you cant say tolkien wasnt boring.

>> No.16024998

He was comfy

>> No.16025034

More than that; he was quaint. Quaintness is something that few modern men have knowledge of. I think he foresaw this with the enslavement of the shire.

>> No.16025045

Books like Moby Dick ive enjoyed though. The Hobbit reads like something from a fanfic site. Wouldnt say Tolkien is the best prose writer

>> No.16025141

Starship was really comfy though. I can't see how the book would beat it.

>> No.16025177
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Welcome to the club. Old books are boring. I just read American Psycho and it was boring as fuck. I'm waiting for GRRM to finish Winds of Winter, that is something that I can be sure won't be boring, I have read all the ASOIAF books and Tolkein doesn't hold a candle to GRRM (I have also suffered through The Hobbit).

>> No.16025178

I’m kind of doubtful of this explanation because epic poems, Shakespeare, and tons of early novels defy this logic. Tolkien’s landscapes remind me of Turner’s paintings, which are boring as fuck. Maybe it’s a city mind vs a country mind.

>> No.16025206

>Why is Tolkien's writting so boring?
Because its genre fiction and for children??

Why not read a book for adults.

>> No.16025394


Some dwarves, a hobbit and a wizard go on an adventure, walking from point A to point B while encountering many obstacles like trolls, goblins, wolves, a dark forest full of Elves that imprisons them, a town of humans that provides them some succor, a huge greedy dragon, more goblins and wolves, etc. How is it that you find this boring? Much adventure and battles there are, along with some death and destruction.

>> No.16025515

I read it in one sitting as a child and then reread a couple of times. Do you have less attention than a child?

>> No.16025870

hey don't blame op. adhd is sometimes adult onset.

>> No.16025905

>Do you have less attention than a child
I don't know about OP, but as a kid I could read hundreds of pages at a time without once looking up from a book. I couldn't do that now if my life depended on it. I blame the internet and smartphones

>> No.16025910
File: 1.47 MB, 680x1036, 737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is Tolkien's writting so boring?
>He Asks a Question about his own Conclusion
For You.

>> No.16025955

Not OP but I actually had a much higher attention span when I was a child

>> No.16026626 [DELETED] 


I did the same when I was a child, supertyphoons in the late 90s and early 2000s were common in the South Pacific.

>> No.16026636


I did the same when I was a child, typhoons and supertyphoons in the late 90s and early 2000s were common on Guam in the South Pacific.

>> No.16026780

Not going to lie to you, LOTR is much more so. I have started Fellowship more times than I can count and always get bored before I get 100 pages in. I think farthest along I ever got was when they meet the elves in the woods shortly after leaving the Shire. Its just boring as fuck and I put it down and promise myself to get back to it soon but quickly move on to other books that interest me more.
It surprises me because I'm not the type of person to get bored easily reading. I liked to read long fantasy novels as a kid, and as an adult I really enjoy history and philosophy. I'm the only person I know who actually reads histories instead of just looking up summaries online. These two subjects are considered "boring" by most people, while LOTR is not.
I think a huge piece of it is just Tolkien's style. Its very "grandfather tells you a folk tale before bed" type writing, but dear God does it bore me to tears.
Thanks for coming to my lecture.

>> No.16026811

It should be interesting, but it's written so dry that it sucks the fun out of everything.

>> No.16026904

Hobbit is more accessible than LOTR, especially for 14 year olds. Sorry OP, you either lack taste or lack attention.

>> No.16027309

Moby Dick I read it when I was 11 and thought it was childish.

>> No.16027619

I have more taste than a child.

>> No.16027704

If your favorite book is meant to be read by 14 year olds you should grow up.

>> No.16027834

>Especially when he describes places and the lands where Bilbo travels to
You havent read "Red Mars" by KIm Stanley Robinson, have you? JRRT's landscape descriptions are absolutely RIVETING in comparison.

>> No.16027844
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Token fags can GET OUT
/lit. is a GORMENGHAST board

>> No.16028034

>reading 300 pages in one sitting

You either skimmed through the whole book without paying much attention or you are severely autistic.

>> No.16028050

>not modernist cope drivel

>> No.16028055
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>bragging about consooming media faster than the average goyim

>> No.16028070

>hehehe you are le zoomer and I am le boomer so I am superior to you
Not an argument.

>> No.16028098

reminder if you read fantasy, sci-fi, and horror, you're a manchild who should go back to his original board.

>> No.16028160
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>me adult, you dumb kid lol

>> No.16028169

this but unironically.

>> No.16028182


I'm reading Twilight of the American Culture, LoTR: The Return of the King and The Awakening and Selected Short Stories of Kate Chopin. What's wrong with fantasy, sci-fi and horror? They are all literature, I think even Harold Bloom reads them.

>> No.16028369
File: 161 KB, 637x792, harry potter 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is bound to be boring for low IQ types. Try Harry Potter.

>> No.16028405


>> No.16028415
File: 10 KB, 200x267, 614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JRR TOLKIEN IS THE best don't you even talk bad about the heckin jrr tolkien!

>> No.16028426
File: 81 KB, 645x729, the_wit_of_a_tolkienfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha look at that spelling error!
You have to go back.

>> No.16028428

>They are all literature
they are worthless literature.

>> No.16028430


>> No.16028437


>> No.16028445

Thanks for your wonderful opinion, Tolkientard.

>> No.16028498

Didn't Tolkien steal from the Finns and the Finnish Kalevala?

Most academics and literature critics say there are little to none originality in Tolkien's work

Even Tolkien himself says that the Silmarillion was just a retelling of Kalevala in his letters