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16022492 No.16022492 [Reply] [Original]

In aesthetics, and especially in architecture, beauty has taken a back seat in favor of utilitarianism or social critique. In some cases, people even find a focus on beauty to be vulgar, or pseudo-fascist (as is the case for some feminists).
Why has beauty fallen out of favor as something so important? Are there any books that deal with this? The only one i can think of is Roger Scruton.

>> No.16022503


>> No.16022515

Communist states as well as communist sympathizers in the West are probably the worst offenders of this, so that isnt the cause.

>> No.16022525

diotima's children

>> No.16022534

Looks good, can you give any more info or a review on it?

>> No.16022613

lol dude wat. Have you literally ever taken an art history class?

I mean.. utilitarianism in architecture ended with the Bauhaus/modernism. Now its all starchitecture and crazy buildings. Have you ever heard of Frank Gehry or the Bilbao Effect.

Beauty is socially constructed concept. It has changed numerous times thoughout history. Plato's concepts are entirely different than our own.

>> No.16022687

Reddit spacing detected, everyone beware. This is a redditor with reddit opinions.

>> No.16022726

jesus christ i didn't know their jaws were that powerful

>> No.16022731

Apparently theyre really chill in captivity, but yeah i still wouldnt want that job.

>> No.16022750

Shut the fuck up retard, lol.

>> No.16022806

not him but shut the fuck up
"reddit spacing" what the fuck are you talking about

cringe based reddit reddit cringe based fucking come up with an original thought

>> No.16022830

Your conception of art isn't based on reality.

>> No.16022852

Why does that thing just stay there letting him brush his teeth, does it feel good to them?

>> No.16023022

They like having their teeth cleaned by birds and fish in the wild but in zoos they bribe them with fruit.

>> No.16023209

Beauty is transcendent and leads to the divine. It brings with it the contrast of ugly. It highlights both what is enough and everything else that is unworthy. It is rejected today because we are being manipulated into thinking everything is equal and nothing is better than anything else. People are scared of beauty because it shows how ugly they are and instead of changing for the better they would rather pretty it doesn't exist or that it isn't of value

>> No.16023310


>> No.16023449
File: 43 KB, 550x550, deeply_goncerned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le reddit spacing

>> No.16023485

Jews do this deliberately to destroy social cohesion.

>> No.16023494

brushie brushie

>> No.16023516

Penis penis penis pen penis.

Flacid penis, small Penis, large penis, hard penis.
Wet penis
Dry penis
Always try penis.

>> No.16023570
File: 94 KB, 976x549, _98493925_lola1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beauty is socially constructed

>> No.16023635

>Why has beauty fallen out of favor as something so important?
The technological mindset only cares for practicality

>> No.16024080

>doesnt know what reddit spacing

>> No.16024085
File: 192 KB, 612x417, chapel of shroud of jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an architecture bred

>> No.16024087
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>> No.16024101

I don't agree with your premise

>> No.16024106
File: 305 KB, 292x425, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only read the history part of this book and i enjoyed it. Covers a narrow range of architectural styles in its history, mostly focusing on the architecture of western civilisation as well as paleolithic, ancient egyptian, ancient greek, and roman, but still good.

>> No.16024118
File: 140 KB, 1080x1080, 1590141870276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what dont you agree with? modernist architecture is focused on functionalism by definition

>> No.16024138
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>> No.16024154

well, I don't think that functionalism is the defining trait of modern architecture so much as dirt-cheap economical production is

I don't think "beauty" is what people find to be vulgar

and I don't think "beauty" has fallen out of favour

Beauty is a constantly shifting ideal and it has always been sought after. You could take any point in history, look at their idea of beauty, identify the preceding incompatible ideal of beauty, and ask why beauty had fallen out of favour. That exercise would be every bit as valid as this.

>> No.16024253
File: 292 KB, 800x1067, kings college chapel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Functionalism is literally the defining trait of modern architecture and i think you may be the first person on this good green earth to ever suggest otherwise. "form follows function" im not kidding look it up. But you are right, its not that beauty has fallen out people's favour, its that beauty has largely fallen out of favour in the architectural world.

As for beauty, don't start talking like these pseuds who try and act like what is considered "beautiful" at any given time is completely arbritary. Of course, there will always be variation from culture to culture as humans evolved to conform to their environments, but only around a specific fixed point. Across cultures a painting of a large lake with greenery and so on (what we would consider scenic) is considered beautiful and only the minor details are different, there is literally a science to facial beauty which once again remains consistent throughout cultures (with again, minor variations in detail). And even then, culture is just downstream to genetics, they aren't plucked out of thin air, they are reactions to the environment around them. So no, beautyisnt completely plastic.

>> No.16024339

so here I can't tell if you're trying some sleight because taking the example you've chosen
>Across cultures a painting of a large lake with greenery and so on (what we would consider scenic) is considered beautiful and only the minor details are different
I absolutely don't think a single goddamn "modern person" or whatever would tell you that it's not beautiful, my point when I say it hasn't fallen out of favour.

And when people design and describe impressive buildings constructed they are certainly espousing their beauty

when people decorate etc they find it beautiful. Nobody is making any of these things with the intent that they be ugly, you just find them ugly. You find them ugly in comparison to other things. Those other things have a unifying theme.

>> No.16024566

Modernist architecture lasted from roughly 1880 to 1980.
We've had at least 40 years of non modernist architecture at this point.

>> No.16024574


>> No.16024860
File: 164 KB, 500x560, brainwashed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16024869

>come up with an original thought
Why? These old thoughts are serving me just fine.

>> No.16025001

fake hair, fake nails, and she fat cuz she be eating that fake food

>> No.16025007

she, of course, was not brainwashed.

>> No.16025035

why are you fuming so much? he was right.

>> No.16025154
