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/lit/ - Literature

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16021444 No.16021444 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished this book. Gave me lots of interesting insights. This book was a suggestion I read here on /pol.

I'm looking for advice on other literary pieces to read. Any books you people recommend?

>> No.16021456

More's Utopia.

>> No.16021475


>> No.16021480

Thanks I will read this book.

Any more suggestions on books to read?

>> No.16021526

If you liked Plato, then you can finish his dialogues. Then read Aristotle as an addition/counterpoint (Politics and others)

>> No.16021531

The City of the Sun

>> No.16021579

Thanks. I will add it to my list.

>> No.16021678

Swift's Gulliver's Travels. It's great in its own right, and the last chapter is effectively a look at the Republic.

>> No.16021751

Thanks man, I'm going to read it!

>> No.16021778

Yes, My Little Houyhnhnms live their lives according to the ideal. But I still agree with Orwell that they are dreary.

>> No.16021813

>Gave me lots of interesting insights
like what

>> No.16022160

Plato's dialogues, then move on to Aristotle. Then Epicureans, Stoics, and Skeptics.

Congrats, you've gone through most influential ancient political/moral philosophies/philosophers.

>> No.16022172

It describes what the virtue justice is and why men should strive for justice. This definitely gave me new ethical points of view.

He also described a lot about how a society should look like. For example, Socrates describes how in a just society people will not seek for positions of power.
This is something that is completely different from how our society works today.

There's many such insights Socrates gives, and it gives a lot of food for thought.

Did you read the book?

>> No.16022179

Hobbes' Leviathan

>> No.16022183

Thanks, I'm going to add these to my list.

>> No.16022258

>I read here on /pol
It's done. /lit/ has finally been absorbed.

>> No.16022321

Does it really matter how I got on /lit?

>> No.16022350

>There's many such insights Socrates gives
You mean Plato?

>> No.16022372

Nick Land
Horia Belcea
Sean Goonan

>> No.16022527

No, Plato describes Socrates discussions and thoughts.

>> No.16022532

How would he fix CNN?

>> No.16022542

The Prince by Machiavelli

>> No.16022561


>> No.16022593

Socrates didn't give a fuck about a perfect state.
Plato just told his own ideas through the character of Socrates.

>> No.16022633

read it again, or commentary on it

>> No.16022661

Aristotle's Politics refutes Plato's political philosophy

>> No.16022681

How long does it take to get through the Greek reading lists that get posted here?

>> No.16022693

No, in Plato's books Socrates and Plato are not the same

>> No.16022745

I am a full time university student and it took me a semester to read all of Plato, and another one to read half of Aristotle. I might say an academic year for a medium chart of select works.

>> No.16022771

Aristotle is important but if you liked Plato then stoicism might be a treat. After those I would read Parmenides and Heraclitus. You would get a lot out of them because the "feels vs reals" argument is very extreme between them and you can see the consequences of their metaphysics.

>> No.16022778

You can knock it out in a few weeks w free time and methylphenidate

>> No.16022866

>Parmenides and Heraclitus. You would get a lot out of them because the "feels vs reals" argument is very extreme between them and you can see the consequences of their metaphysics.
Can you elaborate on this?

>> No.16022958

Thanks I'm adding them to my list! I will read them.

>> No.16022966

Socrates perfect state was somewhat wild to say the least. Still was incredibly interesting to read.

>> No.16022971

These are memes anon. Learn not to get baited into reading garbage.

>> No.16023033

Yeah parmenides is very reals. For him what is something is all that matters, of course in christianity that's called God's being. In philosophy it's just being. Ontology is from the greek present participle being in greek, onta. So the study of being is ontology. This was coined after parmenides. A good look into the benefits of being over logic is Russell's logic example:
"The current king of france is bald."
We have no idea what this refers to as in reality it's not true but in a book it could be. This being said the syllogism:
There is a current king of france
Any such king would be bald
Therefore current king of france is bald.

Now that's perfectly valid but it's not sound and that's why we go into ontology to decide the nature of being. In any baby logic book they explain the "semantics" or limit or range of logic in that it's limited like that.

So fundamentally if you want to understand logic better then you need to understand being which makes it very fundamental to the universe. And because you see this relationship with between metaphysical objects you can see the same between logic and math and even many others. Mereology is an ontological field that maps the separation of being from each other. So how far off a cat is from a dog or math is from logic. Still new field tho so.

Heraclitus is turbo feels, his is concerned with constant change and perception over universal fact. Aristotle sorta perceives his ethics through this. Hegel really puts some balls on heraclitus in giving his dialectic, or a mechanism to measure this opposite of being, "becoming". You can find most philosophy is differentiated by whether it studies being or becoming then the type of being (physical, idealism, metaphysical) or becoming (rational, material, existential) and subtypes, some that I included in parenthesis, of those.

For the best absolute look at pure autism of feels vs reals these are your two philosophers. Don't take everything literally, take what meshes with your metaphysics and build upon that. For really individuating your metaphysics this is a great stop and what you pick up here gives you a good lens into how to interpret things that come after.

>> No.16023067

And on top of this reals usually implies monism and feels implies pluralism. Your ontological dimension that you accept is how you interpret reality. If you accept there is a fundamental truth that is in gradient on one scale you would be monist. It's not a surprise Spinoza was a rationalist that came up with Pantheism. Reason necessitates one universal set of rules for logic, math, being etc.

If you accept empirical truths then you accept what you sense is true by nature that it's agreeable with you. Opening this sample size past one means you have to accept others interpretations based on sense which could conflict. Granted this depends on your ontology a bit as science is positivist but empiricist. But generally pluralist ontology leads to subjectivity.

Heraclitus fire is a good example of this as fire always changes, it's concrete. It tempers, yet it's fundamental to him.

>> No.16023133

Final Thoughts
The oppressive mindset we allow ourselfs to live, not only hurts ourselves but everyone around us.
If we all work together im sure we can find ways to see eye to
eye or vice versa and achieve our goals smoother. This message is, it's together not to-get-her.

I think i found the secret of life, ya know how animals in nature have a driving apsect primal to them? Humans true nature is the state of oppression and its drilled into our lives and minds
We teach those around us, to oppress each other without
calling it oppression, with the acknowledgment of
the oppression of our species, how will we move forward
Without taking care of our plannet, our minds are lost in a false state of security
and rapid decline in the quality of life. a restructure of humans outlook on society would be changed for the better and give pride in our species to do the right thing was people would be more willing to dedicate thier lives to these companies/governing body
In MY mind a little white lie is oppression of the mind, because you assume you know better then who you are lying to

>> No.16023218

Interesting. Can you explain what you mean with

>In MY mind a little white lie is oppression of the mind, because you assume you know better then who you are lying to

>> No.16023249

After Plato you should read Plotinus who was just as if not even more important than Plato

>> No.16023324
File: 124 KB, 689x1080, canticle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as far as greeks go if you want to expand beyond philosophy you should probably check out stuff like "The histories" and stuff like "the history of the peloponnesian war, and of course, the writing of Homer, the illiad and the odyssey

I imagine just exploring the western canon in general is probably in your interest if you are after both literature in general and more specifically if you are white and interested in the culture of your people before consumerism wrecked everything

if you want some lighter fiction pic related is probably my current favorite book, easily the closest sci fi will ever come to true literature and frankly i may even argue it deserves that title

a good protip if you are interested in getting into reading regularly, I like to have big collections of short stories on hand, and in between reading bigger books ill enjoy a few short morsels, or perhaps if you are getting fatigued during a 1000 page behemoth it can be nice to read a short story or two since it provides a nice break but it isn't a huge investment that will distract you from your main course

>> No.16023459

Thanks for the tips man! Really appreciate that.
I´ll look up some short stories as well. Definitely interested in literature written by my culture, especially before consumerism happened.

>> No.16023471

This really is the first time I read `literature`, and reading Plato´s Republic was such a thrill and a form of leisure I never had before. I will try Homer and A Canticle for Leibowitz. Adding them to my list to read.